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Old 02-11-2014, 05:05 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Went to china for 4 nights, initially wanted to just spend one night in danshui to look see look see on 2nd night. In the end, spend 2nd and 4th night there(not to mention lotsa travelling here and there). Just wanna say, most gals that make the cut to me mostly come from cp. It seems the originals cannot make it in my eyes at least.
Btw, can any kind bros recommend good 沐足 and body massage in danshui? Standard no need to meet qian zu ge, but like yihao where the 技师 are young and rather pleasant and good looking. No need happy endings, just to have a good time to massage and enjoy some eye candy.
Old 02-11-2014, 06:41 PM
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Re: Danshui KTV

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post

Beer is BUY 2 FREE 1.
Drinks price about the same as Changping KTVs.

That's good news about the free beer promotion
Old 02-11-2014, 11:18 PM
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Arrow Danshui KTV/Massage Parlour

Originally Posted by tymc View Post
Just wanna say, most gals that make the cut to me mostly come from cp. It seems the originals cannot make it in my eyes at least.
Yes the hostesses that come from Dongguan are more sophisticated and better groomed.
After removing make-up whether originals or not also same lah!

Originally Posted by tymc View Post
Btw, can any kind bros recommend good 沐足 and body massage in danshui?
There're many along Kaicheng Avenue 开城大道.
The stretch of road where New Regent Hotel 新丽晶大酒店 is located.
Old 03-11-2014, 12:35 AM
panado panado is offline
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

here's my field report on my third visit to the famous 皇朝 KTV in Legend Hotel, Danshui (淡水 丽景国际花园酒店)

A quick recap on my first two visit in the same week.

My very first visit, on a tuesday (28 October)

it's an amazing first visit. The KTV venue wowed me, I think it's better than Ouya and Yihao in ChangPing.
I took a 山东 girl who's 1.7+ metres tall (i love tall, slender girl) and she took my heart. I was also impressed by many other tall, pretty girls i saw in the line-ups.

My second visit, on a Friday night (31 October).

It was Halloween but i saw zero festive decors and no-one was dressed in costumes. My buddies who came early got some very pretty girls. I arrived late at 11pm and I only get to see a few girls in the remaining line-up.
Apparently, while the KTV has 400+ registered girls, only 250+ to 300 girls show up for work every night.
there's three levels of KTV and not all girls go to every level.
As there are many customers, good girls get taken up really fast.

Nonetheless, my brudders sat a HK girl, who eventually was "player-transferred" to me in the end. She is as equally tall as my earlier 山东 girl, less northern-chinese model-like face but the more sultry, seductive kinda look.

in short, the 山东 girl took my heart but this HK made me fall in love. more about her in my third-day field report below.

in this week that's ending, I'v visited this 淡水 danshui 皇朝 KTV 丽景国际花园酒店) THREE times

my first two visits on tuesday and friday nights were great, memorable.
However, my third visit yesterday turned out really disappointing.
Well, it was a saturday night so we expected more girls with better quality. we showed up early, got a bigger, better room with seven of us Singaporeans.

The line-up yesterday (Saturday) is terrible. Very few girls and most are not good looking. It was a stark contrast to Friday's and Tuesday's lineup.

There's two other rooms with five and three singaporeans each, i visited both rooms to hang out for short whiles... so i get to check out what girls were there.

Our theory was this - there was a raid at another danshui KTV the day before (friday), so some girls panicked and didn't show up for work on saturday. Can't verify this theory because the mamasans say that the better looking girls were just snatched up and pre-booked earlier.

(1) there's 7 of us Singaporeans. We took room 281, we were earlier promised we can get a third level KTV room (where the premium rooms are) but the KTV girl (my 山东 girl) whom i tasked to book the KTV room failed to get one.
Nonetheless, the room 281 was a bigger and better decorated room than other level two rooms

(2) total KTV billing is 3870 RMB, we were given two DJs so we tipped 2x 300 + boy tip of 100. total expense was 4370, after splitting equally, it's roughly 640rmb per person.

the bill was slightly higher than expected because one of our new brudder brought his own whisky and the corkage charge alone was 600RMB

(3) seven of us guys but we only had nine girls (due to the lack of good choices)
I didn't pick any girl as there's none that i liked... i sorta sat alone from 8pm till 11:30pm until my HK girl came back from her dental visit to Hong Kong (i spent friday night with her, she left at noon on saturday to go for her afternoon dental visit in Hong Kong, then rushed back late night to work in this KTV)
Originally i wanted to try new girls but since there's a lack of choices and none of the girls available meet my tastes, i was so glad that the HK girl came late and came straight to sit with me.

(4) while the girls weren't as good, our brudders did have good fun. Brudder Risis sat two very spunky girls with playful character, we played three guys Vs three girls tag team dice games etc.
Penalty for losing was to drink whole jugs of whisky mixed with beer, it tasted horrible and one can get high or drunk drinking this way. true enough, one of the spunky girl got really high and danced very seductively in front of everyone.

(5) i was pre-occupied with my HK girl after she arrived (i am sooooo in love with her) that i didn't notice that four of our guys disappeared.
My guess was that they brought the drunk spunky girl to have an orgy session in one of the room, well i didn't ask and they didn't tell (yet)

the remaining two other brudders were eager to go back to room to fuck as well and asked me if they could pay first and go off.
I didn't have enough cash in my wallet (and i didn't carry a credit card)
Wanted to go downstairs to draw cash but my HK girl volunteered to pay first for everyone using her bank card.

shame on you guys lol !!!

How can we singaporean cheongsters let a HK girl pay our KTV room bill?
anyway, now she has a nickname in our group - we called her sugar mommy.

(6) a detail i missed out in my 2nd field report for friday KTV session - Risis and his two brothers are really good at playing games with girls and making them drunk. they made my HK girl really drunk before she started hitting on me, when i took her back to my room, she was really quite a goner. She was giving me a blow-job halfway thru then she fell asleep. lol. i made her drink a lot of plain water and we slept for two hours ( i was fairly drunk myself) before i woke up again to fuck her. it was good sex but i was sorry coz i felt as if i was raping her because she wasn't that ready for sex.

so last night, she came late after her Hong Kong trip, she didn't drink much and we made love in quite an awake manner.... AND IT WAS ONE OF MY BEST SEXUAL EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE!

she gave great GFE the entire night. after sex when we fell asleep, she would hug me tightly the entire night. in the morning because of the sun, the room was heating up, she pushed me away because it's too hot to hug. i went to turn the air-con really cold and she started hugging me again. So this is one new neat trick i learnt.

as i started to do my third round of sex, i switched off the air-con to make the room a little hot and stuffy and she sweated like crazy.

Try playing this trick with the air-con, i think it works beautifully with the right girl.

OK.... so the week has ended and I look forward to cheong in this Danshui KTV again.

I'm based in China (usually Beijing) but i come down every month to south china for work. I can cheong as often as every other week in a month (sometimes i could cheong as often as every week)

so if you intend to cheong this place, pls PM me with your wechat contact, i'll try to join or organize coz i wanna see my hong kong girl more often.

I'm so in love now....
Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)

Last edited by panado; 03-11-2014 at 11:10 AM.
Old 03-11-2014, 02:03 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Nice FR. tks

Originally Posted by panado View Post
here's my field report on my third visit to the famous 皇朝 KTV in Legend Hotel, Danshui (淡水 丽景国际花园酒店)

A quick recap on my first two visit in the same week.

My very first visit, on a tuesday (28 October)

it's an amazing first visit. The KTV venue wowed me, I think it's better than Ouya and Yihao in ChangPing.
I took a 山东 girl who's 1.7+ metres tall (i love tall, slender girl) and she took my heart. I was also impressed by many other tall, pretty girls i saw in the line-ups.

My second visit, on a Friday night (31 October).

It was Halloween but i saw zero festive decors and no-one was dressed in costumes. My buddies who came early got some very pretty girls. I arrived late at 11pm and I only get to see a few girls in the remaining line-up.
Apparently, while the KTV has 400+ registered girls, only 250+ to 300 girls show up for work every night.
there's three levels of KTV and not all girls go to every level.
As there are many customers, good girls get taken up really fast.

Nonetheless, my brudders sat a HK girl, who eventually was "player-transferred" to me in the end. She is as equally tall as my earlier 山东 girl, less northern-chinese model-like face but the more sultry, seductive kinda look.

in short, the 山东 girl took my heart but this HK made me fall in love. more about her in my third-day field report below.

in this week that's ending, I'v visited this 淡水 danshui 皇朝 KTV 丽景国际花园酒店) THREE times

my first two visits on tuesday and friday nights were great, memorable.
However, my third visit yesterday turned out really disappointing.
Well, it was a saturday night so we expected more girls with better quality. we showed up early, got a bigger, better room with seven of us Singaporeans.

The line-up yesterday (Saturday) is terrible. Very few girls and most are not good looking. It was a stark contrast to Friday's and Tuesday's lineup.

There's two other rooms with five and three singaporeans each, i visited both rooms to hang out for short whiles... so i get to check out what girls were there.

Our theory was this - there was a raid at another danshui KTV the day before (friday), so some girls panicked and didn't show up for work on saturday. Can't verify this theory because the mamasans say that the better looking girls were just snatched up and pre-booked earlier.

(1) there's 7 of us Singaporeans. We took room 281, we were earlier promised we can get a third level KTV room (where the premium rooms are) but the KTV girl (my 山东 girl) whom i tasked to book the KTV room failed to get one.
Nonetheless, the room 281 was a bigger and better decorated room than other level two rooms

(2) total KTV billing is 3870 RMB, we were given two DJs so we tipped 2x 300 + boy tip of 100. total expense was 4370, after splitting equally, it's roughly 640rmb per person.

the bill was slightly higher than expected because one of our new brudder brought his own whisky and the corkage charge alone was 600RMB

(3) seven of us guys but we only had nine girls (due to the lack of good choices)
I didn't pick any girl as there's none that i liked... i sorta sat alone from 8pm till 11:30pm until my HK girl came back from her dental visit to Hong Kong (i spent friday night with her, she left at noon on saturday to go for her afternoon dental visit in Hong Kong, then rushed back late night to work in this KTV)
Originally i wanted to try new girls but since there's a lack of choices and none of the girls available meet my tastes, i was so glad that the HK girl came late and came straight to sit with me.

(4) while the girls weren't as good, our brudders did have good fun. Brudder Risis sat two very spunky girls with playful character, we played three guys Vs three girls tag team dice games etc.
Penalty for losing was to drink whole jugs of whisky mixed with beer, it tasted horrible and one can get high or drunk drinking this way. true enough, one of the spunky girl got really high and danced very seductively in front of everyone.

(5) i was pre-occupied with my HK girl after she arrived (i am sooooo in love with her) that i didn't notice that four of our guys disappeared.
My guess was that they brought the drunk spunky girl to have an orgy session in one of the room, well i didn't ask and they didn't tell (yet)

the remaining two other brudders were eager to go back to room to fuck as well and asked me if they could pay first and go off.
I didn't have enough cash in my wallet (and i didn't carry a credit card)
Wanted to go downstairs to draw cash but my HK girl volunteered to pay first for everyone using her bank card.

shame on you guys lol !!!

How can we singaporean cheongsters let a HK girl pay our KTV room bill?
anyway, now she has a nickname in our group - we called her sugar mommy.

(6) a detail i missed out in my 2nd field report for friday KTV session - Risis and his two brothers are really good at playing games with girls and making them drunk. they made my HK girl really drunk before she started hitting on me, when i took her back to my room, she was really quite a goner. She was giving me a blow-job halfway thru then she fell asleep. lol. i made her drink a lot of plain water and we slept for two hours ( i was fairly drunk myself) before i woke up again to fuck her. it was good sex but i was sorry coz i felt as if i was raping her because she wasn't that ready for sex.

so last night, she came late after her Hong Kong trip, she didn't drink much and we made love in quite an awake manner.... AND IT WAS ONE OF MY BEST SEXUAL EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE!

she gave great GFE the entire night. after sex when we fell asleep, she would hug me tightly the entire night. in the morning because of the sun, the room was heating up, she pushed me away because it's too hot to hug. i went to turn the air-con really cold and she started hugging me again. So this is one new neat trick i learnt.

as i started to do my third round of sex, i switched off the air-con to make the room a little hot and stuffy and she sweated like crazy.

Try playing this trick with the air-con, i think it works beautifully with the right girl.

OK.... so the week has ended and I look forward to cheong in this Danshui KTV again.

I'm based in China (usually Beijing) but i come down every month to south china for work. I can cheong as often as every other week in a month (sometimes i could cheong as often as every week)

so if you intend to cheong this place, pls PM me with your wechat contact, i'll try to join or organize coz i wanna see my hong kong girl more often.

I'm so in love now....
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Old 03-11-2014, 02:23 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Originally Posted by panado;

(5) i was pre-occupied with my HK girl after she arrived (i am sooooo in love with her) that i didn't notice that four of our guys disappeared.
My guess was that they brought the drunk spunky girl to have an orgy session in one of the room, well i didn't ask and they didn't tell (yet)

the remaining two other brudders were eager to go back to room to fuck as well and asked me if they could pay first and go off.
I didn't have enough cash in my wallet (and i didn't carry a credit card)
Wanted to go downstairs to draw cash but my HK girl volunteered to pay first for everyone using her bank card.

shame on you guys lol !!!

How can we singaporean cheongsters let a HK girl pay our KTV room bill?
anyway, now she has a nickname in our group - we called ...
Hope you can get the money back! maybe next time u should get 财政部长 who will collect money with arrived & pay back if any extra.
That's exactly the reason why most people do not like to Chong with strangers or people who barely know.
Old 03-11-2014, 02:59 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

My HK girl did get her money back of course the next day. Although I met Risis and his two buddies just two days ago, I trust them, so did my girl.

If not for brother Rsis, I wouldn't have known the HK girl and fell in love again. Thanks Bro!

Just found the episode really funny. Have anyone ever seen any KTV girl flash out her card to pay KTV bills while the guys just watched? Tremendously funny
Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)
Old 03-11-2014, 10:20 PM
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Wink Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Originally Posted by panado View Post
My HK girl did get her money back of course the next day. Although I met Risis and his two buddies just two days ago, I trust them, so did my girl.

If not for brother Rsis, I wouldn't have known the HK girl and fell in love again. Thanks Bro!

Just found the episode really funny. Have anyone ever seen any KTV girl flash out her card to pay KTV bills while the guys just watched? Tremendously funny
Thank bro Panado for the report. We shal be going to Danshui in December, we hope to meet you there for a session. Cheers!
Old 04-11-2014, 12:02 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Anyone know fun place in 博罗? like saunas? or one dragon service?

i go there 4 times a year till now still blur like cock dont know where to go.
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Old 05-11-2014, 06:28 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Any bros has agent in DanShui to recommend? Me and a few bros used to cheong cp and would like to explore danshui in this coming December. But have no clue at all where to start..
Old 06-11-2014, 02:15 AM
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Arrow Danshui KTV

Originally Posted by panado View Post
Just found the episode really funny. Have anyone ever seen any KTV girl flash out her card to pay KTV bills while the guys just watched? Tremendously funny
First time hear this too.
Old 06-11-2014, 03:02 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

I'm in CP area. Look like a ghost town here.

Anyone around DS area willing to let me join you guys? Never been to DS area..
Old 06-11-2014, 04:54 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

I know there's a group of eight Singaporeans going to Danshui this weekends, if you like to join them, PM me with your WeChat ID, I'll link u guys up to see if they like more company
Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)
Old 06-11-2014, 05:07 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Originally Posted by panado View Post
I know there's a group of eight Singaporeans going to Danshui this weekends, if you like to join them, PM me with your WeChat ID, I'll link u guys up to see if they like more company
Originally Posted by sheridan View Post
Hope you can get the money back! maybe next time u should get 财政部长 who will collect money with arrived & pay back if any extra.
That's exactly the reason why most people do not like to Chong with strangers or people who barely know.
Stranger is ok if all r like minded ppl? Don't pm ppl ask to join but last min MIA! It's a well known practice that money is collected upfront before the start of the party !Also there r someone ask to meet up first in SG ! Really funny these ppl, if u don't trust the samster here then go on your own lor, why need to pm? How much money can we cheat?


7 pointers and above
Old 06-11-2014, 05:21 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Now even she not on red, she still can refuse to go out and the management and mummy can't do anything...

That's how things are now. So long at the start, she say she not convienent to go out, nothing much can be done...

Dun use the past as a gauge anymore, no longer works...
Sad but this is the hard truth.
The REAL hard truth is you get more rejections than other punters. Pudgy-faced, toad-skin, squinty-eyed, 5'4" and 120kg, zero personality, all in all a Jabba the Hut look-a-like. Who wants you kekeke!

A fellow punter related to me, how in a big room in Ouya, where about 15 other bros were having a whale of time partying with multiple girls; 2 hours into the party, you were left all alone when the single mm that was sueh enough to be picked by you, made some excuses, upped herself n left. She don't even want your sitting fee. Lol.

Guess to carry on sitting with a hideous hulking creature with a sickening sour body stench emanating from the un-reachable to wash clumps and lumps and folds of lardy flesh attaching to your obscene obesity that is you is all too much for me. Lol

Hey Jabs, do you actually pity the mms you picked for the drudgery and torture they must go through when accompanying you?

Lol, take it easy bro!
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