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Old 21-06-2015, 10:21 AM
Dasha Dasha is offline
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Case Study:

Airhead Neon Head of All Time Maxi 'ShIOKoliCIous OooOOmP' Priest


Stupid Move 1: TUAKANG To Do The Impossible

Stupid Move 2: Break Promises

Stupid Move 3: Completely Misread Your Opponent

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post

The more he barks like a dog, the closer I am able to zero-in as to who is his coward master ...

I will ignore this clown once I have revealed the stupidity of this coward ...
Unless you're NSA, FBI, ISD...chances of finding out anything are NIL.
Failed to Deliver.
Believe your opponent to be stupid when he clearly passed 'O' Level English while you struggle with PSLE grammar and math.

Stupid Move 4: Declare That You Are Dumb And Senile

Stupid Move 5: Fail To Realise That Boss Sam is Actually sammyboyfor, And Keeps Calling Boss Sam "sammyboyfor"

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Ok lah, bro Sammyboyfor ... I shouldn't be wasting my time on a clone of a coward. I shall leave it as it is then ...

Thanks for reminding me ...
How many times do you need to be told?

Stupid Move 6: Contradict Yourself In The Same Sentence

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Clone of a coward master,
I would not give a damn to your mediocre one sided opinion but once you crossed my path, I shall retaliate till you see Hell!
Stupid Move 7: Fire "Missiles" Which Blow Up In Your Face

Stupid Move 8: Reveal That You Lack Basic Math Abilities

Stupid Move 9: Reveal You Have Zero Deduction Skills

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Dasha who is a clone of a coward ...

U do not dare to use your primary nick to spout nonsense here because you worry that you would be zapped to moderation. And, u want to "preserve" your online image ... And you do not want to incur the wrath of your fellow associates in case you might accidentally offend them whilst mounting this useless campaign of yours ...

I therefore conclude that u are a coward samster because of the above!
Call others a coward for hiding behind a nick while you hide behind a nick.
I started at 20 pts, I'm now at 141pts.

Stupid Move 10: Make Hilarious Allegations Which You Think Are Actually Real

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
I have seen thru your selfish ulterior motive ... U feel pain when ppl fucked your favorite WL passionately and this WL reciprocated passionately to the punter concern ... Don't feel jealous lah as all WLs are public toilet to put it bluntly ... All u need is $150 to splurge and they will be more than willing to spread their legs for u ...

The result is not pretty....


Last edited by Dasha; 21-06-2015 at 10:33 AM.
Old 21-06-2015, 11:54 AM
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Re: 1 yr contract too short?

Originally Posted by Jamesr View Post
Someone made the good point that a woman's menses meant that a 1 yr contract would work out to an effective service period of about 10 months. On the other hand I don't think the working lady would want to work during her menses even if she were allowed to.

Another way of looking at it is that she would not otherwise get any rest at all since she works on weekends too. This is nature's way of giving her rest; so instead of getting a day off each week she gets 5 days off every month but all in one stretch. I imagine that rest time is precious to her.

What I'm concerned about is that a 2 year contract places expectations on her that are quite heavy and demoralizing. Some of them are burdened by expectations back home from those they are supporting that they will stay for the longest time possible. In fact many run out of steam before that time and leave between 9 months to a year.

I believe a one year contract to begin with is actually better for motivation and morale. If the girl wants to and if her house recommends her, she can apply for an extension of 6 months. The point is that she would have chosen that extension and her house would also have had their say. Personal choice always results in reduced stress and better service. The houses would also have enough time to bring in replacements.

Of course this means potentially more work for the anti-vice dept that supervises them. But the machinery is already in place and it is easier to regulate what you can control than to conduct more police raids because cheongsters prefer freelancers since they can't find suitable candidates in legal houses.

Just my rambling thoughts

2 year is NOT the contract period but the maximum time limit

A wl can go back whenever she wants, some even go back in 1 month

u keep mentioning about how a 2 year contract will burden / is stressful for a WL, i think u got the wrong idea, there is no 2 year contract, only a 2 year time limit
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Old 21-06-2015, 02:23 PM
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1 yr limit for starters

Hi yes I'm suggesting a one year limit for starters with the possibility of renewing for 6 mths subject to the house's recommendation. My reasons are listed in the previous post.
Old 21-06-2015, 03:17 PM
kukupriest kukupriest is offline
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Originally Posted by Dasha View Post

Case Study:

Airhead Neon Head of All Time Maxi 'ShIOKoliCIous OooOOmP' Priest


Stupid Move 1: TUAKANG To Do The Impossible

Stupid Move 2: Break Promises

Stupid Move 3: Completely Misread Your Opponent

Unless you're NSA, FBI, ISD...chances of finding out anything are NIL.
Failed to Deliver.
Believe your opponent to be stupid when he clearly passed 'O' Level English while you struggle with PSLE grammar and math.

Stupid Move 4: Declare That You Are Dumb And Senile

Stupid Move 5: Fail To Realise That Boss Sam is Actually sammyboyfor, And Keeps Calling Boss Sam "sammyboyfor"

How many times do you need to be told?

Stupid Move 6: Contradict Yourself In The Same Sentence

Stupid Move 7: Fire "Missiles" Which Blow Up In Your Face

Stupid Move 8: Reveal That You Lack Basic Math Abilities

Stupid Move 9: Reveal You Have Zero Deduction Skills

Call others a coward for hiding behind a nick while you hide behind a nick.
I started at 20 pts, I'm now at 141pts.

Stupid Move 10: Make Hilarious Allegations Which You Think Are Actually Real

The result is not pretty....

Priceless post.. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Old 21-06-2015, 03:17 PM
FEDERER801 FEDERER801 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dasha View Post

Case Study:

Airhead Neon Head of All Time Maxi 'ShIOKoliCIous OooOOmP' Priest


Stupid Move 1: TUAKANG To Do The Impossible

Stupid Move 2: Break Promises

Stupid Move 3: Completely Misread Your Opponent

Unless you're NSA, FBI, ISD...chances of finding out anything are NIL.
Failed to Deliver.
Believe your opponent to be stupid when he clearly passed 'O' Level English while you struggle with PSLE grammar and math.

Stupid Move 4: Declare That You Are Dumb And Senile

Stupid Move 5: Fail To Realise That Boss Sam is Actually sammyboyfor, And Keeps Calling Boss Sam "sammyboyfor"

How many times do you need to be told?

Stupid Move 6: Contradict Yourself In The Same Sentence

Stupid Move 7: Fire "Missiles" Which Blow Up In Your Face

Stupid Move 8: Reveal That You Lack Basic Math Abilities

Stupid Move 9: Reveal You Have Zero Deduction Skills

Call others a coward for hiding behind a nick while you hide behind a nick.
I started at 20 pts, I'm now at 141pts.

Stupid Move 10: Make Hilarious Allegations Which You Think Are Actually Real

The result is not pretty....

Bro my advice to u....please do not do what this clown MP always does....

Which is cut and paste old posts and use it for your own benefits......actually I do not like it....same for other samsters who do that.. To me this is wasting time.....

This kind of context always misleading....this clown is good at this kind of shameless not imitate this clown....

This forum is actually for horny samsters like us who use it to find good quality whores to screw...samsters before wls always....

Heed my advice and do not waste time attacking him....if u can't resist at times to poke this dog, just write a few lines can already....use yr time to read frs or TCss with other samsters...
Old 21-06-2015, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
Bro my advice to u....please do not do what this clown MP always does....
Calm down my man..your request is well noted.
Old 28-06-2015, 11:45 PM
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Bros it's been awhile since this laat batch of newbies came to shore, any good SYT that's worth checking out? Have been rtf those regulars for awhile now. Hopeful for some nice genuine recommendations if any kind hearted fellow samsters care to recommend? Criterias are 1) SYT 2) Good body proportions, symmetrical figure, boobs A+ upwards. 3) Fair & good skin 4) No or minimal tatoos 5) Good GFE 6) Slight Frenching at least.

Bros any good ones to recommend with at least 4 of the above statistics?
Thanks in advance

Warm Regards
Old 29-06-2015, 01:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Honestkeith View Post
Bros it's been awhile since this laat batch of newbies came to shore, any good SYT that's worth checking out? Have been rtf those regulars for awhile now. Hopeful for some nice genuine recommendations if any kind hearted fellow samsters care to recommend? Criterias are 1) SYT 2) Good body proportions, symmetrical figure, boobs A+ upwards. 3) Fair & good skin 4) No or minimal tatoos 5) Good GFE 6) Slight Frenching at least.

Bros any good ones to recommend with at least 4 of the above statistics?
Thanks in advance

Warm Regards
This is really like the saying: ai pi, ai qi, ai dua liap ni.
Old 29-06-2015, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Honestkeith View Post
Bros it's been awhile since this laat batch of newbies came to shore, any good SYT that's worth checking out? Have been rtf those regulars for awhile now. Hopeful for some nice genuine recommendations if any kind hearted fellow samsters care to recommend? Criterias are 1) SYT 2) Good body proportions, symmetrical figure, boobs A+ upwards. 3) Fair & good skin 4) No or minimal tatoos 5) Good GFE 6) Slight Frenching at least.

Bros any good ones to recommend with at least 4 of the above statistics?
Thanks in advance

Warm Regards
Maybe you want to kick things off by sharing your gems that meet these criteria? Haven't seen you share in a long while buddy.

Old 29-06-2015, 12:21 PM
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Re: 1 yr limit for starters

Originally Posted by Jamesr View Post
Hi yes I'm suggesting a one year limit for starters with the possibility of renewing for 6 mths subject to the house's recommendation. My reasons are listed in the previous post.
Don't mind me being frank, but I think that you might have an agenda and by suggesting sometimes it rocks the boat.

Let me then tell you what is going to happen in the following scenarios:-

Your rationale is that most of the WLs should leave after 1 year with a permission to extend for 6 months.

If this happens, the bosses will have a hold of the WLs. You don't please me for whatever reason, I will just let you stay until 1 year and will NOT renew your permit. So how do you solve that? It is a can of worms a lot of brothers here already will have problems with.

Now, lets play the next scenario out. If lets say I like a WL and buy her out of GL. Chances are, she will NOT bite. Reason? Because she only needs to tolerate 1 year and by the time a connection has been made between the Robert and WL, they would have essentially passed maybe 3-6 months, so it makes no sense of the WL to leave early. A push factor for a lot of WLs to leave early is because they miss home and a roberto is offering to replace the funds missed. This is a critical issue and I think by you just pushing your agenda through will definitely cause issues for those who are involved or will be involved a lot of emotional pain.

Basically, for me, just leave the status as per normal. For you it doesn't hurt you but your suggestions like any suggestions put forth can be the path to ruin. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Peace out.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 02-07-2015, 10:11 AM
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My reason for suggesting the 1 yr initial limit is to make Geylang more effective. I read in other threads about the drop in service standards, about working ladies leaving early or sitting around and swatting flies. Meanwhile the freelance business booms through the internet, using condos, hdb flats and even makeshift tents in far out places. I have no problems with freelance myself but I can see why the gahmen and others are concerned : risk of human trafficking, STDs, gang involvement, public disorder.

Geylang itself is problematic but it reflects the belief that it is better to regulate commercial sex than to ignore the demand/supply and rely solely on police raids. The gahmen is paying more attention now to Geylang by stopping the construction of new condos between lors 6 and 22 because it doesn't want to create 'disamenities' for people in the area. Pity they missed out lor 24: there are new condos coming up; there are 7 brothels in that area (5 new); it is a favorite hangout for foreign workers who used to patronize the freelance there. One day the folks who move into the new condos will look at the workers going to the brothels and make internet postings or call the police to make complaints about public nuisance. More police cameras won't help; if people know that big brother is watching their every move, they may move elsewhere and bring the problem with them. But that is a problem for another day and someday soon.

Back to the question of the legal houses in less problematic lorongs. From the feedback in other threads, I gather that business is slow and that folks who have been around feel that service standards have dropped. The very rich who are able to tip handsomely or even 'bao' the girl will have a different experience. But the average joe, the foreign worker and the single older men will probably prefer the roadside beauty offering $30-50 a pop. Actually the rates in Geylang have deliberately been kept affordable for them but they are not using the legal houses much.

The gahmen meanwhile has tried to make houses more effective by allowing them to bring in more girls more frequently and now from Vietnam as well. These girls come from different backgrounds and they are here for different reasons. Their expectations are different and their needs are different. Some of them should not be in this trade at all because they do not have the necessary physical or mental/emotional qualities. There should be careful screening at the interviews, not just to ensure that no trafficking or coercion has been involved but that they understand the demands of this job and are able to meet it.

In any case a one year limit for starters is a wiser offer than two years. It presents a more realistic goal at the start and if the girl finds it conducive and her house agrees, she can extend it for another six months. It doesn't limit her choice to leave earlier but it makes it less likely that the house will be unprepared and left shorthanded. The house does get to evaluate her performance in deciding whether or not to recommend her for extension but I know of no job that is effective without some kind of accountability. The pay in Singapore may not be attractive for someone with a good deal of polish and beauty but it is not bad for someone looking to jumpstart her life, who has something to offer and who is comfortable with sex work as just another form of work. It also comes with legal and medical protection and without the hassle of dodging police raids as in China or Malaysia.

I understand that my proposal doesn't help the agenda of those seeking to 'bao' the girls for their private enjoyment. One consoling thought in such cases is that the rich will be able to buy devotion in many places and will not be limited by Geylang becoming more effective in fulfilling its larger social purpose. I also have no power to push through any agenda. I am merely making suggestions I hope will be helpful
Old 30-07-2015, 10:22 PM
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this thread seems to be forgotten, thus it's time to revive the fire hot news of the day.

house 3033 again hit the spotlight this jubilee 50 year of singapore independence ( geylang hottest news ). I heard from some reliable source that something big happened in that house last night. Soon a few gals would be leaving our shores soon due to that "incident". Hopefully it's not one of your favourites.
Also due to that incident possibly the shop will be closed for a couple of days, thus go visit your favourites before av takes action. Those brothers who know more details can add on to the hottest news / gossips in this forum. Happy reading. Cheers!

Old 30-07-2015, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Honestkeith View Post
this thread seems to be forgotten, thus it's time to revive the fire hot news of the day.

house 3033 again hit the spotlight this jubilee 50 year of singapore independence ( geylang hottest news ). I heard from some reliable source that something big happened in that house last night. Soon a few gals would be leaving our shores soon due to that "incident". Hopefully it's not one of your favourites.
Also due to that incident possibly the shop will be closed for a couple of days, thus go visit your favourites before av takes action. Those brothers who know more details can add on to the hottest news / gossips in this forum. Happy reading. Cheers!

Again ??? Must buy 4D 3033 this weekend !!!!
Life is like a box of condoms,you will never know what you will feel before you use them !!!!!
Old 30-07-2015, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Honestkeith View Post
this thread seems to be forgotten, thus it's time to revive the fire hot news of the day.

house 3033 again hit the spotlight this jubilee 50 year of singapore independence ( geylang hottest news ). I heard from some reliable source that something big happened in that house last night. Soon a few gals would be leaving our shores soon due to that "incident". Hopefully it's not one of your favourites.
Also due to that incident possibly the shop will be closed for a couple of days, thus go visit your favourites before av takes action. Those brothers who know more details can add on to the hottest news / gossips in this forum. Happy reading. Cheers!

I remember a couple of years ago 2 WLs of 3033 fought and the matter was reported to AV and both of them were expelled from GL. The shop was suspended for a period of 3 months. Is it a rerun of the event?
Old 31-07-2015, 12:04 AM
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what happened at 3033, any reliable source with info? would really miss miqi if anything bad were to happen.
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