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Old 26-04-2006, 02:13 PM
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Qingdao Report

Has anyone been to QingDao? Can share experience there?
Old 27-04-2006, 02:18 PM
Buchikong Buchikong is offline
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Re: QingDao

I was there only once and kena scam in one of the Spa. I reproduce my posting as below. Always ask for what kind of service you will get for the price you pay. If you read mandarin that helps too. You will also see a lot of WLs' mobile phone numbers written on the floors, walls and staircases. Beware, for either they look like your MIL or it is a SYT to scam you??

I am a newbee who has benefited a lot after reading other FR for the past one month. I want to warn other Cheongsters on the spa scams in China. I visited Qingdao end of last year and below is my account.

I was staying alone in a five star hotel on West Hong Kong Road. On the second night, while on the way back to the hotel, struck up a conversation with the taxi driver about WL. He took me to the Spa just diagonally across the road where I stayed, saying it only cost about RMB200 for ST. I even verify this with the captain. The place look so grand as you enter, with pretty girls in cheongsams leading you and I thought KNN this must be a good deal and farking cheap for ST.

I was taken to a room with a double bed and in came a SYT. She kept pestering me to have a suanfei..tamar with her best friend and promise a good time. TG I resisted.
Anyway she proceed to undress and told me to lie naked on the bed while she work the CB on me. Then she picked some thing from the bedside table, put it in her mouth and start BBBJ. She started with ice cubes, hot water. cold jelly and pepermint syrups! KNN sipeh song. The rest is SOP.

Now come the catch when I asked for the bill at the counter. The bill came to RMB1000. I protested and said I was specially told by the Captain it cost only RMB200. The SYT said this is only for FJ and I have to pay for the 4 BBBJ and she has already given me a discount,KNN. I said this is part of a routine of the FJ and then she pointed out to a small sign behind the counter which label all the extras in mandarin.....I don't read mandarin! She kept saying in a loud voice that I have used the service and I must pay. She asked me to use my credit card if I don't have the cash. No way man, can't let my wife know I spent that kind of money in a Spa.

After much deliberation and self consolation that luckily I did'nt tamar, I paid up. Hope other Bros can share their experience of Chine Spa for the benefit of all Cheongsters.
Old 21-07-2006, 10:54 AM
The Bund The Bund is offline
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Re: QingDao

Hi bros,

I'm looking for someone who's familiar with Qingdao or better yet, based there. I need help on obtaining information (NOT of the "cheonging" variety) for an upcoming event to be held there. It'll take up too much space for me to detail the info I require here, so if anyone is able and willing to help, please PM me. I'm based in Shanghai.

To belittle is to be little.
Old 21-07-2006, 03:41 PM
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Re: QingDao

dont ever ask the taxi driver to recommand you any chong place in china better,most of the time you got to pay more,its china not singapore,seven hunderds over dollars RMB more lucky aready,some shop beware,just my two cents
Old 21-07-2006, 11:10 PM
XmenSEX XmenSEX is offline
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Re: QingDao

I have been there twice this year.Will be going again maybe end aug or early sep....quite a happening place. As wat bro dulex said...don't trust the taxi driver.
Old 23-07-2006, 12:59 AM
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Re: QingDao

I have not posted for a long while – thought I’ll put in my 2-fen worth of info on my old hunting ground, Qingdao. I have been travelling to this coastal city often enough for over a decade, and still go back there at least once a quarter on business. It’s the home of the “Tsingtao Beer” – so can’t be that bad. It has an annual beer festival in August – but that’s the “peak” season I try to avoid since the prices for hotels and other will go up. I usually stay in the “new town area” of Shinan District that is popular with the foreigners – including Shangrila, Crowne Plaza and Equatorial. I like Crowne Plaza (although the price has gone up a lot since it first opened) mainly because it is convenient to go “jalan2” at Jusco & Book City, plenty of restaurants (incl “Restaurant Street” YunXiaoLu), near to the streets with loads of bars, nice area to walk to WuSiGuanChan and beyond, and there is even a Starbuck Café.

I have been to many smaller niteclubs/KTVs that are fun, and MMs usually get disrobed at some point during the evening - but I have my local associates take me there and have no idea where they are since these are catered to the locals. Indeed, I won’t go there without my local friends. But there are niteclubs/KTVs located in the major hotels like Crowne Plaza (Misty Flower) and Regent (Broadway) – although the prices they charge can be ridiculous for Qingdao, e.g. those at Crowne Plaza asking for RMB8/1000 for s/t and 15/18 for o/n the last couple of times I was there, but Broadway more reasonable at 2-6-8. Compared to similar places in southern China, these places are “small” with only 80-100 MMs. I would also suggest you let mummy knows if you intend to “da-bao” the MM since not all of them will go out. BTW, all these hotels are MM-friendly and despite security guards and CCTVs everywhere, I have never been stopped returning to the hotel with MMs even at early morning…just walk in as if you own the place, and with a big smile to the security guard(s).

There are also many MMs hanging out in the bar (BATS?) in Shangrila, but not recommended becos they appear to cater to the “gweilos” who are willing to pay the ridiculous price demanded. I remember asking (quality very ordinary hor) and they gave me a quote of RMB1000-1500 for s/t – and they were not too amused when I asked if their pussies are gold-lined. I would rather walk to the nearby BBSs for a MM of similar “quality” at 10% of the price – call me cheap, but I prefer “value-for-money” and refused to be called “Robert” lah!

And yes, there are many BBS in Qingdao, incl TaiDong area, Long Distance Bus/Sifan area, ZhangShan & YunXiao areas in Shinan, harbour & airport areas – literally all over city. I have been to some, and like everywhere else in China the quality of MMs varies and will depend on your luck and luck only – indeed, I have seen real dogs to bloody gems!!! I have also met SYTs on summer holidays earning some extra cash in this popular holiday destination, but giving old fart like me real GF feelings. BBSs are easy to spot – look out for barbershops with no hair-cutting tools but with 2-10 MMs hanging out and looking lost. However, some are behind closed doors – then just look out for the barber sign and usually with pink/red lights – knock on the door - you got it right if you hear “Qin Jin” from behind the closed but unlocked door. All have rooms where you can do your deed – but I usually take MM back to hotel with the promise to give her return taxi fare since I am paranoid about “safety.” Usually acceptable to “take-away” unless there are special circumstances like the MM is new or the mummy doesn’t trust you. I never had any problem. The usual price is RMB 100/150 s/t, and RMB 300/400 o/n. I was told you can bargain it down to 200 o/n sometimes (but I think probably early in the morning) and I notice usually the mummy will demand 400 before 10pm and 300 after midnite. Most of the MMs are from DongBei and I have no problem with that, hehehe! And if you are taking o/n, make sure you come to an agreement with the mummy regarding the earliest time the MM is expected to leave in order to avoid any “misunderstanding” – because MMs will always try to leave early either to do more rounds (the BBSs are open till 6am) or go back to their boy friends.

There are also numerous saunas and bathhouses that offer “FS” but I’m not a sauna man and have not tried any in Qingdao. In fact, I probably try the sauna in southern China once a year when I have visitors on their virgin trips since I found sauna too “mechanical” with the MMs going through the motion like going through ISO procedures! Moreover, I have heard too many horror stories related to saunas in Qingdao. Actually I would consider bro Buchikong’s bad experience mentioned above wasn’t too bad – he was only misled (perhaps the place is posh and up market) but I have heard many cases where big sum is demanded for services not even rendered!!! And in Qingdao (like most places) NEVER ask the taxi drivers to bring you to any places to cheong – they will get a “hui-kou” (commission) and making you a “Robert” – heard too many sad stories of someone using his small brain and paid the unnecessary “school fee!” The taxi drivers are pretty good salesmen and once, even my local friends were convinced to check out a newly opened KTV (behind Equatorial Hotel) that ended up with a huge bill (despite my local friends checking on the pricing before we went in) – but luckily my friends are locals and the management was "smart" enough to give a huge discount (something like more than 90%) after “friendly discussions” – am sure it would be different scenario for foreigners.

So beware of scams – especially saunas and even KTV/nite clubs. In the XianggangZhongLu area, it is safer just to stick to those located in the well known hotels – even though they are more expensive than other local joints but at least the price is “standard” and they don’t try to rip you off as can happened in other places.

Popular Dance Clubs & Discos along XianggangZhongLu include Boys & Girls, Babyface, Club New York, M-Box & Feelings – good hunting grounds if you are a “suaige” especially during weekend when the places are full of MMs. Some FLs, usually identifiable by their roving eyes and more focused look on you – but can be difficult to tell and these joints are too noisy for my liking.

Off XianggangZhongLu are many smaller bars and pubs. There is even one called “Shiok” owned by Singaporeans – not sure if it is still there since I have not visited it for a long while, but used to have some friendly MMs to chat while you drink. Many bars on Minjiang Road and behind Book City on ZhangZhouErLu/GutianLu with MMs to accompany you drinking – they earn commission based on the drinks you consumed. Officially they do not go out, but after-work amusement can be arranged privately, depending on the individual MM – some more desperate than others to earn the extra RedMaos, while some will go out with no obligation if they like you. I once met a SYT who just turned up to work for the first time, unable to drink – so I told her I will give her a tip instead and she can help me “save” money by not “hustling” me to buy more drinks – sort of “win-win” arrangement although the boss won’t be happy. Nevertheless, she was really happy and agreed to go out with me the next day – oh well, that’s another story. But remember hor – the cheapest one will usually turn out to be the most expensive ones. For those brothers who know what an old fart I’m, I still do my “reality check” by looking into the mirror everyday before I go out – reminding myself that it is definitely not my look that makes MMs desire to go out with me. Oh well, it has at least keep me out of trouble.

There are also OKTs hanging around the hotels that offer MMs – but the price they asked is a lot more than market rate. I believe the OKTs are working on commission basis and understand they usually quote anywhere between 400 and 800 s/t. It won’t surprised me if these OKTs just have contacts of MMs working at the nearby BBSs and will call for them to come over if there is any potential customer. I have never used one of these services since I’m always weary of FLs.

BTW, I found the “RedStar” ( to be a good guide in English for the foreigners interested in Qingdao, especially those visiting for the first time. It is similar in concept to “That’s Beijing” for Beijing, and it also has a published version (in English of course) that is available at most hotels frequent by foreigners. I believe it is at least “safer” to go to places listed in here – because if they are “hei dian” they can get very bad publicity. But having said that, always be “street smart” and make sure it is your big brain and not small brain that is making the decision. If the place is packed with people, especially with locals – it is usually no problem at all. RedStar also has listing for bathhouses, massages, personals, etc – with addresses in Chinese and that should help you to get there. Some of the “legit” places do offer FS if you ask – including those located in the hotels! I obviously do not want to publicize their names - but just use your “cheongster-instinct” lah! There are also various forums that can be interesting read. I don’t get paid for mentioning RedStar hor – so use your own judgment whether it is a good guide or not.

Anyway, these are just some brief info – hope they are of use to brothers. Here’s e-map with general info of QD:

Happy Hunting and do report back your findings!
Old 25-10-2007, 02:36 PM
risingeast risingeast is offline
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Qingdao, China

Going to Qingdao next week for a few days. Any brudder got any good recommendations? Thank you.
Old 26-10-2007, 02:27 PM
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Re: Qingdao, China

Originally Posted by risingeast View Post
Going to Qingdao next week for a few days. Any brudder got any good recommendations? Thank you.
Qingdao have nothing! there only hv MP, like 1 near equtoril hotel (i think).

No fun there!
The greatest mistake Guys make. Actually thinking that they are a MM's Boyfriend. You will call them your girlfriend, and they will call you their CUSTOMER to everyone else but you.

[B]bro holymonk, Mirage, Etch,yellowmilk
PM me ur tread so i can up u back.. thank
Old 05-11-2007, 09:01 PM
Exhausted Exhausted is offline
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Re: Qingdao, China

Would be surprised if there is no action in QD leh ... Was hoping to find some useful info from this forum, as will be going there soon. Have found some interesting info from other forums. Check it out:


Anyone brudders got other info to share?
Old 06-11-2007, 04:36 AM
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Re: Qingdao, China

Originally Posted by serembanmen View Post
Qingdao have nothing! there only hv MP, like 1 near equtoril hotel (i think).

No fun there!
I would bet to differ – actually there are lots of funs. See: It’s a year old but most info still valid although situation with BBSs always in the flux – but things were still very much the same the last time I was there about three months ago. However, reports of “黑店HeiDian” in Qingdao are not uncommon – therefore, unless you have a trusted local as guide, I would stick to the major hotels (e.g. Crowne Plaza & Regent for KTVs and SNs) – they are more expensive, but at least you won’t be taken to the cleaner like you would if you get into a “黑店HeiDian.”
Old 06-11-2007, 04:42 PM
Exhausted Exhausted is offline
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Re: Qingdao, China

Tks bro. Useful info. Nowsadays, cheonging in china getting more and more expensive. prices are always getting jacked up ... many places asking for 1200 and upwards for L/T, where it used to be 800.
Old 06-11-2007, 07:59 PM
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Re: Qingdao, China

go there only drink the beer
Dont make me say to you
Old 20-11-2007, 11:53 AM
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Re: Qingdao, China

Just got back from Qingdao.
We stayed at Marina Gold Hotel along Changjiang West Road, a main road.
This is a good 5-star hotel and the spa in the hotel offer the usual massage, foot reflex, etc. Girls are ok and can provide extra, but we did not try.
We went opposite to a KTV joint and ta bao the girls for RMB 700 for overnight. The next evening, we went to another KTV further down the road and ta bao the girls for RMB 600, but the standard not as good as the first one.
Old 27-11-2007, 11:45 PM
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Re: Qingdao, China

Was staying at Qing Dao Hotel last week.
Called a girl from the hair salon in the basement for oil message RMB298.
Thought there would be special but in order to see her naked,
have to pay 200 more. Her boss knock and the door to deliver something.
And as she's messaging away which is like a moving the hand over the skin only, she asked if i want FJ for RMB 1000!
Told her that is too ex and not the market rate.
She haggle and and told me she would treat me nicely and bath with me...
blah blah blah. In the end, we agreed on RMB800 whole package.
Her boss came into the room to collect the payment first. Sian
FJ is standard. Could not kiss, could not touch her face. Sianmore
Quickly done it over with. She went to bath herself and i thought she would
call me later. But she came out, put on her cloth and go. Fuck!

I'm so stupid. Always ruled by little bro. Sigh...

Face: 6/10
Boob: Non-existent
Skin: Fair and smooth
Body: 6/10
BJ: VEry quick.
FJ: Rush
RTF: Like fuck i will.
Old 01-12-2007, 04:16 PM
Exhausted Exhausted is offline
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Re: Qingdao, China

Originally Posted by risingeast View Post
Just got back from Qingdao.
We stayed at Marina Gold Hotel along Changjiang West Road, a main road.
This is a good 5-star hotel and the spa in the hotel offer the usual massage, foot reflex, etc. Girls are ok and can provide extra, but we did not try.
We went opposite to a KTV joint and ta bao the girls for RMB 700 for overnight. The next evening, we went to another KTV further down the road and ta bao the girls for RMB 600, but the standard not as good as the first one.
Bro, can u remember the name of the first KTV joint? Thanks!
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