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Old 03-04-2007, 08:23 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Actually if truth be told there is alot more where that came from. No, seriously. A mistake it may be but its kinda apt for the forums dont you think?

K k not trying to be funny. But than it does look it, aint it?
No probs Bro. Was just teasing you bout it.

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
So where do I stand in that regards? Not too sure but all in all it is something to look at if your highness dont mind. Ahem...
Highness???? Now that sounds gay, somehow...

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
You know, it does look sexy in a nudish sort of way... so there you have it. I just bared my thots in here regarding my 'beary' silly mistake.
Sexy in a nudish way? Now I'm lost.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

~Alfred Tennyson - 1850

What if I don't want to lose it at all?
Old 03-04-2007, 08:34 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by temperance View Post
Highness???? Now that sounds gay, somehow...
Ahh but you're so wrong there. You see the definition of highness is a condition of being lofty. It is a titular most popularly used for royalty. For example: his highness or her highness. There is nothing gay about it until u mean it to be cheery. If thats the case than you should be happy about it. **wink**

Originally Posted by temperance View Post
Sexy in a nudish way? Now I'm lost.
Relax. there is no such word in the 1st place. walau lol.
Old 03-04-2007, 09:20 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by temperance View Post
If like that you could either request from or train them. If they still refuse then you 'gehsiao' ask for permission to go for 'professional help' cos you really miss the feeling very much. You see whether they will still refuse bo. If they still refuse then you have a legitimate excuse for cheonging liao lor.
by the way, i didnt gehsiao, i just went for professional help myself... yup, i used it as an excuse. it's the minor things that set us to go into vicious cycles. she doesnt reciprocate, i do something similar to her and then she will just up the stakes the next time round. end up, we would be trying to make each other miserable.

I think for this generally got to find out what are her preferences like first. As for the fattening part, you could soften it by saying ' Aiyah, dont you know that I love women who have abit of bak' or something like 'I want to fatten you up so that you won't ganna snatched away' or something along the lines lor. Like what Bro Derelict pointed out, say something they like to hear. Isn't it true for men too? I guess everybody likes to have their egos stroked right?
please lah, u think i havent done that before??? she would rather starve herself and totally ignore my preference. fyi, i like my woman to have a bit of meat. if i like thin ones, i would have just gone to my backyard and gotten myself a bamboo pole to go out with. i can tell her i dont like this pair of shoes (not becos of price, just didnt like) she would buy it. so, i always ask her, who do u dress for and who she is trying to attract. definitely not me cos i dont like it in the 1st place.

Bro, you're either kind of contradicting yourself 'yup, let's talk abuot what to eat if u want me to have a stroke and claim my insurance', or I have missed the point completely. I do know of lots of gers who appreciate good food/ won't mind going out of the way/ dun mind poor hygiene/ etc. As long as the food and the company is pleasant.
i meant, whenever i whine to friends about my problem in deciding what to eat when with her, i always suspect i very possibly might get a heart attack. i agree that i know of women who would go to geylang, sit dangerously close to the road for frog leg porridge. it is only after we r attached, they suddenly developed this sudden disdain for the place. but why on earth did we enjoy ourselves so much then??? hmmm... it was all a front for me to fall for them and then, the ugly head rears itself...

Ah... That cannot be blamed but it certainly could have been pre-empted. Common sense to know that anywhere in town or even those neighbourhood shopping malls would be packed during lunch and dinner time mah. It's only a matter of common sense right? Simply point out the possibility and maybe let her come up with a contingency plan,' What if the place too crowded? Would you like to have something else?'
nope, contingency plans will have to go through her first. friday nite, taka basement 2 crystal jade at dinner time, any idiot would know to expect a long queue right??? tell me 1 person who doesnt know about this and i will eat my whole bloody laptop with tobasco sauce!!!

If she's really into you, she'd probably want to wait with you for the parking lot and go to the diner's with you, instead of going shopping by herself 1st.if not, well, maybe she's just not good enough. And for the picking up part, if she's really into you, she'll be considerate and offer to meet you at the makan place instead of demanding that you go and pick her up. Worst come to worst can meet somewhere in the middle, compromise abit.
with the exception of my current gf, no gf of mine has ever accompanied me in the car to find parking. am i the only unlucky one here???

If cannot even compromise during courtship/ dating period, then no need to look forward to a 'future' liao lor
that's why no future. been putting up with it cos they were trivial compared to what she has put me through. she was an ex-ktv ger. got her out of that life. provided for her, sponsored her to courses. realised that many guys were still calling her. brought her to change cell number. after changing, end up still gave her new number to all those people i didnt want them to call in the first place. did she ever think about how i would feel???

did she think about how i would feel when i found out that she drove my car out to meet the guy when i was in the states and let the guy drive my car??? how stupid can she get when my car has a specialised number plate (sponsored by boss)! and my buddy followed them all the way to fragrance hotel in joo chiat... main reason why i got rid of the car, cos i dont want to think what they did in it...

what future do i have with her? spent my waking hours this past few weeks to think of how to weck vengeance on the guy, but in the end realised that she has found a day job at a beauty chain and gone back to ktv in the nite. the guy is in financial trouble. i m going with my buddies tonite to see if it is true. if so, then she really loves him, although he is married. i will give up my vengeance and wish her all the best.

however, i think someone up there has been very kind to me, for sending my kimchi gf to me, to show me that i should not be so pessimistic about life and love. for that, i m thankful.
Old 04-04-2007, 12:30 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
by the way, i didnt gehsiao, i just went for professional help myself... yup, i used it as an excuse. it's the minor things that set us to go into vicious cycles. she doesnt reciprocate, i do something similar to her and then she will just up the stakes the next time round. end up, we would be trying to make each other miserable.
If you're talking bout that KTV-ex gf you had. I'm puzzled. But then again, when you go out of your way to make each other miserable, its a sign that it's not wokring out. If you're somehow hopeful that thing will still work out, maybe see a counsellor together with the gf. Maybe, just maybe, things might work out.

Just read a book recently called 'the 5-love languages'. Pretty interesting and insightful.
5 Love Languages
Maybe you've just been communicating in a wrong way.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
please lah, u think i havent done that before??? she would rather starve herself and totally ignore my preference. fyi, i like my woman to have a bit of meat. if i like thin ones, i would have just gone to my backyard and gotten myself a bamboo pole to go out with. i can tell her i dont like this pair of shoes (not becos of price, just didnt like) she would buy it. so, i always ask her, who do u dress for and who she is trying to attract. definitely not me cos i dont like it in the 1st place.
Have you ever seen couples who are totally into each other and dun mind the expanding waistlines and pot bellies? When a couple is genuinely in love, they will love everything bout each other. Even the spinach stuck in the teeth, the little belly they affectionately rub while watching tv. That's what I call love. Alternatively, it can also be a chance for them to work out together, set a new shared hobby to go blading, swim, gym, whatever.

If you're talking bout your KTV ex-gf, she's history now ain't she?

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
i meant, whenever i whine to friends about my problem in deciding what to eat when with her, i always suspect i very possibly might get a heart attack. i agree that i know of women who would go to geylang, sit dangerously close to the road for frog leg porridge. it is only after we r attached, they suddenly developed this sudden disdain for the place. but why on earth did we enjoy ourselves so much then??? hmmm... it was all a front for me to fall for them and then, the ugly head rears itself...

nope, contingency plans will have to go through her first. friday nite, taka basement 2 crystal jade at dinner time, any idiot would know to expect a long queue right??? tell me 1 person who doesnt know about this and i will eat my whole bloody laptop with tobasco sauce!!!
If you're referring to your KTV ex-gf who now has to go back to working in a beauty salon in the day and moonlighting as a KTV ger at nite den we really dun have to say much right?

When you 'rescued' her from the 'ocean', she suddenly has an elevated status. Which was probably the reason for her change in behaviour.

She's suddenly a 'respected' person. Somebody who can hold her head up high and say 'Hey, I've got a rich (and probably good looking) long term lunch ticket~!'

It's kind of like the 'New Rich Syndrome' if one were to put an analogy to it.

Can you blame her sudden expensive tastes and disdain for the poor hygiene and stares from lecherous old men?

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
with the exception of my current gf, no gf of mine has ever accompanied me in the car to find parking. am i the only unlucky one here???
Haha, then I guess you might be one of the unlucky ones. But at least luck is changing in your favour now.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
that's why no future. been putting up with it cos they were trivial compared to what she has put me through. she was an ex-ktv ger. got her out of that life. provided for her, sponsored her to courses. realised that many guys were still calling her. brought her to change cell number. after changing, end up still gave her new number to all those people i didnt want them to call in the first place. did she ever think about how i would feel???

did she think about how i would feel when i found out that she drove my car out to meet the guy when i was in the states and let the guy drive my car??? how stupid can she get when my car has a specialised number plate (sponsored by boss)! and my buddy followed them all the way to fragrance hotel in joo chiat... main reason why i got rid of the car, cos i dont want to think what they did in it...

what future do i have with her? spent my waking hours this past few weeks to think of how to weck vengeance on the guy, but in the end realised that she has found a day job at a beauty chain and gone back to ktv in the nite. the guy is in financial trouble. i m going with my buddies tonite to see if it is true. if so, then she really loves him, although he is married. i will give up my vengeance and wish her all the best.
When she did gave out her new contact, it's obvious she doesn't really want to lose contacts with her old flames and lobangs, so that if you were to ditch her one day, she can conveniently pick up another 'long term lunch ticket' ( only prob for her now is she is saddled with this burden now, so not much chance of finding somebody rich enough to finance her and 小白脸's expenditure).

As for driving your car out, I think it was just a matter of convenience for her at that point of time.

It's a good thing that it's over. But, somehow, I sense that you're not over her yet and that something in you just keeps making you think of her, how she's doing, etc.

Can't blame you for human beings aren't devoid of feelings. It will pass. However, it also depends on how fast you are willing to let go, how soon your heart is willing to let go.

At least for now, you have kimchi to take your mind off her.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
however, i think someone up there has been very kind to me, for sending my kimchi gf to me, to show me that i should not be so pessimistic about life and love. for that, i m thankful.
Everything happens for a good reason. This may just be it.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

~Alfred Tennyson - 1850

What if I don't want to lose it at all?
Old 04-04-2007, 06:52 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by temperance View Post
Just read a book recently called 'the 5-love languages'. Pretty interesting and insightful.
5 Love Languages
Maybe you've just been communicating in a wrong way.
sorry, dont believe in self help books. they r published to make $, not really to help people.

If you're referring to your KTV ex-gf who now has to go back to working in a beauty salon in the day and moonlighting as a KTV ger at nite den we really dun have to say much right?
nothing to say really. lost big time this time round. made me feel very lousy about myself. this forum has been a great help to me in the sense that i could pour my anguish out without fear of ridicule or disdain... so, dont mind me, just taking the opportunity to whine a bit. but i learnt a lesson, for ktv gers, just f**k and go... too many bad eggs amongst them to even remotely be able to find a good one. they r all tainted...

When she did gave out her new contact, it's obvious she doesn't really want to lose contacts with her old flames and lobangs, so that if you were to ditch her one day, she can conveniently pick up another 'long term lunch ticket' ( only prob for her now is she is saddled with this burden now, so not much chance of finding somebody rich enough to finance her and 小白脸's expenditure)
this was a big thorn in our relationship but i guess she never even bothered to address the issue. said that they were customers but already became very close friends. but when my mamasan "friends" called me, CANNOT! i CANNOT have these kind of friends.

As for driving your car out, I think it was just a matter of convenience for her at that point of time.
the guy has his own car, needed my ex to help him pay the car instalments but damn, he has his own car!!! why must he drive my car??? does he have no sense of shame???

It's a good thing that it's over. But, somehow, I sense that you're not over her yet and that something in you just keeps making you think of her, how she's doing, etc.
frankly speaking, i need more time to grief and feel sorry for myself. like getting myself pissed drunk just now and till now, still havent stop puking.

Can't blame you for human beings aren't devoid of feelings. It will pass. However, it also depends on how fast you are willing to let go, how soon your heart is willing to let go.
let go i have, just that she really made me feel so worthless, not deserving of her love. why in the 1st place did she accept me in the beginning??? i suspect she never loved me right from the beginning. i was cheated big time.

At least for now, you have kimchi to take your mind off her.

Everything happens for a good reason. This may just be it.
my kimchi should not be subjected to all this. she deserves better. guess i just have to let go as soon as possible, for my kimchi sake. my case in point, i m just an example of someone who has met a woman with a different agenda other than love. and yes, the women's charter is the best news for these type of women.

tonite when i went up to the ktv to see that she is working there myself, i asked her this. how would u feel if u r the one at home, taking care of the children and the family, waiting for yr husband to come back? but yr husband is outside having an affair... the question stumped her and she told me that would would never happen to her...

i know how retribution will come to her. it is when she finally found someone she loves, get married, have children and then the husband leaves all burdens and run away with a mistress. she will end up with children she couldnt raise, a house she could not keep, family members disowning her and no more beauty to find another sucker. dont think i need to do anything more...
Old 04-04-2007, 08:42 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by temperance View Post
Now that sounds gay, somehow...
Did i hear gay? okie... bend it like temperance... lol
Originally Posted by temperance View Post
Have you ever seen couples who are totally into each other and dun mind the expanding waistlines and pot bellies? When a couple is genuinely in love, they will love everything bout each other. Even the spinach stuck in the teeth, the little belly they affectionately rub while watching tv. That's what I call love. Alternatively, it can also be a chance for them to work out together, set a new shared hobby to go blading, swim, gym, whatever.
Brudder! Really bo? To me the couple or love you describe are disgusting leh... but then maybe you are rite. they were into their own world...
Did i hear Blading? i just went there last nite... saw a chio babe wearing very short skirt and fell... saw the pussy floss (she wearing thongs...)... then i skate with a 'thing' protruding out...
岳父女婿说: 娶我女儿快一年了,还未怀孕,难道你没看我给你的XXX片?
女婿说: 我有看。。也照着做!

岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

女婿道: 高潮时就拔出来射在她脸上。。。

Old 04-04-2007, 10:23 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I am so proud of us all. AXL, Temp, Surfer and those that join in the fun... notice that our 'England' getting better? The feeling is akin to hitting the jackpot.

Cheers to all of us!
Old 04-04-2007, 10:57 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
I am so proud of us all. AXL, Temp, Surfer and those that join in the fun... notice that our 'England' getting better? The feeling is akin to hitting the jackpot.
*LOL* Do u work for goberment? Are u trying to push the "Speak England is cool" campaign? *LOL*

I have no qualms over rising our "England" standard but admittedly I do miss the Beng's singlish. Being a "banana-man" for 6yrs, I got culture-shocked and fascinated by how the Benglish *LOL*.

Here is a joke:
Custom: Morning. Can I have your passport?
Sillypore boy: Sure.
Custom: What are u doing in England?
Sillypore boy: of coz study "loh" (mistakenly as "law")
Customer: Coolz... I bet ur country has gotten a lot of good lawyers

Joke aside, I feel irk at times watching PCK but I must say that he is a hella good comedian :=)

OK, lets stick to our topic "gers are still gers". anyone to share any disgraceful or dumb acts by those locals?

Old 04-04-2007, 11:17 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
by the way, i didnt gehsiao, i just went for professional help myself... yup, i used it as an excuse. it's the minor things that set us to go into vicious cycles. she doesnt reciprocate, i do something similar to her and then she will just up the stakes the next time round. end up, we would be trying to make each other miserable.
Very good lesson on being destructive. Been there, done that, North Asia... ring any bells?

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
please lah, u think i havent done that before??? she would rather starve herself and totally ignore my preference. fyi, i like my woman to have a bit of meat. if i like thin ones, i would have just gone to my backyard and gotten myself a bamboo pole to go out with. i can tell her i dont like this pair of shoes (not becos of price, just didnt like) she would buy it. so, i always ask her, who do u dress for and who she is trying to attract. definitely not me cos i dont like it in the 1st place.
Its extremely difficult, even bordering on the impossible to tell a woman what not to wear and to wear. As long as it comes off at the end of the day, I'm not complaining yet.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
i meant, whenever i whine to friends about my problem in deciding what to eat when with her, i always suspect i very possibly might get a heart attack. i agree that i know of women who would go to geylang, sit dangerously close to the road for frog leg porridge. it is only after we r attached, they suddenly developed this sudden disdain for the place. but why on earth did we enjoy ourselves so much then??? hmmm... it was all a front for me to fall for them and then, the ugly head rears itself...
That's why I told one of my female friends why I like going out with her. No sex, no pretences, just good female companionship. And I told her to keep it this way even though we used to be FBs in the past.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
nope, contingency plans will have to go through her first. friday nite, taka basement 2 crystal jade at dinner time, any idiot would know to expect a long queue right??? tell me 1 person who doesnt know about this and i will eat my whole bloody laptop with tobasco sauce!!!
You're really tempting me with your ultimatum. But yes, you'll have to have extra chromosomes not to know that. No disrepect to Down's intended.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
with the exception of my current gf, no gf of mine has ever accompanied me in the car to find parking. am i the only unlucky one here???
Man... you're unlucky. I've never had anyone not accompanying me before. Try scattering money on the carpet next time.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
that's why no future. been putting up with it cos they were trivial compared to what she has put me through. she was an ex-ktv ger. got her out of that life. provided for her, sponsored her to courses. realised that many guys were still calling her. brought her to change cell number. after changing, end up still gave her new number to all those people i didnt want them to call in the first place. did she ever think about how i would feel???

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
did she think about how i would feel when i found out that she drove my car out to meet the guy when i was in the states and let the guy drive my car??? how stupid can she get when my car has a specialised number plate (sponsored by boss)! and my buddy followed them all the way to fragrance hotel in joo chiat... main reason why i got rid of the car, cos i dont want to think what they did in it...
Even more painful.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
what future do i have with her? spent my waking hours this past few weeks to think of how to weck vengeance on the guy, but in the end realised that she has found a day job at a beauty chain and gone back to ktv in the nite. the guy is in financial trouble. i m going with my buddies tonite to see if it is true. if so, then she really loves him, although he is married. i will give up my vengeance and wish her all the best.
Its not the guy. Its her. What I would do is to hook up with her again and be the man of her dreams. Give her a car, a business and house (under your name), treat her like a princess. Then one day, take everything back and leave her to adapt downwards and wallow at the bottom of the foodchain. But of course, leave her a lifeline before that... ie. teach her how to gamble big before leaving... horse racing, football, etc (Not stocks and warrant trading... only those with minimal win%). And I forgot to add... get her family involved as well... give them the good life and take it all back.
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:27 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Its not the guy. Its her. What I would do is to hook up with her again and be the man of her dreams. Give her a car, a business and house (under your name), treat her like a princess. Then one day, take everything back and leave her to adapt downwards and wallow at the bottom of the foodchain. But of course, leave her a lifeline before that... ie. teach her how to gamble big before leaving... horse racing, football, etc (Not stocks and warrant trading... only those with minimal win%). And I forgot to add... get her family involved as well... give them the good life and take it all back.
Ouch... Are you under Scorpio zodiac? I had gone through the same cycle but as I grew older and hopefully wiser, I learned to move on but refused to stagnant on status. Glad I did it and happy for what I am now... Blessings in disguise, if u wanna call it.

IMHO, the best payback is to bump into her/him few yrs down the road and knowing that ur life is much better than her, with or without her. That's wat i call "revenge"

Old 04-04-2007, 11:29 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
but i learnt a lesson, for ktv gers, just f**k and go... too many bad eggs amongst them to even remotely be able to find a good one. they r all tainted...
At least you've learnt. Some people never.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
frankly speaking, i need more time to grief and feel sorry for myself. like getting myself pissed drunk just now and till now, still havent stop puking.
Get over it. Not fair to kimchi.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
let go i have, just that she really made me feel so worthless, not deserving of her love. why in the 1st place did she accept me in the beginning??? i suspect she never loved me right from the beginning. i was cheated big time.
See 1st quote on lesson.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
my kimchi should not be subjected to all this. she deserves better. guess i just have to let go as soon as possible, for my kimchi sake. my case in point, i m just an example of someone who has met a woman with a different agenda other than love. and yes, the women's charter is the best news for these type of women.
Women's charter is the best news for all women, good and bad. It rewards the bad and turns the good to bad.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
tonite when i went up to the ktv to see that she is working there myself, i asked her this. how would u feel if u r the one at home, taking care of the children and the family, waiting for yr husband to come back? but yr husband is outside having an affair... the question stumped her and she told me that would would never happen to her...
Half true... Do you know why it will not happen? It is because she will never be at home taking care of the children. You've got the part of the husband fooling around correct.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
i know how retribution will come to her. it is when she finally found someone she loves, get married, have children and then the husband leaves all burdens and run away with a mistress. she will end up with children she couldnt raise, a house she could not keep, family members disowning her and no more beauty to find another sucker. dont think i need to do anything more...
Doesn't matter how retribution comes, just knowing it will come is good enough. Believe me, it will come. If not, as the Chinese having a saying... 君子报仇,十年未晚.
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:36 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
Ouch... Are you under Scorpio zodiac? I had gone through the same cycle but as I grew older and hopefully wiser, I learned to move on but refused to stagnant on status. Glad I did it and happy for what I am now... Blessings in disguise, if u wanna call it.
I've been through somthing similar and almost tattoed "君子报仇,十年未晚" to remind myself of that. But first, like you, I had to work hard and move up. My intent was to destroy his career when I was above him. The good news was, by the time it came to exact revenge, I didn't have to do anything. He was already an odd-job worker cum alcoholic cum homeless person. That's why I say... retribution would come... somehow.

And oh... not scorpio but a peaceful zodiac.

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
[IMHO, the best payback is to bump into her/him few yrs down the road and knowing that ur life is much better than her, with or without her. That's wat i call "revenge"
Fully agreed but only applies if you were of similar standing or if the opposite number was higher when the situation occurred.
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:57 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
At least you've learnt Some people never. Get over it. Not fair to kimchi. See 1st quote.
AXL's brave to own up, his misgivings and (understandably) gloating on ex. Would like to believe he's on his way out of rehab soon. Even if kimchi's not on the rebound, just 1 dark spot to get past go.

Count his blessings, could have been worse.
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:02 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Very good lesson on being destructive. Been there, done that, North Asia... ring any bells?
yup yup...
Its extremely difficult, even bordering on the impossible to tell a woman what not to wear and to wear. As long as it comes off at the end of the day, I'm not complaining yet.
i just wanted her to be comfy, but not for her... there r no impromptu activities bcos she invariably needed to get home to change... t-shirt n jeans cannot go to pub meh???
That's why I told one of my female friends why I like going out with her. No sex, no pretences, just good female companionship. And I told her to keep it this way even though we used to be FBs in the past.
u r lucky, my buddies all guys. instead of listening, we drink ourselves silly, not unlike last nite...
You're really tempting me with your ultimatum. But yes, you'll have to have extra chromosomes not to know that. No disrepect to Down's intended.
dont insult them...
Man... you're unlucky. I've never had anyone not accompanying me before.
finally, i found 1.... not going to settle for less again.
Its not the guy. Its her... give them the good life and take it all back
nope, just going to ignore her, cancel her number that i have applied for her. she can go apply herself. i myself, m going to change my personal number as well. told my parents not to let her in if she comes to my place. all contact to be severed with her. she is not my problem anymore.
Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
At least you've learnt. Some people never.
thanks, will do...
Get over it. Not fair to kimchi.
i know. will do it asap...
Women's charter is the best news for all women, good and bad. It rewards the bad and turns the good to bad.
laws set by imbeciles who has no idea what is happening in the real world...
Half true... Do you know why it will not happen? It is because she will never be at home taking care of the children. You've got the part of the husband fooling around correct.
haha, guess u've got that right... pity her daughter. she was looking forward to our wedding. too bad, but on the bright side, she might possibly end up with a father and a ready made sister...
Doesn't matter how retribution comes, just knowing it will come is good enough. Believe me, it will come.
doesnt matter to me anymore. i do not want to know anything about her anymore. last nite, went into the ktv, got my friend's regular mummy. ordered the drinks, then called her in. told her that just wanted to see her for the last time to believe that she was really working there. told her that i felt sad for her, passed her the tips and told her no need to come back to the room anymore. but my buddies went on to spread that her new man is a xiao bai lian, a freaking loser!!! enough already... time to move on...
Old 04-04-2007, 01:03 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

AXL: I sense a woman in you. Dont get me wrong but you seem to be swimming in your past deeds and happenstance. If you want to remember the past experience as lessons than I think thats cool since the ultimate gold is not to be in that same leaking boat again. Thus being wiser. If you are gonna remember it for the sake of wallowing than I can only say god help you and yours. Because if truth be told you might one day blow your top and might take it out on your current steady. You can say it will never happen. Well, take a good look at your post and replies. Its full of old wounds man... it seems still fresh looking.

As a friend (I do hope I am regarded as one) I think you need to get over it. Come on, take a long look at your posts (something I happen to do all the time in forums) in this thread and other relationship threads. Its recycle angst.

If you use those experiences as an anecdote than people will benefit from within and without. In fact you will benefit more from it.

In some ways I am happy for you in getting your act together with a foreigner. Good for you mate. Now, put those old wounds at the back of your mind and move forward.

Just for your info. I have a sister, I have loads of female cousins and they are not like what is being painted herein. In short it might be the education level. It might be the upbringing but over all when we go on vacations together, when we go out for food together. Never did I come across those 'painful' experiences thats being brandish herein. Oh oh... I nearly forgot. They are SINGAPOREANS born and bred here other than spending 3 to 4 years abroad but overall a singaporean all the same.

Another example. Female colleagues, how often do they challenge you on the food matters let alone office issues? Lets check the answers posted by our own fellow members shall we? Look at jng1103 reply herein. Look at Surfer reply herein. Notice they are going out with locals (besides their missus) for a good time. Hey, arent them demon's incarnate?

Okay, before you lable me as dickless cunt that glorify in the local women's charter. I want to share with you brethrens why some of our local well to do lasses are seeking life partners beyond our local shores. My sis is married to a Swiss. One cousin married to an Australian sweetheart while another is wedded to a Canadian. All have kids and all residing in Singapore. None suffering the dilemma spoken.

Asked them last week why they chose foreigner over ours. All of them replied the freaking same answer.. Singaporeans not good lover. They seem self-centred and not sensitive enough. Mind you I asked those questions privately.

How did they worked them answer up. Can anyone explain? I sure cant since I dont have local steady as a backup. Is there a conspiracy going on against the local guys that we dont know about? Is that why they are giving the locals a hard time. We can never find the answer with only hearing one side of it.

Where do we stand.

This is what I surmise. People can differentiate a light-hearted banter to a serious woe. This thread started with jokes and fancies of the local flavours but now the tone is becoming too sure all of a sudden. Without getting views from the opposite genda this thread is nothing but angst against the local girls. Will it help us in the long run? Nope. Infact it will do more harm than good. With like minded brethrens breathing their own angst will only help to galvanize the toxicity in ones own heart. I dont see any silver lining at all. Seriously.

So bro AXL. A woman can forgive but never forget. Well... you're acting like one now. There is a damn good reason why man are supposed to forget things easily while never learn to forgive. Because thats what we are build for isnt it? So, just move on and ask us what will help you strengten your current relationship. Fark the old one to hell. Dont forgive but learn to be a man and forget her. Hope you dont mind me going strong on this one mate.

Always your friend.
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