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Old 30-12-2012, 09:38 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by wahleoweh View Post
returning to cheonging after many years, now single again. so many HC closed so I tink why not "gentleman's escorts". local girl enough oredi, why not white meat? 1 click leads to another and jaw drop at stunning models there. sms OKT (some local number, some Russian), go to hotel (I tell you which one later), get room number, go up, ding dong, door open ...

I expected Kristin Kreuk but instead kena meth addict!

thot I booked a gorgeous, full lips CFM 21yo brunette with 36D rack (drooping a bit, but I like that). instead, teh girl is dishevelled, pale lips CMI 29yo with badly dyed blonde hair and no rack, bad complexion and messy hair ... room is dark, she said she was asleep. I walked away.

sms another OKT who earlier told mi to go same hotel, and ask for 2nd choice, another stunning "elite escort". go to other room expecting T J Hart, instead I get a porker with double chin. then I realised ... the photo on website is probably of pornstar T J Hart herself. the porker refer me to another room, but that fren also CMI. "OKT #1" happen to text me at same time, so I go room #4, but also si bei chia lat ... so I leave. in the lobby cafe which is closed, I see a Russian ah soh with a laptop, she stared at me. I figured she was the one coordinating SMS from the "different" agencies. after leaving, I search some more, find another target but different number, sms and told to go to same hotel ... no way man.

first lesson is:


now thinking with big head above neck, put 2 and 2 together. remember all the Playboy pages I got sticky as a teenager: photos were all soft focus, airbrushed shots of babes with pearls in posh rooms. so don't trust such photos of "Russian escorts" available in SG. at least those OKT who advertise on SBF do not do that, some credit to them.

look lah, if you photoshop the girl's photo, not so bad. but please, the guy lured by fake photo maybe bo pian and go ahead, just cover the face and fire the base, but he will not RTF. that is killing the golden goose. be a bit more honest.


$250 (30 min) for an elite Euro model? unreal. $400 an hour? still sounds too cheap. all this I learned last 2 days. those elite ones start at $600/h if late 20s, $700/h or $800/h for a decent babe, they have their own websites and suggest restaurants to go to with client and list the favourite perfumes/brands/wine in case the John wants to act like BF and get better GFE. think Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.

not to be a price snob, but you should know what you are paying for. and just over 2 days I kena 5 times a switcheroo, when OKT say yes Angelina Jolie is available then you show up and get Roseanne Barr. you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.


also, real elite escorts (Euro or sg gal) only do "in-call" (you visit them) for regulars, and they only visit 5-star hotel for clients dun mind $1,000 for first hour to start. think Richard Gere would visit Robertson Quay hotel for a 30-minute quickie? yes, that was the hotel with the four bad encounters. the other one is Parkroyal near Mustafa, where I met two CMI Russians there and ran too. actually Parkroyal is nice, but heard too many stories about bad service from Euro girls with bad attitude there.


these fake "agencies", I noticed, never pick up calls, only sms. because you wouldn't know any better if it is a Russian babushka (ah soh) who is telling you "I want you to cum to me darling XoX". another example: I arrange with an agency (turns out to be scam one) for an Italian babe who "speaks perfect English" and offers "perfect GFE". so I arrange to meet at hotel lobby (did not book room first, after knowing a bit better). agency gets her to call me. on the phone, she sounds Russian ... and cannot even speak English porperterly hahaha ... should have cancelled right away, but I wait. she shows up, confirm Russian, but try to pretend to be Italian. cancel.

it is important to be civil of course. they are still human, and it is not their fault the OKT send them off to fool a client and kena humiliating rejection. I usually saw sorry I drank too much and cannot get it up so bye bye


like I said, the OKT for Euro gals advertising on SBF are a bit more accountable because of feedback. but the Russian-run scams using fake photos are not. I will provide a list of their websites later so you can buyer beware. if you are still interested, the best is to go independent and contact the girl directly. but then again ...

kena one independent one who use photos from 10 years ago. I like experienced 35yo women, but 35 for Chinese is different than 35 for ang moh. so this 35yo independent looked like she ws 50 cancel straight away, but politely. anyway she sounded nothing like a young girl on the phone, and not as bubbly as her profile described, so I should have known I was getting a grandma for $600/h. no thanks.

have not explored more independents so I cannot really say, I am sure there are many genuine ones out there with excellent svc, and at least they are not part of one of those scam agencies.


after all that in 2 days, 9 rejected girls, what did I get? many lessons, but no release yet. oya and blue balles too .. just kidding I can wait, and figure out this stupid game the scam agencies are playing, or be prepared to blow Xmas bonus on a short-time experience ... or focus energies on being a good guy and finding a good girlfriend again.

so be warned bros, I just want no one else to fall into this trap laid out for horny men. be safe, be smart!
Thank you very nice read.
Old 30-12-2012, 03:07 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

I kana b4, so I know ur pain bro. 1 was a euro babe. Look like damn power but in the end was something from the movie Taken. Drugged and donno wat to say.

2nd one was vietnamese. Picture fair, boobs like power. Wat I got was a heavily tanned late 30s gal who has went for cesarean. Down there never had a trimming since the 80s. Can't even do it. Asked her to leave and paid her. Donno why I paid her also.
Old 30-12-2012, 04:27 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Anyone tried Eve from Avoyeur?

Her thread is active again and price + pics looks good.

Appreciate if bros could advice before i try her
Old 31-12-2012, 02:05 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

bro you pay good price,good service.if you are looking cheap,how it can be good service?impossible
Old 31-12-2012, 03:22 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by luvityoung View Post
anyone tried eve from avoyeur?

Her thread is active again and price + pics looks good.

Appreciate if bros could advice before i try her
bro i returned fucked her 11 times...enough said
Old 31-12-2012, 04:20 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by RockHardnSolid View Post
bro i returned fucked her 11 times...enough said
Wow 11 times

Tried book her this afternoon but she close shop early due to New Year eve

Will be trying her on Wed

Hope will experience the same thrills as the bros here.
Old 01-01-2013, 10:59 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Dear Bro WahLeoeh,

I share your sentiments exactly !

However, all is not lost

Of ALL the Escort Agencies offering "white meat", I have found that the ONLY reliable one is Mr Pimp

I say this after brutal experiences with all the other Tricksters and Conmen /Conwomen !

The problem with the Internet is finding out who to trust and believe ?!?

All the other Websites eg MermaidsTV,
Russian Porn stars

ALL FAKE !!!!!!

Unfortunately for us Cheongsters, Bro "Mr Pimp" is running low on quality White Meat at the moment

But he charges a very very rate for them when he has them

I have used his Services at least 6 times and Never disappointed !

True to his Website, WYSIWYG

Previously, I had good experiences with Bro "Adam Apple", BUT ALAS !!!
no longer

Reputation is like Glass, and rightly so!

Once broken, can Never be mended and only lead to seven years of Bad Luck !!

Best Regards,

Old 01-01-2013, 11:34 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by mermaidstv View Post
bro you pay good price,good service.if you are looking cheap,how it can be good service?impossible
Hehe, you are one of the con artists yourself. I still remember the shock when I saw the Russian Ah Soh who was supposed to be a busty and pretty 22-year old It was in March 2012...
Old 01-01-2013, 09:58 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

From my experience guys I have tried three OKT's from the forum: Mr. P, MatchboxEcorts and Europekings. From Mr. P and Matchbox I have not complaint at all. Booked a korean gal from Mr P and she was almost the same as picture and very nice as well and from matchbox a russian girl that as well very nice and have great time with her. From Europekings booked a polish girl who results to be from Uzbekistan, she was nice but not exactly as the picture.
Old 01-01-2013, 11:08 PM
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Smile Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Thanks bro for all your exp. Definitely would avoid MermaidsTV etc now that I've read your reviews. Initially skeptical about OKT Mr P. for his rates esp when he gives $140 weekend promo. Since lots of good review for Mr P. and his girls, I'm certainly looking forward to his comeback. I guess it would be better to wait for his new girls to break my virginity than having my first time at fish-tank.
Old 02-01-2013, 01:17 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

try again.have good meat now
Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Hehe, you are one of the con artists yourself. I still remember the shock when I saw the Russian Ah Soh who was supposed to be a busty and pretty 22-year old It was in March 2012...
Old 02-01-2013, 04:14 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by Ong94 View Post
Thanks bro for all your exp. Definitely would avoid MermaidsTV etc now that I've read your reviews. Initially skeptical about OKT Mr P. for his rates esp when he gives $140 weekend promo. Since lots of good review for Mr P. and his girls, I'm certainly looking forward to his comeback. I guess it would be better to wait for his new girls to break my virginity than having my first time at fish-tank.
Mr P is not fake! i can attest to that! WYSIWYG! MermaidsTV is the one having both bad reviews both in KL and Singapore for one reason or the other.
Old 02-01-2013, 04:40 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

bro but we have good girls/bad reviews written by competitors only
Originally Posted by Nigel View Post
Mr P is not fake! i can attest to that! WYSIWYG! MermaidsTV is the one having both bad reviews both in KL and Singapore for one reason or the other.
Old 02-01-2013, 06:30 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Mr Mermaid... most of your meat is bad leh
Old 02-01-2013, 06:31 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos


Thanks for the geniune sharing... new cheongters, pls learn.


Originally Posted by wahleoweh View Post
returning to cheonging after many years, now single again. so many HC closed so I tink why not "gentleman's escorts". local girl enough oredi, why not white meat? 1 click leads to another and jaw drop at stunning models there. sms OKT (some local number, some Russian), go to hotel (I tell you which one later), get room number, go up, ding dong, door open ...

I expected Kristin Kreuk but instead kena meth addict!

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