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Old 19-02-2009, 11:28 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by bonk88 View Post
as long as in PRC twon, surch can hear or see u....hahahah
you dont know meh , he is PRC killer , from CP, CA ,SZ HK TW

为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。
Old 19-02-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by SexKing972 View Post
Good News , 浪琴岛酒店全面改革
Due to our Taikor GTO make some request . the management agreed and this is the main changes with immediate effect.

1、在龙岛会,金龙岛,新天虹消费(沐足和桑拿)都有凭房卡享受最低9折。且新天虹可以房费全免 , 桑拿房费全免 。
( hotel guest will get 10% discount at the SPA , and free room and sauna for fews SPA )

2、8:00-18:30凡去长安镇内可以享受免费车送。世纪之花、东方魅力、天地无限、集安等也可以且有需要的可以提前 预订有我们酒店专人带去。免加收任何费用,所以不要担心第一次去会被人K。
( free transportation within CA city area )

3、我们酒店6:00-20:30每半小时一班车去HK机场,票价单程200,包车(7人坐商务车)直达1050RMB起,中途需 要换车的950RMB起,HK机场来我们酒店也有直达车,可以先和我们咨询.
( HK airport transportation with special rate )

4、凡住浪琴岛豪华商务房(无DVD)238,精英商务房(高F软床,有DVD)的268,可以享受月累计 10送一的优惠,年累计15送一,。且此价格(含双早/天。含20元/天洗衣不累计,含欢迎水果), 凡不需要享受免费送房的可以238升级住268的房间.

( all upgraded room with DVD with special price and breakfast and free laundry service )

其他的优惠也可以打电话咨询我谈,且公寓长住房6000元起。(有单间,一房一厅,两房一厅)。我们会不断 的改进,还有如不享受早餐和洗衣的优惠,价218RMB。单身公寓也是218RMB , 房间全面提升。


( free room for all regular guest )

马上联系 Miss Wan : 13480083086

Remark : all guest from singapore and malaysia will get special treatment
this is special request by GTO.

How come no discount rate to Shenzhen airport?.... those on tiger air... no lobang.. hahahahah....... if got sponsor air tix to shanghai better stilll.. hhhha overall.. i think the price of room still on the high side compared to others as others has dropped their rate alot..
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Old 19-02-2009, 07:36 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hi bros
I am flying to guangzhou airport by tigerairways on Feb23 and staying in Dongguan area till Feb25. I wonder any brothers going to ChangAN on these dates?

Any bros would like to meet up, kindly pm me.We can always talk over a nice coffee and party...

Old 19-02-2009, 08:51 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

while a group of bros enjoying CA now, i am stuck at the suckland...
Old 19-02-2009, 08:52 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by CookiesMonster View Post
Bro - still have openings?
Sure, just PM you.. call my mobile to get the room number..
Retiring soon...
Old 19-02-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by GTOKING View Post
Bro , can I join !
Sure Sifu.... when you coming again? is it May? We should party again in CA... hahahha...cheers...
Retiring soon...
Old 20-02-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by bonk88 View Post
as long as in PRC twon, surch can hear or see u....hahahah
Looks like you're still using your antique notebook.
Old 20-02-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
Looks like you're still using your antique notebook.
As usual...
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Old 20-02-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
Looks like you're still using your antique notebook.
Originally Posted by Maitong Kit Mak View Post
As usual...
what to not as rich like your.....

Old 20-02-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by fuc_99 View Post
while a group of bros enjoying CA now, i am stuck at the suckland...

your day is coming today! , why sucks?
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Old 20-02-2009, 03:34 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by McLovin@@ View Post
Oh man bro Shinn_asuka, I was staying at royal century hotel during my previous trip in SZ and damn the place is pretty value for money in my opinion. Took a package for the Japanese styled rooms, rate was like 288/night, comes with bathtub and breakfast for 2.Sweet

Went to the ktv beside the hotel, the ktv name's boom time night club or something, least thats what it says on the namecard... Small room starting from 900 rmb, medium at 1200, somewhere along those lines. Didn't get to see the line-ups as had kc with me, but damn the dj we had was hot ... Oh yea the sound system and mic over there's awesome as well, makes me sound like Jacky Cheung, the best out of all the ktvs I've been to in SZ.

Also did hit the hotel's sauna for 1 night, here's pretty much how it went. Headed over and told the receptionist I wanted a foot massage, but was informed that the place only does full service. Heck, since here already just give it a shot. So I was whisked off to a room and the manager explain to me the rates n everything, ok so far so good. Then the manager started calling in the lineups.

First up was the models cat, jesus man the girls sucked to be honest...all they had was height, the faces were pretty cmi. Didnt help that it was late at 2am...then i asked for the 500 dollar cat, supposedly girls below 20 and fresher....turned out I looked younger than them... Called in the rest of the lineups...very dissapointing. In the end, I just went for the best-looking one out of the lot, rest was sop. Soapy massage on waterbed and the erotic stuff they did on bed that has more patterns than badminton. Only noteworthy thing was the pole dance thingy, where the girl changes to a black outfit that reminds me of an erotic version of catwoman (minus the mask) and starts grinding the pole. Was attempting to stifle my laughter throughout the pole dancing keke...

Anyways maybe i went during the wrong time of the day, glad bro shinn_auska enjoyed his sexxion though. For now I'll stick to my regular fix at Kindlion sauna in buji town.
You're right, the hotel is really value for money. I would definitely go back to stay there for my trips in SZ. As for the KTV, i never tried it out. But from your FR, the sound systems are quite good. Maybe i'll give it a try for my next trip. But how's the chick selection? If not good, i may just go for the hot DJ you've mentioned haha.

As for the spa, you should go earlier. By 2am, most of the nice chicks would be booked.

By the way, how's the Kindlion sauna which you regularly visit? I'm always seeking out new chiong place in SZ. Cheers!
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Old 20-02-2009, 07:23 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by shinn_asuka View Post
You're right, the hotel is really value for money. I would definitely go back to stay there for my trips in SZ. As for the KTV, i never tried it out. But from your FR, the sound systems are quite good. Maybe i'll give it a try for my next trip. But how's the chick selection? If not good, i may just go for the hot DJ you've mentioned haha.

As for the spa, you should go earlier. By 2am, most of the nice chicks would be booked.

By the way, how's the Kindlion sauna which you regularly visit? I'm always seeking out new chiong place in SZ. Cheers!
Yea bro I like the chick selection at Kindlion sauna, the concept there's pretty much the same.. Girls divided into model and non-model category (not much diff imo cept height-wise maybe), damage is around $538-$588 and +$100 more for model. Shuang fei +$200 but never tried before though keke. Last time i went, there was this gorgeous hubei model with huge knockers. Didn't help that I'm a sucker for looks, her melons were just icing on top of the cake, needless to say, left the place an extremely sextisfied man . I gotta say though, the rooms are not as good as the ones at the royal century hotel's sauna, definitely smaller. Bro Shinn_asuka, if you wanna give this place a shot, call this person 邓主任 at 13689507787 just to ensure that you get the cheapest rate possible and also make sure there're enough chicks available.

I just recalled another sexxion at the sauna at Century Kingdom Hotel. I'll just briefly describe this one, Room's very spacious and nicely decorated, mirrors on the ceiling, with a lcd tv that has porno channels. Girls are divided into model and non model cat as well, difference is $200. Total damage is $890 - $1090, expensive imo...same goes for the hotel rates 532/night last asked. Service is pretty much the same, the girl will perform a dance routine for u though (in her birthday suit and no pole here). Chick selection is pretty decent so yea worth a try if you can look pass the price.

For ktv lovers, It's worth trying 罗马ktv in buji town, rooms are cheap at $600, decorations are decent however the chick selection can be a hit or miss affair. Girls are seperated into those that can go out and those that can't, unfortunately the latter group usually consists of the better-looking ones. You never know though, might get lucky.

To end if off, there's this ktv in LuoHu called 金龙玉凤 which is currently my fav. Why is it so? Because this ktv has friggin 400 girls that you can choose from! Previous time buddy and I went there, we cycled through at least 200 girls before choosing oh yea, needless to say some of them are hot enough to make you jizz in your pants the moment you lay your eyes on them. Not sure if all the girls can be taken back, but we did tell the mummy that we wanted to tabao and we sat through a beauty pageant of over 200 girls, so yea basically you're spoilt for choice there. Price-wise, the place is more expensive than outskirt ktvs, at $1200 for small and $1500 for med if I recall correctly. Girls are at $300 for sitting tips and $1200 if you wanna bring back. Heard that on days with better business, the mummy will ask for $1500 if you wanna tabao. The place also has a lounge area, to view performances and stuff. They got some interesting acts at times (acrobatics, snake etc). I'll upload a few pics of this place.

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The room

Old 21-02-2009, 03:15 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by McLovin@@ View Post
To end if off, there's this ktv in LuoHu called 金龙玉凤 which is currently my fav. Why is it so? Because this ktv has friggin 400 girls that you can choose from! Previous time buddy and I went there, we cycled through at least 200 girls before choosing oh yea, needless to say some of them are hot enough to make you jizz in your pants the moment you lay your eyes on them. Not sure if all the girls can be taken back, but we did tell the mummy that we wanted to tabao and we sat through a beauty pageant of over 200 girls, so yea basically you're spoilt for choice there. Price-wise, the place is more expensive than outskirt ktvs, at $1200 for small and $1500 for med if I recall correctly. Girls are at $300 for sitting tips and $1200 if you wanna bring back. Heard that on days with better business, the mummy will ask for $1500 if you wanna tabao. The place also has a lounge area, to view performances and stuff. They got some interesting acts at times (acrobatics, snake etc). I'll upload a few pics of this place.

From outside
Kudos to your FR! Need more bros to post more SZ cheong places. Sometimes damn lazy to go to other cities due to long day at work.

Guess this 金龙玉凤 KTV is out of reach for me unless going with a group of bros. I know what you mean when you say you can jizz in your pants after seeing those hot chicks. There's one instance when I was loitering around the streets of Luohu in the wee hours to kill time before the Luohu border opens up for business in the morning. Yes I'm a 流浪汉. Saw a damn hot PRC chick while crossing the street. Dressing like KTV girl. Till now I still can't forget this beautiful creature. I've never seen that kind of quality 9.5/10 in CP or CA. 10/10 = 仙女.

I guess the top brass works where the big money is. Eg. SZ, SH, HK, Macau, etc. Just my personal opinion.
Old 21-02-2009, 08:05 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
Kudos to your FR! Need more bros to post more SZ cheong places. Sometimes damn lazy to go to other cities due to long day at work.

Guess this 金龙玉凤 KTV is out of reach for me unless going with a group of bros. I know what you mean when you say you can jizz in your pants after seeing those hot chicks. There's one instance when I was loitering around the streets of Luohu in the wee hours to kill time before the Luohu border opens up for business in the morning. Yes I'm a 流浪汉. Saw a damn hot PRC chick while crossing the street. Dressing like KTV girl. Till now I still can't forget this beautiful creature. I've never seen that kind of quality 9.5/10 in CP or CA. 10/10 = 仙女.

I guess the top brass works where the big money is. Eg. SZ, SH, HK, Macau, etc. Just my personal opinion.
Sounds good.I like 仙女 type of MM.Its really fortunate to be able bonking them.This juicy FR making my dido hardening sia.
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Old 21-02-2009, 12:19 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

does anyone know how to go from shenzhen to changAn, by bus , or car, how much to pay it, i will there soon, i knew here. million tq
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