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Old 20-06-2017, 10:16 AM
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Any bros care to share any WeChat contacts in batam.
Old 20-06-2017, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by XXLCat View Post
Thanks for the update... think I am going to have a try...
A5 lease ended
Move and rename
Old 20-06-2017, 12:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by A+++ View Post
Any boss can advise where to find indo chinese at batam joint?

I've been there few times but I'm always lone ranger so there isn't much I could explore. I'm planning to go over since my last trip has been a year ago Miss the spas over there & hopefully get to find indo chinese this time.
i also want to find indo chinese hehe

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I really cannot understand why some people keeps on seeking IndoChinese in Batam...
If you like Chinese, I would say: stay in Singapore (provided that you cannot move to HK or PRC easily).

2) I love Chinese girls! Well, with all due respect, IndoChinese are mostly very ugly. Protruding chin and crooked stick are common. The last girls who flash my attention in Batam are the IndoChinese.
(but there are the Singaporean Chinese who are a totally different story... Too bad my chances with them are ZERO)
bro sometimes need to change taste hehe. Indo chinese seems more conservative and hard to find, and they are in the want-to-bonk-list
I don't mind if ur an normal mature lady, looking for a regular sex partner - Part II

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Old 20-06-2017, 01:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
good to go?
23/6 fri no
24/6 sat no no
25/6 sun no no no
26/6 mon no no
27/6 tue no
28/6 wed yes
29/6 thu yes yes
Just asking, one week after raya so fast the girls back from home town meh? Thought usually must wait about one month before they get poor and come back to work???
Old 20-06-2017, 02:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BenZQ View Post
Can i know the market rate for hj / fj so won't get chopped. Thanks!
I use 100k HJ and 200k FJ as a benchmark in Batam,yet not persisting on it so that I could get VAS (value-added services) if the girls ask for more money. The girls will almost always quote a higher price than i bench-marked; usually double and at times even tripled if i ask the girl "how much".

Anything with a middleman in between your deal with the girls/, pricing will always be higher than its norm. Eg, booking joints,KTVs etc.

Originally Posted by Trenz View Post
Everyone's market rate can be different online. As for my own,it would be 50%-66.7% off after bargaining over SG's prices. Every shop's girls in batam will try to quote customer SG price so it's up to u to bring tat down.

I go to a SG men's spa,usually cost $70-$80 without the special,add on special abt $50-$70. Total can come out to be abt $120-$150. In Batam,I'll be expecting around $50. Of course,i'm talking abt men's spa now.

For smaller scale & in-hotel massage shops,i do a similar comparison. Special service HJ is abt $50 & a FJ abt $100 in SG. In Batam would then be abt 150k-250k after bargaining for HJ & 300k-500k for FJ. Anything higher would be considered higher than normal for me.

There's however one thing i have to agreed with bro nono, that is the higher one pays ,there's the likelihood of a more inferior-ed service.
For any indo girls quoting a higher than in Sillypore price is forgivable becos most didn't know. But for a Sillyporean to accept those price? all really boils down to wisdom.

Batam is still the cheapest and yet nearest to Sillypore. For a simple and yet relaxing trip with some additional entertainment, Batam can still be a good choice for people like me.

Originally Posted by Trenz View Post
Just quote an example in one of my 1st few earlier trips to batam. I visited a hotel MP,the girl quoted me 500k,i didn't bargain,happy-ending ends with no roaming,no full strip off & if i want 'those' additions,i will have to top up another extra 100k+100k,so end up have to pay 700k if i wanted 'those' ++.
Many got hit by this trick over the years. Not that paying higher is not good or unfair, but its more on the girls attitude of work. Once the girls earned enough from her 1st deal. The next following customer suffers.

An example : During all 3 CNYs,girls were known to quote me 300k for a HJ from a few different places without backing down on prices. Meaning,its fix price,hehehe...and their attitude is, take it or leave it. I chose to leave it.

Originally Posted by Trenz View Post
Another time in the same place,same girl. I was quoted 500k again, i bargained to 200k. Again there was no strip no roam,& i have to top up 100k for roaming & another 100k for full strip. End day after all the bargaining, we agreed to a price of 300k for the same service i paid 700k for. I told her i would tip her more if her service lvl is up to my expectation as a bonus beforehand & by end of my session,due to her hardwork & the extra mile services,i tipped her an extra 50k. So my total damage for a better than my previous 700k session cost only 350k,yet with the girls going the extra mile to please me in there. I visited the same girl at same place once more before i left batam to help her remember me better with the same bargained price.

The lesson i learned during that trip was,if i wish to start with a more inferior-ed service,i should not bargain at all. I bargained for my future RTM & RTF sake. Thereafter after that eventful session,all other girls from the same shop don't cost me more than 350k anymore.
If you were to pay her 700k instead of the 350k,i am guessing you probably may not be able to see her before you left that day. She might be on leave from work for a day or 2 to go shopping,hehehe...and when her money runs out,she will be back to work.

Many years ago,when my parents worked in Jakarta,they told me companies don't pay their Indo workers's salary on a monthly basis. Instead,they pay them weekly. The reason as I was told was, they couldn't keep their salary for barely a week or so....hehehe....

That's why I often tell me friends in Batam, once I am able to understand their culture better,i will then be able to put a certain situation to my advantage. Batam is like a RPG game, my game.

Originally Posted by Trenz View Post
I don't pay more than 500k for fj & 350k for hj anymore. My usual fj cost between 250k-400k,hj cost 150k-250k. For me to pay to my maximum of 500k/350k,the girls will need to be at least an SYT below 22 & not have given birth before.

Surrounding Utama hotel's more rundown MP,i pay 100k-250k for HJ & 200k-350 for FJ.

Hotel's Palor & Men's Spa that dont provide hj packages,i pay 150k-200k for HJ & 350k-500k for FJ.

Chinese locals in batam,i pay 200k for hj & 400k for fj.

Wechat FJ i'd bargain for a flat rate of 400k. It's my last choice,so they can take it or leave it.

Those prices i talk abt don't include entrance & i'd say, it's yr ultimate call to make during yr own session when u are there.
Just remember, normal days each massage girl in most massage parlor that do special service only have about 1 or if they are lucky enough, 2 customers. Sometimes, even none (many massage shops in Batam) for a few days if luck isn't with them. Not all customers, especially hotel guests in Hotel Parlor takes up special services or at times, is convenient to ask for one.

Girls who refuse to back down,i just drop them. Reason is simple, they arent "hungry" enough. Too many girls in this trade in Batam and there will be no lack of good enough choices. I like quiet "places", no one disturbing me. No fear of disturbance, eg terrorist attack,hehehe...

A man's meat and poison theory applies.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 20-06-2017, 02:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Trenz View Post
Hi bro,how's the pricing like there at 89?


U mean Bei Long at a2 food court or Bai Long at Penuin wet market?
Hotel 89 massage belongs to same owner as First Choice.
It's set up by a friend's relative. So I know haha.
But if you want additional service, you gotta ask the girl directly but not doing it on the spot. Gotta do in-call because the management there not allowed their MP to do any erotic service. If found out, sure kena sacked.
Old 20-06-2017, 02:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by A+++ View Post
Any boss can advise where to find indo chinese at batam joint?

I've been there few times but I'm always lone ranger so there isn't much I could explore. I'm planning to go over since my last trip has been a year ago Miss the spas over there & hopefully get to find indo chinese this time.
Go to the Planet club or at Grand I, look for the Puppy there, check with them if got chinese girl or not. But price-wise might be expensive.
Agreed with BlackPage. The local chinese don't do this job, they only do mistress work haha. If u like chinese girl, might as well bonk in town (Sg), more choices and prettier. If you ever found a indochinese whom works as FL, guess the standard also not up to your taste.
Old 20-06-2017, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Makashi View Post
Just asking, one week after raya so fast the girls back from home town meh? Thought usually must wait about one month before they get poor and come back to work???
Haha don't need to wait one month lah...
The moment they reach their kampong...
Immediately they broke
A few girls that living together with me.. (don't mistaken me, same kos but no same room) aldy go and come back.
Old 20-06-2017, 04:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Not a single customers,hehehe...perfect choice for me! And i ate there comfortably...
U planning to drop yr 'bomb' on this restaurant's price tag to shock every readers here?

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
good to go?
23/6 fri no
24/6 sat no no
25/6 sun no no no
26/6 mon no no
27/6 tue no
28/6 wed yes
29/6 thu yes yes
In my honest opinion is,i'll give 3 weeks period after 21st June '17 a miss.

Originally Posted by Makashi View Post
Just asking, one week after raya so fast the girls back from home town meh? Thought usually must wait about one month before they get poor and come back to work???
Most indos after reaching hmtwn,their money seldom last more than 2 weeks,especially so during Hari Raya Aidilfitri time where everyone's almost like a santa claus. It's a time of giving for em.
Old 20-06-2017, 05:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Last weekend , went down to batam centre and saw this huge market called Pasar pasir putih , there is also spacious foodcourt . Ate there and the Kue tiao is actually pretty good. There are also mn other good food. It is also close to my hotel ,Hotel Sahid . Thou its very crowded but the place is still quite chilly, my favourite place to eat now in batam centre. Just my twocent for anyone looking for an A2 style foodcourt in Batam Centree ......
Old 20-06-2017, 06:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post

Anyone know where can i get this cream in batam??
Try hypermart at Nagoya hill or at JC mart in BCS
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Old 20-06-2017, 06:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Haha don't need to wait one month lah...
The moment they reach their kampong...
Immediately they broke
A few girls that living together with me.. (don't mistaken me, same kos but no same room) aldy go and come back.
Usually a few days after idu Fitri u can see them back. Usually within a week or 2... no more money liao
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Old 20-06-2017, 07:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I really cannot understand why some people keeps on seeking IndoChinese in Batam...
If you like Chinese, I would say: stay in Singapore (provided that you cannot move to HK or PRC easily).

1) IndoChinese are the richest segment of population. Did you notice most restaurant owners are Chinese?
=> that makes unlikely to have IndoChinese girls choosing this job in a massage joint because in need of money (this job is not the one a girl would dream about).

2) I love Chinese girls! Well, with all due respect, IndoChinese are mostly very ugly. Protruding chin and crooked stick are common. The last girls who flash my attention in Batam are the IndoChinese.
(but there are the Singaporean Chinese who are a totally different story... Too bad my chances with them are ZERO)

Lol, usually if u get Indo Chinese, they are not from Medan or local, very few, those working are usually from other parts of Indonesia like Jakarta or Surabaya
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 20-06-2017, 07:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by okai View Post
Hotel 89 massage belongs to same owner as First Choice.
It's set up by a friend's relative. So I know haha.
But if you want additional service, you gotta ask the girl directly but not doing it on the spot. Gotta do in-call because the management there not allowed their MP to do any erotic service. If found out, sure kena sacked.
Agree, that place is v clean
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 20-06-2017, 07:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by okai View Post
Go to the Planet club or at Grand I, look for the Puppy there, check with them if got chinese girl or not. But price-wise might be expensive.
Agreed with BlackPage. The local chinese don't do this job, they only do mistress work haha. If u like chinese girl, might as well bonk in town (Sg), more choices and prettier. If you ever found a indochinese whom works as FL, guess the standard also not up to your taste.
Spot on, usually they kena Bao by someone Liao, usually they have a house of their own n do a small business like small mama shop or other stuff
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

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