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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
Its contridicting when someone says he's no time to ans each and every question but end up posting and quoting each and every of the person's post ....
![]() Sibei contradicting ![]()
寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 |
LOL...you truly r a shameless stupid samster that I believe Sammyboy prolly luvs to bits...!!...
You just dont know when to keep yr trap shut...becuz everytime u open that moronic gob of yrs...u keep digging a larger hole for yr own 'coffin'...! Look shameless dumbo...if I was so upset by you not upping me back, why did I not raise this issue until now, which is prolly many months later?...more importantly, why did I deliberately and intentionally first choose to PM you with my initial attack, instead of batting off directly agst you in this open thread?... The answers to the abv are plain n simple...I truly did not n do not give a shit abt yr rep points...like I hv said all along I am neutral when it comes to rep points...if people up me fine n if they dont that is also ok...unlike you, I hv n shall never 'beg' for rep points unsolicited...in addition I dislike zapping of any kind or nature... However what truly got my goat up wif you, was when you made these posts in this thread :http://samleong.shop/showpos...postcount=2094 ; http://samleong.shop/showpos...postcount=2099 ; http://samleong.shop/showpos...postcount=2103... By trying to masquerade yrself as some sort of SBF guru, pontificating abt rep points not being important and the big difference between real life n virtual reality etc... When in fact the real truth is that you r nothing but a shameless self righteous hypocrital lying rep points desperado...as I already knew and now the whole forum also knows as well...since you actually crave and lust for rep points...!...And that was only when I first took action agst you... In any event, I still was prepared to give you a chance...and only PMed my attack agst you...but like the shameless twit that you are...you went to commit harakiri by raising my PM to you openly in this thread : http://samleong.shop/showpos...count=2120...i naturally had to reply to yr twisted allegations: http://samleong.shop/showpos...postcount=2121, and thus began yr own self inflicted spiral into ignominy n ridicule...!! Oh yes, and tks a bunch for yr statement/claim below...becuz all it does is just further demonstrate yr juvenile sneaky devious odious lame character, prolly both in virtual reality n real life!!... Quote:
You really cant stop LYING can you, you shameless dumbo?!...
On the contrary, the real true "core reason" why you 'beg' for rep points unsolicited, is that you truly crave and lust for rep points period...which is also why you now 101% FEAR taking up my challenge!... For proof, look no further than yet another odious n egregious unsolicited PM from you to another samster, where you as per yr normal stinky sly modus operandi 'beg' for rep points....!! [img=http://img185.imagevenue.com/loc181/th_73807_Capture_122_181lo.JPG] The irony of it all that I am using yr v own PM to show you up for what you truly are...makes it all the more sweeter!!... I'd say you hv now been "counterstruck" eh!!.... Quote:
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
It's hard to live with this type of person, totally communication barrier. I recall the same PM send to heroseven was responsed in good faith, in fact you can't compare him with hero lah, he is the godslayer and he is kind and helpful in fact he responded to me to continue help the forum and contribute. In fact there are many good samsters around who imitate the nature of the dragon. Just one simple pm, he can write a book and haven give a simple answer to why does he want to up me ? ![]()
One mountain always higher than another 青外青山,楼外有楼,一山更比一山高 Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy! 说话和放屁都是一样的,一口气而以,开心就好! Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life 别跟我谈理想,戒了,本少爷DJ想干嘛就干嘛去。。 正妹我最爱 DJ 妹妹 collection ![]() |
LOL...you shameless hypocritical liar who lusts n craves for rep points, what happened to you all of a sudden?!...
Cant talk to me or more like "counterstruck" until u cant talk to me is it?!!... Now add another nail to yr 'coffin'!! |
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
But you totally repel me, you argue with unusual tenacity, excessively judgmental. You talk a lot and most of time is about yourself lah, the more you talk it fuels your windbaggery. That's why i don't want argue with you. Sometimes we need to laugh at ourselves a little, if i tell you a little joke, you don't get it. you are prone to whining and complaining. And your posts way too sensitive, not to people around you but to your own ego. I find this very repulsive, that why i avoiding you because i feel suffocated and feel like catching a flu. ![]()
One mountain always higher than another 青外青山,楼外有楼,一山更比一山高 Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy! 说话和放屁都是一样的,一口气而以,开心就好! Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life 别跟我谈理想,戒了,本少爷DJ想干嘛就干嘛去。。 正妹我最爱 DJ 妹妹 collection ![]() |
Yeah right...more like you hv been caught with yr hand in the till...and now exposed for what u truly are...a stupid, shameless, self righteous hypocritical liar who craves n lusts for rep points...
Sorry that you cant handle the truth...!! Btw so sorry but you hv caused yr own "flu" by outing my PM to you in this thread...the consequences that hv followed are thus 101% yr responsibility & liability....!!! |
Oh my...8 posts fm u in one go in reply to my 1 itsy bitsy post??!!...
There is no need to reply as you are basically on a 'lost fishing expedition'...making yr typical sinister unfounded allegations along the way... Samsters can draw their own conclusions thus far... Saying that, if u hv something to share, then go ahead n share it...talk is cheap... Likewise I shall hv my turn to reply as well... So let the chips fall where they may... Oh yes there is one unfounded allegation of yrs below that requires yr clarification now though..... State exactly in which part of my "first post" supports yr claim?..and thereafter how it supports the same?... I ask becuz as it now stands what you assert clearly has no basis whatsoever... Quote:
Sammyboyfor 12th Anniversary Amnesty
Suggests a SBF 12th Anniversary Amnesty on 3rd Dec '13. "Killing 2 birds with one stone" win-win part of Celebration.
All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored by joining Premium Membership. IMHO, most are simplistic / ignorant / non-political offenders. Masters / Masterminds / Instigators - root causes of problems - mostly free/ ![]() For your considerations. ![]()
Every experience is unique (different). Always the chemistry between two people. Retiring: +21 x 2 pts given daily http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Movies/9902/10/annabel.chong/ |
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
4 of u... have been arguing since 22 Nov till now..still not enough ah??
this thread is for samsters to bring up doubts abt their rep points n not for arguing. All these arguing..makes u all look ugly only. After arguing got more pts or not? If want to argue more, pls bring it back to the section where u all come from? i think boss still seeing show ![]()
It is not length of life, but depth of life - Ralph Waldo Emerson 夏天来临了,我还是看不见阳光
如果没有你,现在我会在哪里 过着怎样的生活 ,不会也寂寞 |
What so called "truth" is this?...are u saying that everyone who participates in the SBF pics thread is connected to Keewee??...u gotta be kidding me...!!..
this is a typical wild brash style of 101% unfounded allegations or sld I say lies...that is par for the course when dealing wif King.Cobra & his 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp... Below is the PM fm an old mate who forwarded DJ's post to me...I hv removed his name for obvious reasons...samsters can draw their own conclusions... ![]() Quote:
![]() Quote:
Whereas the 3 main parties in the matter appear to hv moved on to bigger n better things, coming up trumps and/or unscathed...perhaps wisely chosing not to get involved in here at the moment...and good luck to them... So let me end it here n now...compare the similarity of views (the substance not form) between my earlier post n Sammyboy's latest post....we are in effect saying the samething abt the rep points system...samster's can draw their own conclusions. .. Quote:
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
Seriously from a neutral pov...y are you so upset whether they are a group...a individual or etc.....i cannot get it...
Uncle sammy forum did not mentioned these are nv allowed ![]() If you have the ability...get your own...if not..live with it...is it anyway disturbing you...knn.. ![]() Uncle sam built this forum to reflect true human nature...and apparently you fall into it ![]() Btw..dont bother to quote me and saying grandfather mother story...becuz i dont usually give a shit and response ![]()
寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 |
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011
It doesn't happen overnight. You need to cultivate strategic alliances and build up the troop numbers. The best nicks to court are the seniors with high rep power as they can benefit you the most. Premium members can be extremely valuable gang members too as they have double power. I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. ![]()
Tips for ALL samsters.
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