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Old 13-06-2021, 12:53 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ahwolf View Post
Only hypocrites toy ppl feeling to get free sex when dont have money. For us, we know the limit, exploit them with correct method.

I think karma will strike me if i choose to play ppl feeling.
Listen I appreciate your input, however, what you have with a maid is a transactional bond that will never be the same as the real intimate bond. No one can ever deny that.

I personally think that the maid should be benefiting from the relationship and getting pampered like any normal female treated by her male partner.
Outings, dinner, constant attention, emotional support etc...

Maids should never be taken advantage of, thats not how a well-raised man would ever act.

Do you remember this brilliant breakdown by funboi?

Originally Posted by funboi View Post

If everyone follow the same standards. Then there be no confusion.

Whether you like it or not, there are different classes to the maid game, and the bros who fall in the ML category are the real winners here. Not because they have "free sex" but because they actually possess social and emotional intelligence and basic charm that allows them to achieve what money alone can never buy.
MB category is not bad as well..

You can pay fixed rates for your time with the maid... no shame in this....I'm just saying that you are missing out on what could yield better results.

And don't play the chivalrous upstanding citizen role and try to say that I'm a bad person for exploiting them emotionally... i try my best into balancing things out. And I urge everyone who is reading my post to re-consider their strategy.. All the best.

Last edited by Dizaster; 13-06-2021 at 01:17 AM.
Old 13-06-2021, 10:05 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Dizaster View Post
No offense to bros who pay their way with the maids, but personally I'm against paying fixed rates to bonk maids, spoiling the market, and turning them into freelancers the ones who would happily suck a man's dick just because they receive good morning text messages and sweet talks became unfortunately a thing of the past... romance has a very low effect now. i understand that a lot of bros just don't have the time and the social capacity to grow a relationship with the maid so they just take the shortcut road and let the money talk. The concept of screwing maid has sadly changed drastically in sg.. investing in an actual relationship with the maid will result in a better GFE sex and actual intimacy and most importantly much less expenditure.... maids need someone who would treat them like a lady for a change instead of being treated as a maid for the whole week...we should capitalize on that concept instead of throwing money. Pampering them with gifts and meals is enough but paying fixed amounts shouldn't be the norm.
To be fair some maids operate just like FL. They are not keen in relationship. How to tell?

Usually on their profile they already put no money no honey, or $$$ depends. But all money related. Somethings they don’t put anything but the moment you talk about sex or bring her to hotel. She will say is not free and how much you giving.

This type only purely transactional.

The other type is never talk about money when you talk about sex or bring hotel. Then I also will not talk about money. But just sweet talk more for this type. Very few these days... only attempted 2 in the past. Now trying for third one but too bad she can only meet once a month. Yet to meet.
Goodu going into semi retirement...
Old 13-06-2021, 02:05 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Have been in this thread since many years ago. Why bother to debate whether to pay or not pay? Your skills is good you dont need to pay, your skills is bad you just lan lan look for those that need to pay. I have my fair share of paying and not paying.

Over the years, maid grown to be more clever. They need sex but they need money too. If you are looking at a serious relationship with a maid, think twice.

Lastly, i hope all bros cap on lah. I stop hunting for near to 6months because one of the maid kena std.. i always cap on but im still worried. Cb most of the maids hygiene are quite bad, they also gian song.. bros who kena std will just raw them and the farking dieases spread like covid.

Never trust what they say, dont waste time debating ok. More Frs and sharing to keep the maid community safe and fun.

Ps: I still.prefer maid than FL, dont ask me why
Old 13-06-2021, 02:20 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Waiting for my slut hehehehe
Old 13-06-2021, 02:58 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by axlrose View Post

Waiting for my slut hehehehe

Looks good n sexy bro.

Staying at which area bro?
Old 13-06-2021, 04:51 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Well kudos to those can have free fuck as so long the girl understand it isnt real relationship.

I just upped a myanmar virgin girl, actual age is 20yrs old.. asking her to give me some photos tonight! Have to slowly make her accept to take video next time for my collection heehee!
Old 13-06-2021, 09:56 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by shadowalker View Post

Lastly, i hope all bros cap on lah. I stop hunting for near to 6months because one of the maid kena std.. i always cap on but im still worried. Cb most of the maids hygiene are quite bad, they also gian song.. bros who kena std will just raw them and the farking dieases spread like covid.

Never trust what they say, dont waste time debating ok. More Frs and sharing to keep the maid community safe and fun.
This bro, I also kena before.
And I really did kena STD and stopped for 1 year even after recovering.

Don't get yourselves into unnecessary troubles bros.
Cap on all the time.
Old 13-06-2021, 10:48 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ahwolf View Post
Well kudos to those can have free fuck as so long the girl understand it isnt real relationship.

I just upped a myanmar virgin girl, actual age is 20yrs old.. asking her to give me some photos tonight! Have to slowly make her accept to take video next time for my collection heehee!
Hehe any juicy pics? Congrats on popping the cherry lol.
To the Cheongsters who up me thank you so much!

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Old 14-06-2021, 08:58 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Just had a session with a pinay dh on Saturday. This Sunday she invite me to her cousin birthday at Sentosa beach. She teased me all her friends will be in bikinis and that I m a lucky guy. Btw she told me her cousin like me also. Both of them are the wild type. Just thinking one day threesome with them. Wish me luck
Old 14-06-2021, 09:26 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by mona View Post
Just had a session with a pinay dh on Saturday. This Sunday she invite me to her cousin birthday at Sentosa beach. She teased me all her friends will be in bikinis and that I m a lucky guy. Btw she told me her cousin like me also. Both of them are the wild type. Just thinking one day threesome with them. Wish me luck
Heheh lucky u. Now with staycation can be 5 ppl means it’s good news. Post some pics of the bikini girls. Lol
To the Cheongsters who up me thank you so much!

Never argue with idiots...they just bring u down to their level and beat u with experience
Old 14-06-2021, 11:45 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hello fellow chiongsters , just wanna share a success story ,this is the first ever success that i got , was able to meet this Pinay DH on skout , she is a very shy girl who likes anime and play games , sounds cute huh . 24 turning 25 , slim body , B cup , the best thing is her perfect ass , and she looks freaking cute... think about it makes me drool . She dont really like to go out so i said why not we just go buy food and book hotel to watch anime since now cannot really do much , she didnt even hesitate to say yes . So on the day we just buy food and went to the hotel , watch a few anime and she said she was dont want watch anime cause one of her favourite character died(thank you to whoever it was) then we started cuddling and the golden question lai liao . “Have you ever had sex” , after a few sentence she told me to go shower first then she go . After showering she came out hair wet with towel , when she open the towel wah i think my eyes sparkled .... anyways we had a good time , did it twice in 5 hours with some anime , food , cuddling and smooches , sorry guys my stamina not good . Well , it was a good day and will be meeting her next week and the week onwards
Honestly dont think it can get any cheaper than this , the only cost were hotel , food and travelling.

Anyways just encourage yall dont be discouraged if some attempts are unsuccessful , i been trying for months and just managed to hooked one . Patience is key to success
Old 14-06-2021, 11:53 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by lovecim View Post
You are one lucky man bro!
Wow what a beauty
Old 14-06-2021, 12:42 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by BakaSama View Post
Hello fellow chiongsters , just wanna share a success story ,this is the first ever success that i got , was able to meet this Pinay DH on skout , she is a very shy girl who likes anime and play games , sounds cute huh . 24 turning 25 , slim body , B cup , the best thing is her perfect ass , and she looks freaking cute... think about it makes me drool . She dont really like to go out so i said why not we just go buy food and book hotel to watch anime since now cannot really do much , she didnt even hesitate to say yes . So on the day we just buy food and went to the hotel , watch a few anime and she said she was dont want watch anime cause one of her favourite character died(thank you to whoever it was) then we started cuddling and the golden question lai liao . “Have you ever had sex” , after a few sentence she told me to go shower first then she go . After showering she came out hair wet with towel , when she open the towel wah i think my eyes sparkled .... anyways we had a good time , did it twice in 5 hours with some anime , food , cuddling and smooches , sorry guys my stamina not good . Well , it was a good day and will be meeting her next week and the week onwards
Honestly dont think it can get any cheaper than this , the only cost were hotel , food and travelling.

Anyways just encourage yall dont be discouraged if some attempts are unsuccessful , i been trying for months and just managed to hooked one . Patience is key to success
Congrats bro. Hope u had a good time. Good things happen to those who persevere
To the Cheongsters who up me thank you so much!

Never argue with idiots...they just bring u down to their level and beat u with experience
Old 14-06-2021, 02:43 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Dizaster View Post
don't shame people who post their success stories and verify it with photos, we are not noobs nor less choosy. In the field of maid bonking you should expect older ladies, flappy stomachs, birth scars , saggy titts and overall rough looks, that's part of the maid's characteristic identity and it's what makes the experience raw and fun. You don't expect to bonk a spinner in the maid world and if you do she is a rare find congratulations. but don't come to a topic that is called screwing maids and shame people who bonk what a maid generally looks like. Its like going to a pork shop and question people why they eat pork.

don't hesitate to share bros. Happy maid bonking good luck to all.
Hello, i'm not shaming people but speaking frankly. Maybe being too frank but it is what it is. Have you not said something frankly to anyone before? I doubt so. Classifying beauty is age old bro. So maybe do not take offence when critisism is made? I was only explaining to the Indonesian poster why he should not judge the scene in Sg just based off the postings here. Over-out!
Old 14-06-2021, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by blastit View Post
This bro, I also kena before.
And I really did kena STD and stopped for 1 year even after recovering.

Don't get yourselves into unnecessary troubles bros.
Cap on all the time.
Cap on even for BJ? I alway cap on when FJ lah but if with BJ like a bit weird…no? Just my two cents…

But the STD scare is real tho
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