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Old 18-05-2018, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
My collected info on Ramadan :

Agreed with you too.

Sometime the cewek were blackmailed due to their wrongdoing 1st, to do the police's bidding. Not always the case that they do it willingly (hearsay). Cases of cewek from wechat and/or FLs planting drugs in their customer's room were the usual trick, hence taking girls from booking joint or more renown KTVs during this time of the year is a little more safer for those who were new.

Its still not too late to do some read up 1st before heading to Batam during a Ramadan month.

It is only during the month of Ramadan that my basic Batam guide would not be exactly so accurate.

* i knew people would be asking the same question every year,hehehe....hence i try to put things together so i can make a comparison of then and now.
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
** hopefully someone can update on the massage places and booking joints Ramadan raids in Batam,last year there seems to be a lot of them,this year? I have heard of none (as of today). Maybe this Ramadan 2018,Batam is raid-free,hehehe....
No raid ? or later?
Any way still 29 days to go to cfm.

As for game shops....
I was surprised to learn that they ware not closed on the first day of Ramadan. And heard that the other 2 suspended shop. One reopened one opening soon.
Old 18-05-2018, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...Baba Street Food Court at Citywalk Mall,just outside Sunboss, i found a western food store selling some good tasting food at low price. Its the same place i share earlier about Batam best roti prata.
Wow is that new.
must try must try..
Old 18-05-2018, 01:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thank you for the update.

May i know if Venus Spa is a Unisex spa or a MEN only spa? Its like Octopuss and Fame's spa,they will mention things like Octopuss Men's Spa and Fame men's spa but its not mentioned in Venus. Or you may put my question in another way, have you by chance seen any lady customer/s in Venus before?

I ask this becos i have seen lady customers (not staff) in New Spa.

Thank you.
Venus should be a man only spa, never saw any female customer there and to be honest not look like a Unisex one if you know what I mean.
Old 18-05-2018, 07:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Hv You consider put in your signature...
I did consider,but my signature word space is limited (its actually inside my signature,just not obvious enough).

Hmm....i will try to temporary remove some lesser important stuffs or consolidate everything on it in a single post on this thread before putting it on my signature again,just to save on my signature space. Whenever i put in something,i need to take out something.

Shall try to do it in the next few days.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
No raid ? or later?
Any way still 29 days to go to cfm.

As for game shops....
I was surprised to learn that they ware not closed on the first day of Ramadan. And heard that the other 2 suspended shop. One reopened one opening soon.
Every year's Ramadan is different. So far over the last 3 Ramadan (2017,2016 and 2015),raids were quite frequent (either more or less) that most if not all booking joints, jackpot shops,KTVs,Discotheques and MPs were all closed during the 1st 3,Mid 3 and last 3 days of Ramadan.

Batam Police not hungry? Impossible and no one will believe,hehehe....what i heard of its their election is coming,the bottom people were being "fed" (whether they are well-fed or not is another thing altogether). Another thing which i analyze could be the anti-terrorist squad all over most tourist spot which is from another department of the police. Department A see department B "eating", department B may have red eyes, or department B may be worry that department A may "make noise" if they start eating for the wrong reason/s,hence creating social unrest.

Nonetheless, i am almost sure there will be something out there getting fed on. Just hope it isnt tourists and/or the Batam entertainment business entities again this time round. The aftermath effect on tourism due to the recent terrorism at Surabaya and Jakarta were already bad enough,constant raids by their very own people to eat their own people will only make things worse.

Or perhaps can just think simple, police busy with terrorist for now, time to "eat" others. (at least they get their priorities right this year)

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Wow is that new.
must try must try..
I think its new,its just about S$2 or less for a fish and chips meal,so i guess its worthy of a try.

Originally Posted by XXLCat View Post
Venus should be a man only spa, never saw any female customer there and to be honest not look like a Unisex one if you know what I mean.
Thank you,so there's no lady customer seen in this Venus spa,meaning its not a unisex place. Hmm....

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Old 19-05-2018, 11:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Nothing is confirm yet, usual, i dont like crowd. But i havent try going to Batam during the 1st 3 days,the mid 3 days and the ending 3 days may be worth a try,i mean since nowaday whats bothering me more during my Batam trips were the prices of air ticket than most other stuff/s.
Better don't,most shops,eating house ,massage parlor & the joints likely will be close on those days.

Unless u only wish to stay within yr hotel premises.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hari Raya time and its 1st 2 weeks, air ticket can cost quite a bomb.
Just one week before hari raya,tickets will start to go upward.
Old 20-05-2018, 11:23 PM
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hi Bros,

Pls be extremely careful when you are in NED area. I just came back today and had a real bad experience last night...
I was alone walking along Harnoni hotel area around 9pm looking for a massage shop.There was a guy who rode bike and tried to offer my a ride and tried to recommend girls. Despite politely said not interested, he trailed me. At last I decided to hide inside KFC pretending to buy foods. Some how and rather, he waited outside and informed his gang. The moment I step out few mins later, any guy approached offered a ride, desperately wanted to get rid of the first guy, I agreed to be feteched to my next destination Harmoni hotel. He took me to an alley where the first guy was waiting. The beaten me and asked for monies, I gave around 200K Rp to the first guy, but they werent satisfied and took my IC. The second guy held it and forced me to ride his bike, in the pretext to send me to the Formosa hotel. Out of no choice I rode his bike, so when near the hotel, he asked for some more money and gave me back my ic. I gave abt 10K rp and took back my IC. They guy left quickly. I then walked into the hotel and asked for a taxi back to the Batam center where I came from. When I reached, I felt pain all over my body and found a few bruises. There was a big hole the back of my shirt!
The is a real story and I won’t response as I will never go to BAtan again . this place is very different from last visit years back. So bros, pls extremely careful if you are alone. try to call taxi and fetch you to the destination straight.
Old 21-05-2018, 04:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

With such a price 15k to 50k, worth a try man.
Thx 4 d info.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...Baba Street Food Court at Citywalk Mall,just outside Sunboss, i found a western food store selling some good tasting food at low price. Its the same place i share earlier about Batam best roti prata.
Old 21-05-2018, 06:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Yesterday evening saw Bunga front door fully closed.
Berry door half close with Robert sitting in front.

Heard from N saying there was a raid in Utama area on Saturday's nite.
Old 21-05-2018, 11:22 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
hi Bros,

Pls be extremely careful when you are in NED area. I just came back today and had a real bad experience last night...
I was alone walking along Harnoni hotel area around 9pm looking for a massage shop.There was a guy who rode bike and tried to offer my a ride and tried to recommend girls. Despite politely said not interested, he trailed me. At last I decided to hide inside KFC pretending to buy foods. Some how and rather, he waited outside and informed his gang. The moment I step out few mins later, any guy approached offered a ride, desperately wanted to get rid of the first guy, I agreed to be feteched to my next destination Harmoni hotel. He took me to an alley where the first guy was waiting. The beaten me and asked for monies, I gave around 200K Rp to the first guy, but they werent satisfied and took my IC. The second guy held it and forced me to ride his bike, in the pretext to send me to the Formosa hotel. Out of no choice I rode his bike, so when near the hotel, he asked for some more money and gave me back my ic. I gave abt 10K rp and took back my IC. They guy left quickly. I then walked into the hotel and asked for a taxi back to the Batam center where I came from. When I reached, I felt pain all over my body and found a few bruises. There was a big hole the back of my shirt!
The is a real story and I won’t response as I will never go to BAtan again . this place is very different from last visit years back. So bros, pls extremely careful if you are alone. try to call taxi and fetch you to the destination straight.
Sorry to hear your bad experience. You are just unlucky and at the wrong time and place. All alone at 9pm. Nice target for those bandits. Count yourself very lucky. Only lost few thousand rups. Most important your came back in one piece.

Newbies you are next if you dont play smart. Open your eyes wide especially this fasting month.
Old 21-05-2018, 12:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
hi Bros,

Pls be extremely careful when you are in NED area. I just came back today and had a real bad experience last night...
Thk u sir ,for sharing. Reading yr warning,i definitely will be be super ultra Extremely careful if i wish to at any time go to batam during the first 3 days of ramadhan.

(yr post was made on Sunday,yr experience was 'last night',which is a Saturday, ramadhan starts Thursday)

Furthermore,in accordance to what was share by some senior bros earlier,i shall respect their religious culture.

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
I was alone walking along Harnoni hotel area around 9pm looking for a massage shop.
Base on the fact that if i have not been to batam for a few years,i will definitely read this thread & the older one dated since 2007 which constantly talks abt ramadhan month. i will also NEVER be going to look for massage shop around harnoni hotel area during the first 3 days of ramdhan since i read most if not all massage shops will be CLOSED during this time of the year.

Those open will close early too.

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
There was a guy who rode bike and tried to offer my a ride and tried to recommend girls. Despite politely said not interested, he trailed me.At last I decided to hide inside KFC pretending to buy foods. Some how and rather, he waited outside and informed his gang.
I now learned from u that i should NOT take any girls from any motorbike riders & if i knew i am being marked by the people around,i will not hide in any restaurant since its going to become an open target for them. I need to be streetsmart enough.

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
The moment I step out few mins later, any guy approached offered a ride, desperately wanted to get rid of the first guy, I agreed to be feteched to my next destination Harmoni hotel.
Since i am able to notice the motorbike rider who trailed me previously has a gang of people who were also motorbike rider,common sense would have taught me that i CANNOT take another motorbike ride from there anymore.

Harmoni hotel & its nearby KFC is only a small street across (not a big main road but only a small walkway street),probably only take less than a min to walk across for even someone who is handicapped. I would not have make Harmoni hotel my next destination using motorbike,but would rather fast walk there instead.

I will request Harmoni Hotel's bellboy or any of their staff to hail me a taxi to go back to my hotel if i am really really having the feeling that my safety is being compromised.
Old 21-05-2018, 12:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
He took me to an alley where the first guy was waiting. The beaten me and asked for monies, I gave around 200K Rp to the first guy, but they werent satisfied and took my IC.
The guy who took yr IC isn't very smart,if i am him,i will take yr mobile phone,yr wallet & everything u are wearing,including yr pp.

On the IC part,u are considered very lucky.

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
The second guy held it and forced me to ride his bike, in the pretext to send me to the Formosa hotel. Out of no choice I rode his bike, so when near the hotel, he asked for some more money and gave me back my ic. I gave abt 10K rp and took back my IC. They guy left quickly.
Proof that the guy who give u the ride is a straight guy,otherwise things would have been worse & u probably won't have 10k to give him to get back yr IC.

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
I then walked into the hotel and asked for a taxi back to the Batam center where I came from. When I reached, I felt pain all over my body and found a few bruises. There was a big hole the back of my shirt!
U still have money with u to take a taxi to BC,i hope u have yr passport along with u as well,& this is where i say u are lucky the first & second motorbike rider were not smart enough to take yr passport but instead took yr IC.

Come to think of it,u were in NED at abt 9pm,i assume yr ordeal probably ends around 10pm, by the time u reach BC it should be abt 11pm,why would u go BC for? To stay at the streets of BC overnight so u can take a morning ferry home the next morning?

Originally Posted by key2hsl View Post
The is a real story and I won’t response as I will never go to BAtan again . this place is very different from last visit years back. So bros, pls extremely careful if you are alone. try to call taxi and fetch you to the destination straight.
Thk u for sharing yr experience ,but i do have doubts what u shared is 100% true. Since u have never once respond in this thread nor the old ones before,i highly doubt there's a need for any of yr further correspondence either.

U made a total of 5 posts since u joined SBF,below is the other 4....

Singapore would be a better place for u to run solo, out of it...unlikely will be suitable for u if u do not learn from yr current experience in this batam trip; provided if they're true.

Try learning from what the grown up does, READ the thread first.
Old 21-05-2018, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Itchyi View Post
The guy who took yr IC isn't very smart,if i am him,i will take yr mobile phone,yr wallet & everything u are wearing,including yr pp.

On the IC part,u are considered very lucky.

Proof that the guy who give u the ride is a straight guy,otherwise things would have been worse & u probably won't have 10k to give him to get back yr IC.

U still have money with u to take a taxi to BC,i hope u have yr passport along with u as well,& this is where i say u are lucky the first & second motorbike rider were not smart enough to take yr passport but instead took yr IC.

Come to think of it,u were in NED at abt 9pm,i assume yr ordeal probably ends around 10pm, by the time u reach BC it should be abt 11pm,why would u go BC for? To stay at the streets of BC overnight so u can take a morning ferry home the next morning?

Thk u for sharing yr experience ,but i do have doubts what u shared is 100% true. Since u have never once respond in this thread nor the old ones before,i highly doubt there's a need for any of yr further correspondence either.

U made a total of 5 posts since u joined SBF,below is the other 4....

Singapore would be a better place for u to run solo, out of it...unlikely will be suitable for u if u do not learn from yr current experience in this batam trip; provided if they're true.

Try learning from what the grown up does, READ the thread first.
This will be my first respond on this thread too. I'm just wondering why would this guy post something not true? I guess he made very good points to warn other cheongsterto be extra careful.

Walking alone at 9pm on the street? Please lah, that is not Singapore. Count yourself lucky that you got away with few bruises and few hundred Ks rupiah.

Yea, I'm also wondering why would he go to BC at almost midnight time.
Old 21-05-2018, 11:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hello to all brothers.

Just wondering if anyone stayed in the Nagoya Hill Hotel and tried the massage there. Is the massage good? Do they have any happy ending or special service?

Might be heading there this weekend and thought i'll give it a try. Tried to search in this thread but i have not seen anything regarding this.

Thanks all in advance.
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Old 22-05-2018, 01:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi bros, I have been to Batam a few times but not during Ramadan, planning to go this weekend (26/5-28/5). Is it considered the middle 3 days of Ramadan and a good time to go? Hope to have some insight from some kind bros
Old 22-05-2018, 08:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by killingprod View Post
Hi bros, I have been to Batam a few times but not during Ramadan, planning to go this weekend (26/5-28/5). Is it considered the middle 3 days of Ramadan and a good time to go? Hope to have some insight from some kind bros
Reading about the incidents of extortion, robbery and the difficulties of getting services during this period, I had previously advised all bros to give Batam and Balai a miss until a few days after Ramadan. Do not take the chances and it is just not worth the while to go to these places now. Stay in Singapore or go further north to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines or even China. Enjoy safely, cheers.
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