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Old 17-07-2009, 05:55 AM
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New Party House just opened at WH12

I was passing Westerhout yesterday. I noticed House 12 is already open for business. This used to be a Thai cat50 fishtank shop. It has been renovated. (renovation went on for months and months and months....fucking hell, if the quality is related to time spent then this must be the Taj Mahal of fuck shops.)

Heard that it is a PRC specialist. but don't know if it is a fish tank or normal shop where you can outcall. I saw one of the girls throwing out some rubbish in front when i drove past. Wah, not bad, kanina, i nearly crashed my car! Lucky i slowed down.

If anybody has checked it out, let us know more.

PS: i was at 16H6 (Ah Yap's shop two days ago) and i drove past what i think is the 16H12 that bro Cuntking refered to (not sure??). It was opening time. The OKT drove a car full of girls (suspect PRCs, as MLs usually take taxi from wherever they live). Wah lan!!! Nose bleed.
Old 17-07-2009, 09:40 AM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bao Bei and Sakura are both a la CK & OG fashion ... Oops ... I mean in sexual context. Perhaps they are trained by the legendary CK (under the watchful eyes of Ah Lek) before she retired for good. So are you contemplating to travel back to S'pore to try these two "power-house"?
Hey Bro Max..that is good news. You have had both of them? Do they fit your criteria? You were not really a CK/OG fan that much were you? You more SYT/pretty girl type

Haha, will not come specially for these two as from previous experience, don't always get the same "feeling" for different customers right? No, just intrigued that some of these China girls can get to CK/OG level in terms of "porn"
Old 17-07-2009, 09:42 AM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Gian Song View Post
Bro Jang, if you are refering to PRC sakura from Westerhout 6, i just did FR on her. Very good if you are into full-on service. Three words; Power, slutty, GFE. (if you like slutty GFs haha) See below url.
Hi Bro, thanks. Saw your FR. She sounds fantastic. But is she like that all the time or only cause you good looking?

I love slutty girlfriends...I always wondered why people would marry a nice girl but want to spend time with a slutty one in GL. I would marry the slutty one so I can get that sort of "lovin" all the time bwhahahaha
Old 17-07-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Jang5556 View Post
Hey, I am a fan of WH06. Comfortable. OKT and staff don't push. You don't stink of smoke like in other houses. What is not to like? Gave me CK, Bai He and Ai Lee. Susan in her haydays. Best house for all round girls at one time hahahah

BTW, heard good thinks about the new China batch here...Bao Bei and Sakura? Any ideas?
I second your thoughts on WH06! Haven't you read my FRs on Sakura? She has been one of my top 10 regulars prior to my retirement. Bwahahaha

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bao Bei and Sakura are both a la CK & OG fashion ... Oops ... I mean in sexual context. Perhaps they are trained by the legendary CK (under the watchful eyes of Ah Lek) before she retired for good. So are you contemplating to travel back to S'pore to try these two "power-house"?
Bro Max, only LeLe has been trained by CK for a brief period of time. By the time Baobei and Sakura reached our shores, CK has left for good... *Sigh*
Old 17-07-2009, 03:20 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Harvest View Post
I second your thoughts on WH06! Haven't you read my FRs on Sakura? She has been one of my top 10 regulars prior to my retirement. Bwahahaha

Bro Max, only LeLe has been trained by CK for a brief period of time. By the time Baobei and Sakura reached our shores, CK has left for good... *Sigh*
Bro, Le Le's skill must be damn solid then? However, one of my personal pals said she is only so-so compares to the likes of Bao Bei, ZhongQing and Sakura ... Hmm ...

So Bro Jang and you are into nymphos huh? Did you try Singtel, Yoko and Singapore Ice in the past?
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 17-07-2009, 08:45 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Harvest View Post
I second your thoughts on WH06! Haven't you read my FRs on Sakura? She has been one of my top 10 regulars prior to my retirement. Bwahahaha
No shucks...never read....which trend is it in? Must admit at one point when the whole China girl thing exploded, I did not bother reading anything in here Who are you top 10 BTW?
Old 17-07-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bro, Le Le's skill must be damn solid then? However, one of my personal pals said she is only so-so compares to the likes of Bao Bei, ZhongQing and Sakura ... Hmm ...

So Bro Jang and you are into nymphos huh? Did you try Singtel, Yoko and Singapore Ice in the past?
Bro Max..oh yah, hard core sex the best...Yup, tried all three with Singtel and Yoko being regulars. Yoko...what a girl..ask you to poke you know what even when never request
Old 17-07-2009, 10:35 PM
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Re: New Party House just opened at WH12

Originally Posted by Gian Song View Post
I was passing Westerhout yesterday. I noticed House 12 is already open for business. This used to be a Thai cat50 fishtank shop. It has been renovated. (renovation went on for months and months and months....fucking hell, if the quality is related to time spent then this must be the Taj Mahal of fuck shops.)

Heard that it is a PRC specialist. but don't know if it is a fish tank or normal shop where you can outcall. I saw one of the girls throwing out some rubbish in front when i drove past. Wah, not bad, kanina, i nearly crashed my car! Lucky i slowed down.

If anybody has checked it out, let us know more.

PS: i was at 16H6 (Ah Yap's shop two days ago) and i drove past what i think is the 16H12 that bro Cuntking refered to (not sure??). It was opening time. The OKT drove a car full of girls (suspect PRCs, as MLs usually take taxi from wherever they live). Wah lan!!! Nose bleed.
bro gian song, if the car number is 1612 ... then you got it right
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

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Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 17-07-2009, 10:46 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bro, Le Le's skill must be damn solid then? However, one of my personal pals said she is only so-so compares to the likes of Bao Bei, ZhongQing and Sakura ... Hmm ...
CK only trained her for only a few days, so can't expect much lah. But after CK left, I also trained her further to make up the difference. Bwahahaha. LeLe lacks natural talent but makes up for good learning attitude. I've great chemistry with her.

Originally Posted by Jang5556 View Post
No shucks...never read....which trend is it in? Must admit at one point when the whole China girl thing exploded, I did not bother reading anything in here Who are you top 10 BTW?
Should be in both the GL cat150 sticky thread and Legal PRC cat150 thread. But pls dun ask me to search for them else I might get so horny re-collecting those memories and have to emerge from retirement! bwahahaha.

My Top 10 girls were: LeLe, Sakura, OG, Ai Lee (retired), Bai He, CK (retired), Sally, Inter, MG and Seiko. Not ranked in order of preference. As u can see, 60% are already from WH06...

Some interesting stats: Longest regular is OG (6 years) followed by Sally and CK (5 years). And why these girls are in my top 10 list is simply becuz of sexual chemistry... most of them are already milfy and veteran GL commandos. I'm not into SYTs.
Old 18-07-2009, 04:41 AM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Jang5556 View Post
Hi Bro, thanks. Saw your FR. She sounds fantastic. But is she like that all the time or only cause you good looking?

I love slutty girlfriends...I always wondered why people would marry a nice girl but want to spend time with a slutty one in GL. I would marry the slutty one so I can get that sort of "lovin" all the time bwhahahaha
Hey bro Jang, no, no special treatment for me. Me middle-aged liao so more like Jack Neo than Christopher Lee. haha. Anyway, it was my first session with her. But from the word 'go' she was full on 'slutty'. I suspect she has psyched herself into this full on nympho thing all the time.

Actually i am into SYT GFE not into TSE (the slut effect). So i dunno if i can take 24-7 of sluttiness. Dunno have enough cumm and energy to keep up with a nympho like Sakura. Another one that i was veyr impressed with in terms of TSE was Coco. Not a looker but she is even better at TSE than Sakura!

Hmmm, i thought one session is enough with her but now writing about this, i am thinking about an RTF on Sakura. Strange, this TSE.
Old 18-07-2009, 05:55 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Gian Song View Post
Hey bro Jang, no, no special treatment for me. Me middle-aged liao so more like Jack Neo than Christopher Lee. haha. Anyway, it was my first session with her. But from the word 'go' she was full on 'slutty'. I suspect she has psyched herself into this full on nympho thing all the time.

Actually i am into SYT GFE not into TSE (the slut effect). So i dunno if i can take 24-7 of sluttiness. Dunno have enough cumm and energy to keep up with a nympho like Sakura. Another one that i was veyr impressed with in terms of TSE was Coco. Not a looker but she is even better at TSE than Sakura!

Hmmm, i thought one session is enough with her but now writing about this, i am thinking about an RTF on Sakura. Strange, this TSE.
Hi Bro, ok hehe. I was wondering if it was second or third session as some will try to be like long lost lover

I love slutty girls. As long as she has that "something", I can do it often. However, if she lacks it, she can have a super body and great face and I will not be that interested. Strange that also
Old 18-07-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Harvest View Post

Should be in both the GL cat150 sticky thread and Legal PRC cat150 thread. But pls dun ask me to search for them else I might get so horny re-collecting those memories and have to emerge from retirement! bwahahaha.

My Top 10 girls were: LeLe, Sakura, OG, Ai Lee (retired), Bai He, CK (retired), Sally, Inter, MG and Seiko. Not ranked in order of preference. As u can see, 60% are already from WH06...

Some interesting stats: Longest regular is OG (6 years) followed by Sally and CK (5 years). And why these girls are in my top 10 list is simply becuz of sexual chemistry... most of them are already milfy and veteran GL commandos. I'm not into SYTs.
Haha ok, will have a look later. Ok you were talking top 10 all time..gee...I cannot remember...need to really go back and look at all the names like Wen Fang and Jaguar etc...But Bai He, CK, Ai Lee, Jaguar, MG...these at least should make the top 10. Like you, I am a fan of that house bwhahahaha We have same taste...and Bro Sponge also!!
Old 19-07-2009, 07:10 AM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Jang5556 View Post
Hi Bro, ok hehe. I was wondering if it was second or third session as some will try to be like long lost lover

I love slutty girls. As long as she has that "something", I can do it often. However, if she lacks it, she can have a super body and great face and I will not be that interested. Strange that also
Haha, bro Jang, judging by your references to the goldie oldies like Wen Fang, Jaguar, MG, you are obviously a laojiao. Wen Fang was also one of my favorites. That Daisy Duck curved bum, the Silicone Valley tits.

You know, from that era, the one with that "something" that I have never found in any other WL was Helen from L22. (A run down shit hole of a place on that big road leading to Aljunied) I actually started calling her from L28 (used to be run by the lady OKT Kwee Yin and her disabled mother) and L16H6. But when the addiction got too strong, I would camp out at L22 to wait for her to arrive at 12.30-1pm

Now she had that "SOMETHING." SYT looks. Pettite, fair, pink cheeks, full red lips, big eyes, soft B-tits, pink nipples, trimmed bush with delicate pink abalone. And yet Killer TSE. My favorite memory of her is her talking dirty in Hokkien while fucking frantically (almost desperately) back. Shout so fucking loud. "Kan wa eh Chee Bye....Wa ai....wa ai.....kan wa eh chee bye!!!" The first time it happened i was like WTF!!!...But i liiiiiiike. (She taught me this acquired taste for talking dirty in Hokkien..i was then relatively young and innocent haha.)

One day, at Kwee Yin shop, when i came down, I was very embarassed because some people I knew from MY WORK (!!!) were downstairs without any of us knowing we were there. Kanina, when I came down face all flushed and hair messy (just fucked look) from a typical hard workout with Hokkien fuck words etc, and *SHOCK*, all these cannot remember how many familiar faces looking at me! I was very paiseh but gathered my composure because we were all there at the same fuck shop at lunch break. All equally incriminated haha. one bro, said: "Wah, that one very loud you arrr?"

Another occasion, Helen recommended a tarma with L22 house girl Kellie1. And during the session, she grabbed my cock and put it into Kelly and went behind and pushed my ass hard in and out of Kelly. And she shouted in english: "Fuck her...fuck her....Kellie want (kelly1????).. Now THAT is SOMETHING. And in those days, during tarma, they fuck with one condom. None of this changing condoms.

best regards to you in angmor land bro. Sure dun have anything like Helen or Wen Fang. Ang mor countries have a lot of steak but no delicately sliced Japanese style wagyu beef right?
Old 19-07-2009, 07:47 AM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Gian Song View Post
I actually started calling her from L28 (used to be run by the lady OKT Kwee Yin and her disabled mother
2831A,Kwai Ying the mother,Julie the daughter
Did you ever visit Weng Fang at her old homebase at 1648B before moving 2034A ?
Old 19-07-2009, 10:04 AM
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Re: The party is on at 1612 (beside Hotel 81)

Originally Posted by Gian Song View Post
Haha, bro Jang, judging by your references to the goldie oldies like Wen Fang, Jaguar, MG, you are obviously a laojiao. Wen Fang was also one of my favorites. That Daisy Duck curved bum, the Silicone Valley tits.

You know, from that era, the one with that "something" that I have never found in any other WL was Helen from L22. (A run down shit hole of a place on that big road leading to Aljunied) I actually started calling her from L28 (used to be run by the lady OKT Kwee Yin and her disabled mother) and L16H6. But when the addiction got too strong, I would camp out at L22 to wait for her to arrive at 12.30-1pm

Now she had that "SOMETHING." SYT looks. Pettite, fair, pink cheeks, full red lips, big eyes, soft B-tits, pink nipples, trimmed bush with delicate pink abalone. And yet Killer TSE. My favorite memory of her is her talking dirty in Hokkien while fucking frantically (almost desperately) back. Shout so fucking loud. "Kan wa eh Chee Bye....Wa ai....wa ai.....kan wa eh chee bye!!!" The first time it happened i was like WTF!!!...But i liiiiiiike. (She taught me this acquired taste for talking dirty in Hokkien..i was then relatively young and innocent haha.)

One day, at Kwee Yin shop, when i came down, I was very embarassed because some people I knew from MY WORK (!!!) were downstairs without any of us knowing we were there. Kanina, when I came down face all flushed and hair messy (just fucked look) from a typical hard workout with Hokkien fuck words etc, and *SHOCK*, all these cannot remember how many familiar faces looking at me! I was very paiseh but gathered my composure because we were all there at the same fuck shop at lunch break. All equally incriminated haha. one bro, said: "Wah, that one very loud you arrr?"

Another occasion, Helen recommended a tarma with L22 house girl Kellie1. And during the session, she grabbed my cock and put it into Kelly and went behind and pushed my ass hard in and out of Kelly. And she shouted in english: "Fuck her...fuck her....Kellie want (kelly1????).. Now THAT is SOMETHING. And in those days, during tarma, they fuck with one condom. None of this changing condoms.

best regards to you in angmor land bro. Sure dun have anything like Helen or Wen Fang. Ang mor countries have a lot of steak but no delicately sliced Japanese style wagyu beef right?
Haha I guess can be called liaojiao. I started in 2001, stopped in 2004, started again in 2005 and called it quits in 2007. When I first started, I was a dog in a new place. I had to "smell" everything. So taking the list from the internet, I presumed to do every girl in every house bwhahaha Before finally settling on some regulars. I did not have much chance at Wen Fang as she quit soon after I showed up

Helen I don't know. Maybe before my time? My "something" was with Jaguar. Absolutely loved doing that girl. And she had the type of body I liked. I remember once her mounting me cowgirl and us frenching all the way till I came in her, minimal movement. Just her rocking back and forth. Sigh...

My best tama's were with CK and Susan or CK and Winnie. I think that is how you spell her name. Thin girl from Lor 20 somewhere.

Your sessons sound great with Helen. I often wondered how much I would pay if one of my favorites wanted to do a little part time. I always though if someone like CK or Jaguar or BB2 said, "hey, come to Malaysia. One day and one night, $5,000. As manay times as you want"......I would be running to the ATM and getting my passport hahaha.

I too had a "lunch" embarrassment. Guy who did our IT. Once recovered, I recommended him the 150 Kar Leng with the big tits and he had a good time. He even dropped me back at work after bwhahaha

There is stuff up here if you go into town but it all looks rather seedy. Have seen some Asia girls ie China/Taiwan whatever but I would imagine they cost loads. Never found out. Have kept my nose clean all the way out here
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