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Old 05-12-2016, 03:43 PM
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New movie in Batam,hehehe...oh before i forget,Cinema 21 started screening Underworld the day i put up the previous movie post,but this one,for the time being,it is only available in Harbour Bay and Kepril Mall. Looks good tho,hehehe...


The story :

A scientist with the ability to enter the subconscious minds of the possessed must save a young boy from the grips of a demon with powers never seen before, while facing the horrors of his past.

Trailer :

An interesting movie about demon possession w/o much special effect,a cheap production but well..i think its worth my time. Its a horror movie,so dont eat and drink in the theater,hehehe...for your own safety this time round.

Enjoy the movie!

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Old 05-12-2016, 06:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hey bros. Just got back from a 2d1n trip on 3 Dec. This is my 4th trip there. Went there with another 4 or my friends, they ask me to showed them around as this is their 2nd time there. Learn so much from the previous trips and especially from you bros. Decied to take the challenge as my main objectives is for them to have a good trip.

For those who've reads my first fr would know that i spend 800k just for my driver. Not going to happen again. Quoted 600k for a 8 seater car. So about 120k each for five of us. I think the price could be lower, what do you bros think?

Exchange rate was 9400 at fomosa, saw a bro posted he got 9450. On the same day! Sian. Maybe i should try to ask for extra 50, with any price they quoted for the exchange rate?

Book through kaha, got 525k for a deluxe room. Feel like got carrot even for a weekend stay.

We stared fishing. Not expecting so much as it's a weekend, and it's already 12pm at that point. Started from happy, was surprised with the quantity, but not much quality. 😂.
We decide to go Sri kandi, wasn't sure about booking there, but just decided to try. Book two girls from Sri mandi.(For me and a friend) Quoted 1.3mil each, manage to get 100k discount for each of the girls. Mami says weekends can't not discount so much. So just agrees with the price. Told mami we will fetch them at 4pm. Do note, at this point is just me and my other friend. The other 3 will be coming at 3pm ferry.

We decide to go back hotel and check in at about 1pm. Got our two rooms, and calls for in room massage.

Back to fomosa at about 1pm, called for our in room massage, after 1hr massage quoted 300k for hj and 500k for fj. (Fyi, on the 2nd trip i paid 400k for hj, topless and free roam. Even got suck her nips.) But i knoe i got carrot, as she knows I'm interested. So this time round act not intersted. Got 200k for hj topless and free roam. I tried to ask for 100k, but not as easy.

Meet up with my friend after massage, he paid for 300k for hj. Just hj. No topless no free roam. I did tell him before the rate you bros usually pay. But he wasn't able to nego. It's okay i told him, you can always learn. At least he paid 300k for first time, I paid 400k on mine.

At 3plus we went to fetch our other 3 friends, change their money, check in, it was 4pm by then. One of the guys wanted to try his luck to see if there's any girls he can still book. Tell you bros, at 4pm on the weekend damn jilat. But he did got his girl, from indah2. 1mil looks 5/10 but her service was 8.5/10. Why 8.5? My friend did not leave his room once we got back to our hotel from 10pm to 7am. Within that short period, they both f the hell out of each other 4times. Hahaha. Not bad for a 1mil cewek.

Back to the story, for the other 2 bros decide not to take any girls. (Highlight of the trip for me is here) ; I brought them to one of the famous spa there. I can't tell you bros where, as I've promise the therapist not to share with anyone about the price i paid her for the fj. So a promise is a promise. But I'm sure you guys knows where is it and even been there. Massage was 1.5hr. So-so massage. Her looks was 8.5 I tell you. One of the prettiest one I've seen there. Got a great ass and a nice and smooth b cup. After the massage, she told me is done. I acted blur and ask ; is that it? She then ask what do i want? So i asked what you have. Qoted 600k for fj and 400 for hj. So I nego and it wasn't easy. Sweet talk my shit out the price of 300k for a fj. Do note it's not the normal spa, one of the expensive one. Ask her if she does outside jobs, and she said it cost about 600k per round if a therapist were to do outsid job.

So got my 300k fj, worth every cent. Nego took so long that once all is done, all my other 4 friends have already change. One of the guys took a fj which cost him 600k. She did told me it's not possible for the price she quoted me, that's why she has to hide and even wash the use condom and if anyone were to ask, just tell them i just got a hj. I'm not sure if it's a company policy or is there a certain amount that they cant go any lower in this kind of spa's. Any idea bros?

After all is done, it's already 8pm we went for seafood then fetch our girls. Was expecting them to give us the black face, surprisingly no. They were okay. My friend hit the jackpot when his sri kandi cewek begin to speak Mandarin. He was so happy. Hahaha. She was working in Taiwan for 6 years, that's why she's fluent in mandarin. My friend will make her his regular if he visits from now on, as the cewek was gf materiel too.

Back to our hotel, i did my two shots, then sleep. Morning decide not to take the 3rd shot, send her off with 150k tip as she complied to anything the last night. After breakfast call of another in room massage she qoted me 400 for hj and 800 fj. I just smiled and nego. Got 200k for the same thing as the first one. After that, we went shopping and took our ferry back. Oh Even got stop by our finest Singapore coast guard when reaching Singapore.

What i learn in this trip is, if your not shy, be humble and give and take here and there. You may meet at half way line of the price they quoted, but still not pro as you bros, get lower price. If your willing to learn, anything is possible. Best part is, my friends enjoyed their trip, and already asking me to plan for Jan 2017.

Thanks bros for reading. Sorry for the long post and spellings error here and there. I did not read through as it's such a long fr.
Old 05-12-2016, 06:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Your friend got Yuni from Sri Kandi? If not, next time can try. This girl good service.
Old 05-12-2016, 07:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Wah!! so many new movies coming up, 1st was underworld, now it's incarnate, have not include star wars: roque one coming out next week. How to watch 3 movies in a day in batam but I like it. Hahaha. Next week can't get any sooner.
Old 05-12-2016, 08:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
Back to our hotel, i did my two shots, then sleep. Morning decide not to take the 3rd shot, send her off with 150k tip as she complied to anything the last night. After breakfast call of another in room massage she qoted me 400 for hj and 800 fj. I just smiled and nego. Got 200k for the same thing as the first one. After that, we went shopping and took our ferry back. Oh Even got stop by our finest Singapore coast guard when reaching Singapore.
Wen u really read tis thread & stay in the rite hotel frm start,u are almost impossible to fail.

Good share bro.
Old 05-12-2016, 09:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PenguinChaser View Post
Hmm.. Just thinking aloud.

In a transaction, always will have 2 parties in favor of increased price and these 2 parties sometimes can be the same person, or 2 different people. There will be 1 party who will not be in favor of increased price and that will be the buyer.
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Old 05-12-2016, 10:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

After reading the latest few FRs, I have to do a little intervention down here.

As one of the Seniors in here, I felt that there is a need to maintain the cheap prices when we sillypore go cheong in batam.

To be frank, ALL of us are able to afford a 2juta ST for a batam cewek. Yes we all can do that without getting in large debts.

But the fact is, there are many Bros here who are "hardcore chiongsters". They do it more than once a month kinda thing. Some even weekly affair. Imagine weekly affair, each ST is 2 juta. That 8 juta for 4times ONLY. It is painful especially after including the ferry and hotel prices in.

Even if in massage 500k for fj and you dont bother to bargain. That's 2 juta per month if done weekly.

At the end of the day, we cheongsters should enjoy bearing in mind that we do want to spend as little as possible with the maximum benefits. There are so many things we can do with money to make a difference rather than just throwing it at any cewek in Batam.
Please bear in mind that the average income for most batam people is 2-3 juta per month.

I am familiar with batam and pattaya playstyle. Yes, you may say you are helping them if you give extra money but at the end of the day, you are just making them to be more hopeful that the next customer she will get the same amount of money etc...... It is not healthy. And it may jack up the prices in batam in a short moment.
Gone were the days when you can pay $50 for overnight in batam and fcuk as many as you want.

I used to take ceweks from booking joints. Even then i felt the best of the best girls i got before still felt abit too commercial and deep inside i knew they are doing this just for the money.
Even wechat freelance same thing. Perhaps I was lucky enough to keep 1 which i RTF on a weekly basis for less than 1juta LT, 22yr old woman.
But that doesn't stops me from wanting even lesser to give to the girl.

So I venture into the KTVs in Batam. Basically M1 and M2. So far I've been in "relationship" with 2 ceweks from M1. The first one was about 7 months and now the 2nd one whom is a 20yr old petite girl (1.56m, 44kg) has been with me for 2 months.

What benefits do i get?
RTF weekly, longtime i only give 600k-800k depending on how much i left with after changing $100 per trip (for her expenses). No asking for more. Of course makan everything i sponsor.
Best part is she fetch me from harbourbay terminal.
Fcuk more than 3 times no complain either.
From 9am arrival until next day 7pm ferry back home.
GFE was more real this time round.
I did this to both my ex batam cewek and the latest one now.

Some tips:
1) Speak bahasa indonesia
2) Have a heart and not just throw money just bcoz you from Singapore
3) Discuss some future with her for a long term period
4) Contact her on a daily basis with video call etc to make her confident.
5) Do what you have promise to her and she is all yours.

Yes at start you need to do some investment go KTV etc spend money. But that is the opening to get to know these ladies especially the young ones whom just started and hasn't been corrupted yet with money.

Anyway, whatever you Bros gonna do in batam just remember that the average pay of Batam people is 2-3 juta per month. Tip wisely and don't let them prey on us easily. Thank you. Have a nice day.
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Old 05-12-2016, 11:21 PM
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Singapore's GIC to invest over $260 million in Indonesia's Cinema 21 operator

Below quoted is an interesting news that caught my attention today. For someone who enjoy a good movie time in Batam,this is not a good news for me. Let's see when Cinema 21 will increase movie ticket price after GIC invested in it,hehehe...quoting certain part of bro iccy's words,...welcome to the soon-to-be province of Sillypore.

There used to be an old saying i read in this forum,everywhere Sillyporean frequent, almost surely will turn to become expensive,now Sillypore Gov also join in the fun,hehehe...seems like 'the worst is yet to be'.

Just a thought for the day.

Singapore's GIC to invest over $260 million in Indonesia's Cinema 21 operator

Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC is investing 3.5 trillion rupiah ($260.7 million) in a company that operates Indonesia's biggest cinema chain, marking the latest foreign investment in the country's burgeoning movie industry.

GIC's partnership with PT Nusantara Sejahtera Raya (NSR), which runs Cinema 21, Cinema XXI and The Premiere brands in Indonesia, will expand "NSR's cinema footprint nationally", according to a joint statement on Monday.

"The investment by GIC reflects our confidence in Indonesia's long-term growth potential," GIC said, adding that NSR stands to benefit from "the rapidly expanding consumer class and economic development in Indonesia."

The movie market, one of dozens of industries that Indonesia liberalized in February, is increasingly whetting the appetite of overseas companies. Previously, the so-called "negative investment list" shut most of the industry to foreigners.

In August, South Korea's CJ CGV Co Ltd spent $25.4 million to raise its stake in Indonesia's second-biggest cinema chain, CGV Blitz, to nearly 23 percent from 14.75 percent.

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Old 05-12-2016, 11:30 PM
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Re: Singapore's GIC to invest over $260 million in Indonesia's Cinema 21 operator

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Below quoted is an interesting news that caught my attention today. For someone who enjoy a good movie time in Batam,this is not a good news for me. Let's see when Cinema 21 will increase movie ticket price after GIC invested in it,hehehe...quoting certain part of bro iccy's words,...welcome to the soon-to-be province of Sillypore.

There used to be an old saying i read in this forum,everywhere Sillyporean frequent, almost surely will turn to become expensive,now Sillypore Gov also join in the fun,hehehe...seems like 'the worst is yet to be'.

Just a thought for the day.
maybe, just maybe by then they will accept this card. got discount to watch movie.

Old 06-12-2016, 08:32 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Anyway, whatever you Bros gonna do in batam just remember that the average pay of Batam people is 2-3 juta per month. Tip wisely and don't let them prey on us easily. Thank you. Have a nice day.
Finally sm1 w sm basic c'mon sense postin here.

read using c'mon sense also needed 2.
Old 06-12-2016, 08:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Be it massage girls, KTV girls, wechat girls or any wl for that matters.
They will ask two very important qns ; 1. Where r u from? Jackpot if u r sillypore.
2. Are u first time in Batam? Jackpot again if u answer "yes".
This is my observation.
Old 06-12-2016, 12:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Can any season btm cheongsters care to share whether there is any shops or outlets in btm selling sex toys and sexy lingeries?
Old 06-12-2016, 12:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Bro Barnacles,

No worries, you did nothing wrong and no need apologise.


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Old 06-12-2016, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by wolverman View Post
Can any season btm cheongsters care to share whether there is any shops or outlets in btm selling sex toys and sexy lingeries?
Seedy lingeries, yes. Sex toy, never seen before.
Old 06-12-2016, 02:12 PM
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Barelang Hotel

Looks like a new Hotel around Nagoya with all basic stuffs like wifi,24 hr room service. Supposingly should be quite alright base on the price paid. Its nearby to NED,so this is gonna be good for night owl party pub-hoppers.

Barelang Hotel

Simple hotel,with simple rooms. But for the price,should be quite alright for a night stay.

The 2 Barelang hotel receptionists below is not included in the hotel price above,hehehe...

Will have to go recce the hotel around bridge masage and Nasa Hotel which was under construction since Oct 2016. Currently,there is so little info online.

I definitely haven't forget NASA hotel yet, and for those who wish to ask about it,hehehe...I might go look at it in my next Batam trip. So far,not much info as yet.

...and if you do have some info,do feel free to share it.

My sincere thanks.

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