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Old 04-03-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Gooooooood morning one and all......

bumping up tis thread
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Old 04-03-2010, 09:16 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Return to Wan Er Massage not too long ago and this is my 4th RTM. As usual her massage skill was as good as before or in fact better than before. I managed to secure a 3 hours slot with her and the moment we are inside the hotel room, we begin to TCSS and I must say that with her doing massage, 3 hours just don't seen to be enough. Time always fly very fast.

She will be leaving around mid May this year, hpefully I can still RTM a couple of times if not next time have to fly to NE of China to look for her to massage.
Old 05-03-2010, 10:08 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by Schneider View Post
FR on Wan Er
.....The Conclusion:-[/B]
I would certainly go to her than any of the professional massage provided by the spas. The 2nd time I visted her again, I will talk less and hopefully she will also so that i can truly rest and maybe take a short sleep.....
bro, Just upz u as promised. 9pts solid solid
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:14 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

thanks powertool69 for sending me the contact.
try wan er service today.
very good service from her, after the massage , my whole body feel so much better. back and neck not so pain.

Looks: 7.5/10
Figure: 7.5/10
Massage: 9/10
Attitude: 9/10

will sure return for more massage from her.
Old 06-03-2010, 10:36 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Bro Powertool69, my friend recco me to try WanEr but say better to come and ask you for contacts cos he say rules say he cannot give me without your permission.

Can I have ctcs of Wan Er ?

TQ veri much.
Old 06-03-2010, 04:57 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

bro can had her ctc
Old 06-03-2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

wow its quite sometime I had not come to this thread !!! had read all the favourable FRs and the sudden rapid inflow request for her contacts after the sexy photos of WR were posted. Noted alot of new customers. What happens to her regular Pew pew ???? Heard long q for her service.
Maybe will just need to wait awhile before joining in the q and before she goes back in may . Good work bro powertools !!!!!!
Old 06-03-2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

bro ts,
ctc pls?
btw, does she do female client...dun dare to intro to gf from others...later pechek lobang..i die...
slim SYTs, sucker for Looks...

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Old 07-03-2010, 10:59 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

RTM FR on Wan Er

Yesterday, a couple of days after returning from outstation, was writing a text msg to Wan Er when I received a msg from her first. Made a call to her instead and set up a two hour appt which was the only time span she was free till her next client.

On the second day of my outstation, due to lack of rest/sleep for the prior 48 hrs, I was less than careful and cautious when crossing the road and I was flung bout 2 metres by an oncoming car. At least I had no serious injuries except for some nasty bruises, the car itself had a dented bonnet from it. Was supposed to go for an X ray there to check things out but kept delaying it due to workload.

Told Wan Er bout it and she was extra careful in her massage in affected areas. She offered to accompany me to go for X ray in this coming week which I declined, not too keen to have anyone see me in a hospital gown which you have to put on if you are taking a full body X ray. The outstation trip this time took a lot out of me and I think Wan Er realised it too when for the first time of our many sessions, I nodded off during her massage. Told her bout my dreams plagued sleep and she gave me at least a good half hour of head massage with my head lying on her lap, just quietly working on relaxing me without any chattinh, a departure from our usual session. It was a very appreciated rest tho even in that short moment of rest, dreams invaded too.....

She exhibited genuine concern and care and as it has been quite a few sessions, she has tuned into me and knows if you are unwell which she managed to percieve.

To discern this as what she would do for me would be incorrect but rather tells you of what kind of person she is. I remembered sometime back when she had less clients and I wanted to do extended booking for the ear tickling thing, she msg me and said that there was no need for me to have extended session just for the sake of helping her out as she believed things will eventually turn out better. I replied that I really enjoyed getting my ears worked on and also that I definitely do not have more money than I can spend so was not helping her out during the lull period. Even after the four hours session, she initially refused to accept more than the standard $100 three hour rate until I said if she refused, I could not bring myself to engage her again as it would be taking advantage of her time and effort.

With very good massage skill and pleasant personality, lots of humourous stories and perceptive mind, time spent with her does seem to go into a fast forward dimension. Just never enough.

Apologies if I omitted description of her massage techniques and stuff, included a link to my past Wan Er FRs for reference. In short, as time with her during massage is never enough, words to describe the session will also be always lacking to justify this lady fully.

All The Best
7 and above to exchange ...

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Old 07-03-2010, 12:18 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

bro Northern,
Hope u are ok. Better have more rest while u are back home here. Have more healthy massage & don't cheong too much liao. Even u are young, do take care of your health for now.

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Old 07-03-2010, 12:21 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by screwprc View Post
bro ts,
ctc pls?
btw, does she do female client...dun dare to intro to gf from others...later pechek lobang..i die...
u want Wan Er ctc to massage your GF? u siao ah???? later when she massage your GF groin area, yr GF....... how?
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Old 07-03-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by laukk View Post
wow its quite sometime I had not come to this thread !!! had read all the favourable FRs and the sudden rapid inflow request for her contacts after the sexy photos of WR were posted. Noted alot of new customers. What happens to her regular Pew pew ???? Heard long q for her service.
Maybe will just need to wait awhile before joining in the q and before she goes back in may . Good work bro powertools !!!!!!
bro laukk,
Like I hv said earlier, it may sound she's always fully booked everyday. But in fact, its not. some days she only hv one or two bookings. Its b'cos many times the timing just doesn't click.

Lately, she told me that her days here are numbered (she is leaving in mid May). So, she said she gotta put in more time & efforts to earn enuf $$$ (the legal way) to acheive her dream. She said she may never be back here again b'cos of the stricter ICA regulations.

So, you regular guys who really appreciate her professional massage services, do give her your full supports. Tips her whatever you can afford if u appreciate her.

I guess many bros will definitely miss her when she's gone. She is really a RARE GEM who may never come this way again.
NEWBIES...... Read this before you proceed further or I'll zap u jialat jialat.....
Old 07-03-2010, 12:55 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by omeng View Post
thanks powertool69 for sending me the contact.
try wan er service today.
very good service from her, after the massage , my whole body feel so much better. back and neck not so pain.

Looks: 7.5/10
Figure: 7.5/10
Massage: 9/10
Attitude: 9/10

will sure return for more massage from her.
bro Omeng,
Thanks for your short & sharp FR. Upz u 9pts solid solid liao
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Old 07-03-2010, 01:45 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by powertool69 View Post
bro laukk,
Like I hv said earlier, it may sound she's always fully booked everyday. But in fact, its not. some days she only hv one or two bookings. Its b'cos many times the timing just doesn't click.

Lately, she told me that her days here are numbered (she is leaving in mid May). So, she said she gotta put in more time & efforts to earn enuf $$$ (the legal way) to acheive her dream. She said she may never be back here again b'cos of the stricter ICA regulations.

So, you regular guys who really appreciate her professional massage services, do give her your full supports. Tips her whatever you can afford if u appreciate her.

I guess many bros will definitely miss her when she's gone. She is really a RARE GEM who may never come this way again.

ok, will try my luck .
By the way , remember to remind her to invite us to her house warming when she is back home !!!!!
Old 07-03-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by makando View Post
bro can had her ctc
36 postings ...... still asking for contacts? u better do something abt yourself before something happens.
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