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Old 25-01-2012, 05:18 PM
nookzaa nookzaa is offline
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

I like L8H66E.
His batch currently all can. Got mix of tall, short, slutty, cute, GND... all types.
Old 25-01-2012, 06:51 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
..surplus rears!
Lolx.. I like that term. Yes sir, that's the main vice for me.

I assume they are from 2001, 1637 and 16W15 respectively? I've had the first two tho not that I can call a booty but ok lah can. I'd keep a mental note on KaiXin. Currently my mind is set on either QiQi 2831A or Jiayi 2047.
Dream Bonk: Reasonably good lookin FL w/hour glass figure AND big full fleshy bums!!
Old 26-01-2012, 12:35 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by newt View Post
I assume they are from 2001, 1637 and 16W15 respectively? I've had the first two tho not that I can call a booty but ok lah can. I'd keep a mental note on KaiXin. Currently my mind is set on either QiQi 2831A or Jiayi 2047.
Bro, Karen from L16W15 has succulent rear if my memory serves me well ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 26-01-2012, 01:51 AM
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Re: Babes of L1606A

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bro, have you upped Ding Ding (cousin of Xue Er) before? She is tall (1.68m), voluptuous and pretty ... Her service is at least a couple of notches better than Xue Er and NaNa ...

This house used to have a celeb material WL named, Xiao Ye but unfortunately she has departed for good ...
I have not upped ding ding yet. Xue er told me ding ding is her real cousin & they share same room. Saw ding ding b4 look cute but her body seem quite bah bah.
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 26-01-2012, 02:18 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

damn miss the PRCs. so sad to see their houses closed on first day. but i guess also good if they are superstitious about working this job on the biggest day of the new year.
they also missed my angpao. so perhaps it's good both ways.

tonight, revenge bonk! yah!
Old 26-01-2012, 04:58 PM
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Talking Qi Qi + Jia Yi

no regrets for both...but think QiQi(2831A) has the edge if u r looking for the more shapely smooth hot ass...this mm sure knows how to 'use' that fab ass of hers to tempt the chaps wif those short tight cut dresses of hers always showing off a glimpse of her lovely apple cheeks!!

Originally Posted by newt View Post
Currently my mind is set on either QiQi 2831A or Jiayi 2047.
Old 26-01-2012, 05:33 PM
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Re: Qi Qi + Jia Yi

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
no regrets for both...but think QiQi(2831A) has the edge if u r looking for the more shapely smooth hot ass...this mm sure knows how to 'use' that fab ass of hers to tempt the chaps wif those short tight cut dresses of hers always showing off a glimpse of her lovely apple cheeks!!
Wah! L28 also got legal service house?
Hmm... I've been wandering around L6, L8, L18 and L20. Never ventured to L28. How many houses there? Worth the walk to L28? Must drive through tonight to scout... thanks for the heads-up!
Old 27-01-2012, 01:23 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
There are a number of noteworthy whores whom I have upped in 2011 and you guys should consider too.
76 WLs!! Not considering if you RTF, thats $11400!!
I think you cover at least 70% of the popular WLs.

My humble 4 pts to you for sharing
Old 27-01-2012, 11:07 AM
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Re: Qi Qi + Jia Yi

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
There is only one whore house left in L28. The rest have been demolished to make ways for condo and commercial buildings. L2831A is one of the most popular shops in GL and it is own by the famous OKT Willie.
I almost give up on popular houses. The wait for the girls availability is almost quite frustrating...
Quite frustrating also when have to wait... more than 1hr.
And the worse... the girls are back-to-back working. The littlepussy sure damn well expanded by the last slot.
Old 28-01-2012, 02:35 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bro, Karen from L16W15 has succulent rear if my memory serves me well
There is this gal who came in after the boss made a call for a PRC businessman. Not sure if she was Kelly, stupid me forgot to ask. Could be, if she was returning to homebase after a visit to other house? She was wearing a black dress which reveals some of her butt cheeks. Not as big as I'd love them to be, but still a decent size and it looks potentially meaty. Can't remember much of her features, but she looks pleasant and with long hair; that's about as generic as I can describe her I guess. But I'd be sure to check out Karen though, many thanks for the headway bro MP.

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
no regrets for both...but think QiQi(2831A) has the edge if u r looking for the more shapely smooth hot ass...this mm sure knows how to 'use' that fab ass of hers to tempt the chaps wif those short tight cut dresses of hers always showing off a glimpse of her lovely apple cheeks!!
I've dropped by Willie's and was wowed by the sight of the crowd. But alas, my QiQi was not available for the night. Will be revisiting soon though, and this time much much earlier in the afternoons (hoping for smaller crowds).

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Jia Jia from 1654A has both rear and front.
Bubble butt JJ, that's for sure. Besides having a super stacked rack, her service and attitude is so consistently good, it's scary.
Dream Bonk: Reasonably good lookin FL w/hour glass figure AND big full fleshy bums!!
Old 28-01-2012, 02:31 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by newt View Post

Bubble butt JJ, that's for sure. Besides having a super stacked rack, her service and attitude is so consistently good, it's scary.
yes bruddah : awesome lass : JJ of 54A ..... loves to french, loves to serve, loves to make the client happy I just rtf'd her recently for old times sake : she is one of my best-est doggie bonks ever
Old 29-01-2012, 02:39 AM
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Re: YoYo(2058)

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
no idea bro...perhaps others care to share?

Hi Bro Omnia, Clarified with Garrick.. it was YoYo from 1651. no such YoYo at 2058.
Old 29-01-2012, 02:56 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs


House 1809
21 years old
The legendary APPLE's cousin
from Sze Chuan

Heard from her that Apple brought her over.

Face: 8/10 SYT look. Gave me a young and playful look. Small cute nose, thin lips and mesmirising eyes. A good reference would be Apple who has retired from the scene early this year (they are blood related).

Boobs: 6/10 A cup assets which she manage to push up to a small B with her bra. Not for boob lovers.

Body: 7.5/10 Tight and sexy figure with nice long legs and marshmellow skin. She greeted me with a yellow dress which super imposed on her hour glass shape.

Bath: 8/10 I guess Apple taught her well in this aspect as she cleaned me up thoroughly and kneeled down to provide me with a sensualising bj. Her small tongue explored every area of my groin and proceeded to suc me well. Immediately raised my expectation for on-bed activities.

Frenching: 7.5/10 started off with light pecks on my lips and evolved into passionate and wet frenching

Catbath: 7.5/10 on par with apple(wrt her style and the areas of focus). what else can i say?

BBBJ: 8/10 delicately done and definitely pleasureable. she is a tongue flicker and i certainly enjoyed the way her tongue moved up and down my shaft. suction was perfect with tongue rotation within.

FJ: 8.5/10 naturally wet and tight. started off with her on top and the way she move her hips turned me on even further. switched to doggy and finished off in missionary. as the room in 1809 is surrounded by mirrors 360 degrees, it provided good view of all the actions from different angles. what blew my mind was that during missionary, she achieved orgasm and the love hole was so tight, i couldnt hold in for a second longer.

GFE: 7.5/10 a chatterbox and we got really intimate when the door closed behind us just like a high school couple. after the FJ, we hugged on the bed and carassed each other as we talked till the time is up. no rush in her service at all.

RTF: i'm addicted.

dear bros, this is my first fr after reading on all the contributions of other bros for two years. just my humble POV on the sessions i had with chocolate. starting to miss Apple already....
Old 29-01-2012, 07:25 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

FR on Ke Ke (Co co) (2045A)

Upped her few weeks ago.

Face: 7/10 (Matured looking pretty babe, looks very feminine. Probably due to her facial features & makeup she looks like those jap/korean OL. I prefers SYTs though.)

Boobs: 8/10 (Natural C Cup boobs with pinkish nipples. This is her best asset. Can't stop playing with her boobs. One of the prettiest boobs i see in GL.)

Body: 6.8/10 (Fair, smooth a bit bah bah but she is not plump. She is not slim either. Nice to hug. I must say her body complexion is excellent. very fair and smooth. No blemish at all. When her smooth body rabba my cock its enuff to make my cock stands )

Bath: SOP with a short BBBJ.

Frenching: 8/10 (Lots of tongue action. Wet & passionate.)

Cathbath: 7/10 (Quite average. But still stimulating.)

BBBJ: 7.2/10 (Great!! I like her gentle way of licking and sucking my cock. I don't like too aggressive type of BBBJ. Ke ke's BBBJ is perfectly great for my liking.)

FJ: 7/10 (Tried many positions. But my fav positions are doggie and cow girl. Cos I am able to see her big boobs bouncing and swinging while I pump her. Feels shiok to see her big boobs bounce bounce )

GFE: 6.5/10 (Not much KC or GFE. Probably she is tired due to many bookings. Ever since bro max wrote a fantastic FR on her, she got many customers finding her .)

RTF: Yes for her wonderful boobs and BBBJ.
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Old 30-01-2012, 11:45 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

I recently tried HaiJiao from 2045.

To sum up, she's quite similar to Happy in 2060 in terms of her type and service. Tanned and petite with a very friendly smile.

Though Happy is still better in some way.

I won't consider Haijiao beautiful, but she's like screwing a country girl with cute young breasts (her breasts are bigger than Happy's by the way, almost a C to me) who was meant to be planting rice in the padi fields but got roped into get fucked by men.

I really enjoyed fucking her in doggy style, fucked until we were both dripping and she was like - WOW. Ni Hao Li Hai. I think she loved it, she had this glow after getting thoroughly banged by me. She has some nice moves in the bathroom, including this move I never seen before where she uses her leg to caress the sensitive area between my legs. Electrifying.

But she has a funny way of giving AR, she shoves her face hard into my buttcrack as though she wants to squeeze her head up my arse. It's quite funny more than pleasurable.

Other than that, on the overall, I'll give this gal a go again if I get bored of the others in geylang.
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