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Old 03-05-2020, 12:38 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
no need cockvid19 to kill u....u yr ownself kill yr ownself

btw, i imagine u look like one of the pa gui character inside the

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nw i nthg 2 do stay hm play game....
Believe me, both Batam and Singapore will open up gradually itself before a vaccine is found. My guess is, Batam will restrict people from other parts of province of Indonesia (especially Jakarta and other ongoing virus-hit Indo province) from coming to Batam. Its already in the news.

There will definitely be traveling restriction and the likelihood to wear a mask and taking precaution to some certain extend as needed. As written....

...can we take the game further? It will be up to how well we (maybe just "i") understand the "enemy".

Remember i said before, the "enemy" is in the air. The battle is definitely in the air. Note here i use the word "battle" and not "war" because the "enemy" is in infinite number. Not considered a yet.

But as for defence for the time, it mainly lies with attitude, masking up, Vaccine, public behavior and personal hygiene.

Its a never-ending war...unless someone took a step ahead with a vaccine before coronavirus could mutate further. Meaning, that "someone" produce a vaccine for convid-20 instead of just covid-19, or be able to cover both. Who knows? Covid-21/22/23?

Originally Posted by OnlyLiveOnce View Post
The main unknown factor will be the ceweks should you decide to socialise with one or more of them during the trip.
More like HIV/AIDS but in airborne mode. Lots of "who knows?" in time to come (before a vaccine is out).

Who knows there might be a quick way/s to tell who got the virus, and who didnt? Who knows there might be some precaution/s one could take with certain limitation/s? Eg, if one didnt know if a girl has HIV or some STDs, hence a condom is worn etc.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
IS like wearing this EA Masks sell like hot cakes...
Sort of, like the Japanese "dog-tag" i was talking about, the EA mask is just one of them. I dont need to know if it even works. Many sites claim it doesnt, and it's poisonous (if in inhale in ultra large amount), Hongkong totally banned it, Singapore says online seller over-claiming it etc. But i am using it and i use a lot of it in different variation (especially the liquid version).

1. Does Sodium Chlorite if use appropriately works in deactivate Virus/Bacteria in the air and surface?

Answer : Yes/No

2. Does one single "dog-tag" emits enough chlorine dioxide or other poisonous substance to kill or hurt a living human/animal?

Answer : Yes/No

2a. If answer is No, then how about multiply the "dog-tag" by 10?

Answer : Yes/No

2b. If answer is STILL No, then how about multiply the "dog-tag" by 100?

Answer : Yes/No

* i wish to say multiply by 1000 but who would wear 1000 tags round their neck? Hehehe....

Note here that when i talk about those "dog-tag", i am talking about those made in Japan/Korea ones only. And not those made in China or any other countries.

Farmers in Taiwan been using Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) tablet dissolve in 1000ml water to sanitize their area years ago before the epidemic started. They have been successful and i am learning. And to top it up, its cheap and efficient.

I have a choice between liquid ethyl alcohol and Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) for aerosol vaporization against the "enemy" on air.

Did a bit of online research and learn that its by far one of the safest. Even wearing a surgical/face mask can have side effects, let alone something chemicalized. UVC Ozone sanitizing has its side effect too, some US states even banned it. Alcohol would cause more harm directly on skin if misuse (especially when its flamable).

One thing i am sure, assuming i have been swimming at least once a week in swimming pools for few decades, but i havent died from chlorine poisoning as yet,hehehe....and probably wont be for another few decades, but i cant say the same if i come in contact directly with alcohol ,UVC or even via wearing a surgical/clinical/face mask for as much time as i am in contact with in a swimming pool.

In my line of work, every kind of chemical we use daily in life has some level of side effect (especially bad if misuse). Just like a frog in a pot of water, with the water temperature going up 1°C every few hours.

Using alcohol is like bring up the frog in the water pot's temperature by 1°C everyday, using UVC is like 1°C up every 90mins, and a mask probably brings up the temperature by 1°C every 30 days. And Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) is like 1°C every 15 days? Well, its just my illustration.

Chlorhexidine Gluconate and Ethanol Facts
Hand hygiene is the single most effective infection prevention measure. Chlorhexidine solutions are often used for hand hygiene in the hospital setting. Alcohol preparations may have the quickest kill rate against bacteria, but chlorhexidine has a much longer duration of action. Products with chlorhexidine in combination with alcohol have been shown to be more effective than alcohol alone. Hand washing with chlorhexidine solutions has been shown to reduce skin flora by 86% – 92%.

Is chlorine dioxide harmful to humans?
Safety Information
Chlorine dioxide is used to disinfect drinking water around the world. ... In its pure form, chlorine dioxide is a hazardous gas but most people are “not likely” to breathe air containing dangerous levels of chlorine dioxide as it rapidly breaks down in air to chlorine gas and oxygen.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
So, i improvise them a little, minus the hassle of that heavy bulky machine (not exactly heavy if the solution is not added),hehehe...not forgetting the liquid solution.

You may wish to ask, why not use other kind of spray bottle instead, or those pocket sized bottle? That was becos the bottle you see on the above photo, is a mist spray instead of a water spray.

Big difference.

200ml of water in a water spray bottle could last perhaps 100 squeeze. But 200ml of water inside a mist bottle could last almost double the amount of squeeze. Covers a bigger angle range too.
Been looking into this method to clean my future favorite hotel room in Batam. And i am keeping the UVC method open too,since its the cheapest method.

Side note : This post isnt mean just for you, its just a general reference of what i have found for my preparation in my next trip to Batam.

There is another method which i am currently looking at right now. Salt, water mixed with some kind of Electrolysis,hehehe..turning it into Hypochlorous Acid Water.

Still learning.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 03-05-2020, 02:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Please read the articles below. It stated that indonesia will end it convid on july 30. Not sure how true and how accurate it is?

Singaporean A.I. predicts when coronavirus will end. Here's the exact date.
Got chance mus go btm utama tere ask my 'good brother'

mayb 'he knws'.

reli is different age do different thg nwday. My great great grand ah gong ah ma time if got ani problem so go utama alike pl ask 'good brother' as science progress in modern world, ppl ask AI.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
in case u dn't knw...monkey king nwday eng eng aso got go 2 utama if u passby mayb can is in btm hor....

got ani btm qn can aso ask
my qn is wen can allow 2 go btm agn?

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Believe me, both Batam and Singapore will open up gradually itself before a vaccine is found. My guess is, Batam will restrict people from other parts of province of Indonesia (especially Jakarta and other ongoing virus-hit Indo province) from coming to Batam. Its already in the news.
ya, i tink i saw the news

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Its a never-ending war...unless someone took a step ahead with a vaccine before coronavirus could mutate further. Meaning, that "someone" produce a vaccine for convid-20 instead of just covid-19, or be able to cover both. Who knows? Covid-21/22/23?
saw in news usa aldy found obat tat can treat no-so serious cockvid patient liao tat is good news!!

beter idea than drinkin

hope they eventual found a real cure 4 it...then every1 can buy over at the apotek & go btm
Old 04-05-2020, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Believe me, both Batam and Singapore will open up gradually itself before a vaccine is found. My guess is, Batam will restrict people from other parts of province of Indonesia (especially Jakarta and other ongoing virus-hit Indo province) from coming to Batam. Its already in the news.

There will definitely be traveling restriction and the likelihood to wear a mask and taking precaution to some certain extend as needed. As written....
Originally Posted by iicycold View Post

my qn is wen can allow 2 go btm agn?

The government’s main focus, or should I say initial focus, will be on the re-opening of travel with ASEAN itself...

Common health declarations, checks needed before travel in ASEAN can resume: Chan Chun Sing

It’s still very tough for now because different countries are now at different stages of the pandemic curve, so the premature opening of borders will cause new waves of infection to flare up again. Hopefully we will see the peak in Indonesia and other ASEAN countries soon so we can regain some form of normalcy asap, even if it’s within ASEAN for the time being....
Old 05-05-2020, 04:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
The "enemy" is in the air all around us.

Then again, one thing that still puzzles me all these time. Why are medical staffs wearing mask in the hospital then? I'm kind of sure they also wash their hands at the highest frequency too. I know, people will start giving answer/s like becos the premises has got virus/bacteria etc, people they dealt with could be infected etc etc.

But the very reason why medical staffs were wearing mask is enough to tell me wearing a mask is NOT completely useless. (just NOT necessary to wear it all the time and in all premises, resulting in wastage etc)

Since my enemy is in the "air",hehehe...and when it comes to dealing with "air", mask is one of the key important factor.
Abt the same time last mth, u were already prepared & u went Batam prepared.

The girls in HY now thanked me for those face mask i brought to them.

This one's epic....

Scolded by driver, toll booth worker in China forces herself to smile

Awaiting for u to organize yr next trip to Batam.
Old 07-05-2020, 01:49 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
2 m away may not be enuff for most enclosed area. There are news that Coronavirus were found in air samples up to 13 feet from patients.

WHO has changed its words recently, citing that wearing mask alone is not enuff to keep a person from getting infected by the Coronavirus.

For once, they're right on this issue. But it didn't need them to say that as by now, almost everyone already knew.
nwday watever words cum frm WHO aso no nutrients no helping situation at all & watever info they say even little kid wit common senze aso can knw.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
No human to human transmission on Coronavirus as cited by WHO during mid Jan 2020.

The direction on this pandemic was not rite til later March 2020, so as their earlier given advise.

That's when the new word 气溶胶传播 was invented (by China).
no pt blame ani body...nw impotent is find vaccine & i tink US & germans aldy start human test on new cockvid vaccine liao...surprise 2 knw 1 of the company invent the vaccine was company as viagra.

go btm got hope

Originally Posted by hawkeye007 View Post
The government’s main focus, or should I say initial focus, will be on the re-opening of travel with ASEAN itself...
I guess is mus at least wait 4 another 3-4 mths b4 sg bcum more stable.

But prob is indonesia unlikely 2 recover as fast due 2 their ownself slowness in tackling the cockvid virus in their cuntry.

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post

Scolded by driver, toll booth worker in China forces herself to smile
poor ger ger....koko

Last edited by iicycold; 07-05-2020 at 01:59 AM.
Old 07-05-2020, 12:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Visited TMFT to do some fact finding ...

Horizon temp counter at TMFT

Only 3trips weekly

CV19 Notes for Passengers

As for vouchers that you hv paid $28..
Extension hv to request BEFORE the Stated Expired date at the counter.

Operation hr
Old 07-05-2020, 12:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

MJ C19 notes
Old 07-05-2020, 01:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Sindo CV19 notes
Old 07-05-2020, 01:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

MJ WARNING/Reminder to Sg travelers on self paid cost on Expenses ...
Old 08-05-2020, 09:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
MJ WARNING/Reminder to Sg travelers on self paid cost on Expenses ...
Seem bad for us...


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Last edited by Hurricane88; 08-05-2020 at 09:41 AM.
Old 08-05-2020, 09:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Sindo CV19 notes
That mean singaporean travelling there will have to apply for visa too ya.


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Last edited by Hurricane88; 08-05-2020 at 09:41 AM.
Old 08-05-2020, 09:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Seem bad for us...
Was chatting with my friend and showed him these images.

He is wondering how long more will this go.

He miss the caweks in TB and Batam.

No more fun for quite a while....
Old 08-05-2020, 12:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Seem bad for us...
Yes bro, since early April, all foreigners wanting to go to Indonesia must obtain permission/visa from an Indonesian embassy, subject to approval, unless you are a KITAS holders

All pax entering into Indonesia are also required to show a doctor’s note stating that he/she is healthy...
Old 08-05-2020, 05:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I Guess we can kiss Batam goodbye for this year. Among all the S.E.A countries, indonesia should be the second last country to open up given the scenarios now. When open up still need the 14 days quarantine so who can afford this requirement? The main killing point is the 14 days quarantine to and fro. Total 28 days.
Old 09-05-2020, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by PrcLust View Post
I Guess we can kiss Batam goodbye for this year. Among all the S.E.A countries, indonesia should be the second last country to open up given the scenarios now. When open up still need the 14 days quarantine so who can afford this requirement? The main killing point is the 14 days quarantine to and fro. Total 28 days.
Also don't forget Singaporean must pay for the full cost of quarantine upon returning to Singapore.
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