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Old 02-04-2007, 11:37 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

The problem is not local girls, it's local girls of our generation... Where parents spoil their children and TV teaches them about liberation... They grow up thinking they are the most precious thing in the world... The guys have to deserve them... Having said that, we have many guys that are spoiled brats too... Only want to be pampered by foreign submissive girls... causing many of us here to become suckers and get cheated...
Old 02-04-2007, 11:40 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
I prefer well-cut gems with clarity and no inclusions. Color is not an issue. However, I prefer not to cut my gems myself no matter how rewarding the results may be. Too much effort involved and one mistake could result in the gem being useless and crushed.

My 2 carats
what's worse?? after all the painstaking effort to cut the gem, some bugger comes along pretending to be an admirer of your workmanship, but with intent to snatch her away eventually.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 11:44 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Truth be told woman just wants to be supervised. Seriously. They just want their man in their live to be a man. Period. Jokes aside, I know this is kinda taboo voicing like I did herein. My finding is moot if a man is a man.

A modern man.

Steadfast and decisive. Good listening ear and clear conversationist. Pragmatic with a keen sense of decorum. Self confidance without throwing in the machismo. Heath conscious and well to do. Respected by peers. Loving with a dash of perceptiveness and you are well on the way of taking over the life of your confidant and soulmate. No matter how powerful she is socially.

One cannot change an ingrain perception of millennia based on a centuries work and findings. A woman will always be a woman. We just need to be a man about it.

No, not a chauvinist. god help me if I ever be one. Lol. Just getting a lil worked up reading all those post and still see what is somewhat obvious in the postings. My conclusion is.. if you respect yourself and those around you enough chances are people will respect you in turn.

Another 2 cents.
no wrong in what you say, for a gentleman shall not let petty matters weigh in the head. nonetheless, it takes a lady to appreciate & reciprocrate with compliments or simple thanks....

noticeably, many these days less lady-like, and quick to pick out little wrong-doings in their own perceptions.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 11:47 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
what's worse?? after all the painstaking effort to cut the gem, some bugger comes along pretending to be an admirer of your workmanship, but with intent to snatch her away eventually.
Ermm... then maybe we sell before it gets stolen?
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Old 02-04-2007, 11:50 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Disgusted View Post
... Only want to be pampered by foreign submissive girls... causing many of us here to become suckers and get cheated...
The majority of us don't get cheated but get them to be the suckers... cocksuckers and good ones at that.
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Old 02-04-2007, 11:53 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
I did not finish the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" but I find it difficult to read their minds, esp those with lower IQ/EQ. Not trying to cause any insult, but some of them do not use their brain to think, and to my suprise, these are highly educated people.

If our weather changes rapidly, so does our women. As a matter of fact, there's no detection system on earth that could intrude their minds and read their moods. If that's the case, how are we gonna "understand" them?

I chose to NOT understand them but to forgive them for their foolishness or ignorant. At times, I chose to keep silent and walk away whenever the "storms" hit me unexpectedly.

Having said it all, I believe that it's important to choose a partner who is on the same frequency so that they see things at the same eye-level. U know, if I ask her, "dear, what are we gonna have for dinner tonite?" "Anything lor.." she replied. "What about chinese cuisine or fast foods?" I asked again. If she replied "aiya... anything lor... bla bla bla". For me, the relationship will end as soon as the conversation. Simply retarded animal

aha. that book... men from mars, women from venus. hmmm, on the whole i reckon its just generic, and rather superficial to some extent. come macro & micro & nano scale... its really a big big juggling act.

i'd like to think of women like the water cycle, considering they got their monthly cycle too. there'd be times where they're tranquil & soothing as the streams, there'd be times where they'd crash like the rapids & niagara falls, moments when they're in a constant rhythm at the beach, and God forbid, there'd be moments where the temprament comes sweeping like the tsunami. just gotta be equipped with the right thing at the right time...

when you've found your match, you'd find that her less challenging, and then what happens? bollocks itch, and go round seeking new thrills & spills.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 12:06 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Allways pick a third person to express your feeling about your wants and needs. They are not stupid. They will get the picture. ........... This post have gone long enough. I will continue my other points later. This is a windy post already. I hope nobody do a TLDR on this one. Lol! Anyways, please take it as light reading.
good lessons i reckon, but my gal's pretty candid & forth right. i tried the 3rd party thing on her much earlier, (i thinks she got the pt), bt didnt seem to budge - moments later, she'd reply, others deal with matters in their own way, that's why we call them "others".

anyways, being transparent & straight forth... things still smooth sailing, no need to rock the vessel when all's well & gd.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 12:11 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
no wrong in what you say, for a gentleman shall not let petty matters weigh in the head. nonetheless, it takes a lady to appreciate & reciprocrate with compliments or simple thanks....

noticeably, many these days less lady-like, and quick to pick out little wrong-doings in their own perceptions.
yes i do agree with u

Old 02-04-2007, 12:17 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
..... I thought who the hell on earth would put so much praises on local gals. Now, I know where u r coming from... NON-Locals... That's pretty self-explainatory. Lucky U...

i was already speculating when he posted the 3 examples earlier... viola, i wasnt wrong. cos i was transposing the examples into scenarios with sg-gals. and i can assure you 80% of them would be clueless, misunderstand and flare for the wrong reasons.

1) the food scenario thinking on the go, sg gal would reply "anything", and the answer still is the same "anything" when you suggest. but when the food is served, she'd give you the face from hell.

2 & 3) curveball - using another gal as 3rd party, she'd grow jealous for that fact that you're looking at some1 else, totally miss your cruve ball.

4) divorce over BJ in marraige. deep inside, she's probably thinking, "serve the bastard right, for making his spouse give him headjob"... "whoever it is i marry, dont expect me to go down on him..."

well... foreign nationality seem to get the drift much better. hehehehe
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 12:27 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Disgusted View Post
The problem is not local girls, it's local girls of our generation... Where parents spoil their children and TV teaches them about liberation... They grow up thinking they are the most precious thing in the world... The guys have to deserve them... Having said that, we have many guys that are spoiled brats too... Only want to be pampered by foreign submissive girls... causing many of us here to become suckers and get cheated...
regardless of nationality, the gals are of the same generation/era. however, their thinking, behaviour, mentality so different?

so, what wrong is there for people who go finding demure submissive gals offshore, when it is preceisely that sorta treatment they crave?

if you know what fish you wanna catch, then you gotta go to the right spot for the right fish. can't expect to be catching makerels or tuna from a spring, nor expect to catch fresh water baramundi from the vast pacific ocean... can you?
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 12:33 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
The majority of us don't get cheated but get them to be the suckers... cocksuckers and good ones at that.
another point to add, cheat/con can only be committed, when the fool forks out to give. he has only himself to blame, because it was his choice to begin with.

and i have to agree.. good suction... good technique.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 01:24 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
1) the food scenario thinking on the go, sg gal would reply "anything", and the answer still is the same "anything" when you suggest. but when the food is served, she'd give you the face from hell.

2 & 3) curveball - using another gal as 3rd party, she'd grow jealous for that fact that you're looking at some1 else, totally miss your cruve ball.

4) divorce over BJ in marraige. deep inside, she's probably thinking, "serve the bastard right, for making his spouse give him headjob"... "whoever it is i marry, dont expect me to go down on him..."

well... foreign nationality seem to get the drift much better. hehehehe
*clap clap* Absolutely agree...!!! That's why I am ignorant at times and that's a blessing in disguised. Converse with those retarded sillypore women are simply waste of breath coz they are clueless. Not to mention that many of them are taking the men for rides, eg: free expensive foods/drinks, movies, etc...

There are zillion of cases where sillypore women are totally cluess, in a nice way, but retarded, if u put it bluntly. Not to mention those with low education, and that's good enough to kill ur day...

Old 02-04-2007, 04:14 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
*clap clap* Absolutely agree...!!! That's why I am ignorant at times and that's a blessing in disguised. Converse with those retarded sillypore women are simply waste of breath coz they are clueless. Not to mention that many of them are taking the men for rides, eg: free expensive foods/drinks, movies, etc...

There are zillion of cases where sillypore women are totally cluess, in a nice way, but retarded, if u put it bluntly. Not to mention those with low education, and that's good enough to kill ur day...

the irony however is sometimes found in situations least expected. those with lesser education are less fussy where it comes to such matters, and at times are easier to go along with. hence making them good companions (not necessarily wife material). while its the ones that are a little high educated that cant seem to quite figure out wat is it they really want, more often than not, setting their expectations a little too high (not even themselves can fulfill).

no intention to condemn the whole lot, for i know there still are sg gals around that fit the bill, sadly the number fast diminishing. the consolation however, indeed there are foreign talents that easily comply. with the only down side that impedes issues of uprooting & settling down in foreign soil. needless to say, its much easier for us sg men to move out, than for foreign talent gals to move in.

end of the day, its all subject to how individuals deal with situations. some prefer to marry a local in name sake out of filial piety and/or submission to family & peer pressure, while maintaning a foreign bride, whom his heart belongs with. or to literally foresake everything here & bail out.

whatever it is, its ultimately down to 1 word - choice.

somehow, i find there's lesser issues when the situation involves foreign chicks. so is it truly a case of gals r still gals? still waiting for more to share their views.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 02-04-2007, 04:31 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Regarding my posts herein. After rereading it I found it to be somewhat funny. Funny as in, there I was trying to give examples of how I made my relationship work hopefully to last the test of time and to pin a few points here and there in realizing what a man should do... it was pretty broad but you get the gists of it. Does Derelict know the nuts and bolts about relationship? If it worked for me I dont see why it shouldnt for you. How it might work for you, I dont really know since I am neither your therapist nor your friend in realife. The end result is how you make do with the information given. Try to adapt it for your own.

Because if your argument states that mine is very much bias towards japanese, than I suggest throwing away all those guide books written by westerners. I doubt those apply to singaporean girls as well. Heehehe. A joke there. Anyways, what I meant to say is adapt it for your own result.


To the mature readers. If whatever you have done seems to hit the wall. Why not try something new. If it works it works if it doesnt than find another. Just remember to make the best of it.

I think what I have written regarding a)listening and b)understanding will go a long way in strengthening of your relationship.

Old 03-04-2007, 01:20 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Regarding my posts herein. After rereading it I found it to be somewhat funny. Funny as in, there I was trying to give examples of how I made my relationship work hopefully to last the test of time and to pin a few points here and there in realizing what a man should do... it was pretty broad but you get the gists of it.

Because if your argument states that mine is very much bias towards japanese, than I suggest throwing away all those guide books written by westerners. I doubt those apply to singaporean girls as well. Heehehe. A joke there. Anyways, what I meant to say is adapt it for your own result.

I think what I have written regarding a)listening and b)understanding will go a long way in strengthening of your relationship.
bro, i m sorry that yr views here r not taken with more respect than it ought to be given, but i also emphatise with the bros here cos most of them r talking about sg girls. there is a difference although we r all talking about women. while most of yr suggestions are very useful in my view, u r lucky not to have crossed paths with local women. not that all of them r evil as we have made them out to be, but i guess culture, lifestyles, education, the environment and friends around have made sg women in general, not as desirable as before.

before i start my feeble argument, i have to say that i do not sit on the fence but i give credit when credit is due. however, they r all my own personal opinion as i can only speak from my own experience, therefore i will definitely be guilty of generalisation. i will defend them but i do certainly accept constructive criticism.

local women, materialistic, yes. expectations of others, yes. expectations of oneself, virtually none. how did she become this way? i have had experiences like asking her what to eat and the answer would most certainly be "anything" but she would go on rattling about this place food not nice, that place fattening. then when i go on to be a man and decide for her, i would certainly face a "justice bao" treatment. ask her why the long (bloody horsey) face, i would bet my last dollar on "nothing!". how did women come to think that we men r all psychics??? i would know her every thought just by slowly touching my temples??? do i bloody look like a jedi or r u telling me that i dress like one??? why cant the women just tell us directly what they want? is it because they do not want to be the one blamed for the bad choice or is it due to the fact that they too, really have no idea at all??? or is it something that we still do not know and that it would probably take men our whole lives to fathom it? not going to work ladies, cos if men cant fathom them once we reach the boiling point, we would just give up. if ladies r only going to settle for someone who is willing to dedicate their whole lives to finding out, good for them for not settling for less and also good luck to them with finding one.

the answer? expectations. now, we can all see our mum and the woman u r going out with or married to... their expectations r entirely different!!! why is that so? since when have expectation take such a giant leap in evolution to make us all men unable to adapt??? education has a part to play, now that ladies r not dependent on men for survival, they look for emotional satisfaction and actualisation. while we men have to accept that they dont need us for survival anymore, we must also learn to respect our women as our equal. but women, like all human beings r all alike, u give them an inch, they would try to squeeze u dry. it always happen to me in relationships that i've had and i always likened it to my gf pushing me as near as possible to the edge of the cliff and see me trying to balance so as not to fall off it. is that really fun to look at, ladies??? cos i fell off quite a few times, like the nursery rhyme says, all the king's horses and all the king's men, couldnt put the big fat motherfucker back together again!!! what makes women think that after i fall off the cliff, i would survive the fall to meekly crawl back to continue the relationship??? my answer to ladies, if u cant take the consequences, dont do it. dont need to use yr nuclear bombs (tears) on me cos i m already immune to radiation!!!

and coming to self help books and those female magazines. while FHM struggles to hit 50k readership in its heydays, her world's circulation was 3 times of that and i wont be surprised that it is stil growing till this day. the best selling books these days, beside harry porter, r self help books. in sg, we r taught to believe whatever printed word there is, so as to help with the political situation and it is easier for the ruling party to control. the truth about such self-help books and magazines, they r all driven by profit. thus, how to have best-selling books and magazines??? tell people who read them what they want to hear and want to believe in!!! no one likes to be told that they r in the wrong!!! to me, this is something i m very proud to get rid of, but not many can, especially in the case of women... these writers, editors and publishers have a responsibility to control what is being written, but in the name of profit, they too turn a blind eye or even worse, they too believe in such lies. if these books and magazines r so effective, wouldnt we all be filthily rich, happily married and enjoying a fulfilling sexlife???

but i do agree that in life, we must treat our women as equals. be patient with them cos they r different from us, both physically and emotionally. listening and emphatising r 2 important factors, but it has to be both ways. if a woman wants her way all the time and do not put in the effort to also reciprocate the same way, leave. u deserve much more than putting up with it. likewise for any ladies out there who r reading this. therefore, i sincerely believe that if i cant do it myself, i would not expect others to do it as well. only when i can do it, do i expect my partner (regardless foreign or local) to do it too. that to me then, is spending our lives together.
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