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Old 09-06-2020, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by shhhhh View Post
Was this like some 20 years ago? Surprised girls back then were this open in sec school
The days when internet became the norm and everyone had access to irc and porn online. I think that added to the equation especially for unpopular girls. Everyone wanted to have a boyfriend or girlfriend and being able to have sex was a big deal back then among the students. Of course teachers won't know or it will be lots of trouble and that is why I kept mentioning "hush hush" in my stories.
Old 10-06-2020, 01:10 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Let me share some of mine. Pardon me as I am not good with words.

1990s era - working in a niteclub as a manager (1st job after ORD)

I was the technical engineer, handing the audio equipment and worked up to become a technical manager after a year. By then, our PR manager (the one handling the girls registration had resigned), so myself and another service captain helped out with the role. I am a normal guy with normal needs, but I don't shit at where I eat, so I don't play too far with these girls. Back in those days, there can be over 100 girls registering daily, so naturally i won't remember most of them, other than those flirty ones that will grabbed your manhood when they walked past you.

There will be a few of those awkward looking ones (usually being cheated by their agents back in their home-countries that they will working factory/shop assistants work in SG) but were forced to work as girls. Awkward not in their appearance but in their body language. I should say feeling out-of-place is the better description. I do pity them and usually are more chattier with them. There were these 2 in particular from Chengdu, I will call them Alice and Babe. Both looked quite similar, 165cm, B+ cup, no tummy fats and they liked to do sister-like similar dress ups. Long story short, one night, I was getting pretty high after drinking with a few clients and was resting in my room. (I have a room to myself which I kept the audio hardware parts, quite far from the service area and KTV rooms). Suddenly, Alice came into my room, sobbing. She was complaining that her customers were getting too touchy... I didnt pay much attention to the details as I am more worried if the other managers or GM found her in my room. I offered to treat her supper and we could continued with the chit-chat later (just to get her out of my room). So, we agreed to meet at Exit F after work (there were quite a number of exits in this club and this exit is usually unused by others). After she left the room, I went out to do my rounds, as usual, the mummies pulled me in to help move the liquor sale and i got really high, but not totally drunk at the end of night.

At about 4am, I changed, left the club and went toward Exit F. Alice was already waiting at Exit F with her back facing me. That tight fitting mini skit dress gave me quite a stir... Suddenly my urge took over my mind, I went forward and hugged her from behind. I can still vaguely remembered that she startled a little but did not push me away. The next thing, naturally, we took a cab to a hotel. She didn't turned on the lights in the room and went straight to shower. I stripped off the clothes, laid on the bed and trying very hard to stay sober. I can't really recall how long she took in the showers, but i did doze off a couple of time while waiting. Then, she came out of the shower, wrapped in a towel and laid next to me shyly. I flipped over, went on top of her, and we kissed. Slowly, I took her towel off and i recalled she immediately closed her eyes. I moved my fingers down south to finger her while breaking the kiss to taste her pinkish nipples. I can still recalled her random shivers and the warm texture of wetness (literally wet a large area of the bed sheet). Being young, I managed to have 2 rounds with her before knocking out completely by the alcohol. She was gone when I worked up the next day.

Back at work the next day, while I was doing my daily registration for the girls, Babe came up to me. Alice and Babe usually came to me together for their registration, but Babe came alone that day. Babe didnt leave after her registration and asked a weird question; "Are you feeling better today? Do you like yesterday?" I was quite confused with her question and asked if anything happened yesterday? (Trying to act blur and hoping Alice didnt tell her about me). I can still recall the immediate sadness in her eyes after hearing my answer and left. Later that night, I bumped into Alice... She apologized to me as she was drunk the night before thus she went back early. So she got Babe to join me for supper instead ... .... ... I felt like a bastard ...
Old 10-06-2020, 01:21 PM
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Arrow Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by 1021115458 View Post
Let me share some of mine. Pardon me as I am not good with words.

1990s era - So she got Babe to join me for supper instead ... .... ... I felt like a bastard ...
hope you explained yourself to Babe that night. you owe it to her....
Old 10-06-2020, 01:32 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by garion View Post
hope you explained yourself to Babe that night. you owe it to her....
never see her again after that ... that's why the hurt in my heart till today
Old 10-06-2020, 01:54 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

if u had... i think u got urself a gem bro.. lolx.
Old 10-06-2020, 06:42 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by zl1983 View Post
if u had... i think u got urself a gem bro.. lolx.
One thing common about gals from night clubs, they each have their own set of problems, family, relationship, financial... Unless you super like her, otherwise, best to just either hit and run, or don't start anything physical. Maybe it's a blessing for this bro not able to see her again.
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Old 10-06-2020, 07:15 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by 1021115458 View Post

Back at work the next day, while I was doing my daily registration for the girls, Babe came up to me. Alice and Babe usually came to me together for their registration, but Babe came alone that day. Babe didnt leave after her registration and asked a weird question; "Are you feeling better today? Do you like yesterday?" I was quite confused with her question and asked if anything happened yesterday? (Trying to act blur and hoping Alice didnt tell her about me). I can still recall the immediate sadness in her eyes after hearing my answer and left. Later that night, I bumped into Alice... She apologized to me as she was drunk the night before thus she went back early. So she got Babe to join me for supper instead ... .... ... I felt like a bastard ...
Those Were The Days When Liqour Takes Over You
Upz You Bro

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Please PM me if I forgot to return your favour
Old 11-06-2020, 10:11 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
One thing common about gals from night clubs, they each have their own set of problems, family, relationship, financial... Unless you super like her, otherwise, best to just either hit and run, or don't start anything physical. Maybe it's a blessing for this bro not able to see her again.
The kind of wisdom that one can receive only from here.
Old 11-06-2020, 10:56 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by bigbirdbird View Post
Those Were The Days When Liqour Takes Over You
Upz You Bro
thanks bro.

btw, how to you up points? can pm me the steps?
Old 11-06-2020, 12:13 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by bigbirdbird View Post
Those Were The Days When Liqour Takes Over You
Upz You Bro

Im a bit different, once hit liqour, birdly always fail i need to stay away to able to F**k


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Old 11-06-2020, 01:30 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by suaray View Post
Im a bit different, once hit liqour, birdly always fail i need to stay away to able to F**k
same here, either the erection cannot be sustained, or take quite a while to cum, by then, really snagged out. Unless really moderate or little alcohol. However, how often does one just drink very little? Lol
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Old 12-06-2020, 12:19 AM
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Arrow Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
One thing common about gals from night clubs, they each have their own set of problems, family, relationship, financial... Unless you super like her, otherwise, best to just either hit and run, or don't start anything physical. Maybe it's a blessing for this bro not able to see her again.
but since he already up her, no need to play hit and run or start anything. such ladies also know that its a one-off unless they are looking for a relationship. and they know not to find someone who works in the same place they do. better to find someone who doesn't know she's from this line of work.
Old 12-06-2020, 08:32 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by garion View Post
but since he already up her, no need to play hit and run or start anything. such ladies also know that its a one-off unless they are looking for a relationship. and they know not to find someone who works in the same place they do. better to find someone who doesn't know she's from this line of work.
Anyway, we are just generalising the gals. Most of them have those problems that you and I mentioned, but once in while, if we play often enough, might chance upon different ones. I got a friend who claimed he even popped the cherries of two virgins he met in ktvs before, FYI, this guy was not the handsome type.
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Old 12-06-2020, 11:07 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Was in Seoul last year.

Jio-ed a Korean in Tinder to go for BBQ. (I swear that was my only intention)

Then she jio me go clubbing and ended up doing twice that nite.
Old 12-06-2020, 11:11 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Keep the stories coming!
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