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Old 23-08-2015, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Regarding this point, i think it is a great piece of useful advice to 1st-timers by Bro Black Page but somehow it is kinda misrepresented in a sense, do allow my 1 cent opinion
THANK YOU!!! You understood exactly my point. That is what I wanted to say, just for the sake of helping newbies to follow a good strategy. Just for helping, not for anything else (someone complained I am "too garang" )
Thank you for helping to explain.
Old 23-08-2015, 10:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
THANK YOU!!! You understood exactly my point...
If this is what bro you trying to implement.. I would strongly support this suggestion.

My first sentence to ojek/taxi will be (Amount i wish to pay) usually fixed sum while holding on my hand which i will normally pass it onto them before the ride as sometimes they will need that money to top up gas first) +
(name of the place that i wanna go)

There are usually 3 typical types of replies:

1) Driver without saying a word, giving you a "come on" hand sign.

2) Driver trying to bargain for extra 5-20k more with excuses like they cari makan (finding money for food) or have children at home waiting to be feed. In this case i might or might not be firm on my price will depends on the driver attitude. Most i will top up 5k or walk away/towards another driver in the area. In this scenario, most of them will chase after me and accept my offer.

3) Driver replying with a firm carrot chopping price which i will walk away straight without even trying to bargain for lower. In this scenario, if they chase after me i will tell them my fixed price with a take it or leave it look.

Please note that in Batam there are no lacking of taxi/ojek anywhere, even in those kampung area at Tiban/Sekupang !!!!!!!!!!

By the way, my regular price for ojek as follow:

Sekupang-Nagoya 40k
Batam Center to Nagoya 25k
Harbour Bay to Nagoya 10-15k (wearing harbour bay shirt ojek usually take my 15k offer to Peniun)

Jodoh-Nagoya (Nagoya Hill Mall Area) 10k
Nagoya-Peniun (BCS Mall) 10k
Batam Center to Peniun 20k
Batam Center to Sekupang 35k
Nagoya-Nagoya 10k (this price i am very very firm)
Nagoya/Harbour Bay/Jodoh/Peniun- Utama 15k

Some tips for getting above rate:

1) look for older generation ojek
2) look for ojek that are alone and not in a group, this is because when they are in groups, they take turns for passenger and that might take up an hour or so before it is their turn. When it is their turn, it is understandable that they want to charge more..

I usually also add 1k for ojek that goes through the gantry for parking, 2k for taxi. This usually makes them happier. However, they are some who will ask you for it automatically as well.

Disclaimer: The above rates are for reference and sharing only. I dont underpay the ojek/taxi nor i had any argument with them before..

1 way to reject the ojek/driver offer without being offending them, Ah Bang tak mau ma, saya cari lagi lo.. (with a smile, i add the ma and lo to make the conversation less formal but i not sure if it is the correct way to say it.)

My Translation = Brother you don't want what, i find others lo

However, my sentence i know sure wrong but so far they understand and had no issue with it
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.

Last edited by KohOnly21; 24-08-2015 at 12:04 AM.
Old 23-08-2015, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
THANK YOU!!! You understood exactly my point. That is what I wanted to say, just for the sake of helping newbies to follow a good strategy. Just for helping, not for anything else (someone complained I am "too garang" )
Thank you for helping to explain.
Well, if that's what you meant, then you need to read through your own post. Because, what you wrote is to just board the taxi and then to just pay whatever you feel is adequate when you reach the destination. Read your own post and tell me if I understand it wrongly.

I repeat my advice with different words.
I said: don't waste time to bargain BEFORE taking the taxi. No need to waste time in needless discussions. What's more, if you start bargaining without having enough experience, you invariably give the impression you are new and don't know the system. => the local service provider (taxi driver) will be mouth-watering looking forward to eat the small fish just arrived to Batam.
From reading the forum, you know what is the price (the best price achievable and the regular price without bargain).
WHAT TO DO: Take the first taxi, don't speak about price, go to you destination, get off the car, pay the regular price (50k in this case).
2 prata, 1 egg 1 kosong please...
Old 23-08-2015, 11:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Black Page

Please understand that I'm not trying to create any enemy here.

But, as there are newbies reading this forum, we need to be responsible in whatever advices that we dished out. In any situation, I would rather the newbie err by paying an additional 10k or 20k, then to get into any trouble in a foreign land. After all, what's 10k-20k when we easily spend S$200 - S$300 per 2d1n trip.

For someone who had been to Batam for about 20 trips, newbies reading your posts might really go and practice what you wrote. So, are you gonna bail them out if they get into any trouble? What if they read that you have been very successful in hunting fl in disco, try it themselves and get into problem with cewek carrying drug?

Don't say it won't happen. Perhaps you are lucky.

We Chinese have a saying.. 开开心心出门,平平安安回家 (go out happily, come home safely). I think this should be in our mind when we make any recommendations..
Old 23-08-2015, 11:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
2 prata, 1 egg 1 kosong please...
Jangan lupa tambah Bawang ya
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Old 24-08-2015, 12:08 AM
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Siap bos

Old 24-08-2015, 12:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
2 prata, 1 egg 1 kosong please...
Prata double egg for me!
Old 24-08-2015, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by 1stClass View Post
Prata double egg for me!
That one, must flip with extra power..I not strong enough.

But, no worries. We have a master chef in the house. His prata flipping skill is second to none.

Waiting for him to make his appearance.

Last edited by miumiu6464; 24-08-2015 at 12:54 AM.
Old 24-08-2015, 12:15 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I notice several mistakes, which you did not recognize.

1) Never bargain with taxi driver. You know what is the price (the best price and the regular price). Take the first taxi, don't speak about price, go to you destination, get off the car, pay the regular price (50k in this case).
No need to waste time in needless discussions. What's more, if you start bargaining, you invariably give the impression you are new and don't know the system.
What you wrote is in black and white and is admissible in any court of Law. Do not try to rectify for what you wrote and justify it. Be a man of your words. That's a VIRTUE of a man.

Note: the day you start all your bule prowess (Batam FRs) which Pak highly doubt is where you are in Pak's ignore list since a long time ago

FYI the point of bargaining is to ensure that we are not "taken for a ride" for our hard earned money. It's not a big deal for any Mas (bros) here to pay another 10-20k extra but these supirs (taxi drivers) are people you can NEVER trust at all.

Last but not least blankpage do refrain from replying Pak with your denial cos remember you are in Pak's ignore list
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 24-08-2015, 12:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

apa prata?
Old 24-08-2015, 12:22 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Fucking hell. All newbies remember what i say when go batam . You go batam sure go fucking. So when reach ferry terminal. Before boarding a taxi, just tell the driver saya cari cewek. Taxi free, ok?.Driver sure say OK.

Go hotel check in first. Then go find cewek and come back hotel with cewek. Take name card from driver and say next time come with friend to batam. Will find you, bye.

No need to scare. Scare don,t come batam. At home pcc better. So easy still must need what fucking advise from old bird here. Old bird, pui , old my bird haha.
Old 24-08-2015, 12:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Ya bro Nono, your smart idea of negotiation has indeed created a win-win-win situation for all parties. (Bros/you, supir & papi/mami/OKT)
I am just trying to make everyone in my deal happy,hehehe...and i dont like to lose in bargaining and who knows,i may be the only loser who think and feel that i am actually I am always wary of myself being overly confident.

Remember the record book we talk about the other day? OKT in Batam has a minimum sum to book a girl off from their joints.They are workers,not bosses. One small example will be,girl A can be book at 800k with minimum sum at 600k. Okt saw a carrot head walk in,he immediately quoted the carrot guy 1.2 juta. Carrot guy pay 1.2 juta,but in that record book,OKT only wrote 800k.

Not every joints play the same game tho,thats why i spend time dwelling in every joints for a while (an hour or 2 per joint) during the beginning of my Batam trips to observe and help myself better understand "how things work",hehehe....every joints has a different work culture hence a different "button" to hit to get them offer "special" recommendation. This is very interesting to me.

My objective,i wish to have the BEST for least.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Therefore the high price that he quoted in the beginning may have included the supir's commission but because you bargain down somemore, his price now becomes the usual price without supir. But who is going to bear the cost of the supir's commission ? Needless to say of course the OKT will have no choice but to absorb the cost of supir's commission. 真高明 pintar banget...
I have said this before,but the bookmark was kept in my office (i couldnt find it,hehehe...). I am going to say this again (i a bit Whether with taxi driver or no taxi driver,if one do not bargain at all and pay the quoted prices by the OKT directly. He is paying for the taxi commission even he goes to joints w/o a taxi driver. But if i bargained,hehehe...even if i have a driver with me,the taxi commission will not be from my pocket.

I apologize if i sound a little childish here. i treat my Batam trips like an RPG game nowaday.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Same as you to avoid the crowd, I usually go to batam on weekday. I was at goldbird on a monday afternoon at about 1pm there was about 15-20 cewek. A few cewek sitting on each bench to reflect the pricing category 1juta,800k,700k.
Thank you for your reply. This is very important information to me.

Among Mon to Thu,monday appears to be not as good as the other days to hit Batam for me. Monday blues for the girls,i guess. Becos they worked hard from fri to sun. Monday MC (sick) or rest and/or come out later,hehehe...(my guess)

This is just personal theory.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Gold bird girls I wouldn't say all are not pretty, some still looks attractive especially the 1juta cewek. But no way it can be compete with permata indah in terms of numbers, quality & age of cewek. The only good thing is that their pricing not as expensive as permata indah.
i make a comparison on 5 girls over 5 girls between Gold Bird and Permata Indah. Permata appears to have more prettier girls,but service standard wise,i still feel Gold Bird girls are better or at least more stable.

Hehehe..i only had one dick i cannot bonk so many girls in a short frame of time,so my comparison of 5 on 5 are base on other group trip's friends/bros who tried and feedback-ed to me. Both joints are known to be good (better than Bunga and Happy 8 but comparable with New Berry),but i have more satisfied newbies/friends/bros in Goldbird than in Permata.

I think my main reward i got from bringing newbies and friends to Batam is their direct FRs from each of the respective joints/MPs. (there are other sources too)

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Ya rite, at least permata indah most of them only charge 1.2 juta unlike some joint can display 1.5 - 2juta cewek scary sia...
I learned another thing in Batam.

Different season,different part of the month,there will be different pricing,hehehe... wait,i forgot one more other thing,different people asking for the price is also another factor. A few friends on my 18th Batam trip who goes to money changer without me got quoted a lousier price of 9700/SGD. i forgot how much i was quoted but definitely a better price. I was as shock as my friends to know that too.

So it does pays to be humble,well-mannered and not be demanding.

One of the MOST IMPORTANT thing i learned in Batam is,Money can practically buys me everything...but i may not get the BEST of what i buy with money if i do not understand Batam well enough...hence there is no such thing as a best place ,a best joint or a best girl,only those of which that suits oneself.

Just my thoughts...
(i know,i know...i think too

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


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Old 24-08-2015, 12:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post

Disclaimer: The above rates are for reference and sharing only. I dont underpay the ojek/taxi nor i had any argument with them before..

1 way to reject the ojek/driver offer without being offending them, Ah Bang tak mau ma, saya cari lagi lo.. (with a smile, i add the ma and lo to make the conversation less formal but i not sure if it is the correct way to say it.)

My Translation = Brother you don't want what, i find others lo

However, my sentence i know sure wrong but so far they understand and had no issue with it
Maybe you can just say "Maaf Pak, terlalu mahal dikit, biasanya saya bayar lebih kurang" translate to "Sorry sir, a little too expensive, I usually pay lesser to the ojek/teksi.

By saying so you did not mention that you are going to look for another ojek if he charge you too expensive so he will not get offended in this way.

Then he will realise that you seems to know the market rate for the journey and eventually will most likely to accept your offer...

Just my opinon, may not be 100% effective....
Old 24-08-2015, 12:58 AM
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Question Re: Batam Info Thread

hello guys, i notice formosa hotel check in time is 2pm so if i reach earlier i cant check in? and if so i have to check in @ 2pm won't i be missing out to book charbo?

please help with my silly answer as i really search no answer in nono guide on early checkin
Old 24-08-2015, 02:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Remember the record book we talk about the other day? OKT in Batam has a minimum sum to book a girl off from their joints.They are workers,not bosses. One small example will be,girl A can be book at 800k with minimum sum at 600k. Okt saw a carrot head walk in,he immediately quoted the carrot guy 1.2 juta. Carrot guy pay 1.2 juta,but in that record book,OKT only wrote 800k.

Not every joints play the same game tho,thats why i spend time dwelling in every joints for a while (an hour or 2 per joint) during the beginning of my Batam trips to observe and help myself better understand "how things work",hehehe....every joints has a different work culture hence a different "button" to hit to get them offer "special" recommendation. This is very interesting to me. My objective,i wish to have the BEST for least.
Bro nono, there are joints quoted 1.2juta but willing to lower their price but there are some like permata indah mami lely who was very reluctant to even reduce 100k when there is no supir, during low season weekday and request late delivery of cewek at 5pm.

Till date, I was still figuring out how they grade their cewek in terms of pricing?
Refer to my post 27020 whether do they differentia or distinguish the quality of the cewek this way?

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thank you for your reply. This is very important information to me.

Among Mon to Thu,monday appears to be not as good as the other days to hit Batam for me. Monday blues for the girls,i guess. Becos they worked hard from fri to sun. Monday MC (sick) or rest and/or come out later,hehehe...(my guess)This is just personal theory.
Probably your assumption is true. Monday blues apply to all types of work including the "oldest profession in the world"

Only the so-called big, fat, ugly, old ones not affected...
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