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Old 12-10-2016, 01:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Probably going coming Sunday/Monday.. Been a while since I last visited farm. Any newbie/laojiao going and don't mind me tagging along? Will be just tagging along for lunch and farm hopping only.

Probably staying at DeVinna.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 12-10-2016, 01:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Probably going coming Sunday/Monday.. Been a while since I last visited farm. Any newbie/laojiao going and don't mind me tagging along? Will be just tagging along for lunch and farm hopping only
Since a long long time we step into farm... too much OC and ktv liao
Old 12-10-2016, 09:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Since a long long time we step into farm... too much OC and ktv liao
I only one OC lehh not many OC

Must go farm look look see see liao.. See when you free plan go Jakarta together again.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 12-10-2016, 11:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman View Post
very gd alrady,the most famous advise gieven in old btm thread for lazy ppl is on old uncle's siggy,link bottom below for yr convenience

many exp ppl advise read 2000+ pages in old thread to find ans & tis thread only 243 pages to read
When i 1st started out in this forum,i was told to do that too and actually did what i was told. So i decide one of the things i should do after reading is try to compile all the FAQ together on my signature. Almost everything anyone who needs to travel to Batam for the 1st few times were on my signature (or page one of this thread). And later when i get a chance to start a new thread,i have most parts of the compilation set on page 1 since a handful of bros tends to refer newbies there.

I learned at later time not to spoon feed,but the least i could do is to give a direction to a repeated question that has been answered numerous time before.

From my personal perspective,half-bake answer/s can be pretty dangerous (if I stand as a newbie).

Some examples of half-baked answer to a newbie who didnt know what to question :

1. How much to bring to cheong in Batam?

Half baked answer : Around S$300

Result : Not enough becos he stayed 3D2N in Montigo Resort, went to higher-end KTV and headed to Spa-like massages.

2. How much to pay for overnight girls in Batam?

Half baked answer : S$51 to S$171

Result : Not enough again becos he went to book an overnight PRC/Vietnamese from KTVs

3. How much should i pay for taxi fare from ferry terminal to hotel?

Half bake answer : S$3.10 to S$5.10

Result : Not enough becos he drops himself at Nongsapura Ferry terminal before going anywhere.

4. I am going to Batam on 27th May 2017,Sat to Batam. Where can i find girls there?

Half bake answer : Any Booking joint/Massage joint/Discotheque/Pubs/KTV/at NED.

Result : He finds almost nothing becos its the 1st day of Ramadan 2017.

*sample of questions/answers above were just illustration. Half bake answer isnt incorrect answer,but mostly just very-surface-answers.

So my take is,newbie/s NEED to do some basic reading 1st in order to ask the right question/s before anyone is able to give him a more detailed answer/s.

Example : i am 1st time visiting Batam,can anyone recommend any hotel to stay in Batam that i could easily navigate myself to find girls for overnight. I plan to be there on a weekend (or weekday) for 2D1N and may wish to head for perhaps 1 or 2 basic massage hopefully with happy-ending,what would be the charges like etc. Lastly,how much should i bring if the above were my draft itinerary?

The above example helps the one who reads and about-to-answer to better understand the position of the one who ask the question/s. Therefore he is able to send out a clearer more "well-baked" reply.

This is solely my personal point of view.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Today I will reduce my distance from Batam from more than 10.000 km to less than 400 km A big leap for me (not for the humanity)
I cannot wait
Sometime i wonder how you manage your 'sleep timer' with all the moving around thru different timezone.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
I tried viet's luwak coffee & expect indonesia's luwak coffee to taste similar..unlikely to happen & if it ever does,it'd be rare or mayb smthg not right smwhere.
You just reminds me that the Luwak coffee shop in Nagoya Hill Mall is no longer there anymore.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I don't think I gave a significant contribution. You would have discovered it anyway soon...
This kind of thing,the faster its being found out,the better (and merrier). Me and a few friends gain the upperhand to book the Sailor Moon girls ,drawn their 1st blood before they start growing "horns" and start giving their later customers 'problem',hehehe...

One thing I learn in Batam, the girls who are new seek good regular customers tends to provide a much better service. Today,the Sailor Moons puts on some weight,hehehe...and they already have their own pool of good regulars. They do not need their assumed "no-good" walk-in customers to give them a bad time.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 12-10-2016, 12:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

You can try Mega Mall for the Kopi Luwak. 110k rp for 1 cup.
Old 12-10-2016, 01:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Since a long long time we step into farm... too much OC and ktv liao
Wow, long long time never see this Batam tai tai tai taigor post liao..
Old 12-10-2016, 02:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Sometime i wonder how you manage your 'sleep timer' with all the moving around thru different timezone.
I am surprised you ask this. The answer is obvious: in Batam I keep nearly my same time zone as in Europe. I sleep at 6am or later (12am in Europe) and I wake up at 12pm (6am in Europe).
Also my mum asked me the same once: "poor kid how can you bear all this". I could not explain her that I was not changing time zone, actually.

The problem is when I travel to South America and I plan to play at night: the time of Colombia is -7h vs. Central Europe. There, the time zone difference is made double and not null, should I live nights as here (Please note Central Europe has +1h daylight saving time shift at summer)
Old 12-10-2016, 02:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
This kind of thing,the faster its being found out,the better (and merrier). Me and a few friends gain the upperhand to book the Sailor Moon girls ,drawn their 1st blood before they start growing "horns" and start giving their later customers 'problem',hehehe...
I wish I knew where are today, if any, semi-virgin Sailor Moon girls...
I guess that one, if finds, does not post the news publicly here.

I am in Batam since 3 days. Some quick short impressions.

Strange place to play Pokemon! No Pokemon available around. Not a single one, except where someone has put a lure. Many lures around, as a consequence.
Now, the incredible thing is that Gyms are owned by several players with very high levels (say 30+) with pokemon with very high points (2500+).
So, I really do not understand how could they get such high level of gaming. Maybe they are not locals but all come fro Singapore??

I think there is the need of an updated list of booking joints. Just the name and approximate location would be enough. A list of say 4 years ago would be not useful (many are gone).
I noticed several "suspicious" places in the Utama area, looking as booking joints but posting a simple "massage" sign. Kupu2 is one of those, but I have noticed at least two more. I wonder if also the other 2 are booking joints or not.
I think there are many more places today as time ago.
(I did not have the time to explore joints yet)

Newton is still the best place for me. A quantity of young girls having fun or just waiting for customers. I was amazed when I entered. The problem is that not all (just FEW of them) are on sale, or available for money. Understand that in few minutes could be not simple, but it's the key to tune the behaviour accordingly.

Girls pop out from anywhere at any time. I love Batam. I don't know any other place like this. Last ones said they fell in love with my bule nose.
The problem is manage the time and choose "tonight shall I call A, or B, or C&D, or I tell everyone I am busy and I go to Newton to try my luck?"
First night I met A (my last girl of my last stay) in Pacific with B&C. After 2 hours I had 1 hand in my pants (B) from the back while I was hugging A and the tongue of C on my neck.
A is jealous, so we left for a wonderful time of true love in my room.
2nd day I take B&C to dinner because they insist to meet me. Fantastic night with my two new pacar: dinner, 1st round, Newton, sleep and 2nd round after sleeping a while all 3 hugging together. I love this true love situations. (Note: no money asked at any time. I voluntarily offer some when they are leaving my room in the morning)

Last edited by Black Page; 12-10-2016 at 03:32 PM.
Old 12-10-2016, 03:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Believe some bro here go batam for massage and handjob only. Now there is a better choice . Malaysia JB also can provide the same happening than batam. And is more cost saving. Got massage and got cum with lesser price. It has a thread on this massage place already.

Paid 148 ringgit with 1 hour massage and 40 minute of play with your treasure. No need buy ferry ticket and can went home what time as you wish.

Btw the girl that take care of me is quite pretty and syt. Other also not bad looking. Save time and save money but only for those that like massage with handjob style like delta spa. Open leg wide wide. Rest on her thigh and let her do the magic.
Old 12-10-2016, 05:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

~~~~~~~~~~End of Summary~~~~~~~~~~

Time for the Penis for Thoughts note,hehehe...

1. I would rate Sept 2016 trip 9.5/10 (yes,its one of my best). The rest i wouldnt wish to elaborate as my summary was never meant to be like any juicy FRs posted here,its meant for information collection,for memories written like a diary,for reminding me of my ups and downs and whatever else i couldnt remember over a period of later time ,hehehe... (a reminder that whenever there is a good,there will also be a not-so-good)

2. Oct 2016 is also going to be preparing for CNY 2017 and it will continue until Jan 2017 itself. I have not turn much stones becos of some good girls in this trip but i am taking my time for now.

3. I need to book my hotel rooms either Oct or Nov.

4. I am unlikely to go back to my 1st and 2nd night's girl from KupuKupu but may put more effort on my 3rd night girl (or girls). I am also looking at other joints too.

5. CNY 2017 cannot always be the same,i am also looking to some newer activities but yet w/o compromising getting "hiccups" like my CNY 2015 trip.

6. CNY 2017 falls on 28th Jan 2017,Sat.

This trip is more and all about CNY 2017,but accidents do happen that kept me from doing more than i wish to do. I need to create choices now and then i need to cultivate them,making sure no hiccups along the way.I need to shortlsit the girls too. I will need to have everything ready,2 to 3 months before the BIG day. Yes,i plan for my every trip and for CNY 2017,i will plan it more thoroughly than my trips from other times.

Now,i can safely plan for Oct trip,in preparation for CNY 2017 in Batam,hehehe...

Oh,and sorry for the late summary too. I have my reason/s.

Bro Nono,after reading yr 32nd summary, i feel you are now more focus on cutting off the taxi drivers in batam.

Apparently Utama hotel has taken a new position to become a more centralize area to stay around with a closer proximity to many booking joints in batam today.

Just my after-read feel.
Old 12-10-2016, 05:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I think there is the need of an updated list of booking joints. Just the name and approximate location would be enough. A list of say 4 years ago would be not useful (many are gone).
I noticed several "suspicious" places in the Utama area, looking as booking joints but posting a simple "massage" sign. Kupu2 is one of those, but I have noticed at least two more. I wonder if also the other 2 are booking joints or not.
I think there are many more places today as time ago.
(I did not have the time to explore joints yet)
The latest listing of booking joints with approximate loc is definitely not very out-date. The new joints just mainly emerge in 2016. I'm sure there will be some kind of updating soon.

If there's any new names other than Hawaii,Kupu2,Link,Sri Kandy not on the map...plz do share.
Old 12-10-2016, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
The latest listing of booking joints with approximate loc is definitely not very out-date. The new joints just mainly emerge in 2016. I'm sure there will be some kind of updating soon.

If there's any new names other than Hawaii,Kupu2,Link,Sri Kandy not on the map...plz do share.
Maybe it's me who I am slow, but on the map I see only 7 joints listed.
There are several more: those you mentioned (Hawaii,Kupu2,Link,Sri Kandy) and I am sure others, worth a visit or not. What is the name of the joint in front of Harmony?
I have also noticed a May Massage behind Utama. Booking joint or a plain traditional massage?
Old 12-10-2016, 05:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Maybe it's me who I am slow, but on the map I see only 7 joints listed.
i see 8
Old 12-10-2016, 06:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

newbie here, never chiong in Batam before but would like to know if most girls in there are local or PRC one? service and attitude like ML/FL PRC in SG? xDD
Old 12-10-2016, 07:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Sorry for the sudden change of track, but has anyone gone to eat the Instar bak chor mee recently?

Several months ago, I asked my regular taxi driver to go tapao for me; when he reach there, he said that the fellow has closed the stall and went back to his hometown. I have since never gone to Instar liao, but I really miss his bak chor mee..

Anyone can kindly confirm this for me?
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