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Old 04-02-2010, 11:06 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

what the hell....

that sucks. Fucked up husband she has
Why you up me?
Why you zap me also?
Why you so preoccupied with the points?
Why you so like dat?
Old 04-02-2010, 11:20 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Waiting for more keep coming.........
Old 04-02-2010, 11:20 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Dude! 18pages of building up is getting intolerable! I didnt come in here for a few days and thought I'd see some action!
Old 04-02-2010, 12:20 PM
kensheeh89 kensheeh89 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

bro keep it comin Happy for u tt ur able to find such a nice gal also can allow me this junior to pick up some gd moves to please a gal whom i like but still havent officially started wif her to bro cleanfreak let the TS write its nice to be able to understand the whole thing rather den just bang and throw have the patience
Old 04-02-2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


June: "how...sop....?"
Me: "Don't say anything now dear. I am here with you. Things can be settled eventually."

June: "This is the first time he has landed his hands on me!"
Me: "Maybe he is stressed up at work. Maybe he didn't mean it....Hmmm..probably in the fit of anger."

June: "Sop sop....I .... I didn't... expect it. I was.....totally shocked..... Did you know that our daughter saw it...." She cried too."
Me: "Where is your daughter now?"

June: "She....she...with the maid."Me: "Ok....don't let this incident affect her. So what are you going to do now?"

June: "I ...I don't know......" I am not going home for now...."
Me: "Urrrrr......"

June: "I am scare to go home now."
Me: "Where is he now?"

June: "Sop.....he left the house after the fight.....sop..."
Me: "I think for the sake of your daughter, you should stay with her.... If any case, just call up the police if he hits you again...maybe."

June: "Sop..I scared." I am afraid he will do more nasty things to that he has hit me. sop.."
Me: " Don't worry......I guess he might apologise to you. I think he must be very regret by now. Don't worry."

Me: "Dear....just relax...I am sure you know what to do."
June: ".........maybe...." be continued.
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 04-02-2010, 06:12 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


At that time, we proceeded to a nearby bench facing the sea. Sea breeze was rather cooling. June leaned on my shoulder whereas I hold her hand. At times our fingers interlock each others. I wonder if she was aware of this gesture. I have a great feeling about revealing my likings to her, however I managed to suppress the wild thoughts.

I heard and read about girls are most fickle when they are down emotional. They will tend to make decision irrationally. I have decided not to make any rash move to her as I am afraid things might not end up what I have desired. I don't want to rub salt into her woes for now. Who knows I might not stand a chance. She might think that I am trying to break her marriage up or even trying to take advantage of her.

My mind was running alot of thoughts at that time while I still holding her hands. "What if she suddenly says she wants to be with me?" What happened if she makes the first move?" "What if....?" "Aiya.....just stay FIRM!"

She smells as good as the last time though obviously she didn't wear any perfumes. Her long lightly hightlighted curly, wavy hair let out the womanly scents that was too much for me not to have a "hard on". She is just so BEAUTIFUL even when she weeped.......How can I not missed her...if only she is mine.....sigh........

2.30 am time read. I think she fell asleep as I couldn't hear anymore weeping sound from her. Her body was motionless. I tried to move abit of my shoulder and there was no trace of her waking up. Then I ( I have to confess now) I stole a light peck on her head then another one on the forehead. (I admit again) I stole a few pecks on her forehead. I love her smell.

The feeling of kissing her lips was so strong at that time......luckily I managed to resist. I wonder if she knew that I kiss her?

......To be continued.
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....

Last edited by urger; 04-02-2010 at 06:37 PM.
Old 04-02-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by Bangster View Post
"she looked at me and started weeping...I was shocked. Her tears and her mucus drooled down her mouth and got mixed up. When her mouth opened to let out her cries, the mixture of secretions formed thin strings stretching across from top lip to bottom.
Lol bro bangster,i tink d taiwanese drama part is coming...lmao.. XD

Cleanfreak, if u just cant wait, please press the "next thread" button. Nobody welcomes the impatience u. D story was meant to be slow, plus u cant expect bro urger to be free the whole time to keep us updated. Have some patience, if u will.
Old 05-02-2010, 02:38 AM
JIKED D JIKED D is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Road Accident Encounter

This happen to me before. Out of the blue, my friend called me up and I was went to pick her. Found her crying her eyes out at a bus stop near her place and it turned out that her bf just slap her (+ other physical abuse).

I didn't know where to bring her and she told me that she just want to go over to my place to stay over for the night. I think she didn't want to go to any public places as her face looked awful after getting slapped and crying her eyes out. Brought her to my place, tried my best to comfort her and cheer her up.

Similar to your case, we already have some attraction going on between us but I felt bad for her and wasn't horny for her at that moment. I offer her my bed while I take the floor but she asked me to sleep with her on the bed instead.

So I slept by her side, hug her, stroke her hair and wipe her tears away (which kept flowing every now and then). She moved her face closer to me and in my dark room, I felt her breathing very near me. My instinct made me move forward and plant my lips on hers. She return by giving me a very passionate kiss ... the type that you get from a make up after a fight with gf.

But when my face rub against the part that she got hit by her bf, she withdraw in pain. I felt bad for her and sayang her more. I thought we are going to stop here as she is not in a condition to continue but she came and kiss me. Then she shocked me by placing my hands on her boobs.

I wonder if she wanted to use me as a revenge for what her bf did to her so I just went with the flow and see when will she stop me. As we frenched, I slowly moved my hands underneath her clothes and cupped her D cup boobs. Surprisingly, she sat up and removed her bra. After she lied down (back facing me), my hands resumed to cupping and fondling activities.

Soon she arched backwards and started moaning, I started to kiss her necks. I pull her shirt up and turned her over so that I could start sucking her boobs. Her moaning intensified and my free hand move downwards.

I put my free hand in between her legs and she squeeze my hand with her legs. Even with restricted access, I rub her crotch area and she started to gyrate against my hand. I was curious to see how wet she was so I slip my hand into her pants and went underneath her panties.

OH boy she was the wettest girl I ever touch.

I only finger her a while and she climaxed. I thought that since releasing her endorphin was good for her, I wanted to finger her more. But she put her hands on my pants, rubbing my hardon and whisper "Fuck me"

That's one instruction that didn't need to be repeated. We kissed again and removed our pants super quickly. I wade on my knees to adopt the missionary position. I placed my cock on her pussy and rub against her pussy to coat my cock with her pussy juice. It turned her on and she held on to my arms.

After rubbing for a while, I also can't wait to put my cock in. I adjusted my hip so that my cock will be angle towards her pussy. I didn't want to rush in and my cock slowly penetrate her pussy. It was warm and her tight pussy envelope my cock head.

I look at her as she bit her lips. I slowly enter her as I see her tightening up to one big release. She still looked like a wreck but it looked like she was enjoying it. I decided to make love to her gently since she already had a rough night and pump her in a slow and soft pace.

She started moaning louder and more intense. Her pussy is one of those pussy that will make me lose control quickly and I had a hard time keeping it in. Her hands went to my butt and push me into her in a most forceful manner. I didn't need another hint from her and started to thrust her harder. Her head arch backwards and she started to say: "I'm cumming"

I myself couldn't hold back any longer and once she reached her orgasm, I pull my dick out and spray my cum all over her body.

Took some tissue to wipe the sperm off her body and we just went back to sleep, hugging each other tightly.

The next morning, we went to have dim sum breakfast and she told me she want to return back to her place (she stayed with her bf back then). I offered her to stay over at my place for a few more days (or for good) but she refused and didn't give me any reason why.

I thought I didn't performed up to par and it was going to be a one off thingy but to my surprise, she came and find me whenever her bf hits her or was out of town. I could never understand why she put up with such abusive guy but I am a person who don't believe in encouraging people to break up.

I "helped" her as much as I could until I had to move out of the country. We sort of lost contact until recently and I found her and found out that she is happily married to man who is a 180 degree change from the jerk. I still miss the time shagging her and kinda regret not doing more when I could. But the important thing is that she is happy now and I am happy for her.

Paiseh, I wrote so much but reading your story made me recall about my encounter and my memory kept floating in. Didn't mean to hijack your thread .... please continue your story soon cause I am a Fan too

er pls let me know if you mind me posting my story here and I will gladly remove it.
Old 05-02-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

nice story..
Old 05-02-2010, 03:14 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

TS...You know you could be the cause for June being slapped! She must have quarreled with her husband and mentioned why he can't be nice to her like you. Only jealousy in wearing a green hat can prompt a man to lay his hands on his wife.

My points are for meritorious postings NOT for exchange!
Old 05-02-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

nice write up too..
Old 05-02-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


At about 3plus near to 4am. June woke up.

June: "Sorry.....didn't realise I have fallen alseep."
Me: "That's ok. You must be really tried and exhausted. Shall I send you home?"

June: "Ok..... but I am afraid still.....I am scare that he will hit me again."
Me: "REst assure, I don't think he will hit you again. If he does so again, just get away or call someone to help. A man shouldn't hit a woman."

June: "...ok..."
Me: "Alright..."

We got up and suddenly June lost her balance and I was quick to hold her and regained back her balance.

June: " legs were numbed...Must be the prolong posture while I was sleeping."
Me: "Let me hold you while we slowly stroll to the car ok."

June: "Sure"

So I hold 1 of her hand and the other hand embraced around her and walked towards my car. Our body was closed to one another. There wasn't any sign of her rejection. In fact she leaned her head to my shoulder at times when we were walking. (I asked myself is that was a sign of initiative from her?) I embraced her even closer then.

Inside the car....

Me: "May I ask why he hit you?"
June: ".......we had a heated arguements about his frequent late night activities, seldom spent time with family etc...."

June: "Then I mentioned about my friend seeing him with another woman......sop...sop.."

June tearing again. I rest my hand on her hand and consoled her.

June: "He argued that nothing of that sort. etc....he just denied. I wanted him to explain by he just couldn't provide me a simple reason.....sop"

Me: "Well.....don't say anymore. You should just let the matter rest for this while. Get more concrete prove first. Don't act rash. I think he felt offended. Who knows maybe he is really innocent. He might feel that you are giving enough trust."

June: "I believed my friend's statement...sop... I don't think my friend will bluff me." In fact I have loss hope on him already. We gotten married because.....because he felt indebted to me. To tell you the truth, He was a bankcuptcy and I help him to pay all his debts. He was heavily in debt and I was the one to settle all his debts. Sop......."

June: "....and we gotten married because he felt obligated. From the very day we are married, I don't feel th love I deserved. He never fullfilled as a husband or father either....sop....."

Me: " Sorry...didn't know about you situation. Are you alright...Shall we not talk about this? You ought to have a clear mind now June. Come, listen to me, I want you to close your eyes and relax. Listen to your favourite music and let me drove you home...ok?"

June: "Sorry....sorry to trouble you time and time again. I am deeply sorry."

Me: "Well June, if you regard me as your friend, then don't apologise to me again else....I am going to ignore you hor."

June: "...but really......."
Me: "Now close your eyes and shhh....." be continued.
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Old 05-02-2010, 04:59 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

A very BIG round of applause for bro urger on a story well-written so far!

I have read this story from the beginning till this page, and I must say that this really brought back some memories of my past with a close-friend of mine, whom I am still in contact up till now.

Please do carry on with your story bro!
Old 05-02-2010, 05:23 PM
hi1237 hi1237 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

wow story getting more and more exciting T S pls continue soon , camping here
Old 05-02-2010, 05:43 PM
seronok seronok is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


enjoying this story to bits. from the start right up to now. well done =)
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