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Old 17-05-2020, 05:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i aldy imagine brother nono left hand hold this
I try not to use alcohol base stuff tho, as it's flammable,hehehe....for what's stated (spraying mist).

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
...rite hand hold tis abv walk ard in
Alternate way/s is to use Sodium Chloride, and what i am using were diluted ones but strong enough to kill almost all virus/bacteria on touch.

Besides sodium chloride, Chlorine dioxide would be use as well, just that it should work as a sidekick together with mask on. And at the same time works as sanitizing the mask and clothes (inside closet) when i am inside room.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
....& then he light a cigarette while waitin 4 taxi...5 mins later then tere is a human by new aticle in btm pos came out nxt day say a sinkpaorean explode at hbb ferry terminal.

no need cockvid19 to kill u....u yr ownself kill yr ownself
It is going to be a compulsory thing going to Batam with mask on at least for the next 1 to 2 years or at least till a vaccine is out which the so-called expert claim gonna take AT LEAST 1.5 years, hence why not just prepare the necessary precaution in advance.

I mean, i am gonna sterilize and "clean up" the hotel room in Batam anyway, be it covid or no-covid.

Used technology to help.

This UV lamp is wifi-controlled. Meaning i can connect it to hotel wifi, leave the room and while i am outside room, turn it on and let it run for 10 to 15mins before i step in again.

Upon checking inside the room, i will just manually turn it on and leave the room for a bit before re-stepping in again. Believe me, practically no virus will be able to survive inside the room once this "thing" runs for a mild 15mins.

Note : make sure no living thing is in the room when this thing is running, not even pets. This toy turn itself off automatically when a living thing is nearby.

Thats just for the room,turning it ever refreshing.

Save me all the trouble to even go wash the curtain, bedsheet, towel etc etc that are in the room,hehehe...thats just for the room.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 17-05-2020, 05:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Maybe u can swim to cheong there.
I look at this epidemic time period as a window of opportunity for my future trips in Batam. Imagine, the downturn in home pricing, exchange rate, fix deposit interest rate (for rupiah), more hungry girls equates better bargain/service etc etc.

Thats gonna be just my traveling to Batam.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Went over to NHM to try the noodle before the sg lockdwn. It's actually not bad & rather interesting. Not cheap.

i think all mee goreng there comes with a bit of chilli, or rather it's hw that would be cooked in their culture.
I doubt i am going back the same place to have that noodle anymore, unless i plan to impress others who happen to be traveling with me to Batam,hehehe....maybe can let those aunties/uncles try.

I woudnt mind if it's free tho,hehehe....

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
can't agree more with this when other's went off-topic, & as what u may have said before...
Just ignore...said that many times before, this is the internet world, nothing's really real except some of the provided information. The fact, most are talking about "another". Which usually leads to "he throw a stone at me"...and than i throw back, "he threw back again" and i throw back. This kind of story never ends. Not gonna those kiddy game as an adult, can imagine that kind of "game" played during childhood time?

There are just too many of such example/s all over the internet.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 17-05-2020, 10:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Believe me, practically no virus will be able to survive inside the room once this "thing" runs for a mild 15mins.

Save me all the trouble to even go wash the curtain, bedsheet, towel etc etc that are in the room,hehehe...thats just for the room.
I hate to disappoint you, and I believe your good faith, but I think you are overconfident, in this and other posts.

1) Even assuming that UV can kill all viruses in 15 minutes (who told you so? are you sure? It depends on the power of the UV radiation!), the virus who is not directly hit by the UV light (shadowed by any obstacle as curtains, sheet folds, objects etc), will not be affected.

2) The virus travels by droplets in the air. If it deposits anywhere, it will deposit also in shadow.

3) When you travel, to Batam or anywhere else, the highest risk of contact with virus is NOT in your room because some plague-spreader has left humours on surfaces (think about house keepers?), but when you stay close to people. Masks will lower the risk, but the reason you travel to Batam is not to stay in room watching TV, but because you wish to be in close proximity with girls.

I am saying that if you go to Batam, when you will be permitted without incurring quarantine in and out, all those procedures will NOT decrease significantly the risk of getting the virus. The risk comes from elsewhere.

However, in this moment I am not sure that the presence of virus is lower in Singapore or in Batam, or in my country in Europe. Nobody really knows. My point is that the risk is not really dependent on where (we lack information) but on the number of close contacts we have with people.
Peak time MRT in Singapore is maybe not less dangerous than Newton...
Old 18-05-2020, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by kbt7046 View Post
Of course not once a week, who can afford going to Batam every week. I usually go to Batam twice in 3 months. Due to quarantine requirement if travel overseas, only been to Batam twice so far this year. Last time I went there was on March 7, returned on March 12. Don't know when can I go again. Also don't know when I got chance to go again, my favorite girl still there or not.
If the circuit breaker period till 1 June does not extend again, means that spore economy will open up progressive in June to July and expected to be able to go overseas maybe in August or September.

However this will depend on the country's covid statistic and what measures it did to prevent the spread.

Spore will then have a bilateral discussion with the country garmen.

Noted msia did quite well in managing the pandemic and most likely msia will be the first country which spore will allow border crossing. However this is also subjected to whether msia allow their kastam to be open to spore or not. Their concern maybe on the dorm cases.

Indonesia on the other hand has high increases in the no. of cases, and border opening may likely drag to end of year or maybe next year.

Each country will need to open its economy within the country before allowing border crossing to another country
Old 18-05-2020, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
1) Even assuming that UV can kill all viruses in 15 minutes (who told you so? are you sure? It depends on the power of the UV radiation!), the virus who is not directly hit by the UV light (shadowed by any obstacle as curtains, sheet folds, objects etc), will not be affected.
Elaborate on the power of the uv radiation. And the shadowed by any obstacles.

Do u really know exactly how this uv radiation thing works or u just quote from a source? It's very easy for ppl to quote from reliable sources, any idiots can do it. No colorful english argument, if u insist then we no need to continue further.
Old 18-05-2020, 06:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Pictionary View Post
Elaborate on the power of the uv radiation. And the shadowed by any obstacles.

Do u really know exactly how this uv radiation thing works or u just quote from a source? It's very easy for ppl to quote from reliable sources, any idiots can do it. No colorful english argument, if u insist then we no need to continue further.
Beyond your intention, you support what I said. LOL!

Exactly because I DO NOT KNOW (neither Nono can know, I guess) what is the minimum lamp power required to kill, say, 99% of viruses in 15 minutes on the walls of a room, I warned Nono to be NOT SURE that his UV lamp can keep him safe. His intentions are good, but I warned him to be not overconfident in his UV lamp.
To be more precise, this measure depends on:
- the wavelength of the UV radiation;
- the emission power from the lamp (the actual power, which further depends on the lamp nominal power and on its gain and efficiency);
- and the distance of the surface from the source, which determines the power actually received per area unit (inversely proportional to the square of distance).
There is also the problem that higher power would be more effective to sanitize, but also to cause more damage in persons irradiated.

And about shadow, it is an obvious fact that in shadow there is no UV light, and therefore no sanitizing effect (assuming there is one). We do not need to be radio engineers to elaborate about the effect of shadow on light....
Ok, in simple words: shadow = no light. Is this clear enough?

Last edited by Black Page; 18-05-2020 at 06:48 PM.
Old 18-05-2020, 06:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

The effectiveness of this uv lamp may not be 100%, nothing is..most important is does it harm humans?
Old 18-05-2020, 07:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Lingo View Post
The effectiveness of this uv lamp may not be 100%, nothing is..most important is does it harm humans?
The UV concept although workable is not feasible as the UV radiation required ought to be sufficiently strong to destroy the lifeless Covid19 virus and breaking it into ineffective fragments. Sanitizer and ordinary soap are more effective as used in good hygiene practices of hand washing and should be complemented by usage of face mask.
Old 18-05-2020, 07:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

This uv lamp is to sanitise room... Hope Nono sifu can enlighten us...
Is the radiation harmful to our body??, thanks...
Old 18-05-2020, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Lingo View Post
This uv lamp is to sanitise room... Hope Nono sifu can enlighten us...
Is the radiation harmful to our body??, thanks...
Whatever is the type of UV lamp, you should NEVER be irradiated for more than few seconds. Think to UV lamps for tanning skin: how long you stay? and the skin cancer caused by long exposure just to sun?
UV causes damages to skin, and exposure should be always limited to short time.
Nono wrote it right: he switches it on when he leaves the room, not when he is inside.
Old 18-05-2020, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by OnlyLiveOnce View Post
The UV concept although workable is not feasible as the UV radiation required ought to be sufficiently strong to destroy the lifeless Covid19 virus and breaking it into ineffective fragments. Sanitizer and ordinary soap are more effective as used in good hygiene practices of hand washing and should be complemented by usage of face mask.
Well said!
Old 19-05-2020, 12:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
The Taiwanese boss of Formosa Hotel was well respected by all his employees, although he tends to be very strict on the hotel rules.

Over the years, he has transformed Formosa Hotel from a girl friendly hotel into a one station enjoy all service type of hotel. He has kept up with technology from time to time by providing the hotel rooms with many improvements, examples were:

News also reported that there are 3 options for the hotel management to consider:
1) Try to contact Jerry and persuade him to take over the hotel. So that the hotel continues to operate and employees can still work. It was known that this option cannot work as it was reported that Jerry had tried to borrow money from his taiwanese friend in Taiwan but was being rejected.

2) Propose to sell all existing hotel assets and the money to pay the employees salary based on years of service.

3) Since Jerry has already established a standard system of hotel operation, in fact the employee can follow the SOP to continue to run the hotel. Just need a company or individual who is willing to take over the business, everything can still run as per normal.

I was told by the Formosa staff that Jerry has appointed a local indonesian chinese from kalimantan to help him manage the business operation in Formosa hotel which means that he is the 2nd man incharge. So if this person manage to find a investor to take over the business, with his experience can help run the hotel business.

Alternatively if another hotel willing to take over the operation, Formosa can still operate..
Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I hope they can take option 3 but looking at the tourism business in Batam now, i highly doubt it could reap any profit at all.

Lots of hotel i knew in Batam were retrenching staffs. Yes, they dont take the pay-cut option becos the staff's salary were already not high. One particular hotel i knew took out 1/3 of its 100 over staffs.

Mainly shop/property owners w/o loans with bank will survive.
Latest news about Formosa Hotel

Formosa Hotel asset was finally bought over by an investor for around Rp 2.7 billion which is about sing $270,000

All former Formosa hotel employees finally received pay from the sale of these assets on Sunday (8/3/2020) night.

Very sad, which means thats the end of formosa hotel.

No more taking over and No more restructuring of hotel operation.

Taiwanese Boss spent a lifetime building up his hotel empire and brought so much fun and joy to the customers like us and provided employment for the indonesian people for the past twenty over years...

Really miss Alisan KTV - Dreaming of the good old days where we can book a small KTV room and have a few cewek to accompany you the whole night singing, drinking to your heart's content before choosing the best cewek for short time in your hotel room...

Really miss the morning breakfast - the food there was fresh and the menu always changes on a daily basis. However, would rate the spread as above average as there were lots of variety and rather complete. It was value for money for a 3 star hotel standard.

Really miss Kings Massage - Some massage cewek had been working there for many years and they were all so familiar with how to provide a good massage for me.

This is the only massage shop where I get to know and learn about the different ethnicity and culture of the cewek in king massage like batak, madurese, melayu, balinese, javanese, sundanese, minangkabau, betawi, dayak, etc Most of them came from Java and Sumatra..

Some of the King's receptionist like Ms Betua from Medan and Ms Nonong from Jakarta have been there for about ten over years and they were all very nice and friendly.

Really miss the carpet room - Nice, cosy and spacious room with plenty of room facilities given that it was just a 3 star hotel. Nice fragrance from air freshener, plenty of TV channels and many others

Excellent hospitality from the staff - The receptionists (sinta especially), the bellboy, the waiters, the cashier, the security, the chambermaid all were amazingly friendly like made you feel like formosa is your second home

The reason why most of the formosa hotel employees work there for a long time was because firstly the boss was a good paymaster. Secondly they got above market salary. Thirdly it had provided a stable employment for them. Fourthly, the boss although strict but was also kind,understanding and flexible who allowed his employee to balik kampung during festive season or personal reason.

Nowadays there was not many one-stop enjoy all service hotel left in Batam unlike in Jakarta there are many like Classic hotel, Orchardz hotel, B Fashion Hotel, etc whereby most of these hotel housed a KTV, booking joint, nightclub, massage spa and all under one roof. Some even have naked dancers at the club, topless massage at the spa and striptease in the bar..

Hopefully in the near future, the nightlife in Batam can be as exciting as in Jakarta...
Old 19-05-2020, 12:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Very hard to find a good boss.
Old 19-05-2020, 12:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Since CB, have t got chance to go back. Dono how things are. Heard many Malls all very quiet. Business very bad. Not sure about those entertaining places. Anyway, Ramadan now, let’s wait until after this virus thing is over . Damm... miss that place

Video taken about one month ago in nagoya hill mall.

Most eateries at the upper floor, some shops and cinema all closed

No exhibition at the atrium of the mall..

Now the urge of going batam is very strong after prolong period of sexless life

In spore rite now, all geylang goldfish tank shops, massage parlour, freelancer, street walkers all are unavailable
Old 19-05-2020, 01:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
All former Formosa hotel employees finally received pay from the sale of these assets on Sunday (8/3/2020) night.
Very sad, which means thats the end of formosa hotel.
No more taking over and No more restructuring of hotel operation.
Can you elaborate further? Why this means no more hotel? Selling the assets may not mean that the new investor could launch a new hotel, a.k.a. Formosa Baru?
Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Taiwanese Boss spent a lifetime building up his hotel empire and brought so much fun and joy to the customers like us and provided employment for the indonesian people for the past twenty over years...
Nobody can take this thought out of my mind, that the Taiwanese boss saw the future before others, and because of COVID closed everything to save his money.

I feel desperate as you. You really made an excellent summary of why we all love(d) Formosa.
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