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Old 05-02-2010, 06:05 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

great story....cont pls...
Old 05-02-2010, 07:04 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Its starting to get SOAPY.....
Old 05-02-2010, 11:15 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hope to read some action by Page 20...
Dont be CONFUSED, FL are for fcuking, not for relationship.

If I forgot to return your points, please pm me your latest post link hor. Thanks
Old 06-02-2010, 11:05 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

hey...keep it coming...thx.
Old 08-02-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

What can I say the driver is driving me crazy for more.
BigBoy 2
Old 08-02-2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hi Bro Urger,

Excellent thread. I love the build-up of the story. Cheers!
Old 08-02-2010, 01:34 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post

you hor."[/COLOR]

June: "...but really......."
Me: "Now close your eyes and shhh....." be continued.
Yes, bro, don't close your eyes too long. Time to continue the nice story.
Old 08-02-2010, 01:53 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Action shud be cumming soon before CNY ... all bros jus hang in there
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Old 08-02-2010, 04:42 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

TS, is this story still in development or is the relationship over already? If its still on going, maybe some bros here can put things in perspective for you.
Old 09-02-2010, 07:46 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


June went into hypenation mood. I wonder if she was really fallen asleep from then. However I can still see tear drops accumulating around her eye lids. So I took a tissue paper and wiped away her tears. She moved her hand and garbbed my hand that was wiping her tears and gave a light peck.

I was taken aback. In return I gave a light peck to her hand too.

June: "Thank you."

She said a "thank you" with her eyes still closed. I gave her a light smile in return.

Reached her place but didn't drove into the her condo apartment. In fact I stopped outside the main road just before turning into the security post. I gave a light tap on her shoulder.

Me: "June....June..."
June: "...huh...?? Reached already?"

Me: "Yape. We are outside your apartment."
June: "So fast? How I wish it will never reached my place."

Me: "Don't be like this June. Remember your daughter is still at home waiting for you to return. She needs you. Do you bear to leave her?"
June: "I know...sigh....if only we don't have her."

Me: "Don't be like this. You gotta solve your problem. The kid is innocent. Don't drag her into this problem. You must solve the problem. It takes a bit of effort and time to solve all problems. Be positive ok."June: "Sure. I will heed your advise. Will listen to you."

Me: "Hmmm. that's better. Now I will drive you in alright?"
June: "Sure"

So I drove to the alighting point just below her apartment."

Me: "Here we are. Now promise me that you will go up, take a good nice shower, cuddle under the blanket and have a good rest." Go catch some sleep. You have to send your daughter to the school ya."
June: "Sure. I promise you."

Me: "Gua girl."
June: ".....Am I?"

Me: " far so good. Go now...."
June: "Ok...good nite to you. Thanks....."

Me: "Go go go..."

I watched her enter the lift before leaving her place. For the next 1 week, we exchanged alot of SMSes and MSN. It was obvious that her husband was away for business trip and that wasn't any chance for the couple to sit down and solve their problems. As for me and June, I wasn't able to meet her because I was away too.

However in one of the MSN chat....

June: "When will you be back?"
Me: "In 2days time."

June: "Oic....Need me to pick you up?"
Me: "You wanna pick me up?" Is it convenient?"

June: "Of cse. Anyway I am free most of the time. Give me your flight details."
Me: " I don't want to trouble you lah. I can always get a cab at the airport and it is paid for by the company."

June: "......Can I see you?"

I was quite surprised to see this reply from her. I was stagnant for a long while as I don't know how to reply. Instead of rejecting her.....

Me: "Urrr..... well....if you insist, I will take your offer."
June: " See you on that day."

After we ended the MSN chat, my heart and mind was looking forward to the return back to Spore. I have never felt so strong to come back to Spore.

....To be Continued.
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 09-02-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Pilot: "Welcome to Singapore. Local time is 1955pm. Temperature range from 27 to 32 deg cels. Relative Humility is about 80%.

The aircraft landed and slowly taxi-ing to the parking apron. I quickly made dashed immigration checkpoint. Cleared custom and headed straight to the DFS. I bought a Issey Miyaki perfume.

While waiting for my lauggage at the conveyor belt, I saw throught the glass and saw a familiar figure. It was June. She was wearing a white tank top and mini-shorts. So sexy!

Finally got my baggage. Headed straight to the waiting area. June gave a very warm welcome smile and hugged me. It was just so unbelievable.

Me: "Thanks for coming to fetch me."
June: "Heh are always helping me. Just a bit of returned favour mah."

Me: "Really thanks."
June: "Are you tired? Jet lagged?"

Me: "Nope. Slept for quite awhile so that I can spend time with you...haha."
June: "Hmm..that's good. "

Me: "Huh? That's good? Are you expecting this answer from me?" What are you up to?" Have you planned something?"June: "Hmmmm....up for you to discover. Anyway are you hungry? Shall we have dinner?"

Me: "Sure. Your call."
June: "Ok....let's go to town, how about it?"

Me: "Ok...sounds good."
June: "What are we waiting?"

June drove her car and we head straight to Berwerks at Rverside point opposite Clarke Quay.

We order quite a few finger food and some draft beers. It was a wonderful and relaxed evening with her. We chatted alot and laugh a lot during our conversation. I did not bring out her domestic problem during that night.

June: "Thanks for the evening. Thanks for spending with me"
Me: "See thanks again! I should thank you for picking me up personally at the airport."

June: "Really.....I want to say thanks especially tonight."
Me: "Huh...just tonight? I spent quite a few evenings and late nights with you already."

June: "But today is special mah."
Me: " special?"

June: "Just special lor."
Me: "Special because you pick me up from the airport?"

June: "No lah.....just special to me lor."
Me: " sound suspicious....Are you hiding something from me?"

June: "Urrr......nothing lah. Just special and thanks for spending it with me."
Me: "You are really trying me!...Urrrr....Don't tell me that today is your.......birthday?"

June: "Huhh....urgggg...well if you think it is then take it as it is lor."
Me: "Oooh...oooohh....oohhhh....Sorry...didn't know that It is your birthday."

June: "That's ok. I never tell you anyway. You don't have to know either. But thanks for spending it with me."
Me: " should have told me earlier."

June: "Not your fault....I never blame you in anyway.....I am happy that at least I don't have to spend it alone."
Me: "June.....actually.....

June: "Huh?"

I grabbed out the perfume that I have bought from DFS and handed it to her.

Me: "Happy Birthday to you."

June was surprised to see me passed her a perfume.

Me: "Actually I knew that today is your birthday. And I have somehow planned this."
June: "How do you know when is my birthday?" And how do you planned it?'

Me: "Remember the car accident? We exchanged particulars and I actually jotted down your DOB....and that's how I remember it."
June: "OIC...oh yah huh.." And you actually remember till now?"

Me: "Yape......I am quite good with memorising figures. "
June: "And .....and how do you planned it?"

Me: "Actually I should be backed 2 days earlier. But knowing that your birthday was today, I extended my stay there. Took extra 2 days leave so that I can come back exactly today. In fact I wanted to ask you out for dinner too but you took the first step. You have offered to pick me up. I guess after that maybe I can ask you out for dinner and give you a surprise."
June: "Huuuuh.....I ....I....."

June was totally out of speech. She just took a few sip of beer and kept smiling at me with the astonishing look.

Me: "And that's not the end June."
June: "Huh......what do you mean."

Me: "You will know it when the time is due."
June: "It's unbelieveable. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect all this...all this from you."

Me: "Remember what I have said to you? You deserved all the attention." Do you like the perfume?"
June: "I...I love it. Thanks.

Me: "You fit this perfume. It compliment you."
June: "Thanks......"

June bended forward her body and kiss me on my face. The kiss was a long one. I really appreciate that from her.

June: "Really thank you. Thanks for planning all this to make this irthday a memorable for me. I will always remember this birthday and you."

Me: "Huuuh..Urrrrr....To tell you the truth....I just want you to be happy. It saddened me to see you cry. To see you unhappy. I really wish you are always so cheerful, always giving a sweet and sunshine smile. "

June: "Urrrrr......I appreciate all these. Everything you have done for me." I definitely treasure our friendship. It just so unexpected. We hit it off rather strangely.....then....."
Me: "I never expected it too. Well let's say that it takes 2 hands to clap."Maybe it's fate that bring us together in that kind of situation. Not matter what, I am your friend now and alwats will.

June: "Yape...maybe. So.what's the next thing you have for me?"
Me: "Just be patient. Will reveal when it's time."

To be continued.....
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 09-02-2010, 09:29 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


I love this story.

Sometimes I think it's rather nice to read such a slow and sweet story amid the highly sexed atmosphere in this forum.

I promise to keep my cock in my pants for this whole story.

Why you up me?
Why you zap me also?
Why you so preoccupied with the points?
Why you so like dat?
Old 09-02-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by Bangster View Post

I love this story.

Sometimes I think it's rather nice to read such a slow and sweet story amid the highly sexed atmosphere in this forum.

Bro, agreed with you.

TS, camping for more.
Three humble pts to be given daily.

Please leave your nick and PM me. I will definitely return your favour.
Old 09-02-2010, 09:42 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hi bro urger...

Nice story/encounter. As far as I am concern, it does not matter if you reali make that up or is it a real encounter, I simply love the build up to smth hopefully beautiful to both u and her..

Well, if its smth real and its still going on, all the best to you. But bear in mind her daughter could be entangle in watever is gg on between u n her plus her n her husband.. Cheers!
Old 09-02-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Mediacorpse could use a scriptwriter like you.

Your narration and build up of your story puts those lousy scriptwriters there to shame!

HOMER SIMPSON:If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it - Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers!
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