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Old 16-12-2024, 01:50 AM
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Originally Posted by ThrowAwaySBF View Post
What will you do if you are in my shoe? Or if you are the one posting, will you prefer anybody that know to keep quiet and just pretend dont know? Feel free to comment. Who knows maybe you are the friend. At least then I will know your preference lol
So I go to work and act uncle uncle, fat, always say stupid things about myself like I'm slow and old, who wants me etc.

But along the years, I've met friends I've known maybe since primary one that I suspected that they also uncle uncle but actually outside fucking like 100s of girls.

There was once I went to a funeral, where an old friend's wife past away and I could somehow feel that he wasn't upset (though he looks like it).

So after the funeral I actually asked him face to face, like I did for a few other friends (not related to this one) and eventually, I've a small circle where we talk about such stuff trade pics and plan sex trips etc etc.

What I'm trying to say is, go talk to him and just ask what's his plans. Maybe he's really finding someone to share his wife or he just showing off but then now, he's got you to talk to about this.

Some of my friends deny they're Samsters but then the way they talk sometimes, also tells me they clearly know what's going on here. But overall, I've some friends, after talking to them, they pass on girls or if there's a 4some, they call me too.

Just make sure they know you can keep a secret, their secret.
Old 27-12-2024, 01:13 AM
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Re: My friend and his wife..

Best is to keep quiet and enjoy in silence, from a so-called distance! It would be cruel to mess up other's affair.

I had it before. One guy msg me and said he had up my wife before, as he said he could regonize my wife's figure or her genitals! WTF, I did not even know he was! It could be possible or he could be calling a bluff! As he hint that he would expose her online if I did not arrange to let him meet, so he could fuck her again!

Guessed he targeted the wrong person as I told him.. go ahead! Fuck her if you can as like it! In the end, he backed up and then he deleted his nick already..

For bros/sis/couples with this interest or fantasy, welcome to join in:
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Old 27-12-2024, 05:33 PM
ThrowAwaySBF ThrowAwaySBF is offline
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Re: My friend and his wife..

Originally Posted by Sunwon View Post
Best is to keep quiet and enjoy in silence, from a so-called distance! It would be cruel to mess up other's affair.

I had it before. One guy msg me and said he had up my wife before, as he said he could regonize my wife's figure or her genitals! WTF, I did not even know he was! It could be possible or he could be calling a bluff! As he hint that he would expose her online if I did not arrange to let him meet, so he could fuck her again!

Guessed he targeted the wrong person as I told him.. go ahead! Fuck her if you can as like it! In the end, he backed up and then he deleted his nick already..
Frankly, I will never expose his identity. I don't stand to gain anything and it's just wrong. I won't even do it to a stranger should I know his identity, let alone a friend.

I guess the whole dilemma is more of having a real life friend that shares such fetish. I mean its just different if you're able to chat with someone you can trust in real life about this right.

Anyway bro Sunwon, a fan of your stories too. Captures the feelings of bros with cuckold fantasy. I am sure many will be able to relate while reading them.
Old 27-12-2024, 10:43 PM
RicoPebble RicoPebble is offline
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Re: My friend and his wife..

Originally Posted by CouldBeYou View Post
Next time you visit him, you see his wife and her nude photos keep running the through your mind
Yup, mentally stripping her.
Old 27-12-2024, 11:15 PM
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Re: My friend and his wife..

Originally Posted by ThrowAwaySBF View Post
Anyway bro Sunwon, a fan of your stories too. Captures the feelings of bros with cuckold fantasy. I am sure many will be able to relate while reading them.
For me is not by choice but mostly by the fate of nature.. Hence I had written with inner thoughts of my green brain!

Anyway, you saw my Mrs pussy?

For bros/sis/couples with this interest or fantasy, welcome to join in:
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Old 28-12-2024, 09:26 PM
ahniuu ahniuu is offline
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Re: My friend and his wife..

Originally Posted by Sunwon View Post
For me is not by choice but mostly by the fate of nature.. Hence I had written with inner thoughts of my green brain!

Anyway, you saw my Mrs pussy?
Hahaha green brain. I like that!
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