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Old 20-05-2005, 11:16 AM
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Re: True Story

Happy to me once....

Having dinner with my gf when my wife's uncle family walk into the restaurant.... We did not get to finished dinner... Probabably same club you refer to...

Old 20-05-2005, 12:50 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
“Baby, I’m not happy to see her here…….she hardly come to the club right? This is My sanctuary with you…..!”
Wah steam liao..... i mean the gal steam coming up liao..... Bro Harrier will be busy liao.... doin the balancing act..... more from you bro....
Old 20-05-2005, 06:27 PM
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Re: True Story

“Come on! She’s a member too and besides, she only comes here when my daughter wants to swim! Do not even try to make my daughter stop coming to the club when she wants to or I’ll not hesitate to stop seeing you!” I exclaimed as I looked over to see my wife and daughter tucking in to their Fish and Chips.

She immediately argued “I’m ok with your daughter coming here BUT the staff here all see us together then when they see your wife……doesn’t it make me look bad?”

“Well….we could leave now and IF next time I know that my family is coming here….you stay at home then…” I rebutted coldly as I finished the last bit of beer in my mug in preparation to leave.

After settling the bill, I walked over to give both my daughter and wife a kiss, and walked out of the club to the carpark, keeping a distance from each other.

We drove out and the journey to her place was filled with silence as there seemed to be a void suddenly between the two of us……
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Old 20-05-2005, 06:46 PM
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Re: True Story

We arrived outside her gate after a short drive with neither of us saying anything at all. I could sense that she was rather pissed with my attitude and I was pissed with her attempt to control……

She opened the door and just as she was sliding her ass out of the seat…..stopped for a moment and got back in to give me a kiss before going down and slamming the door.

Being pissed that she dare slam my car door, I just drove off and didn’t bother looking back…….!

I drove back to my office and when I switched on my notebook, was surprised to see a few yahoo messenger messages…..

There were a few with the yahoo crying emoticons and a few with sad faces and there was one with a message that read : “Why did I fall in love with you after you were married and not before?” I immediately typed a fitting rebuttal :”Because when I wasn’t married and successful, I do not think you will be attracted to me as I was just a poor guy working my guts out daily and did not have a life. SHE didn’t mind and stood by me while I was going thru those hard times. Hence, I will NEVER leave her in the lurch to be with someone for my own happiness…….”

After sending the messages, I went about checking my emails and everything else there was for my attention. Two hours later, I received an sms from her “Sorry about just now….Can I see you later?” I replied “Tonight cannot, see you 2moro” With that, I logged off and drove back just in time to see my wife park her E 200 into the driveway as I parked outside my gate.

“Pretty PA Matthew got himself, do you think he can keep his hands off her?” She asked me as I walked into the driveway. “Aiyah, don’t be such a busybody. I wouldn’t know! Besides, I’m exhausted from my business trip. Let’s order food in for dinner tonight and rest early, what say you?”

“Ok then. I’ll just make sure the maid settle the laundry properly.”

With that I took off my shoes, walked straight to my room, lay on my bed and my mind started thinking about details of the whole trip…….
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Old 21-05-2005, 04:18 PM
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Re: True Story

i like the part where by u explain y ur wife is still v important to u....ur attitude v firm ar nice~ pls continue
Old 21-05-2005, 05:54 PM
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A very gd effort you have put in for us, guss wat have go through the whole story at one go cause have not been back for a long long time. Nice to be back and reading such a great true life experience but is it all over cause i find that the heat is building up. Bro think you need to make a decision fast before everything go out of head. You are a one lucky man cause with a woman in such a high sex drive and auto in sex, plus she can cum so easy think is also give us guy a very satisfy feeling. All the best to you and i admire you for your stand on your family value. Never let your small head over rule the big head. Will he looking forward to the rest of the story
Old 24-05-2005, 09:53 AM
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Re: True Story


sorry for the long delay as have been travelling. Just got back....will write later....

Thanks for your patience.

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Old 24-05-2005, 09:58 AM
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Re: True Story

Is always the long wait that make the after part more interesting, casuing the wait more worth it.

More please dun lets us wait to long also..
Anyway thanks for taking your time to write us this story of yours.
Old 24-05-2005, 11:06 AM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
sorry for the long delay as have been travelling. Just got back....will write later....
Bro harrier.... thks for story so far.... guess i m along the same line as u.... will stand by my wife no matter what as she go thru the hard times w me too... Play is play but family comes first.....
Old 24-05-2005, 11:21 AM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B

“Ok then. I’ll just make sure the maid settle the laundry properly.”

With that I took off my shoes, walked straight to my room, lay on my bed and my mind started thinking about details of the whole trip…….
am very sure that this the beginning of this enjoyable story
where the sad and frustrations basked in its full glory...
Old 26-05-2005, 11:35 AM
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Re: True Story

brother is that the ending or there are some more
Im still waiting leh...
Old 26-05-2005, 12:55 PM
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Re: True Story


sorry for the long delay as damn busy lately.

Here's the next part....

“So…how was your trip up north? Successful?” My wife asked as she walked into the room. “Not bad, had a few issues ironed out and managed to sort out the suppliers as well” I replied halfheartedly as I continued lying in bed. My mind was still on the fantastic sex and possible trouble if I continued with the relationship.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and wash up. It was also to prevent my wife asking more questions while my mind was not focused, just in case.

As I closed the door of the bathroom, I heard my phone go “Beep Beep” indicating an sms received. I immediately reopened the door and went straight to my phone to check out the sms. “Why so hurried to read your sms, u doing anything unfaithful that you’re afraid I’ll read?” My wife said with a playful tone. “No lah, U know I’ve always been faithful to you, even when the opportunities arises, it’s just that I’m expecting an a call from Europe for the trading deals about a confirmation…..”

I opened up my communicator and saw the message from HER…… “Miss You already, I do not think I can live my life without you! Do you miss me too?” I immediately hit the delete button, keeping in mind to reply the sms when it’s more ‘convenient’ later……

Will try to write more soon....

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Old 26-05-2005, 01:36 PM
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Re: True Story

don stop.....................................
Old 26-05-2005, 05:55 PM
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Re: True Story

“Aiyah, it’s Matt’s PA asking me to meet her tomorrow about some issues that we overlooked. I’ll go shower 1st…..I’m so tired” I said to my wife so as to divert any suspicion, if she had any. I immediately went into the bathroom, took a quick shower and came out again, fearing that SHE might sms or call me.

The rest of the day passed by without any other events except that I sent a sms to HER with the following “ Miss you too…..see u after work tomorrow :-*”…..

The next day back in office was hectic and I totally forgot about lunch and when I finished clearing all my stuff, it was already 5.30pm….

I immediately packed my stuff and rushed out of the office, instructed my secretary to lock up my room when she leaves and made my way to the carpark and drove pretty fast to pick HER up at 6pm.

“Hi Gorgeous” I greeted as she got into my car. She immediately kissed me and we shared a tight hug whilst her colleagues walked past and we drove out of the driveway. “So, what shall we do today?” I asked as our hands slipped together in an almost natural grip, hands that fit with each other. (U know how it is sometimes when you hold hands with a woman and it doesn’t feel comfy? Anyway, back to the story)

“Baby, I feel like having Steak for dinner followed by a great humping by you!” She replied enthusiastically……I was rather taken aback as we have had great sex the last few days and she’s ready for more? My, no wonder guys were saying women are at their sexual prime when they are hitting 30!

“Great idea! I haven’t had lunch yet and am starving….let’s go to Morton’s” With that we drove onto the ECP and parked our car in the Marina Sq carpark.

Being rather early, the place wasn’t really packed yet and getting a table wasn’t a problem. We ordered a steak and their fantastic Boston Lobster with the Godiva chocolate cake that’s to die for…..

After the fine dinner, we took a stroll along the Marina beachfront to ‘digest’ the food in our tummy and whilst there, I made a phone call to a buddy of mine in the hotel industry “ Yo dude, it’s me. Do you happen to have a spare room in your hotel for tonight? I just need it for a few hours…….” “No problem, call me when you get here and I’ll pass you the key to one of the suites” “Thanks man, owe u one” “No wurries lah, after what you’ve done for me in the past, anything for you man !” With that, I ended the call and we continued strolling in the cool evening breeze and just feeling ‘in love’……
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Old 26-05-2005, 06:12 PM
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Thumbs up Re: True Story

Bro Harrier 24B,

Your stori very +++-kong...

You IS the man... rich, handsome, worldly, got pretty girls, country clubs,etc.So envious we all poorer, ugly and single blokes.

Everyday I chase for new episode....

Please keep them coming and fast....

I salute you...
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