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Old 23-08-2015, 12:56 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Recently came back from my first solo trip.. have to say i made quite a few mistakes..
The only mistake i see so far is u not following nono's newbie guide when u say u would stayed in formosa.

I hope u wn't go follow mis-leading advise in tis thread asking pple NOT to bargain. U will have to pay a much bigger price & be vulnerable to an even larger carrot chopping. Base on yr fr,u knw it yrself tat if u dn't bargain initially,u pay 60k & when u did,u pay 50k. Common sense tells u 50k is still cheaper than 60k.

If u read tis thread,u will knw not to make a full day taxi booking from harbour bay but from hotel area wen price isn't right frm start.Try taking ojek the next time u r in btm just once,u will oso knw y most newbies wldn't pick ojek. Nthg wrong with ojek. Rem'ber if u r going to visit all booking joints & tat would be 10-11 pl frm nono's list,each ojek trip gng to cost u say 20k? & back to hotel gona burn u up to 220k+,not forgetting u still hav 2 meals a day to & fro = 80k ojek. Oh,from harbour to hotel & then from hotel back to harbour again on next day,say 40k ojek? & tat's i have not added shopping/massage/misc to & fro. Total them up nw.

Full day taxi @ 300k or ojek? Do the maths. Yr safety & yr money,the call is yrs. 1 bro ever share tat common sense r sm time not so common,& i agree.

Travel wisely,bro.

Saying the above by looking frm a newbie's view pt frm long time ago.

Dn't believe me either,go try it in yr next btm trip to knw.

Last edited by iicycold; 23-08-2015 at 01:06 AM.
Old 23-08-2015, 01:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
I hope u wn't go follow mis-leading advise in tis thread asking pple NOT to bargain. U will have to pay a much bigger price & be vulnerable to an even larger carrot chopping. Base on yr fr,u knw it yrself tat if u dn't bargain initially,u pay 60k & when u did,u pay 50k. Common sense tells u 50k is still cheaper than 60k.

Rem'ber if u r going to visit all booking joints & tat would be 10-11 pl frm nono's list,each ojek trip gng to cost u say 20k? & back to hotel gona burn u up to 220k+,not forgetting u still hav 2 meals a day to & fro = 80k ojek. Oh,from harbour to hotel & then from hotel back to harbour again on next day,say 40k ojek? & tat's i have not added shopping/massage/misc to & fro. Total them up nw.

Full day taxi @ 300k or ojek? Do the maths. Yr safety & yr money,the call is yrs. 1 bro ever share tat common sense r sm time not so common,& i agree.

Travel wisely,bro.
My friend, please try to read again my post. Maybe you skipped some line in the hurry. I never said simply "don't bargain", period.
I think I passed already 20 visits to Batam in 5 years, that is maybe 100 days in total. Not much for a Singaporean who lives at 45 mins from Paradise, but enough to know how it works and to "travel wisely".

I repeat my advice with different words.
I said: don't waste time to bargain BEFORE taking the taxi. No need to waste time in needless discussions. What's more, if you start bargaining without having enough experience, you invariably give the impression you are new and don't know the system. => the local service provider (taxi driver) will be mouth-watering looking forward to eat the small fish just arrived to Batam.
From reading the forum, you know what is the price (the best price achievable and the regular price without bargain).
WHAT TO DO: Take the first taxi, don't speak about price, go to you destination, get off the car, pay the regular price (50k in this case).
Again: pay 50k, not 60k. Easy. 50k also includes a tip (more than the 40k achievable by bargaining), so it will make the driver happy, even if he shows black face and pretends to be not happy (it will not happen with 50k).

In addition, your computation about fees using ojek is not correct, or it's not correct for those who know how much to pay.

1) Visiting 10-11 joints by ojek should cost no more than 100k, that is 10k per stop. If you pay 20k per stop, you are "chopping carrot".
But I believe that one does not visit 10 places before falling in love with a girl. 5 places are enough for most people. That would mean 50k-60k for the ojek (and he also gets 100k-200k commission from joint!).

2) All other fees for ojek are exagerated. It's 30k, no more than 30k, for Nagoya to Harbour Bay or back. I personally paid 20k a few times to go to HB from Formosa. There is people who pays 30k by TAXI from Harbour Bay to Nagoya, after fierce bargaining. And 10k-15k are enough for most rides on ojek.
Sure, we can pay 20k to the ojek for a ride, but that's including a good tip. We can do it, but we must know we are paying a tip.

But the real reason to avoid hiring a taxi driver all day is not saving 100k. Who cares about 100k when we spend 2M or more in a day including everything?

The real reason is FREEDOM. Avoid having a baby sitter who looks after you and tells you every 10 minutes that it's dangerous to stay alone without his safe guidance. Of course, his guidance is not disinterested. He will look after you and ensure you will not go where he does not get a commission. The driver will want to take you to HIS restaurant, to HIS pub, etc.

My advice to travel wisely: read and learn before going. So many posts here, reporting what to do and where to go. Nono1973 but not only Nono1973 (you know, me too I wrote some interesting reports... ) Then, be independent.

Last edited by Black Page; 23-08-2015 at 02:55 AM.
Old 23-08-2015, 05:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
My friend, please try to read again my post. Maybe you skipped some line in the hurry. I never said simply "don't bargain", period.
I think I passed already 20 visits to Batam in 5 years, that is maybe 100 days in total. Not much for a Singaporean who lives at 45 mins from Paradise, but enough to know how it works and to "travel wisely".

I repeat my advice with different words.
I said: don't waste time to bargain BEFORE taking the taxi. No need to waste time in needless discussions. What's more, if you start bargaining without having enough experience, you invariably give the impression you are new and don't know the system. => the local service provider (taxi driver) will be mouth-watering looking forward to eat the small fish just arrived to Batam.
From reading the forum, you know what is the price (the best price achievable and the regular price without bargain).
WHAT TO DO: Take the first taxi, don't speak about price, go to you destination, get off the car, pay the regular price (50k in this case).
Again: pay 50k, not 60k. Easy. 50k also includes a tip (more than the 40k achievable by bargaining), so it will make the driver happy, even if he shows black face and pretends to be not happy (it will not happen with 50k).
With no disrespect to the experiences you have with regards to traveling to Batam, I do think that asking a "brand new" traveler to Batam (or any other holiday destination) to not engage in negotiating payment for services rendered (in this case, taxi) and just to pay what we think is adequate, is more likely to get that newbie into trouble. Just imagine, what happens if the driver starts to protest about the amount given, and the newbie is not able to respond due to not knowing the language spoken (bahasa Indonesia, in this case).

Before dishing out such advice, we need to bear in mind that not everyone is able to communicate in the local language or able to exude confidence when faced with a driver who felt he's entitled to much more than he's being paid. After all, I do often get quotes from 30k to 60k for the same journey of HBB to Formosa.

And, what's wrong with asking the newbie to counter offer with the price he has in mind when approached by taxi drivers? It remove any possible conflict later on, and both parties are happy with the deal strucked.

As for your comments on using ojets for visiting booking joints... no offence meant but you're overpaying even if you are just paying 10k per joint that he brings you to. Max I pay is 30k for taxi to bring me go joints. Only in the event that I don't end up with a girl, then I'll pay a pre-agreed rate. But, that rarely happen.

Here's an example... I was in Batam on 31/5/15. For those who remember, 1/6 is Vesak Day (public holiday in Singapore) and 1/6 - 2/6 are public holiday in Malaysia. What this mean is that, there are many horny dicks heading to Batam on 31/5, myself included. What makes it worst is that I had not made any hotel reservation beforehand. Hence, when I settled my hotel room, it was already 4pm plus. By then, New Berry, Gold Bird and Permata Indah are out of girls already. Even Indo Rasa, my favorite massage joint, has a waiting time of 2 hours. I was almost decided to forget about it and catch the next ferry back to Singapore. My hotel room is only about 300k, at Holiday Hotel. Not a clubbing guy, hunting FLs is out for me. As I walk past Lovinna Inn, this Ojet called it to me and I hop on after settling the fare at 20k. Along the way, he convinced me to go other booking joints which I offered to pay the same fare. If I didn't manage to get any girl, it'll be 20k + 50k for the hunt. We went to no lesser than 5 joints (excluding Morena which I refuse to enter), when I finally got a girl at Bunga Massage, I paid him 50k including tip and the additional trip to bring the girl to my hotel. 1 juta for the girl (baby elephant but she's pretty). Well, she's from Bunga Massage and we all know now how they charge. At least she's pretty, her service is good and she's not a runner. The Chinese mami's word is that she's supposed to start working at Bunga the following day, but called her in when I reached Bunga on the ojet. So, for 1 juta, I drew her first blood. (Duh... big deal...) Those who are with Nono's July trip would have heard me talking about this.

This is just to show that my max 30k for hunting trips to joints is not just empty talk. You just need to use the commission that they stand to get as a leverage.

Last $0.02... how did you get quoted 30k for ojet from hbb to Nagoya? I always get my Ojet from the coffee shop near to Horizon Ferry office, and they always accept 20k. This is not even outside of HabourBay. Hmm...

Last edited by miumiu6464; 23-08-2015 at 05:59 AM.
Old 23-08-2015, 09:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
3) This is also the only trip I did not take a cab. I walk from harbour bay to kaha, lailai, formosa, DC mall, Windsor, etc. I walk to survey many booking joints to hunt for an idea girl starting from goldbird then to orchid. After that cross the road to new berry near hana hotel then walk down further to indah indah near bali hotel. From there proceed to cut across citywalk then to centrepoint before walking down to permata indah near windsor foodcourt where I finally book my girl there.
During the 1st few times of my trip to Batam,i walked a lot. From Harbour Bay to anywhere around Nagoya until Windsor,BCS etc. There was even one trip that i took no taxi at all. Overtime,i am able to understand the places and location of the place i wish to go via using nearby hotels to mark it.

Now,i believe i have pass that...i begin an upgraded journey trying to reach each place at the "right timing" (aka BEST time) especially for booking joints so that i see most of the girls that will be working that day.By taking taxi to booking joint,i am using money to buy time when i know the best time most girls in each respective joints will be in their "fish tank". Go to massage places at the right time so i dont hear the girls keep burping non-stop while massaging me (just taken meal),hehehe...and also time a graveyard timing where my money can make the biggest bang in all other things.

Win-win-win-win situation for everyone ,where everyone should be happy and this earth continues to move,hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Booking joints
During this trip also noted that New Berlian, Queen 8933 and Dynasty 99 the Singaporean favourite joints has closed for good. Those were the good old days when these joints exist convenient for the ah hia and the ah pek to book their cewek and bring back hotel. Previously berry indah was also close proximity to the area.
Among the 3 that closes down,i only book from 2 before. New Berlian were mainly MILF. I dont know why,the area around New Berlian shops seems to be closing down. There used to be a very nice zhi char store that sells stingray there too,also close down around New Berlian closed down period. Maybe Batam authority has some redevelopement plans around that area?

Queens has very little girls over the last year before it closes up for good. This is the joint that has a series of very young girls hidden behind "doors". Price also not cheap. Just to add to the list of closed down shops are Shellina Saloon, one less place to "wash hair" and book girls,hehehe...

Luckily,when heaven closes a "few doors",it also opens a "few windows" or something close,hehehe...i now begin to see some lights in Batam booking joints. Maybe becos MANY MANY new girls from i-also-dont-know-where JUST arrived in each respective Batam booking joints.

Batam's a little out-dated Cheong list,hehehe...

Dont have too high expectation on girls in Batam and more importantly,dont forget to bargain oh....

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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Old 23-08-2015, 09:49 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

miumiu6464, with no disrespect too, I wonder if you and the other before did read my whole post before replying. You replied to some statements I never wrote.

Anyway, let us focus on the main point:
- Is it wise for a newbie to hire a taxi driver as guide to escort him all day? NO.
- Is it wise to hire him from Harbour Bay? NO, even worse, by all means NO.
I am sure you agree with this. All the rest, 10k, 20k, 30k, are just details.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Before dishing out such advice, we need to bear in mind that not everyone is able to communicate in the local language or able to exude confidence when faced with a driver who felt he's entitled to much more than he's being paid.
Ok, that is TRUE. But then, the same guy who is not able to communicate in local language, or not able to exude confidence when faced by an aggressive driver, how could he negotiate and bargain in Harbour Bay? The problem is the same.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
As for your comments on using ojets for visiting booking joints... no offence meant but you're overpaying even if you are just paying 10k per joint that he brings you to. Max I pay is 30k for taxi to bring me go joints. Only in the event that I don't end up with a girl, then I'll pay a pre-agreed rate. But, that rarely happen.
You certainly pay a good price, but my reply was to someone who claimed that, to visit 11 joints by ojek, one has to pay 11x20k = 220k to the ojek driver!! If you think 10k per 5 joints = 50k is too much, you are on my side to assert that 220k is crazy.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Last $0.02... how did you get quoted 30k for ojet from hbb to Nagoya? I always get my Ojet from the coffee shop near to Horizon Ferry office, and they always accept 20k. This is not even outside of HabourBay. Hmm...
TRUE. But, if you read my post, you'll see I wrote nearly the same as you:
"It's 30k, no more than 30k, for Nagoya to Harbour Bay or back. I personally paid 20k a few times to go to HB from Formosa. ... And 10k-15k are enough for most rides on ojek." I don't see significant disagreement.
Old 23-08-2015, 09:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
New Berlian were mainly MILF.
MILF? Most of them were "dinosaurs"...

But there was a sweet delight, maybe less than 30yo, dark skin and sweet smile, working there maybe in the last 12 months.

I went for ST with her in the room upstairs. She treated me well. So well that coming out of the shower with my eyes pointed at her tits I slipped on the wet floor and I hurted my foot against a small step. I broke my small 5th finger, I discovered later, by doing X rays.

Well, I started to feel the pain only when I left the room. For all the time with her, I did not have time to think about my finger.
Old 23-08-2015, 10:56 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

hi bros, what is ojet/ojek? kinda confuse me while im reading...
i cant find it in google translate
Old 23-08-2015, 12:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
hi bros, what is ojet/ojek? kinda confuse me while im reading...
i cant find it in google translate
"Taxi" on motor bikes.
Old 23-08-2015, 01:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
how much the meal cost and the number of mouth that eats in the that meal?
That meal that day was ~RP144K (4 pax).

4 x standard portions +
2 x pork-belly+Ubi (no rice no soup) +
3 x Teh-O

Gals couldn't finish their standard portions and the guys were too full from each having 2 plates of pork+Ubi. It's a bit like eating instant noodles. 1 packet not enough. 2 packets is too much LOL!

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
There was still a few pieces of leftover jackfruit after our dinner becos everyone was already at full tank,i should have "da bao" them all and be eating it now while in typing this post,hehehe...
LOL I think we were all just too full that nothing looks appetising there/then. But I definitely remember the red ones habis liao LOOOOL!
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Old 23-08-2015, 02:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

bro i think overall happy can liao, no point bargaining till everybody no happy lose a little nevermind. anyway it's still cheaper than sinkapore. most importantly i think it's the fun n you think it's worth it than alright liao.

[QUOTE=CelestialBeing;13473874]Recently came back from my first solo trip.. have to say i made quite a few mistakes..
Old 23-08-2015, 02:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi Bros,

i and my friend will be going batam on 24 to 26 Aug 2015. I will be taking horizon ferry depart at 4.30pm. I will be staying at Formosa as the hotel is convenient near to booking place. Any bros keen to meet? Thanks
Old 23-08-2015, 05:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Had dinner yesterday night at Anah.

Juicy and nice Stingrays as promoted, best eat it with the chilli

No chance to try their ayam bakar as already sold out..

However, recommend to try their Redang Chicken, will be better if it's hot..

Bill for 4 persons = 157k Rupiah:

3 x Stingrays
1 x Ikan Bakar
1 x Spicy and Sour Veg Soup
2 x Redang Chicken Drumsticks
4 x Nasi
5 x Drinks (1 Canned)

Price wise, super worth it.. Try to cut away the cost of drinks and Nasi
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 23-08-2015, 05:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

which ever pcb wan zap keep zapping nvrmind i not so childish like u all... go ahead by all means even -100 it still doesnt affect me... more pls lai lai
Old 23-08-2015, 07:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BatamBro View Post
And @bronono you have the best guide ever. Thank you so much for the time and effort doing this!
Best guide? hehehe...thank you,you flattered me. I wrote a basic guide for the newbies who wish to travel to batam becos i know i wont be able to write them again using a newbie mentality anymore. It is only when a person is new then he is able to understand another newbie better and the newbie guide,was written in that kind of mindset. And by following it word by word,i believe no one should go very wrong in their trip.

The rest are just summaries,i use these summaries to keep records of my travel when i am in Batam. I made mistakes too,so when i re-read them again before my next travel i also avoid making similar mistakes again. Well,my guess is, it also benefit others too. Win-win-win situation for myself and all.

And for all the insider information,credits goes to all senior bros who contribute to this thread before i was even in Batam.

Originally Posted by Intltuk View Post
Yeah....been busy working on project..come home shag. Yes, think I read tat u were going private...didn't realize so fast . Enjoy!
No wonder havent seen you for a while. Next coming trip in Sept will likely be newbie learning group trip and if there are familiar bros tagging along,i may have to put up 2 separate groups,hehehe...which also means i have 1+7 slots,2 taxis.

My 19th trip in Batam isnt good (when it comes to girls) but i learned a lot of things to help make my future trips to Batam a much better and more exotic one.

Originally Posted by valvagun View Post
Hi guys, i'm noob here but been an avid reader. I've been going solo on day trips (only on Saturday). Mostly to Delta (as I'm looking for real massage), Pacific (tried both TH1&2) and sm of the smaller MPs just for comparison. Will be going this weekend again and will try Atalanta. hope to put up a decent FR
By the time of my reply to your post,you would have been in Batam and maybe already returned. Octopus at Pacific hotel and Delta Spa around Nagoya Hill Mall are all good places.

Hope to hear your comparison between delta ,octopus and altalanta soon.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 23-08-2015, 08:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
1) Never bargain with taxi driver. You know what is the price (the best price and the regular price). Take the first taxi, don't speak about price, go to you destination, get off the car, pay the regular price (50k in this case).
No need to waste time in needless discussions. What's more, if you start bargaining, you invariably give the impression you are new and don't know the system.
Regarding this point, i think it is a great piece of useful advice to 1st-timers by Bro Black Page but somehow it is kinda misrepresented in a sense, do allow my 1 cent opinion

There is 2 types of bargaining: 1) Negotiate for 2-3 times until u get the best price 2) Stating the exact price with no further negotiation AKA take it or leave it

I think Bro BP is referring to the 2nd type which i feel is very important becoz u need to give people the impression tat u know your stuff well, not juz in taxi, but in all areas like ceweks, massages, shopping or even food. The longer u take to nego, the more u present yrself as inexperienced. So the best is like wat Bro BP said which is to state the exact price juz 1 time giving the take it or leave it face, which IMO will tend to speed things up.

In short, actually the 2 types are more or less the same, the only diff for the 2nd type is tat u appear to be more firm and more confident. Being a newbie myself, going for the 1st-time solo trip is bound to be less confident for sure but slowly & surely as u frequent batam the confidence sure increase. But one thing is for sure, knowing bahasa indo will make everything much easier
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