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Old 12-06-2020, 11:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Recently, i device another new method, thats to create a air-curtain while wearing mask.
Scaring. This fan is conveying a continuous air flow from up down right straight to the face, thus conveying many more air (and potentially infected droplets) in dangerous vicinity of the potential entry points (mouth and nose).

I really advise you to forget all this arsenal of exotic gadgets, the UV, the ozonizers, etc. etc. What really matters is:
1) stay away from people who have no mask
2) wash wash wash hands (gloves are irrelevant, as you will not be infected through the skin, but bringing the hands -with gloves or not - to the mouth)
3) good luck!
Old 13-06-2020, 08:39 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post

I really advise you to forget all this arsenal of exotic gadgets, the UV, the ozonizers, etc. etc. What really matters is:
1) stay away from people who have no mask
2) wash wash wash hands (gloves are irrelevant, as you will not be infected through the skin, but bringing the hands -with gloves or not - to the mouth)
3) good luck!
Best is lie low at the moment. Only when its really essential then go Btm. Again definition "essential" depend on individual.
Old 13-06-2020, 04:11 PM
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Re: In Singapore’s neighbor Batam, malls empty, ferry trips reduced as virus fears lu

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Lucky you,hehehe...which is why i chose to take business class if i am going during weekend. Aunties and uncles too.

Do keep in mind that from 14th to 22nd of March is school holiday, hence expect even more people going to Batam.

I already have a dozen aunties and uncles cancelling their Batam trips, hence end up with some extra ferry coupons. In case you guys want it, just let me know.

And in order to encourage more aunties and uncles to join me to Batam, i have done the following preparation. (trying to keep them the safest possible from viruses since they were mostly over 60)

1. I will be bringing my non-contact key-chain thermometer along,hehehe...not the gun-type which is rather bulky.

Not forgetting some CR2032 coin batteries as well. By the way, this key-chain thermometer thingy is super accurate, i tested it myself...hehehe...but the price to pay is high battery consumption rate.
I look back yr post on 13 mar, looks like u were already in the "new normal" at batam since b4 mid mar 2020.

Good to see u guys went prepared & back to sg safe.
Old 13-06-2020, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Lingo View Post
Yes, Wherever you are now, just take one day at a time, take care and be safe. Just wait this out, nothing will last forever. By year end , we will rock and roll...take care, Bros......
Thank you bro. You too take care.
Old 14-06-2020, 11:56 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi bro penguin, Take care , be safe.....We shall be back!!!!! Hahahaha!
Old 14-06-2020, 12:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Is Batam open for tourists?
Old 14-06-2020, 01:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Can anyone advise on the practice now for Indonesian returning to Batam and Singaporean heading to Batam?

Is 14 stay home required in Batam or have to send to quarantine camp at pulau gelang??
Old 14-06-2020, 01:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Do we still have to go to the embassy in Singapore to get the visa? How many days allowed to stay in batam?...remember , when you come back , you have pay for your quarantine in hotel,for 14 days!!!!
Old 14-06-2020, 04:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
wat u sayin remnds me of 1 of our fav guy


i purplely censor face off de, so is no intention 2 offend ani1 or talk polyticks here.

my message is ani1 wan 2 die in btm is their ownself business, i no wan 2 die so sell fish & get other ppl aso involve,so i've my ownself sorlution.
This is one reason why i make known to myself (like a reminder),thats "if you are safe,then i will be also be safer".

On the street, my work place or within my living premises, when i see someone without a mask, i smile and offer them one. They will usually thank me for it. So far i have given out no less than 20 mask away.

Most time, it is because they forget to wear mask when they step out of house. i save them the trouble of going back home to get one and back again.

Instead of hammering them down sarcastically or report them to relevant authority, i use another approach. I would often joke with them, "i help you save S$300",hehehe...which is the fine in Singapore for not wearing mask (1st time offender fine). They will sometime joke back saying, "i will buy you a drink once circuit breaker is over",hehehe...see, make friends, not enemy. Help one another and not reprimand.

Make wearing mask fun!

What i did in Singapore, i do the same or similar in Batam too.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
wa! tis 1 sibei ugley it's good attention catcher if i walk ard wit it in btm. All my ger ger in btm surely laugh until cig aso drop out if they see young uncle me wit tat
I bought one too, and it attracted some attention from smoker at smoking point near my office. I manage to sell few away,hehehe....i think this might be a good approach for use in Batam.

The mask cost only about 32k rupiah,hehehe...thank you for your suggestion.

Now i also awaits my lighted mask.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 14-06-2020, 05:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post

looks like it'll be a new normal in btm soon.

& i tink it'll be quite fun 2.....
Fun meh? Cant french. Cant see her high and hear her scream.
Old 15-06-2020, 07:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

ALL TRAVELLERS ENTERING & LEAVING SINGAPORE FROM June 18, 2020 to be tested for Covid-19, must pay for testing
Covid-19 tests will cost up to S$200 each, and SHN stays at designated facilities will cost S$2,000

All travellers entering Singapore will be tested as part of a host of new precautionary measures announced that will kick in starting Wednesday, June 17, at 11:59pm, Singapore's Ministry of Health announced on Monday, June 15.

Mandatory testing (S$200) for all inbound travellers, & SHN at govt facilities (S$2,000) for non-S'porean/PRs
These arriving travellers, regardless of citizenship status, will all be required to bear the up to S$200 cost of their Covid-19 swab tests, which will be done a few days before the end of a mandatory 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) period at a designated community testing facility.

Individuals will be notified of their test appointments via SMS, and are required to avoid public transport in travelling to and from their testing locations.

In addition, those arriving here from June 17, 11:59pm onwards who are not Singaporeans or Permanent Residents will have to bear the cost of their SHN periods (S$2,000 inclusive of GST) if they are required to spend them at government-designated facilities.

Given the risks of asymptomatic cases, this measure is all the more necessary, the ministry said.

The 14-day SHN period rule has been in place for all inbound travellers who are Singaporean, PRs and long-term pass holders here since March 21.

The authorities will monitor the results of the tests and may make adjustments to the testing requirements over time.

Exceptions to self-pay SHN requirement: Arrivals from Australia, Brunei, HK, Japan, Macao, China, NZ, S. Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam
There are exceptions to the rule of having to spend one's SHN period at a designated facility at personal cost, however.

All travellers entering Singapore from Wednesday, June 17, 11:59pm, and who were in Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mainland China, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam in the last consecutive 14 days prior to their entry, will no longer have to serve their SHN at dedicated SHN facilities:

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may serve their 14-day SHN at their place of residence.
Long Term Pass holders may serve their 14-day SHN at a place of residence that they or their family members own or are sole tenants of, or in suitable accommodation such as a hotel, at their own cost.

All serving SHN to adhere strictly to requirements
Here's what won't change, though: all persons serving SHN must remain in their location of residence at all times.

They will continue to be subject to close monitoring of their whereabouts, through electronic monitoring as well as physical spot-checks.

Strict enforcement action will be taken against those who breach the requirements of the SHN.

accommodation such as a hotel, at their own cost.

All serving SHN to adhere strictly to requirements
Here's what won't change, though: all persons serving SHN must remain in their location of residence at all times.

They will continue to be subject to close monitoring of their whereabouts, through electronic monitoring as well as physical spot-checks.

Strict enforcement action will be taken against those who breach the requirements of the SHN.

Singapore to facilitate re-entry of more Long Term Pass holders in coming weeks
Notwithstanding the above changes, all Long Term Pass holders will continue to require prior government approval before entering Singapore.

As the global and local health situations improve, the government has gradually increased the number of entry approvals given to Long Term Pass holders, especially those with deep roots to Singapore or have exigent circumstances.

The government says it expects to be able to facilitate the re-entry of more Long Term Pass holders in the coming weeks.

They will also study how to facilitate business travel, in particular for professionals based in Singapore who need to travel frequently as part of their work, with the necessary safeguards.

But for now, the government is not yet allowing short-term visitors, except those coming in under the Green / Fast Lane arrangements (starting with China, and eventually covering more countries/regions), or with special prior approval.

Charges for Covid-19 test & stay at designated SHN facility
Just to recap, here are the charges for Covid-19 swab tests and for 14-day stays at the dedicated SHN facilities:

Covid-19 test for persons under SHN

Up to S$200 (inclusive of GST)
14-day stay at dedicated SHN facility S$2,000 (inclusive of GST)

All Singaporeans and residents of Singapore are still advised to defer all travel abroad, however.

But essential business and official travel will be permitted under Green and Fast Lane arrangements.

MOH encourages everyone to check its website for the latest Covid-19 updates, as Singapore’s border measures are likely to evolve with the changes in the global situation.
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Bodoh amat!!

Last edited by fde83; 15-06-2020 at 08:07 PM.
Old 15-06-2020, 11:30 PM
penguin59 penguin59 is offline
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Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Can anyone advise on the practice now for Indonesian returning to Batam and Singaporean heading to Batam?

Is 14 stay home required in Batam or have to send to quarantine camp at pulau gelang??
First, as far as I know, tourist or day trippers are not allowed. Those with KITAS can still come into batam with provision of medical letter from hospital stating of cov19 status. Still checking the current requirement. You can check with ferry operator as youust have fulfill few criteria before you can buy a ferry ticket. Please check with them in SGP. Same here in batam they will ask you first of the requirement.
Old 15-06-2020, 11:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

COVID-19: Changes to travel restrictions as Singapore moves into Phase 2 of reopening

Singapore's Phase 2 of reopening also involves international travel. From Jun 18, all incoming travellers will have to be tested for the coronavirus. Screening will take place several days before the end of a mandatory 14-day Stay-Home Notice. The travellers will have to pay for these tests.

Singapore's COVID-19 restrictions will be eased again on Jun 19, with the start of Phase 2 of reopening. The Government said community infection rates have been stable, while the situation in large clusters and migrant workers' dormitories has also stabilised.
Old 16-06-2020, 10:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Fun meh? Cant french. Cant see her high and hear her scream.
Ya, new trend but cannot see and heard their moaning expression and cannot french will seem a bit sian liao


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Old 17-06-2020, 05:23 AM
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Originally Posted by penguin59 View Post
First, as far as I know, tourist or day trippers are not allowed. Those with KITAS can still come into batam with provision of medical letter from hospital stating of cov19 status. Still checking the current requirement. You can check with ferry operator as youust have fulfill few criteria before you can buy a ferry ticket. Please check with them in SGP. Same here in batam they will ask you first of the requirement.
Most likely Indonesia will open the borders for short term visitors much earlier than Singapore. Even Singaporeans are allow to go to Batam again, with quarantine requirements in place, few will be going there for short trips.
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