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Old 17-10-2003, 01:16 PM
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Re: FR on Xiao Ching (7 Oct 2003)

Originally posted by zyxel01
Oops!.....missed reading this one....hehe.... seems you had a good time back to hq....

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Old 17-10-2003, 02:23 PM
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Re: Re: FR on Xiao Ching (7 Oct 2003)

Originally posted by KID278
Oops!.....missed reading this one....hehe.... seems you had a good time back to hq....

Yup... missed that place, but still choked by the smoke....

How's things with you now? Any chance of returning? Not even for holiday?

Old 17-10-2003, 02:57 PM
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Re: Re: Re: FR on Xiao Ching (7 Oct 2003)

Originally posted by zyxel01
Yup... missed that place, but still choked by the smoke....

How's things with you now? Any chance of returning? Not even for holiday?

Bad air huh!.....wonder why tommy always doesnt seem to be bothered with poor ventilation....

Situations are still not good for me, infact very bad. Will not be returning, not even for holiday. Contemplated quitting in many occasions, still having that thought but by a day at a time....haiz....

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Old 17-10-2003, 05:42 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Xiao Ching (7 Oct 2003)

Originally posted by KID278
Bad air huh!.....wonder why tommy always doesnt seem to be bothered with poor ventilation....

Situations are still not good for me, infact very bad. Will not be returning, not even for holiday. Contemplated quitting in many occasions, still having that thought but by a day at a time....haiz....

Well, looks like this is the only way to keep us close together....

Old 17-10-2003, 10:48 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Xiao Ching (7 Oct 2003)

Originally posted by zyxel01
Well, looks like this is the only way to keep us close together....

Yupz....missed all the fun you guys are having, can only login here to have fun in a way....hehehe....

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Old 26-10-2003, 07:09 PM
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HQ 1st Party Gal

Bo Bo (meaning Boobs in Cantonese), according to T she will start work tomorrow and with her 32F assets, she will flood GL with her MILK.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 27-10-2003, 08:16 PM
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Re: HQ 1st Party Gal

Originally posted by cuntking
Bo Bo (meaning Boobs in Cantonese), according to T she will start work tomorrow and with her 32F assets, she will flood GL with her MILK.
So will she make you a happy man with just her boob boob....or more she has to offer.....answers I presume will be coming from you soon.....

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Old 29-10-2003, 04:38 PM
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Re: Re: HQ 1st Party Gal - Bo Bo

bro kid, yes we are all happy MILK man with Bo Bo who started work at hq yesterday ........ no need to wait for my answer (FR) .. see what bro doomas & bro hello post.

When I find more time (I usually take 1 hr to write a good FR), I will post mine .... in the mean time, just a short one ... her boobs 32F is the BIGGEST in GL, all natural, not fleshy, quite tall, fair, average sweet looking gal, full package service (bbbj in shower, hot water AR & bbj on bed) , allows frenching as a quite nice to chit chat too. Only thing that I am not comfortable is that she is too hairy below.

Originally posted by KID278
So will she make you a happy man with just her boob boob....or more she has to offer.....answers I presume will be coming from you soon.....

We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 29-10-2003, 04:53 PM
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FR on Bo Bo by doomas

Was feeling mighty horny today. Heard tt Tommy had a new playmate, Bobo, and decided to try my hand at animal handling.

Made my way down to 1612 and winked at Tommy, who knew instantly what I wanted. Waited for 20 mins b4 I sighted this very sweet and tall gal, abt mid 20s w long hair. When she smiled, the entire room seemed to light up. My dick said take take! Tommy said take take! Like that how to say no? So go lor...

She held my arm and escorted me to the room. I felt like a bloody king. In the room, she took off her dress to unleash the biggest pair of globes I'd seen in my life. Bigger than Liwen, bigger than Kelly, bigger than BB2. She told me she was 32F! Fwoah! Wah lao eh! Quite a slim body, ht 165. Bt a tad hairy at the Y so only Sentosa Rangers may feel adventurous enuff to orienteer their way there. However, her winsome manner places her a cut above the average.

Quite attentive in the shower, got a BBBJ in the shower. Quite skillful, better than average. Attentive outside too, she dried me off despite my deliberately feeble protests. Ordered me onto the bed where she proceeded to give me a catbath and massage with those fantastic flesh mounds of hers. After what seemed an eternity of pleasure, she got me to flip over where she delivered another luxurious session of breast massage and catbath. Mmmmm! She's an expert in running her hands over where it wd deliver the most pleasure.

Next she ook a sip out of a tumbler she had brought into the room. Yippee! Warm water BBBJ. I must say her BBBJ beats many of the GL gals hands down. I nearly came and I seldom come in BBBJ. Cd take it no longer, capped myself and slid my dick into one of the warmest pussies I'd ever encountered. Did her missionary, scissors, tummy down, woman on top and almost every other conceivable position u cd think of before I finally shudddered and came and came and came. Even then, her attentiveness didn't stop. She showered me v thoroughly and wiped me down, again despite my feeble remonstrations.

Name : Bobo
Looks : 6.5/10
Body : 8/10 (for the 32F)
BBBJ : 8/10
FJ : 7/10
French : yes, slightly passive
Attitude : 8/10
RTF : Wild horses couldn't drag me away!

Others had a long wait for her 2day. Best to go early to avoid disappointment.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 29-10-2003, 04:54 PM
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Bo Bo FR by hello

Bro Sam, thanks for letting me bonk PO PO first and nice chatting with u. Find 1 day after bonk, u, cuntking and i let go for a drink lei.

Bro Cuntking, thanks for jio me down or else i wont be able to drink such fresh, juicy and sweet papaya milk from Po PO. Wanted to exchange experience with u about Po PO after my bonk but in a hurry. Anyway this is a fr i promise.

After waiting impatiently for around 1 hour, finally my turn come. While Po Po at the counter signing in, i take a glance at her boobs. WTF, She got such big, juicy and tender pair of boobs which is half spill out. In the room while i am stripping, i cant help myself from looking at her boobs. They look so juicy. As usual, go toilet bathe. While bathing, she try to chit chat with me. I was too engross with playing her boobs until i didnt hear what she is talking about. When she about to give up chit chatting with me, i finally pop up a question. What is your boobs size? The answer is 38 F. Wow F cup!!!!!!!!! After washing my body thoroughly she gave me a short bj. Hmmm.... not bad..

After bathing i dry myself up and lie on the bed. whoooo.... my body was shivering, the room is so cold. She lie on top of me and give me a hug. She ask me whether i am cold as my hands and legs are very cold. I told her i need her payaya milk to warm myself up. She immediately press her too huge boobs on my face, i almost suffocated. Wow even i die under her two huge boobs, it also worth it. After around 30 seconds, she realise i lacking of oxygen. She then slowly lick my upper body and down to my legs. She ask me turn over, can give me a very nice ar. I really love her Ar. Damn shiok.After ar, she give me a bbbj which i am quite sextisfied. I ask her to lie down and i begin to suck her tits like no tomorrow. Finally my mission start, i thrust her hard and she moan. But her moan sound quite fake. But who cares, her big tits cover all the flaws of her. After thrusting her hard, we switch to doggy style. She got such a nice bouncy butt which make u enjoy doggy style with her more. Before i come, i request her to cim. We rush to the toilet and she give me a super bbbbbbbbbj. Finally, my load shoot into her mouth. She damn professional sia, she let the load drip down from her mouth. I am real SEXTISFIED man. Aiya thinking of her, i am horny again better go diy. LOL

Look: 5.5/10
Boobs: 9/10 ( She canot escape the law of gravity,Saggy with pinkish nipple. But i like the way her boobs sag. They are so pretty. i found some wringles or what under her tits.)
Body: 8/10
Bj: 7.5/10
Services: 7/10
Attitude: 8/10
RTF: definately
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 30-10-2003, 02:15 AM
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Re: Re: Re: HQ 1st Party Gal - Bo Bo

Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, yes we are all happy MILK man with Bo Bo who started work at hq yesterday ........ no need to wait for my answer (FR) .. see what bro doomas & bro hello post.

When I find more time (I usually take 1 hr to write a good FR), I will post mine .... in the mean time, just a short one ... her boobs 32F is the BIGGEST in GL, all natural, not fleshy, quite tall, fair, average sweet looking gal, full package service (bbbj in shower, hot water AR & bbj on bed) , allows frenching as a quite nice to chit chat too. Only thing that I am not comfortable is that she is too hairy below.
bro cuntking, just read both FRs.....looks like her debut aside from having wonderful boobs, attitudes and what she has to offer was also good if not excellent.......hairy bottom is a matter of trimming, should not be a bother, infact is sexy....hehehe..... Keep your report coming.....Tommy should be laughing away if she can sustain demands.....

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Old 30-10-2003, 10:09 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: HQ 1st Party Gal - Bo Bo

Originally posted by KID278
bro cuntking, just read both FRs.....looks like her debut aside from having wonderful boobs, attitudes and what she has to offer was also good if not excellent.......hairy bottom is a matter of trimming, should not be a bother, infact is sexy....hehehe..... Keep your report coming.....Tommy should be laughing away if she can sustain demands.....

Yup. Just hope this gal can tahan and dun breakdown like Lisa when she first started work in GL.

Old 30-10-2003, 08:01 PM
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FR on Bo Bo at 1612 (30 Oct 2003)

Intended to try her later, but was activated by my friend accompany him to GL, so decided to try her then. Waited for a while while she was servicing another bro. She has a normal face, not stunning, not pretty, but not ugly, just normal. Quite tall about 1.65m. Slight tan skin tone. Her huge titts can be seen popping out of her pink gown. She held my arm and walked to the last room. Started chatting already while walking to the room.

In the room, we stripped individually. Chatted all the time. A friendly gal. Once totally naked, could see her huge titts. I like them, tho a bit droopy, and quite a big areola of the size of a 50cents coin. Light brown nipples. Has slight, very slight tummy and quite flat butt, reminds me of Kar Leng. In fact her size is almost like Kar Leng, except her boobs are much bigger than Kar Leng's.

In the shower, she cleaned me quite thoroughly. Did a short warm water bbbj. Nothing special really. Then stepped out of the shower room and hopped on the bed. She signalled me to lie face down first. She started to lick my back a bit, and then sat up and used her fingers to caress my body and balls area. She seemed to be in a lost. As if not sure to do this or do that. Suddenly catbath, then suddenly used her fingers. Very distracting to me. However, she also used her nice soft tofu titts to rub my back and legs and butt. Could feel the weight of the titts. Then she took a cup of hot water, but turned out to be only warm. She did a bit of AR, which was nothing special to me. Then spat out the water. She asked me to turn to face her. No catbath, but went straight to my dick and bbbj. Nothing great also. Just bobbed her head up and down. Then she stopped and apologised for the warm water not being hot enough, which she decided to skip it. After a while, she moved up and did a brief catbath on my body, arms and nipples. I began to caress her titts. She began to moan softly. Then she got up and asked how I want to do next.

I told her to lie down. She thought I was going to bonk her then, so she crawled to the side table to take the condom. While she was in doggie position, I looked at her butt and pussy. Very hairy indeed. I began to lick her a-hole, and did AR on her. She was surprised, but let me AR her. She was moaning and let her head hang down. I was using my finger to rub her clit. After a while, I got her to lie down facing up and spread her legs. She was already expecting me to lick her pussy. I spread her pussy lips and could see the clit was quite swollen. I licked it and she responded with loud moans. I tried to insert my finger, but she pushed it away. She was moaning and turning her head left and right on the pillow. I moved up and wanted to suck her nipples. She requested my to lick but not suck. So I did. She was holding my head as if to ensure I dun over-do it. Then I went back down to lick her clit again. She was moaning and moaning. After quite a while, I got up and frenched her. She responded, but not fantastic. Either she dun like or she dun know how to french. I used my finger to rub her clit hard and fast, and she seemed to be in esctacy now. She was screaming and twisting her body. After that, she took out the condom and put on for me. I inserted into her wet hole slowly in missionary position. She gasped for air as I pumped slowly. She slapped my butt once. Then I turned her to my favourite sideway postion. She was in esctacy as I pumped her. I also squeezed her titts as I pumped her harder and faster. After few more strokes, I finally cummed. We panted and then slowly took out my dick. Could feel the condom was wet with her cunt juice. She asked me to rest while she went for her quick shower. Then asked me to join her and she wash me thoroughly again. We chatted somemore and she said that she does not like to be on top as her titts are too heaving and would make her uncomfortable.

Overall ok only, and may not repeat her so soon. No chemistry found.

My ratings (in my opinion):
Looks: 6/10 (normal, not pretty, not ugly)
Body: 6.5/10 (tall about 1.65m, slight tan skin, quite flat butt)
Titts: 7.5/10 (big about 33F, soft and real, big areola light brown nipples)
Pussy: 6/10 (very hairy pubic hair, not tight cunt hole)
BBBJ: 6/10 (normal nothing special, just bobbing up and down)
AR: 6/10 (normal nothing special)
FJ: 6.5/10 (responsive, loud moans when stimulated)
Frenching: YES, but not passionate type.

A friendly gal, but not up to standard yet. Need a few months to train up.

Old 30-10-2003, 08:17 PM
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Red face Breakdown - newbie

Hi Bro zyxel01,

Yes, agreed with you...hope that she won't break down under the demanding expectation of GL. Heard that the other newbie, Baby of L18H15 broke down and was advised by her OKT to take off for a few days for stress relieve....

Old 30-10-2003, 08:20 PM
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Re: Breakdown - newbie

Originally posted by phantom53sg
Hi Bro zyxel01,

Yes, agreed with you...hope that she won't break down under the demanding expectation of GL. Heard that the other newbie, Baby of L18H15 broke down and was advised by her OKT to take off for a few days for stress relieve....

Looks like she is breaking down. She has bruises on her knees and elbows. I think she looked tired that's why she looked lost when servicing me.

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