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Old 01-11-2018, 01:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
This one i have nothing much to say but from the look of it, the stolen vehicle has been targeted for some time already and when the time is right, it just fit in to the right timing. Could have happen to anyone who has already been targeted. (most tourist dont drive anyway)

On top of it,its night time in this case.
u dn't time aso can kena below is BCS few years ago lei & @ day time...

they shld've put up like tis kind of sign board wich i seen all ovr m'

so as 2 prevent like below tat happens & keeps happening in

...aniway, after put up the sign, seems like even crime rate worse as according 2 news i see smwhere.

sg ppl drive 2 jb ppl no drive 2 btm

bonus ,one sop lifting pix 2 see wat she steal or no? lol

Old 01-11-2018, 02:29 PM
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Hi, will be going batam tmr till Sunday. So which farm should avoid and what the rate for overnight? Can advise, thanks in advance
Old 01-11-2018, 02:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread


the standard damage increase from 600-800k to 1+ Juta?
Old 01-11-2018, 07:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Saw new salon few shops away fr MM
name some thing like ARORA.

Also few shop away fr newton there is a new MP.
Name : New Spirit

No sure "clean or dirty."
Old 02-11-2018, 02:42 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Tried this food call "Soten" from Bandung

at the new store in Utama98 food court

Not bad
Old 02-11-2018, 03:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Splitter100 View Post

the standard damage increase from 600-800k to 1+ Juta?
yeap... partially economic reasons. room rental or kosan in nagoya now also increased drastically. U barely can find kosan at 1juta in Nagoya anymore. Some ridiculously at 2.5juta ..especially those nearby Newton.

Food around newton is generally higher than compared to food outside nagoya , eg tiban and other housing area. no longer get the 20k or 10k breakfast with decent food + drink on table at newton / nagoya area.

Me and my wife use to get away with 300K or less for basic kitchen supply like cooking oil, rice 3kg, eggs 30pcs, some veg, spices and 1 whole chicken. Nowadays even spending at the morning Jodoh wet market ... around 400K and above. thats about a week supply for 2 adults.

times have changed.
Old 02-11-2018, 03:50 AM
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Originally Posted by cpython88 View Post
yeap... partially economic reasons. room rental or kosan in nagoya now also increased drastically. U barely can find kosan at 1juta in Nagoya anymore. Some ridiculously at 2.5juta ..especially those nearby Newton..
6mths ago I paid2.2j
now I'm paying2.4.

Originally Posted by cpython88 View Post
Food around newton is generally higher than compared to food outside nagoya ....
Well... Nt/Ngy to me is a tourists area. With the support of the strong rp/$ rate vendors did know they can increase the prices without worring of losing there tourist tamu.
jodoh wet market prices is fluctuating day by day. Do still get cheap veggie when supply is high.
Old 02-11-2018, 04:44 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
6mths ago I paid2.2j
now I'm paying2.4.

Well... Nt/Ngy to me is a tourists area. With the support of the strong rp/$ rate vendors did know they can increase the prices without worring of losing there tourist tamu.
jodoh wet market prices is fluctuating day by day. Do still get cheap veggie when supply is high.
All sad but true.. thus ... i always advise friends / relatives to shop outside nagoya hill mall. Go to DC Mall, BCS Mall, Kepri Mall, Panbil Mall. Enjoy the drive and sightseeing still worth and you end up spend lesser.
Old 02-11-2018, 08:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Thanks bro Nono and everyone else for contributing!

I'm a newbie who went for my virgin trip on 11-12 Oct with a couple of friends. Had posted a lengthy FR, but not sure is it moderated to be out yet. If not I'll have to retype the whole thing.

Only after my trip then I started researching, really lots of good info here. Will be going again on 10-11 Nov, hopefully I can improve and employ the techniques listed here! Already booked a massage lady I had for short time, kinda sot tio by her looks and voice. Hope she will be as good as my memory of her during that short 1.5 hours spent with her.

Thanks again everyone for your contributions!
Old 02-11-2018, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Milkbread View Post
Thanks bro Nono and everyone else for contributing!

I'm a newbie who went for my virgin trip on 11-12 Oct with a couple of friends. Had posted a lengthy FR, but not sure is it moderated to be out yet. If not I'll have to retype the whole thing.

Only after my trip then I started researching, really lots of good info here. Will be going again on 10-11 Nov, hopefully I can improve and employ the techniques listed here! Already booked a massage lady I had for short time, kinda sot tio by her looks and voice. Hope she will be as good as my memory of her during that short 1.5 hours spent with her.

Thanks again everyone for your contributions!
May bei can join. Pm me
Old 02-11-2018, 12:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Thanks for the offer bro Yourslovingly. I might take up your offer on my subsequent trip after next week. Gonna try staying in formosa and take a trip through bro Nono's footsteps and pray for a great hit!
Old 02-11-2018, 12:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread


Anyone can share what's the exchange rate in Batam now? SGD to IDR.

Old 02-11-2018, 01:01 PM
yeogeorge73 yeogeorge73 is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi Bros,

I just came back from an impromptu 3D2N trip and would like to pen down my 3rd sex trip in Batam. This trip was totally unplanned for. Basically, my girl told me she will be going to Jakarta and wish to see me before she left hehe. I decided to make a trip down as I am free. My friends warn me against going too deep. Advise heeded.

Highlights: This summary will talk about my girl who left but came back, Sri Kandy 2 , updates on Morena KTV and lastly ala carte two-way ferry ticket as low as $23 SGD worth considering.

Arrival: Took taxi to opposite Formosa money changer at 30K to change money. Rate was 11,000 after bargaining. Forex was 11,001. Lost out $1 After that walk down to Da Vienna to check in.

Girl: Upon checking in, told my girl my room number and ask her come directly. Message my girl around 4pm and she only replied around 530 telling me she will be late. To be frank, I am a bit pissed here as this is not the first occasion she is late. I then proceed to do my shopping before texting her again around 7pm to find out where is she. She told me yesterday she is drunk and overslept. I am not someone who likes to wait and was very angry at this point as she was late by about 3 hours despite the arrangements I told her. She finally arrived around 730pm.

Upon seeing her, I actually a bit black face but seeing her cheerful smile melt me a bit (haha guys) and I just told her next time dont so late. After about 10 mins of TCSS, had my first round. Service wise was similar to previous experiences and I finished her in missionary. We than proceeded to Windsor food court and watch hunter killer (not bad) at Nagoya before heading back around 12 midnight where things go downhill.

AFter some TCSS, I decided to initiate another round of sex. This time round, I decided to play some JAV porn to spice up the experience. I told her that we will simulate the sex position of the movie to make it more fun. In between sex, she keep on ask me change sex scene. First time she say because she want see penetration. I then change to a scene that focus on penetration. When the girl was doing cowgirl, I told her to be on top. She told me to watch the movie first. I then told her to give me blow job and she told me she dont want watch porn already. At this point I lost my mood already and I lost my cool as I off the porn and slam my computer hard. She then told me "you angry" I ignored her and told her lets carry on. She told me she want to go back. I was caught off guard. I calm down a bit and persuaded her to stay. "She shouted if no feel I not horny". She then dress up and left. I decieded to give her the space she needs and let her go.

My thoughts and aftermath: When she left, I was feeling quite lousy about myself as I shouldnt have lost my cool (A reminder for me).For the next 5 mins I decided to shower and decide from there. I than receive a message from her saying she not happy as I have many many want.

From my experience be it with my ex girlfirends or some working girls, this is actually my first time where I experience a girl have such response becuase I play porn. It is not as if I always play porn during sex. Just wanted to spice up the ambience but turned out negative. This is a lesson for me. I think next time I will ask permission if a girl is comfortable watching porn.

Basically I apologised to the girl. Told her I shouldnt have lost my cool, ask her to give me a chance and I wouldnt play porn. She replied telling me she is disgusted and I should watch the porn first before having sex and told me she will come tomorrow. I told her I will miss her and tried to sleep but couldnt.

Well, thankfully at around 3.30 am she called and came back my room. I was delighted to see her and first thing she told me was she was sorry. All unhappiness was gone and for the next 15 mins, I told her my desires, explain my actions and we understand each other better. Basically, she told me she left because she did not like to be told what to do and is okay with porn. I think the porn definitely contributed though and will not play it with her again. We hugged each other and she initiated another round of sex. This time round, sex was the best from my experience with her and everything I wanted to automated by her without me asking. We thoroughly enjoyed the session.

*For girls, I try my best to always use the soft approach as it is impossible to "win" guys and girls are just different. Period. That being said, I set my limits and I am firm no kind of person if I have decided.

Part 2 of this post will talk about the new joints I visited and farewell to my girl.
Old 02-11-2018, 01:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Part 2 continued....

Day 2: My girl was in my room till about 2 pm before I told her to go back home to rest and come back at 6pm. Started my exploration around 3pm and I aim to find out where exactly is yuedeng,hudie, jiyi and wu ji mentioned here before. I thought that it will be around a fame hotel and decided to walk from nagoya hill to that hotel and recee the surroundings.

As I make my way to Holiday Hotel, I saw M2 KTV nearby. From M2, I cross opposite the road and saw Martabak Har Indian food (next time can try hehe). Walking straight up, I saw "Great Masage Family". Went in to see but like nothing much and left. Continue to walk and saw the closed down foreplay building. Decided to walk the opposite direction and stumbled upon Morena KTV.

Morena KTV: It has been warned that this is a Joint to avoid but I decided to go in and explore. When I am at the doorstep, already few people very eager to welcome me in hehe. Upon stepping in the room of the booking girls, I realise that outside there is an LCD TV showing pics of their working girl.

There are about 12 girls working ranging from syt to milf. Saw one quite plumb girl in her white school uniform. Goodness me, is this even allowed lol. There is the girl with a blue shirt that caught my attention (semi syt) and I ask the papi how much. I was quoted 1.3 Juta. I just tell him 1 Juta. Without bargaining he told me ok. This has been the easiest bargaining experience I encountered so far. Find some excuse to reject the deal and off i left. As I exited the door, straight away driver came and say ok go where. Talking about organised hehe I rejected. about 2 mins later I was approached by an ojek with a ssyt sitting behind and he asked this ok? To be frank, that girl looks no older than 20 and I rate her a 7. A white and cute girl and I was tempted. Rejected him as I already have a girl and the dangers involved.

Beauty 31 Massage: This place is opposite Mornea KTV and the Mami told me that they are sister joints. This place seems to be 24 hours as it is printed on their namecards. Anyway there are only about 5 girls inside and all milfs. I enquired one and was quoted 1.3 Juta. I told Mami 800k. she was relcutant and told me 1 juta. Bargain for a while and Mami relented at 800k (lowest price I have bargain down so far albeit a Milf). At this point, a syt came out and I ask mami how much. Mami say customer already booked for 1.5 Juta. I rate the syt 6/10. I left

*I did not try the service of the joints above as it has been warned that they are places to avoid. I am just curious and reporting what I experience.

Sri Kandy 2: I cross the road and went opposite Morena to explore and stumble upon Sri Kandy 2 hehe didnt know they have a second joint. Maybe there is a third lol There are about 8 working girls there. Saw one semi syt that look decent (6.3/10). Was quoted 1.2 Juta by the Mami. After some simple bargaining, was given 1 Juta. As per before I always find Sri Kandy Mami to be more customer friendly. I left.

I begin to understand why this Hotel is so expensive. If I were to stay this Hotel, my nearby Joints would be Sri Kandy 2, Memory, Links, Mornenas and sedona further down.

Anyway I begin to walk down the hotel with the wine club hoping to find what I went to look for in the first place but sadly I couldn't. Instead, now I know where is no name, foreplay and the series of pub. A new world has opened up. I will take that.

Part 3 will talk about my farewell experience with the girl and the ala carte deal 2 way ferry ticket as low as 23 SGD.
Old 02-11-2018, 02:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Milkbread View Post
Had posted a lengthy FR, but not sure is it moderated to be out yet. If not I'll have to retype the whole thing.
I have the exact same problem a long time ago. If you are under moderation ,the number letters you are able to make in a post is limited too. Cant remember exactly how many tho but it should be around 4000 letters. After you are out of moderation,it shot up to about 10000 letter,i think...hehehe...

Have a good trip and keep expectation low for starter.


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