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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 27-09-2024, 10:58 AM
rawmaster101 rawmaster101 is offline
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Open to second round exchange, 13 pussies to trade daily, any pussies can trade, fast return (9765)

Waiting for return (Round 2):

Return Lists (Round 2):
exactmatxspeed; CLouboutin; Havanna Slicks; ejectjoy; WOOHOO; Swagelock; Biostar;

Waiting for return (Round 1):
rvd_always_rulz; Aroithai69; essray; unfriend; mightyys; merelyevil; Cheeserath; Justin Bieber; drslump99; cornporn;
sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; davidbeckham123; Zeith; vihaanreddy; whitebread; valerossi; babyonboard; neopets;
Thaksin; sexylover; kingking28; william99; heavenmothz; mao9999; chidoryx90; Ravenzano; gorilladmz; voram93;
spaceant; linconbarack; ladgaga; GreenieHulk; southpark99; Dougles; Footballax; Dekwaen; Dragonbal; Canetra;
changed; slickdick87; Happyboi123321; Flash28; Jubei777; subwaymeltz; Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho; lmf07;
ahlongkia; fuggly; RayNix; jahok; topguru; phua2908; papam; dangtai; rlskyline;Kenzofero;
blusterRifle; wasise; kree; kopisiewtai; MILF_LOL; hotindboi; vemoninc;helitop;rauldon;
tagata3937; deadend143; hipsterrock; xinowe1; bulletman; Acenoobie; XiaoLaoPO; AquaticHoop;AmyUber;Informergy;
Hempowerry; qwertyoo; kelang; Johnnypapa; Funlover;blackboystreet; metalslug97; Dr4ke;sharingannnn;Brojoms;
Bustybibi; funfox; jacky88; boobymansion; Cumclub22; MasterPenguin; wanted900; roamer99999;Kobayashi99;Grimwell;
Mozen11; kingofsex; Relcom888; xiaomidnightz; AwesomeGuy; pine33; tcss2; marvel123;MAM4TS;Leeds;
cucu_kuman; audi a6; TeKOT; boooberman; bralessbaby; Aranessetro; toukin; Enjoysilved;AlphaChiquita;mario55;
komododx; spiked; likebossamboss; Ahyong83; Vashiewsho; Xzor66; liarrr;Kenshelec;nkdskull;crew;
Arrol; hambaconchee53; daveinaction; vanityandwax; Abcefg;saltedcaramel; jackyka;Bouncyasset;SigmaPhi406;acerboy12;
newbie5566; Beyond2048x; 20471120; yangyangyang; Putlittlein; sinnersins; hottyspice;brandonsim;toothsaber;Airasight;
frenchseries;ATCong; jazp;ironmanex; plainterg;katekboy; jianming02;rihnohorn;Jtbc1983;Vivacious;
Euthorss; Starbuc; iloveojz;
Old 27-09-2024, 11:20 AM
marklui520 marklui520 is offline
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8 points exchange daily. Any points welcome. Fast return (8738)

Need to Return Lists(Second Round):
exactmatxspeed; ejectjoy; Havanna Slicks; CLouboutin; WOOHOO; Swagelock;

Waiting for return (First Round):
Udonit; classyact; MarkStrothard; Lpman; FWDstriker; KT3248; Ahyong83; drslump99;beanbeanx2;bestrobber97;
sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; davidbeckham123; Zeith; hitman1891; babyonboard; neopets; Thaksin;sexylover;
heavenmothz; liebherr; chidoryx90; cmmaster; Amazo6469; gorilladmz; voram93; spaceant;linconbarack;kidate3028;
ladgaga; Tangramz; southpark99; Dougles; Dragonbal; Canetra; Dekwaen; blossomgun;slickdick87;Happyboi123321;
frostfuryz; Flash28; Jubei777; subwaymeltz; Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho; lmf07;ahlongkia; fuggly;
RayNix; jahok; papam; dangtai; alanlim78; rlskyline; Kenzofero;blusterRifle;sam782003; wasise;
MILF_LOL; hotindboi; vemoninc; itenshi; avbeng035; rauldon; tagata3937; GalaxyS10;deadend143; hipsterrock;
xinowe1; bulletman; Acenoobie; klocc; koxor89; baewatch212; AquaticHoop; PatJuz;qwertyoo; Hempowerry;
Voyaguefi; kelang; Johnnypapa; Funlover; sharingannnn; gohbeng; citol; Bustybibi;tplink4gltedong; funfox;
jacky88; boobymansion; Cumclub22; ossy77; roamer99999; Kobayashi99; Grimwell; Mozen11;kingofsex; xiaomidnightz;
AwesomeGuy; pine33; SuperPaman; marvel123; wildbunch; Leeds;cucu_kuman; audi a6;TeKOT;
boooberman; fuGIM; Aranessetro; CHINYC; toukin; bomberman18;mario55; komododx;spiked;
likebossamboss; Vashiewsho;HAIDILAOHOTPOT; Badtz1984;Xzor66; liarrr; Acceson; nkdskull;moloch1666;crew;
Arrol; whalesun; hambaconchee53; daveinaction; vanityandwax; pinkgensis;Abcefg; saltedcaramel;Bouncyasset;jackyka;
Colin80; AndyWoodworth; acerboy12; Franchisors; Beyond2048x; newbie5566;Mumu1; 20471120;skullkendy;Alistile;
zorro2zero; yangyangyang; sinnersins; hottyspice; brandonsim;mafic2428; toothsaber;Airasight; Shaggarino;ATCong;
Ray06; jazp; ironmanex;plainterg; katekboy;jianming02;rihnohorn;Jtbc1983; Vivacious;Loctite;
Topper; Euthorss; siamcenter; Balluz; iloveojz; BikinisLover; titan;
Old 27-09-2024, 11:24 AM
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Wanna exchange points?
Minimum Power4 to trade
*Include your nickname when u up

Waiting for their return upzz -->> Many

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Searching for nympho FB/FWB. PM me
Old 27-09-2024, 11:34 AM
TheDriverGuy TheDriverGuy is offline
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Friyay cum exchange points
Please allow me some time to return all UPs. Thanks!
Old 27-09-2024, 12:09 PM
siamcenter siamcenter is offline
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5 for exchange

min 1 pts
Old 27-09-2024, 12:38 PM
zip4671 zip4671 is offline
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Hi, I log in daily to Xchange & up 2 different bro/sis +4points everyday.
No Q currently.
Do leave your nick to enable me to up u back.
Thank u very much. ... Cheers ... !!
Old 27-09-2024, 01:13 PM
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Rdy to exchange.

Min. 7
Old 27-09-2024, 01:29 PM
HKCAD HKCAD is offline
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Happy TGIF to everyone.

Any bro wants to do exchanged with me?
@To achieve something BIG, always take 1 small step at a time@.
Old 27-09-2024, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by siamcenter View Post
5 for exchange

min 1 pts
I have 1 in Q B4 power resume at 415pm ... will rewarded back my 30 pts
Q list :
KIV : zip4671 ejectjoy

Waiting for new post : wishlow123 xrated1 winterhisashi bj_dragon Arrow'n'Bow jacanaw adra Littleskinny tamperman fawek99 dromad68 cinesoj
Old 27-09-2024, 05:00 PM
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Anyone wanna exchange feel free to add, thanks in advance.
Old 27-09-2024, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Steventan View Post
Here’s some on a weekend eve.
Points returned, thanks bro.
Old 27-09-2024, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by 4Dguru View Post
Min 3 pts for exchange.
Hi bro

Just credited yr account with my humblest pts

We probably upped ea other before, won’t be surprised u can’t up me yet.
Can always wait next round.

Cheers 🥂

My 23rd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene.

Rep pts:
Pls do not visit the point exchange groups giving the impression you are keen to exchange points but disappear after one post. Or promise to return points but did not do so after months.
Min 5 pts for exchange.
Old 27-09-2024, 10:57 PM
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26 Apple to gv away, Will return once recover.

Wish to hit 25000K before CNY 2025!

Pls Msg Me if u up me. Will return and delete msg once return. Thanks

คนใม่มีแฟน 21241/27

Clip That I Like
Old 27-09-2024, 11:00 PM
Nightzzz Nightzzz is offline
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Up for exchange. No q
Old 27-09-2024, 11:26 PM
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Hey bros, help to up my points and exchange.thanks alot
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