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Old 21-03-2019, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hmm...Goodway hotel has been fenced up, and there are plans to have it torn down somewhere this year (i heard).

Likely a new so-called super block consisting of hotels, malls, apartments and office towers will be built in this area of Batam too. The place technically still belong to the Mandarin Hotel group tho. Keeping watch as i pen this down.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 21-03-2019, 08:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
Thanks for all the awesome information in your sig nono. Up you with my low low power. lol.

I just went through most of the information under your signature.
Apologies for the late should have rate this thread 5 star instead,hehehe...i mainly come here to collect info and compile them. So most of what you read from me hereafter would be pretty basic.

1. Ready S$48, go to Harbour Front buy a ferry ticket go Batam ,take a taxi at 30k rupiah from Harbour Bay to Formosa hotel if you are staying over.

For day-tripper : Ready S$48, go to Harbour Front buy a ferry ticket go to Batam Harbour Bay, about 10 mins walk to Pacific Palace hotel and then to Octopuss spa.

2. Reach Formosa, follow map and walk around.

3. Formosa hotel itself has a KTV and MP on the 4th floor, by all means try it. Its not expensive compare to the Singapore cheapest KTV with room that has GROs butterflying around.

End of day, just take a taxi back to Harbour Bay and then home sweet home.

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
I went to Batam 2 weeks ago. 3D2N. Stayed at Hotel Bahoi. It was a solo travel just for fun. It was the first time I have been to Batam.
As per my usual advise to those who are completely new to Batam. Staying in the right hotel is key to how easy and hard you can move around to find girls.

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
I was interested in booking a girl there but since I am unfamiliar with the culture there, I didn't do it. I didn't dare ask anyone there also. So the whole adventure is just food and sightseeing. Seriously, the street food here is a lot nicer than Singapore. If it wasn't because I am working in Sg, I can just live here just for the food alone. Throughout the trip, I had to use google translate. Heng google translate still can understand.
The hotel you stayed in, that area is a good place for food and shopping. There are lots of massage shop around in that area too, almost every massage shops there is clean but with the right approach (i dont speak bahasa and use google translate most time), every massage shops can be "dirty",hehehe... not knowing their language can be an advantage.

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
Anyway, I only started reading this thread after I came back to Singapore. I wanted to explore on my own first like playing game.

Nono's signature is like cheat sheet sia. lol. Anyway, I have some questions about the booking joints. Hope some of you can help me!
Sounds like a gamer,hehehe... i like gamers,especially one who has that heart to shared.

I do have quite a handful of gamer friends in Batam, shared before,hence i replied (and not becos of points and power in the forum).

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
1) When I enter the booking joints, what's the whole process like ah? I know I am asking a bloody noob question but all I have been doing is Wechat and FL dome 1. Never ventured outside before. Is it like the receptionist is the OKT or what?
Most newbie might get a culture shock when they 1st entered a booking joint,hehehe...during my 1st year Batam trip, one of the "punishment" to newbie/s who joined me in my Batam trips were to enter any booking joint alone and collect a name card from one of the papi or mami w/o booking a girl,hehehe...

When i 1st visit a booking joint, due to the language barrier, i wasnt able to communicate with the papi/mami but yet they welcome me like i am some VIP,hehehe...but i dont know why at that point of time,i would get this feeling that if i am going to step out of the joint w/o a girl from their shop, i will be "eaten alive",hehehe... i dont feel comfortable...not one bit.

Basically, i just ask the price, bargain a bit, pay up once price is right ,collect their shop's name card and go (if no name card,ask for papi/mami's number). They will usually send the girls to my hotel room on my designated time. The name card is for in case they didnt come on time. Yes, its a pay 1st and later wait in room for my girl to be brought to me deal.

Alternatively ,i can also pay and collect my girl immediately. Meaning i pick up my girl immediately and then head straight for my hotel room thereafter (together with the girl i paid for).

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
2) What are the reasonable prices of SYT? I am not a cheapskate but I don't want kena chop carrot. I meant as in overnight stay until next morning.
Everyone has a different "reasonable price" and as for mine...

Weekday : 800k to 1.3 juta

Weekend : 1 juta to 1.6 juta

Public holiday : Most likely higher than weekend unless you are super regular.

Above stated were for booking joint only, not KTVs nor some clubs or pubs.

Overnight girls, usually 3 shots for those joints stated on my signature. Some carrot shop only allow 2 shots. These rules however not necessary apply to ALL booking joints i know, but only to most. Just take it as 3 shots in general.

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
3) What's their SOP like for overnight stay? How many hours or what time they stay until next morning?
There is no SOP,unlike in Singapore Geylang. After you pay up, you can either take the girl off the shop or have it send to you at your convenient time. If the shop opens at 11am, you are there 11.01am, you pay up at 1102am, the girl will be yours until her next day's working hours or until you give her the green light to leave.

(note : Most joints usually open 10am but not all girls were ready at that time,11am to 1130am should be good,unless its KTV type-of-joint)

However, some girls (especially SYTs) MIGHT play truant with you, tells you she not feeling well or simply do things that makes you feel piss-off so that you ask them to leave. Hence i usually recommend friends i knew in person not to be blind by SYTs, instead just pick those 6/10 to 7/10 girls who are young MILF or semi-SYT.

Talking to papi and mami helps too, asking them the question you just ask above.

(How many hours or what time will they stay until next morning?)

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
4) Who do you pay? The OKT at the joints or the girl? If paid the money for overnight but the girl run away in the middle of night? I am assuming LLST?
Yes, you pay to either the receptionist or the OKT who intro you the girls. As for, will the girl/s you book run or not is rather subjective. Most girls dont run when they knew they had a good customers. Joints like Helena and Morena is famous for runaway girls where you booked (and pay) for overnight.

Sometime i will ask the papi or mami if they can "guarantee" the girl i book wont run and will stay throughout the whole booking time (which is technically at 1st light the next morning, at about 7am). "Guarantee" mentioned here may not 100% foolproof tho.

Some overnight booking girls who are good or like a certain good customer can stay until 10am or longer.

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
5) All the joints that nono listed, can everyone share their experience? I want to plan my route to see which to explore first.
Take every words you hear with a pinch of salt, as the girls turn-over rate in any booking joint is on an average of once every 3 months. Meaning to say, girls move around and change around on average once every 3 months. New girls come,old girls go.

Nowaday i usually dont advise friends to visit all the booking joint in one single day as they are likely to miss the "golden timing" to book the girls. Meaning to say,by the time i plan to go back to the previous booking to book the girl i saw 30 mins ago in another joint, she may have already been book by another person (this usually happen mostly on weekends).

So nowaday if i were to bring my friends to booking joint, i only plan a route for 3 to 4 joints in a day and then leave them to decide which girl/s from the 3 or 4 they would pick. From how my friends behave, i will be able to understand their characteristic and if a certain girl is suitable (or not),hehehe...not everyone is suitable for booking joint girls as these places were catered for the oldest to the youngest customers on a general basis.

My golden advise : Keep expectation low for starter.

If all else fail, there's still KTVs (opens after sunset 7pm onward) and MPs (for test water before booking).

Originally Posted by pornfunfun View Post
6) Do the girls work on Weekdays? Weekends like damn crowded sia. Later all the good girls kena book liao, sian half.
Most girls work throughout the weeks and off only mainly when they "menses" come. Girls who has good and better booking business on weekends will usually takes off on monday (earned enough i guess,hehehe...). Girls who has better and good booking business during weekends were usually ang bai and these includes young MILF.

Girls who are ang bai dont usually get taken off the joint immediately after their customers pay up. They will be loitering around the back balcony or the "make up room",(barely be seen in the open area) to kill time and be pick later and delivered to their customer's hotel at the "right time".

Some girls in some joint/s will reject customer's booking,eg when a very young girl see the man who wish to book her is some ugly old man or they dont like a certain race etc etc (not so common tho).

I guess i have reply to the best i could, hope it helps.


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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 21-03-2019, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Chinakid View Post
Hi brothers, anyone have contact for transport to cater to 7 adults and 6 children? I Long time never go to Batam, lost all my drivers contact.
Pls chk you pm
Old 22-03-2019, 12:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by HarryPopGer View Post
Wat abt harmony hotel? nearby kanpong bule...near to places we often go. $70 budget ok? if ok, we'll settle for harmony, will book hotel nxt week or this weekend..
can, we'll book our own rm, u just book yours & your frens room will do.
Old 22-03-2019, 10:53 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

How to post photos by mobile website? There is no option to paste photos.
Old 22-03-2019, 12:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Too bad,it doesnt have a bath tub. The hotel is actually Batam Harbour Boutique hotel. But not their standard deluxe room.

(they are having some walk-in offer now)

Grand Deluxe (600k rupiah room) has a small balcony,also a smoking room. But do take note that i am only allowed to smoke at the balcony and not the basic deluxe room (500k rupiah room). Why didnt i take the 600k rupiah room but instead took the 650k rupiah one.
Recently just went btm & stay in the hotel mention by u before. Their price come down a,i'm here to update.

When i was there, there's no buffet breakfast cos i was their ONLY guest that day. But they do allow me to order breakfast via their menu for free, which i find is a pretty good deal. It's a weekday when i was there.

Not bad for a nite stay. The room is big, food is average & their MP has some young girls who just switch side from Namii which is a clean MP. The only problem is their wall power socket,can be a turn off if i'm working on my lappy.

I deliberately choose the room that face outside the bridge with occasional touring onlookers.

Because my booking girl is 'game' for it.

Not much excitement to look into in a 'normal' battlefield.

Next trip, will be next week.
Old 22-03-2019, 12:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hmm...Goodway hotel has been fenced up, and there are plans to have it torn down somewhere this year (i heard).
Too bad, it close down permanently, otherwise can go there to stay a nite.

Now,i'm thinking of Allium hotel.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
I suggest Harmoni hotel at KB...
Originally Posted by HarryPopGer View Post
Wat abt harmony hotel? nearby kanpong bule...near to places we often go. $70 budget ok? if ok, we'll settle for harmony, will book hotel nxt week or this weekend..
Originally Posted by tomssss View Post
can, we'll book our own rm, u just book yours & your frens room will do.
Hey guys, is Harmoni very near Allium? $70+ quite pricey..otherwise i might just book Barelang hotel just to be near u guys.
Old 22-03-2019, 02:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

So I am back from my trip and thanks to all bro for info.

I have some updates (non sexy stuff)

Nagoya Citywalk fun world

no longer has unlimited rides option so it can be quite expensive depending on how many kids you have and how many rides you allow them to go on. There is really very little people during weekdays which is actually a disadvantage to you because your kids will finish the rides very fast. There is no queue.

1 or 2 hours there and it is already costing u as much as going to a theme park in Singapore.

The only option now u can do is to top u the card and pay for each ride using the card. You can use the card for all the adults and kids in your family.

Nagoya Hills Hotel

It is very near the shopping center. U just walk across the road from the back of the hotel. It is good for old people who cannot walk too far. The hotel is quite good. They have Smart TV too. Only thing is you have to ask for rooms facing the shopping mall as the rooms facing the road is really noisy. Motor bikes at 2-3 am screaming at you. Light sleepers will have trouble sleeping.

Wey Wey seafood

There is now another seafood rest right beside it and the staff will fight for your business so u can ask for a discount like I did

Kids Indoor playground.

There is a indoor playground - happy kids in the shopping center itself 2nd level so another option to bring your kids. Unlimited play time so its great.

Sexy staff in next post.
Old 22-03-2019, 02:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I went to Kings Massage as recommended by brother Nono

Friendly reception and most girls are SYT. You can chose from photo.

I chose a girl that looks good in photo and in real person too. Their photo does not look like its photoshop so you should get what you chose.

Rooms and shower facilities are rundown.

I chose HJ and I did not bother to bargain so I paid the high side.

She did take out her top and I need auto roam. Nice boobs.

Unfortunately it was quite SOP and she did not put in much effort to arouse me so it was only average experience for me.

I was very tempted to try the nagoya hills hotel in room massage at only 22k but I did not get the chance. I imagine you probably could get hanky panky too.
Old 22-03-2019, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by edkoh2000 View Post
I was very tempted to try the nagoyhills hotel in room massage at only 22k but I did not get the chance. I imagine you probably could get hanky panky too.
22k of 220k?
Old 22-03-2019, 03:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

After my first visit to Batam last month, I have regularly go on solo trips. I dont have luck joining regular Batam seniors here as so far no luck receiving PM replies.

After regularly trying massaage joints at nearby DC mall on my solo trips. A gojek driver suggested I used twitter to search for girls, using tag like Batampijatplus, BOBatam, bispak bisyar etc. Basically online WG. Most want upfront deposit through bank account which fortunately I dont have. There is no way I wpuld make upfront deposit payment. A few willing to come hotel and meet up to see real person at lobby before rejecting or accepting. Dc around 600k to 1 juta per shot. If reject, give 50k if you pity them,if not,just refuse.

Kinda mundane doing solo trips, but still enjoyable when enjoying Batam ladies. Wish to have more luck joining Batam regular cheongers and bros here. Anyone care to let me join your trips?
Old 22-03-2019, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Myhorizon View Post
After my first visit to Batam last month, I have regularly go on solo trips. I dont have luck joining regular Batam seniors here as so far no luck receiving PM replies.

After regularly trying massaage joints at nearby DC mall on my solo trips. A gojek driver suggested I used twitter to search for girls, using tag like Batampijatplus, BOBatam, bispak bisyar etc. Basically online WG. Most want upfront deposit through bank account which fortunately I dont have. There is no way I wpuld make upfront deposit payment. A few willing to come hotel and meet up to see real person at lobby before rejecting or accepting. Dc around 600k to 1 juta per shot. If reject, give 50k if you pity them,if not,just refuse.

Kinda mundane doing solo trips, but still enjoyable when enjoying Batam ladies. Wish to have more luck joining Batam regular cheongers and bros here. Anyone care to let me join your trips?
For me too bro. They don't care about low reputation point holders. They think we are not genuine. 😔
Old 22-03-2019, 07:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Too bad, loved to stay at GoodWay Hotel, always loved the nearby Sports massage for a proper massage b4 having my lunch at Indo Rasa. The ayam pinyet at the roadside near the goodway hotel at midnite is solid.

Loved the path mentioned by nono1973 , always manage to get a good one even when it's late ( maybe bcoz I dun mind gals not being SYT, etc … have more fun more important )

KTV … no luck ….. went there twice to Billard Center, fully booked on fri n sat ….

Wasted the Dynasty near Allium down and Alisan not that good compared to Billard. Looking forward to Formosa new building …. looks like it shops and hotel ?

Too bad no chance too to learn from the pros here. Shd be very fun lol.

IS the opening time still 11 am ? Coz the last time I went there, the mama told me it's now agar agar 1 PM … is it really that late ?
They löök good from far BUT they are FAR from Good
Old 22-03-2019, 08:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Shall come back to you on a later date...sorry, at work now.

Still remember those were the days and those days that i bring u chiong in batam and good to see now that you are on your own with all the lastest information. unlike me too not updated liao.


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Old 22-03-2019, 09:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thanks Nono for the awesome information.

Yea I share whenever I can.

I have a hectic schedule and also because of the nature of my occupation so I usually can't play much, sadly. I have to go solo.

Okay. I got a clearer idea of booking joints.

You mention KTV and MP. Are there "dirty" KTV and MP? I am more interested in bringing girl up to my hotel.
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