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Old 24-12-2010, 10:34 PM
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Angry Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by TechnoKid View Post
Lol ts no harm trying , one of the best way to save money

Like i say before at other thread... All we guys want is to have a gd release but a good release does not mean there is a need to spend so much on fl..some cheap fls can also be of top graded services.After cummed the feeling of it is still the same..Be it u just bonk a local fl or just visit cat 50 at gelyang.After all it just a cummed sessions

Which brother zap me for no reasons on this
post and dare not leave your nick down ? Your act is like ah gua
I dont know what you all dont know
I cant act as through i know
I wont know untill i do a search
I wont search for what i am not interested
Hence i here on this sex forum
Old 25-12-2010, 03:06 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by lee2001sg View Post
Your quotes are so true! I will up you if I have power.

For me, my budget is $200 inclusive of tips and other expenses. Is it true that $250 is better than $150? Like what I said, I never go beyond $200. But I find the below $200 standards are still very good. So, will $250 makes me one times better? Hope bros who had tried both can clarify this.
I don't find there is much diff between $100, $150 and $200 bonks. But there is a diff for those below $100 ones, mostly PRCs who tend to be more rush. That said, one of my best experiences was with a $80 PRC, so they are not all bad.

A lot of the times, the price is set by the OKT, and does not reflect the actual "value" you will get from the WL. One FL told me she used to cost 200+ ( price set by her OKT ), but she hardly got any business. So she switched to another OKT and her price became 150. It's the same girl, but different price under different OKTs.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 25-12-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
I don't find there is much diff between $100, $150 and $200 bonks. But there is a diff for those below $100 ones, mostly PRCs who tend to be more rush. That said, one of my best experiences was with a $80 PRC, so they are not all bad.

A lot of the times, the price is set by the OKT, and does not reflect the actual "value" you will get from the WL. One FL told me she used to cost 200+ ( price set by her OKT ), but she hardly got any business. So she switched to another OKT and her price became 150. It's the same girl, but different price under different OKTs.
OIC, so its the OKT that set the pricings. I saw some $300 and above, think they have their own reasons for setting up so high.
Old 25-12-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by bastardball View Post
... Dun count the other ladies I bonked in the past...but I am pretty much certain...if I cut down my bonking by 50%, I could have taken my whole family for an Alasaka Cruise instead of taking the ferry to Batam
when wife ask for $50, we ask her what is it for!!! when mistress ask for $500, give without a question.

Old 25-12-2010, 07:10 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

lol trying to save up for bonk i can understand...but what i cant understand is why are there guys that tried to ask for a discount when booking FLs, alamak...if u feel that particular FL is too expensive or over ur budget, jus look for gals who are offering at a cheaper price...or 1 way, on ur com, watching porn, hold on to ur money in 1 hand and diy with another hand...when u finally climax...hey money still there, and the best part,u get to fantasize abt any woman u wan...thats what u always tell those guys who try to get a discount...damn boys..this is nt a market place where u can hassle with the butcher over a piece of meat...although i do understand that pussies are two pieces of meat too
Old 25-12-2010, 07:36 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by snowbunny View Post
...although i do understand that pussies are two pieces of meat too
at times, 2 VERY expensive pieces of meat!
Old 25-12-2010, 09:29 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

From day 1 until today, if i don't buy 4D, i would
have save enough to buy a semi-d.
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Old 25-12-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by baimi View Post
From day 1 until today, if i don't buy 4D, i would
have save enough to buy a semi-d.
True, if we do think that way....but sadly, who doesnt want more, if it's the whole world?
Old 29-12-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by baimi View Post
From day 1 until today, if i don't buy 4D, i would
have save enough to buy a semi-d.
Your day one means when? How old are u now?

I guess u mean spore semi-d and not malaysia or other countries semi-d...
You say....I say...we all say Hor Say!
Old 29-12-2010, 03:02 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Paying for SEX is fuck and forget... no chiu bek...
Old 29-12-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

IMHO, When you're faced with a hard dick horny situation you don't weigh the odds and see whether or not you'd 'like' to do it. If money is an issue, then you just need to do the next best handy thing.

Life was never created to be easy but it was designed to be lived fully cos when you need it, you don't want to get stuck and pause for a week.
Old 29-12-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

This is called the "Subjective theory of value" in economics.
Old 29-12-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
I don't find there is much diff between $100, $150 and $200 bonks. But there is a diff for those below $100 ones, mostly PRCs who tend to be more rush. That said, one of my best experiences was with a $80 PRC, so they are not all bad.

A lot of the times, the price is set by the OKT, and does not reflect the actual "value" you will get from the WL. One FL told me she used to cost 200+ ( price set by her OKT ), but she hardly got any business. So she switched to another OKT and her price became 150. It's the same girl, but different price under different OKTs.
Yup, same gal, different price. Will only go for $50-$100 bonks. There's really not much diff except for the time. $50 bonks the okt will chase the girl to be quick. $80 bonks, up to the girl. $100 bonks in hotel , 2 shots and girl will accompany for the full 1.5hrs in hotel. $150 bonks, girls r prettier.( tried most of those at $100 , depend on timing, go early, no business, so got chance)
$200-$300 bonks, okt thinks u r a carrot, simple as that. Even in ktv, i see the same girls asking for $20-30 in ktv pubs and than ask for $50 in ktv rooms. Same girl, diff prices.
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Old 29-12-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by hardcoremayhem View Post
This is called the "Subjective theory of value" in economics.
Bro, not this theory leh. Because this theory...I quote:
The theory recognizes that one thing may be more useful in satisfying the wants of one person than another, or of no use to one person and of use to another.
In TS's case, it's the same person, not different.

To me, paying for a good bonk is comparable to paying for a good meal; which is another of those earthly enjoyment where we'll also "sting on many but spend generously" on an expensive meal occasionally (not referring to daily meals).
Old 29-12-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by bastardball View Post
Had anyone been in this save and stinge on everyday's walk home instead of taking bus / movie on Tuesday at Golden village to enjoy discounted movies, cut out discounted coupons to save money on groceries, dun use the paid toilet to save 10cents, dun buy papers and instead go library read papers or go online, eat at foodcourt instead of other more expensive restaurants, bargain like mad to ask for discount, save on ERP, parking etc.....

Today it happened did last week when I bonked two times....I wanted to buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect, I believe less than SGD 500, but didn't buy cause I thought too expensive...dun wanna waste I thought settle for Wii set...but also didn't buy cause save money....this year go holiday only go save went Sim Lim Square and wanted to buy a Samsung Camcorder for just $300 after discount...but didn't buy in the end...also as you know by save money. But Knn, after my bonk today, spent a total of $280 (plus hotel), if I top up $20, I could have bought the Camcorder. Those two thai Fls I patronize last week, if I didn't go, would have saved $350....these two weeks alone, if I didn't fucked commercial, would have saved $630....I reckon this amount alone will allow me to buy my Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect and a China made camcorder ($138 at Sim Lim Square).....

Dun count the other ladies I bonked in the past...but I am pretty much certain...if I cut down my bonking by 50%, I could have taken my whole family for an Alasaka Cruise instead of taking the ferry to Batam
bro ur analogy isnt that accurate, as most of the items u quoted are considered "wants" & not "needs" you can live wthout ur xbox or a camcorder.
well at least u hv done the right thing by still bringing ur family for a trip though its batam
wat i find disturbing is hv seen frens spent few grands on WLs but they dun give money to their family or parents...
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