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Old 10-01-2017, 09:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

As it's your first trip, I would suggest that you pay a visit to Happy8 which is nearest to your hotel, then head to Utama area where there is at least 6 joints, mostly within 5-7 mins walk to each other. By then, it's likely that you would already have got your girl. The bro above had already covered the way to walk to the joints, so I won't repeat. I really encourage that you read the first 2 pages of this thread as nono had filled in a lot of useful info.

Why walk then?

Everyone can pay a taxi driver to bring him to booking joints. I'm going to assume that you can't speak much Malay. Booking a taxi driver a day is likely to cost you cheap2 at least 200k. Then, just by taking a taxi to these joints and actually book a girl, you incur another 100k-200k in commission to the driver. And, at the end of they say, I bet you will still not know how to get to the joint on your own, despite being 200k-300k rp out of the pocket.

... to add on ...

If you do decide to go Gold Bird, don't forget "The Link" and maybe Memory KTV. (OK, I take back Memory KTV. That joint is a waste of time.)

Last edited by miumiu6464; 11-01-2017 at 12:08 AM.
Old 10-01-2017, 09:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

WALK la. they are not far from each other, just that since you are 1st timer, you might have a hard time finding them. But they are easy to spot. Walking can help you familiarize the route in future.
Old 10-01-2017, 11:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
I read it as he wanted to visit these joints, but after failing to find out their locations, he just posted here with the joint names in random order, asking for help.
In his first post on this thread,he asked abt the validity of page 1 & 2 info (he reads). In his next post,u will realize he asked for the opening & closing hours of the joints he listed that he'd plan to go. He knew abt the joint's location (or at least read abt it),but probably didn't know which to hit first (or go last) & didn't know hw he could bring himself there (he noticed nono's guide didn't have opening & closing hr of respective joints,again he reads) ,though he didn't state that part clear. Afterall, he says it's his virgin trip.(probably didn't make it there during Sept/Oct 2015)

Above is hw i define that he has at least read most parts of nono's guide. He put in the effort. It's also why i decide to reply him. Yr post help to jumpstart him to be more travel efficient,my post gets him to decide on his own.

Just like my reply to him below, pointing him to the direction to seek answers to his own question, with minimum suggestion to alter his original plan.

My previous post - , also replying him in near similar way.

Originally Posted by hornist View Post
If i get a taxi driver, do i need to pay him after visiting since he will be getting commissions from the joints?
This will depend on yr negotiation with the taxi driver. Anything is possible in btm.

Take some time to read bro localbest & bro nono's btm transport postings :

Combine them both to give yrself a better idea for the question u just ask.

It'd be yr choice to make when u are there.
Old 10-01-2017, 11:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
When I go Batam to buy an apple and pays for it (even at a low price),i am not doing anything not-good. When I go batam to buy an apple and not pay for it,now that's not-good. I still fail to understand why some human still sees prostitution or engaging the service of a prostitute as something dirty, something evil...hehehe...the theory of one kind of rice feeds a hundred,or perhaps thousand kind of man applies. Cultural difference,i guess.

My own illustration ; perhaps one day someone with another perspective might say buying an apple from the Nagoya Hill Mall's Hyper Mart supermarket is a dirty-doing and is a very evil thing to do,hehehe...

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Prostitute aka whore & sexual-service provider are afterall NOT considered as a form of human beings to SOME who engaged their service. They cannot go hungry,they can't feel pain,should have no emotions,& not suppose to be born by mothers. Whereas those who were in other professions other than prostitution & engaged their services were MORE humanly than them?

Ironically,base on almost all the FRs written in sammyboy forum,samster who engaged services from whores who spread their legs willingly for sm quick bucks do demand some level of GFE from them,didn't they? GFE stands for Girlfriend "Feel" Elements. DFK stands for deep french kiss. I see those abbreviation mostly in something called Field Reports aka FR all over the forum.

Buying apples in nagoya hypermart is neither dirty nor evil,those who have such thoughts most probably were.

Old 11-01-2017, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Leoric View Post

It'd be yr choice to make when u are there.
OK, I didn't read in-depth. Sometimes, I can be the one who read just to clear unread posts. My bad.

To bro hornist

Just as you are trying to familiar yourself now before embarking on your virgin trip, don't stress yourself over it. You're on holiday. It's alright to make some mistake here or there. I'm sure many keyboard warriors here made mistake too. Me too. Just recognise it, and never repeat it.

... to add on ...

I just reread your reply to hornist, and notice your tip about massage joints vs KTV joints and the sequence to visit them. Interesting tip. Will best that in mind when I next visit fantasy island.
Old 11-01-2017, 12:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

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Old 11-01-2017, 12:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Nothing to do,since i have no trip summary to write on Jan 2017 (and i have just finish my yearly summary for 2016), so decide to look into another area of Batam. I remember i visited some of their Batam local's home before and i asked them,how much their house cost them,they gave me some answers which i couldnt quite comprehend but today,i manage to get some clue on it,hehehe...

A very basic home,not very expensive.

And then i took a step further and dig in more and found the below.

It gave me a rough gauge of their property pricing in the certain area and its types. Seriously,i arent interested to buy any properties in Batam nor rent one at this point of time. I just happen to chance upon it,dig in a little and who knows i may need the information in the future,hehehe...

Hmm...Nagoya Mansion is renting their apartment for 6 juta per month.

In my last trip,i have already paid (not exactly physically paid tho) nearly 2.5 juta for a 3 night stay. I am thinking,if i were to stay in Batam for 7 to 8 nights a month,wouldnt it be better that i rent a room there? (that is if i really do that,hehehe...)

Hmm...maybe in my next trip,i may go ask around out of fun...hehehe...and give those taxi drivers something to do.

Another unit for rent that looks pretty neat.

...and pretty affordable for all Sillyporean huh? Hehehe...

Now i am curious again,how much will Formosa Residence cost in terms of rental (or sale)? Hmm...may take at least 5 years to find out the final truth. (the last i heard,around S$92k+)

Just some digging in for curiosity reason/s, hehehe...if Tua Pek Kong allows it,may buy 1 or 2 of them for the fun of it.

Again,i talk only. Please ignore me if you do not like to read.

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Old 11-01-2017, 06:46 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
GFE stands for Girlfriend "Feel" Elements.
Nope: Girl-Friend Experience, opposed to PSE (Porn Star Experience)
Old 11-01-2017, 07:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Try OWE.

NONO will like this.
Old 11-01-2017, 10:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
For first timer,if u stay in the right hotel area,it's really hard to fail unless u are ultra picky on girls,or be expecting the best of the best which won't happen unless goodluck is with u.

Right hotel area mention in my post here don't mean BCS that side. It's at Nagoya area or anywhere within 5mins around Formosa.
Seriously,i tink nono posts aldy mention b4 mani times liao, sm newbies jus chose nt 2 read. If 1 were 2 stay at the rite pl durin the beginning of their trip,even if they break their own 2 legs also can find nice-enuff girls. (break own 2 legs is i say 1,my own words )

Like tis kind of situation where the spoons w juicy pussies aldy reach up 2 their lips, hw 2 fail? unless he go btm 2 choose wife or luck really miserable. Till today still got newbies wan 2 try 2 step & jump on landmine 2 test if they can see

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
U read, u could win,u don't read,u might have to come back here to pretend u win. Help is always available here in this thread if u willing to read.
cannot agree more.
Old 11-01-2017, 12:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

This morning My girl said something like...
Police found drugs in L***'s BAG
L***'s arrested so Beri can't open...

[11/01 08:14]: L** mau dibawah polisi didalam brk L*** ada narkoba jdi beri tidak blh buka
[11/01 08:15] : Didalam bek L*** ada narkoba jadi L*** mau ditangkap polis jadi beri tidak boleh buka

Looks like Beri wouldn't open for a while....
Old 11-01-2017, 05:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...go kick your door.

So,you will be there huh? *prepare ang bao*
yes,will b tere but i wn't b in same rm anymore.

pm me wen u tere.

amg bao i have many many but all empty 1, u want?
Old 11-01-2017, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
This morning My girl said something like...
Police found drugs in L***'s BAG
L***'s arrested so Beri can't open...

[11/01 08:14]: L** mau dibawah polisi didalam brk L*** ada narkoba jdi beri tidak blh buka
[11/01 08:15] : Didalam bek L*** ada narkoba jadi L*** mau ditangkap polis jadi beri tidak boleh buka

Looks like Beri wouldn't open for a while....

Girl said : ...NB girls can't work again
Ah-Long bankrupt.

I asked: "You mean. beri's girl all left. Ah-Long bankrupt"?

She replied : yes, Ah-Long bankrupt, can not pay her girls.
NB Can't open again..
K(her friend ) return to JKT.

[11/01 21:34] : .....anaknya gubar tak kerja lgi along bengerap
[11/01 21:45] : Maksud Anda. gadis semua meninggalkan beri. beri bangkrut
[11/01 21:56] Iyah ama along bengkerap tidak bisa bayar anaknya
[11/01 21:56] Beri tidak blh buka lgi
[11/01 21:57] K***** plng kejakarta

Look like New Berry will become history.
Old 12-01-2017, 01:06 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post

Girl said : ...NB girls can't work again
Ah-Long bankrupt

Look like New Berry will become history.
Oh...... No...........
Old 12-01-2017, 01:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Cantthinkofany View Post
Hi. Can someone roughly tell me how's the scene like in Batam during CNY?
It will roughly be Christmas eve + New Year eve add together,if i am to reply you.

Originally Posted by Cantthinkofany View Post
Is the cost for all gonna be expensive? Crowd wise I'm sure gonna be packed. Need some advise.
Most things regarding sex will be price up between 20% to 100% up for a period of around 10 to 14 days starting CNY eve. Its that time where OKT's knives will be at their SHARPEST over an entire year,hehehe...its also the time where the Foreign workers from Sillypore beats Sillyporean,Malaysian Bule and Arabians hands down in terms of paying for girls. Ever heard of more than 2 million rupiah girl in booking joint in this thread before? You will see plenty of such during CNY,hehehe...those cute cute SYT girls.

Its also the time where i can hear many stories and get to see many running girls too (mostly happen to the foreign workers),hehehe...and the BEST ever time for me to evaluate most booking/massage joints in Batam too. Girls took up to more than 5 booking in a day,OKT dont entertain complain,refund etc.

As for the crowd,if you have been in Batam during any of the New Year eve or Christmas eve, simply add both together. Horizon ferry usually adds around 50% more ferry trips to cater for the enormous crowd between Sillypore to Harbour Bay (and vice versa back to Harbour Front) over the last 2 years on CNY eve,the 1st and 2nd day. This year round,it is link with a super long weekend. I cannot imagine what kind of masses Batam Center will be like on that 3 days,hehehe...

The rest,i would suggest you to read my summary links on my signature.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Tell her I have a regular masseuse that does the same but only charge me 200k. Counter-offered her, and surprise that she accept it. Through out the session, she kept trying to get me to pay her more. In the end, pay her 200k + 20k for ojet.
Good. I did the same about a year plus back,the thing is it was my booking girl who got me the girl,hehehe...the girl who is suppose to come to my room asked for 350k for 2 hour massage,i tell my girl to ask her not to come unless it is 200k for 2 hours. In the end she came for 200k for 2 hours but she only do less than 1.5 hour massage,citing the deal was for 200k for 1.5 hour.

She is a nice lady,did a full 2 hour good and with all smile and becos of her non-argumentative good attitude,i tip her an extra 50k for her job well-done. I even ask for round 2 the next evening too,hehehe...

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
In case you pointed that out as me trying to keep her from the public, I did reveal her name and joint to 2 bro's here. The rest, they need to read my hints and explore.
Reminds me of what i am already doing.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
No offence meant, please. I don't see anyone having a go at NoNo for not revealing where this "Chen Yu Yun" is working (she's out of this job already, by the way) nor for not revealing where his secret garden is. For your info, "secret garden" by itself is already a subtle hint.

Be lenient with me please. I'm just encouraging newbies to explore and share here.
I shall reply you in a more jovial manner : (with the below)

为师一个打一百几十个,是很平常的事,但是我低调我不说 。

我的如来神掌多厉害,因为我低调,我也不说 。

Translate :

"I alone could pit against a few dozen people in a fight and its just a norm thing,but i kept myself low profile (and humble),and dont speak it out loud!!

My Buddha's palm skill is how powderful and how powderful, becos i keep low profile and still wont say it out !!!!! "

Want to know how powderful? Click on the spoiler button below to know.

But be warn tho,about 15mb data if your click it.

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The above joke was an illustration. And i am trying to imply is, if i tell you no one has ever try to take a bite off me in this thread over not revealing my secret garden publicly and the chen yuyun look-alike (and other celebrity-look-alike), would you believe me? I will say,try reading this thread again,hehehehe....

If its not becos my 如来神掌 (buddha's palm) 很厉害 (is very powderful), i would have been smash to dust a long time ago and no longer existed here,hehehe... *a just for laugh illustration*

My heart is at peace during my every posting (otherwise i will choose not to post at all) and my conscience is clear in my every Batam trip.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

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