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Old 01-06-2017, 10:02 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

[QUOTE=lurpsexx;16004063]Thanks to all bros for your generous advice.. yes, we're traveling from bintan resorts to batam. Land transport we only could source from indorent, as they seem to be the only taxi service from the bintan resorts area to the uban or tp. Anyone else have better advice on bintan land tpt to the ferry terminals to batam? Seem like bintan tpt is expensive, esp originating from bintan

Bro from tanjong pinang port u can also buy ticket for fery to batam telaga punggur or batu ampar.Price not sure.
Old 01-06-2017, 04:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Nulgath View Post
Ramadan in batam is drawing closer
How bro? Still thinking of going to btm this rdm?
Old 01-06-2017, 05:15 PM
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Situation at Newton and Pacific?

Dear all,

I asked this already 2 days ago, but nobody replied. I try again. Sorry to repeat.

Ramadan has just started. The first 3 days (26, 27, 28 May), when all entertainment in Batam is usually closed, passed already. The next days when all entertainment should be closed for sure will be the mid 3 days: i.e., 8, 9 and 10 June.

Is there anyone in Batam now? How is the situation NOW? I would need an update on the real situation, as I will be there in a couple of weeks.

More specifically:

1) Were Newton and Pacific really closed as expected on Friday 26, Saturday 27, Sunday 28 May? Or open anyway "secretely" accessible by the backdoor?

2) At what time Newton and Pacific are closing on these nights? I mean when did they close on Tuesday 30, Wednesday 31 and onwards?
Business as usual with closure after 5am, or did they close at 2am, as I remember it is usually required by police during Ramadan?
Please note that I am well aware of usual regulations and that they are not always enforced. I remember some days in past Ramadans when the front door of Newton was closed but the music was pumping hard and even audible from outside even at 6am...)

Thanks a lot to anyone who will take the time to respond.
I will be there in a couple of weeks, and I am anxious about what I will find, as I am sure you understand.

Best regards.
Old 02-06-2017, 01:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi Every cheongster,

I will like to ask everyone have anyone encounter any of wechat FL girls telling you her rate is :



please please don't fall into they're game and never think the girls you saw in wechat you can't get in the shop! let me tell you you definitely can find them in the shop of course they will never tell you where is the shop they work and you should know why they won't tell right?

Please don't engage them and spoil the market! once you support them the join there will slowly follow them and the rate will went up super high man, if you are so rich and want to waste your money please stay in Singapore and book the foreigner here ya

Please do not engage them.

Enjoy boking everyone!
Old 02-06-2017, 07:24 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

My best friend just tested positive for HIV. His only playground is in Batam so 100% he got it from Batam girls. I googled and realised Batam has third highest HIV in Indonesia

In Batam, brothels occupy storefronts scattered among homes, shops and bars like the PP Banana Laptop Lounge. Pimps ply their trade wherever foreigners are found. The AIDS rate in the province including Batam is the third- highest in Indonesia after Papua and Jakarta, the national AIDS commission said on its Web site. Ayu, a 28-year-old prostitute, said most of her clients are married Singaporean men and not all practice safe sex. ``Sometimes the customer does not want a condom,'' she said, her purple eye shadow sparkling under neon lights. ``I cannot force.'' Like many Indonesians, Ayu uses only one name. Koh said the government works with activist groups to educate men before they get on the Batam ferry. Those efforts include handing out condoms and HIV prevention information. ``There's this huge reservoir of people who are HIV-positive and may not know,'' he said. ``Once someone knows they're positive, typically they change behavior.''
Old 02-06-2017, 09:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

anyone going tonight ? i'll be staying till sun
Old 02-06-2017, 11:57 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
I can't even take part in the competition
You no need to join the competition, one new can win you as you are almost at the top of a pyramid.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Raining is actually a good thing from my personal perspective. Last year during Ramadan time when I roam Batam,it was also raining inconsistently. There were times when there are blackouts too, which is even better.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Dear all,

Ramadan has just started, but the first 3 days, when all entertainment in Batam is usually closed, passed already.
Other than the 1st 3,mid 3 and last 3 days,the rest of the other days should be quite normal,other than the part that they would still be closing earlier than usual. Every year will more or less be the same yet at times quite different due to "police play thief and the thieves rob others" situation.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Done already, two weeks ago. I am even more proactive than you
I learned my lesson in my last trip, its always better to be early than late and a good patience goes a long way. Its afterall a school holidays , whereby many Malays from Singapore and Malaysia would also travel to Batam (both countries having school holidays on June).

Exchange rate is relatively quite good during Ramadan too,hehehe...something I noticed during my last 3 Ramadan years in Batam.

Originally Posted by Heil Hitler View Post
Hi bros, understand that batam city hotel has it's own massage parlor. Able to advise if you can call the masseur to your room or does the massage need to be done at the parlor? TIA
Yes, you can call the massage girl to your room for most hotel with in-house MP. Just that during Ramadan, they wont be in their uniform.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 02-06-2017, 12:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Trenz View Post
How bro? Still thinking of going to btm this rdm?
Yea,i'll be going & around the same date as u. Already booked our rooms & transportation would well be arranged by the hotel.

I'll be test-driving the few indo chinese gals from Medan/Kalimatan since they won't be affected by ramadan.

Originally Posted by m600 View Post


please please don't fall into they're game and never think the girls you saw in wechat you can't get in the shop! let me tell you you definitely can find them in the shop of course they will never tell you where is the shop they work and you should know why they won't tell right?

Please don't engage them and spoil the market! once you support them the join there will slowly follow them and the rate will went up super high man, if you are so rich and want to waste your money please stay in Singapore and book the foreigner here ya

Please do not engage them.
Thx for the warning bro. I may still be new to the btm scene,but from reading this thread, i would know btm's ST cost around 200k to 400k & a HJ cost abt 100k to 200k (200k is for full nude or full roaming). Thx to our TS.

Why'd i want to pay 2 juta for an 8hr LT when ktv PRCs/VBs cost only 2.5 juta to 3.5 juta? Pretty much a common sense thing. Only those who can see "the emperor's new clothes" when he is in fact naked will pay those

My last mth's trip at a MP is 100k for 1.5hr massage & 300k FJ (80k/hr).

My humble sharing.
Old 02-06-2017, 01:50 PM
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Re: Situation at Newton and Pacific?

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Dear all,

I asked this already 2 days ago, but nobody replied. I try again. Sorry to repeat.

Ramadan has just started. The first 3 days (26, 27, 28 May), when all entertainment in Batam is usually closed, passed already. The next days when all entertainment should be closed for sure will be the mid 3 days: i.e., 8, 9 and 10 June.

Is there anyone in Batam now? How is the situation NOW? I would need an update on the real situation, as I will be there in a couple of weeks.

More specifically:

1) Were Newton and Pacific really closed as expected on Friday 26, Saturday 27, Sunday 28 May? Or open anyway "secretely" accessible by the backdoor?

2) At what time Newton and Pacific are closing on these nights? I mean when did they close on Tuesday 30, Wednesday 31 and onwards?
Business as usual with closure after 5am, or did they close at 2am, as I remember it is usually required by police during Ramadan?
Please note that I am well aware of usual regulations and that they are not always enforced. I remember some days in past Ramadans when the front door of Newton was closed but the music was pumping hard and even audible from outside even at 6am...)

Thanks a lot to anyone who will take the time to respond.
I will be there in a couple of weeks, and I am anxious about what I will find, as I am sure you understand.

Best regards.
Book joints all closed but can access by back door easily...Bunga mummy said opening time 9pm but can access by back door to view and book...Btw not much girls at the moment...
Old 02-06-2017, 05:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
Pricing very affordable as all under S$2.00!

Even in Jakarta I also can find street side burger stands selling under S$2.00.
The burgers i posted were considered as western food,hehehe...and as the saying goes, local food were cheaper.

You should try this one, I think its around 12k or was it 13k rupiah? Cant really remember but definitely cost no more than 15k,i think. Some more come with a few pieces of chicken feet and a bit of mixed chicken meat. I didn't know what bakso looks like until my last trip when my girl ordered something from this store,hehehe...a well-cooked instant noodle that gives out a nice scent.

Oh,on local food ,their curry puff was fabulously delicious too. At 3k each,hehehe...once a while,I will use that to tip the hotel's security guards and receptionists. A box of 5 pieces cost 15k and it can feed many,hehehe...yet they taste good.

*Tipping doesn't always need to be in the form of cash.

2 of it is enough to fill me up and will take 3 if I am really very hungry. Most girls can only finish 1 (unless they are also very hungry),hehehe...good for snacking too.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 02-06-2017, 06:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

seeking bros help- where is princess massage? am staying at formosa...
Old 02-06-2017, 07:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
Book joints all closed but can access by back door easily
Thank also you for taking the time to reply. Actually, I am asking about Newton and Pacific closing times.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Other than the 1st 3,mid 3 and last 3 days,the rest of the other days should be quite normal,other than the part that they would still be closing earlier than usual.
I know. That's exactly my question to anyone on site: what's happening now in these days at Newton and Pacific? Are they closing earlier than usual at 2am, or at 6am as usual, regardless official recommendations?
In the past, I have seen both cases.

Also reply by PM will be welcome. Thanks!
Old 02-06-2017, 07:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Kampung Bule still operating as per norm yea?

Heading in tomorrow (Sat).
Old 02-06-2017, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Ferry tickets can get on the spot at jetty. Many counters there. Price should not be much diff.

Sorry can't advice much on bintan land transports as you know you are in the resort area, and taxi sure to be expansive. Try ask your resort service counter about the market trip. As they are using van or minibus. It should be cheaper then taxi.

As for Batam side.(from Punggur)
Taxi to Jodor about 100k

If you can walk out of the carpark and willing to wait of the Orange Angkot you pay only 15k/pax

If you can wait even longer...
There is a regular Aircon bus plying between Punggur and Jodor should cost you 4k/pax.
Hi bro, thanks very much for your invaluable advice.. I'll try this out and see how long it gets from bintan resorts to batam.. cheers!
Old 02-06-2017, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by lurpsexx View Post
Thanks to all bros for your generous advice.. yes, we're traveling from bintan resorts to batam. Land transport we only could source from indorent, as they seem to be the only taxi service from the bintan resorts area to the uban or tp. Anyone else have better advice on bintan land tpt to the ferry terminals to batam? Seem like bintan tpt is expensive, esp originating from bintan

Bro from tanjong pinang port u can also buy ticket for fery to batam telaga punggur or batu ampar.Price not sure.
Thanks for your advice bro.. appreciate it..cheers!
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