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Old 01-07-2016, 03:52 PM
fde83 fde83 is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Letting bros know (even thou most already known by now) but no harm in reminding everybody here. This sunday thru wednesday all night life (pub/ktv/massage place/booking joint) will be close (last 3 days of ramadan) 7 July everything are back to normal. I cant wait for this moment to end. Im looking forward to my trip this coming mid July after a very slow month in June. Thanks
Old 01-07-2016, 10:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Only 1 shop remained open in Centre Point, the electronic shop.
Hehehe...come to thinkof it, are right. Only one shop left. The HP shop i think moved already.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Thanks brother Nono's tips for the value for money of membership card of Formosa hotel..
Honestly speaking,for my case the saving isnt significant yet. I am currently at "Farming" stage for more things to come with that membership card thingy in hope by then they (Formosa) still honor their end of the bargain as I have planned further...hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
1) Get % discount from king massage, KTV and Restaurant
Whether have % discount for KTV or not doesnt matter becos i still get Gold card % off with or w/o having one,hehehe...

I rarely eats in Vienna restaurant itself unless its free and occasionally i do drop into Tea Story or order their room service food. (Their Japanese Curry rice was good!)

But the massage will be an entirely different story if i reach Gold Card level. When i get to gold card level,i wont be just sticking to the normal type of massage and i wont be staying in Formosa hotel to get the offer,hehehe...not going to elaborate further now (it will be in another later post).

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
2) Free night stay after accumulated a certain points
This is an eat the pig and pay the dog situation from my point of view. I think works better with the same marketing. Well,at least one doesnt have to be bind to staying in one named hotel all the time. One can stays in other hotels when they book via,accumulated the points and eventually get a free room stay.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
3) Cheaper room rate than KAHA and hotel booking web-site on weekday/weekend
Yes,but only applicable for deluxe room. Thats why its not attractive to me. I am still bargaining with them for better rates on other room types for my future trips,hehehe...

In one of my summary,i was talking about getting a better bargain for a certain "other room type" in Formosa Hotel. Already got it,but Kaha still offered me better. I am working to get them to re-define their room and at better rates to oust their competitors. They have a good advantage over many things in their field of business and many a time they put themselves in such bad position which they didnt even realized it. And i am trying to help them understand some of those points that should work towards my own future advantage of course,hehehe...

In the past before the free membership took its place today,they have this pay 400k rupiah and get a 450k voucher for the membership.Which is already a good enough promo for the hotel on a one time thingy.But it is still afterall a one time thing, I told them that the promo will eventually died off becos of the lack on "sustainability". They want members,becos they are looking for Regulars. But with that promo,they are not creating regulars to come back again,becos like i said previously,its only a One time thingy (they are just creating one time customer/s). Privileges for members simply werent attractive enough. If they want "members" to become regulars, then they have better add more prizes for being one.

Of the 50 over friends I knew in Batam from this forum,how many actually goes back to stay in Formosa again? I would say no more than 20% becos I don't encourage them to,hehehe....i dont stay in Formosa all the time too.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
4) Late check out - this is important as you need not rush to check out after you had a heavy lunch and can take your time to check out slowly..
With or w/o the membership,i am still able to check out very late. Later than the latest stated time for member,hehehe...its just manners and being considerate to keep them informed that i will or will not be checking out late. Or if i have friends with me,i will usually check out earlier and move to my friend's room (or my friends moved to my room) ;and return them their room/s so that other guest/s can have their room/s on time.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Although free transport to ferry terminal and free upgrade of room and free laundry is not that important to me...
Free upgrade is nothing for me,free laundry...well...maybe can try next time to help my girl wash her clothing (extra perks w/o extra cost,hehehe..)

Now free transport to ferry terminal is an entirely different story compared to the above free room upgrade/free laundry. Knowing my methods of travelling well enough,it could also mean in MY FUTURE TRIPS to Batam,i MAY NOT NEED to pay for taxi fare anymore. And this is one of the offer i find attractive in. There has been talks about how cheap one pays for transport in Batam,or how expensive one pays for it. I believe nothing can be cheaper than FREE,hehehe...well,unless i can earn extra money when the taxi driver brings me to where i want him to bring me to (that would be cheaper than free).

(i got free transport from Hotel to ferry terminal twice before free membership promo came about during some experimental test)

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Many small discounts from this little special offer can accumulate to become a big saving in the long run.
The discount currently adds up can equates to free movies for 2 w/o the popcorns (maybe plus a small meal),hehehe...but i think i may be a little greedier. Hopefully my "boat" don't capsize,hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
If you are comfortable with this hotel which brings you a lot of good exciting memories, and you have already treated it as your "second home", then quickly get it now since it is still FOC..
To me,all their given perks can add up to become quite a substantial reward ,provided if I can turn it to become my needs. Definitely way beyond just the movie tickets for 2 pax and a meal.

Just sharing.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 02-07-2016, 03:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Honestly,i think the Batam girls gonna like this one,hehehe...after the movie,can play Tarzan and Jane back in the hotel room,hehehe... (just imagine you are in a big room,like those junior suite type in some of the more popular Batam hotels,hehehe...)
The movie is in nagoya hill mall today.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Example : An apple from the same tree that usually cost S$0.50,selling at S$2.00 at the same place,probably only those who didnt know its S$0.50 will buy it at S$2.00. Those who pays S$2.00 for a S$0.50 apple most likely wouldnt be here as those who has been here already knew the apple cost S$0.50 there.

Just a personal perspective.
Most ppl will pay $2 bcs their home country is selling the apple @ $2.50 & more. Abt 1 year later cm back here to kpkb tat btm's apple sellin at $3+ when last time only sellin $2.50.

It's like a trend if u read the threads in the forum frm ard 8 yrs back.
Old 02-07-2016, 03:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Honestly,i think the Batam girls gonna like this one,hehehe...after the movie,can play Tarzan and Jane back in the hotel room,hehehe...
Ahahah! All those who know you in person are ROFL
That picture in my mind is simply FANTASTIC I want to see you beating your chest and jumping on the girl

Last edited by Black Page; 03-07-2016 at 02:00 AM.
Old 03-07-2016, 12:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by censored
Hi Bro

I am heading over to batam on a solo trip next week thur to sun.
Can you give me some tips because I do not know the way booking well. I have tried booking once, and it did not turn out well. How to ensure that the girl will stay till the next morning? How is it you get to sent the girls over to the hotel at 5pm?

I have soo many questions but wouldn't want to disturb you too much.

Last question, would you like to go on <censored> july for a impromptu trip to batam?
Thank You
Originally Posted by censored
Hi Bro, I like to ask if you have some guides for people who still like to have fun at Batam with out the FJ that I read on your guides? Have you meet any bros who went on the trip with you and just looking for some HJ or sex arousing fun? ( Safe Fun )

If you are going to Batam after the Hari Raya holiday,below is something you guys can reference to (thats only if you think you are new to Batam) :

It should answer most of you guys's questions.

For more in depth reading (basically all my trip summaries from 2014 to 2015) :

For latest 2016 summaries,please refer to my signature.

If you are going during Ramadan,do note of the below (one month before Hari Raya Holiday or 1st few days after it) :

All the above should answer most of your questions and those you guys have not asked.

Have a good trip and do enjoy!

* i have chosen to reply you with your name/s censored (privacy reason/s) becos it is important that you read to find out answers on your own,especially the very basic ones. Otherwise you may not be able to remember them. I do not mean any offense,just what i find most appropriate on the need to see a "more complete" answer/s.

**above were for the newcomers,intermediate Batam cheongster may wish to follow the thread or read back.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 03-07-2016, 01:54 PM
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Smile Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Letting bros know (even thou most already known by now) but no harm in reminding everybody here. This sunday thru wednesday all night life (pub/ktv/massage place/booking joint) will be close (last 3 days of ramadan) 7 July everything are back to normal. I cant wait for this moment to end. Im looking forward to my trip this coming mid July after a very slow month in June. Thanks
I am at batam today 3rd July. Pacific staffs told me disco still business as usual for them ley not sure bout other night spot or entertainment outlet though. Going Pacific disco tonight
Old 03-07-2016, 02:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Now that the Ramadan period is coming to an end and Hari Raya is around the corner I will explore Batam around the mid of this month or later.
I have been told to lower my expectations in terms of ladies when visiting Batam previously.
Now I would like to venture slightly further.
Where is a good place to books girls who are above average in terms of looks and service?
What is the recommend price to negotiate with in order not to over pay?
Thank you!
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Old 03-07-2016, 03:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by RINTF View Post
I am at batam today 3rd July. Pacific staffs told me disco still business as usual for them ley not sure bout other night spot or entertainment outlet though. Going Pacific disco tonight
Its open? Good to hear bro, anyway have fun and as always stay safe since its coming close to lebaran.
Old 03-07-2016, 11:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Jackpot shops in the shop houses has started to open up one by one again. So far 3 places that I know of is the one beside sinar bulan, ocean level one (peniun), ex indoor badminton court behind the petrol station opposite bcs (peniun) . The rest should open on 7 July 2016.

Btw just sharing some happy news. Bought 1$ big 12p 0848 today and won 1k for 2nd prize (opened 8804). 0848 I got this number from France vs Iceland match no. from sgpool.. Just in time for the coming long weekend
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 04-07-2016, 12:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Jackpot shops in the shop houses has started to open up one by one again. So far 3 places that I know of is the one beside sinar bulan, ocean level one (peniun), ex indoor badminton court behind the petrol station opposite bcs (peniun) . The rest should open on 7 July 2016.

Btw just sharing some happy news. Bought 1$ big 12p 0848 today and won 1k for 2nd prize (opened 8804). 0848 I got this number from France vs Iceland match no. from sgpool.. Just in time for the coming long weekend

Congrats, time to spend and more FR!!
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Old 04-07-2016, 12:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi Bros,
I was in Batam staying at Pacific from 1st to 3rd July with one my Friend. It was tough looking for good girls as most of them went back to their kampong for Raya. My usual OKT also run out girls and tried his best means to get us girls by calling other OKT.

First day, 2 girls came by the name of Rini and Mey. Rini was taken by my Friend and Mey being the girl I took before stick with me. As usual took a couple of drinks at hotel and went to Golden Prawn for dinner. Thereafter, proceed to Last Pub to listen to Rock music. Came back hotel, have a couple of sessions then slept. At around, 5:30am Mei claim she was not feeling well and insist that she need to go back. Do not want persist the arguement, I told her to leave. There was a hidden agenda for her to leave where I only realised very much later!

Yes! I suppose, she smartly open the save (somehow knowing the password number) when I was in deep sleep and stole 100 sing dollars. I only realised during breakfast where I count the money in my wallet. Since, I don't have a concrete evidence, I kept quiet.

Second day, my Friend extend Rini. I was looking for girls thru my agent and it was really hard. Finally one girl arrive to my room. She is totally not from my OKT as my OKT said it was thru contact to contact. Third or fourth party. This girl never came alone but she come with a muscular
guy. He demand 1.5 million plus 100k for his petrol. I paid him. He left.

I had 1 session with her. In between the session she do not want to give BJ. I told her I will tip her if she does. She agree and BJ was given.

Same thing, went to Golden prawn and last pub. This 2 girls were missing from time to time saying need to go toilet. I suspect, they are taking some kind of drug. Face and the actions they did was quite strange.

Telling my Friend something fishy. We decided to leave the Pub and proceed back to hotel. Reaching only 5 mins in the room, bell rang. Open up the door and saw this muscular guy again. He started creating commotion that the girl need to leave and threaten / demand me to give Singapore money. I never agree, he started hitting me. I try to defend but due to his physique I lost. Shouts began and due to the sound my friend came to my room. Try to stop him but he get more violent. He only stops when the hotel security came to our help.

This muscular guy, by the name of Marine (came to know his name thru my regular OKT later) insist 130 sing dollars for forcing the girl to perform BJ. He also told the security that I hit him first. The girl support his statement. I was frustrated.

My Friend do not want to persuit the problem further, he request me to give the money he want. I gave 100 dollars and my Friend gave 30 dollars to him. Marine and the girls left the room.

The hotel security ask me to report the matter to police as he saw I have swell on my forehead and cheek. I told him it's ok, going to police have to go hospital for checks and so on and forth. A Long procedure.

I believe strongly in Karma and be very sure that he will be punished and the girl will be cheated by others.

So Bros, be careful in taking girls from OKT whom you don't know or girls on pub. It happened to me and do not want our Singapore Bros to go through the pain I went through.

BTW, if anyone knows this guy call Marine who is staying in Nagoya, stay away from him and his girls..

Thanks for reading.
Old 04-07-2016, 01:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
Hi Bros,
I was in Batam staying at Pacific from 1st to 3rd July with one my Friend. It was tough looking for good girls as most of them went back to their kampong for Raya. My usual OKT also run out girls and tried his best means to get us girls by calling other OKT.

First day, 2 girls came by the name of Rini and Mey. Rini was taken by my Friend and Mey being the girl I took before stick with me. As usual took a couple of drinks at hotel and went to Golden Prawn for dinner. Thereafter, proceed to Last Pub to listen to Rock music. Came back hotel, have a couple of sessions then slept. At around, 5:30am Mei claim she was not feeling well and insist that she need to go back. Do not want persist the arguement, I told her to leave. There was a hidden agenda for her to leave where I only realised very much later!

Yes! I suppose, she smartly open the save (somehow knowing the password number) when I was in deep sleep and stole 100 sing dollars. I only realised during breakfast where I count the money in my wallet. Since, I don't have a concrete evidence, I kept quiet.

Second day, my Friend extend Rini. I was looking for girls thru my agent and it was really hard. Finally one girl arrive to my room. She is totally not from my OKT as my OKT said it was thru contact to contact. Third or fourth party. This girl never came alone but she come with a muscular
guy. He demand 1.5 million plus 100k for his petrol. I paid him. He left.

I had 1 session with her. In between the session she do not want to give BJ. I told her I will tip her if she does. She agree and BJ was given.

Same thing, went to Golden prawn and last pub. This 2 girls were missing from time to time saying need to go toilet. I suspect, they are taking some kind of drug. Face and the actions they did was quite strange.

Telling my Friend something fishy. We decided to leave the Pub and proceed back to hotel. Reaching only 5 mins in the room, bell rang. Open up the door and saw this muscular guy again. He started creating commotion that the girl need to leave and threaten / demand me to give Singapore money. I never agree, he started hitting me. I try to defend but due to his physique I lost. Shouts began and due to the sound my friend came to my room. Try to stop him but he get more violent. He only stops when the hotel security came to our help.

This muscular guy, by the name of Marine (came to know his name thru my regular OKT later) insist 130 sing dollars for forcing the girl to perform BJ. He also told the security that I hit him first. The girl support his statement. I was frustrated.

My Friend do not want to persuit the problem further, he request me to give the money he want. I gave 100 dollars and my Friend gave 30 dollars to him. Marine and the girls left the room.

The hotel security ask me to report the matter to police as he saw I have swell on my forehead and cheek. I told him it's ok, going to police have to go hospital for checks and so on and forth. A Long procedure.

I believe strongly in Karma and be very sure that he will be punished and the girl will be cheated by others.

So Bros, be careful in taking girls from OKT whom you don't know or girls on pub. It happened to me and do not want our Singapore Bros to go through the pain I went through.

BTW, if anyone knows this guy call Marine who is staying in Nagoya, stay away from him and his girls..

Thanks for reading.
I fully sympathise with your ordeal and sorry for hearing of your injuries sustained bro. Hope you recover well and gain from elsewhere the injustice received.
However, i also feel that your okt who got you the girls should help you seek justice as it was him who got you the girls. If he doesn't do anything, then he isn't fit to be an okt or someone you should engage or trust. For all you know, he could be in cahoots with those girls and that guy named Marine. To me, he is responsible for your welfare and plight when he agrees to look for you girls.

It would be better to look for a more trustworthy okt in future. My well wishes to you bro, and have a speedy recovery. Good luck and hope you gain back your losses in other ways.
Old 04-07-2016, 01:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by winphenom View Post
I fully sympathise with your ordeal and sorry for hearing of your injuries sustained bro. Hope you recover well and gain from elsewhere the injustice received.
However, i also feel that your okt who got you the girls should help you seek justice as it was him who got you the girls. If he doesn't do anything, then he isn't fit to be an okt or someone you should engage or trust. For all you know, he could be in cahoots with those girls and that guy named Marine. To me, he is responsible for your welfare and plight when he agrees to look for you girls.

It would be better to look for a more trustworthy okt in future. My well wishes to you bro, and have a speedy recovery. Good luck and hope you gain back your losses in other ways.
Hi Bro Win,

Yes, it is true from what you said. When telling my OKT, he seem not to bothered much. His attitude towards this matter, makes me doubt him too!

Thanks for comfort word. I really need this. Appreciate it with my heart..

Old 04-07-2016, 02:22 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by winphenom View Post
However, i also feel that your okt who got you the girls should help you seek justice as it was him who got you the girls. If he doesn't do anything, then he isn't fit to be an okt or someone you should engage or trust. For all you know, he could be in cahoots with those girls and that guy named Marine. To me, he is responsible for your welfare and plight when he agrees to look for you girls.
I feel differently,i feel tis is the best time to post the photos of those girls instead of wat's previous posted,better still the okt 1. Not forgetting the girls were in cahoot w the okt in tis one 4 sure.It's ramadan,this thread has warned all b4. It's his choice of fun. Hwever,i feel the need to compliment him 4 his willingness to share honestly so as to warn others against Rini,mey/Mei & Marine. I bet there's no namecard or contact frm okt,marine frm previous okt.

Tat's hw i feel.

$100 stolen frm own hotel safe,got whack by unkwn okt,paid extra $130 over the 1.5m+100k,lose face in public & a spoiled trip. Bro donkan hav had a bad enuff day. Hope he gets well soon.
Old 04-07-2016, 02:44 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by donkan View Post

I believe strongly in Karma and be very sure that he will be punished and the girl will be cheated by others.

BTW, if anyone knows this guy call Marine who is staying in Nagoya, stay away from him and his girls..
& the girl's name? The 1 frm marine?
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