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Old 25-12-2024, 01:29 PM
Balnazzar Balnazzar is offline
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

I tried Tian Tian from 1606 several days ago. As mentioned by others, she skilled in cosplay.

I picked Nurse out of office/teacher/police wear. Experience was worth it.

Boobs are natural, eager to please and actually asked me to be patient to enjoy the full session.

RTF: Yes 8.5/10
Old 25-12-2024, 09:53 PM
Cres22 Cres22 is offline
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Think can remove man man from wh12 list, okt told me she rtc.

Have a review on 2033 Xiao mi.

Went around Geylang on my walks, wanted to go 1669 as I saw a decent wl but all busy. Shopped at a few places but all weren’t my type. Decided to explore lor 20 and went into 2033. I wasn’t expecting much but once I opened the door I saw one lady stand out on the bench. Looked young enough and petite so don’t waste time just let okt know I pick her. She offered me drinks and took me to the room. She is chatty and quite a playful girl.

Body and looks: quite decent looking small face and small body frame. Guys who like to pick up the girl and ram while carrying will like her. She is very light to me. About B cup.
Bbbj: excellent bj, makes sure teeth doesn’t hurt you.
French: French like no tomorrow. Had high gfe at this point. Finally found a wl who can French.
Fj: tight and wet
Service was excellent. Not a time watcher and massaged me and chatted for abit. I love non rushed service. So far one of my good experiences in Geylang.

I know this is a generic statement but if any bro can recommend a house with tarma or syt do let me know. Tried to hunt in FL3(fl2 is just minefield) but had mixed experience there. Thanks.
Old 25-12-2024, 10:28 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by Cres22 View Post
I know this is a generic statement but if any bro can recommend a house with tarma or syt do let me know. Tried to hunt in FL3(fl2 is just minefield) but had mixed experience there. Thanks.
Best chance to get is house with more gals, just ask the OKT for recommendation. For 2033, there's Ke le/Xiao mi & Wei wei/Xiao xiao related sisters combo. Not sure about others in this or other houses.
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Old 25-12-2024, 11:27 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Decided to bite bullet and go for 1608's Lele.

Tldr; fairly young, quite cute with a nice set on her. Can't really determine if they're real or not but it was still nice to play with.

Service wise it was adequate but nothing mind-blowing. She was chatty and we had a bit of small talk, but can tell that she was going through the motions more or less.

Position wise she seemed to run out of gas and got fairly tired but nothing too egregious, just maybe she keep adding lube so the sensation a bit less shiok

Might consider rtf just cause she look like a friend of friend but definitely needs work
Old 25-12-2024, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Balnazzar View Post
I tried Tian Tian from 1606 several days ago. As mentioned by others, she skilled in cosplay.

I picked Nurse out of office/teacher/police wear. Experience was worth it.

Boobs are natural, eager to please and actually asked me to be patient to enjoy the full session.

RTF: Yes 8.5/10
Hi bro, how would you rate her face or looks? Pretty?

Can kiss or french?

Old 26-12-2024, 02:38 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Any recommendations for girl with good riding skills , cowgirl or reverse cowgirl , check vina sky 2 lubed videos for reference.
Wish some one can ride like her ..
Old 26-12-2024, 04:11 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by electronics View Post
Hi bro, how would you rate her face or looks? Pretty?

Can kiss or french?

She is always standing outside 1606. Can easily see her if you pass by the stretch without entering the house.

For me it's a 6/10 honestly hence I did not proceed. Her costumes was attention grabbing thou
Seasoned bonkster with 20 yrs of experience in GL
Old 27-12-2024, 07:52 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang


Last edited by lakoeei; 29-12-2024 at 12:13 AM.
Old 27-12-2024, 10:51 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by lakoeei View Post
List is so full of gals but when you actually visit those houses it is empty. This is a total BS!
i don't know whether to laugh at you, pity you or flame your self entitled ass.
Not into and no time for the pts exchange game so please don't up me and expect a return really no time.
Old 27-12-2024, 11:21 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by lakoeei View Post
List is so full of gals but when you actually visit those houses it is empty. This is a total BS!
Bro, use your brain to think before you type. The list of gals is still valid and updated regularly. Exception is when some lady(ies) suddenly RTC and it will usually take one or 2 days to update but majority will still be valid.

Obviously, if you go into a house and the it is empty means the ladies are either 1) working and serving their clients which is a good sign or 2) having off-days due to period or 3) for new arrivals still waiting to collect card hence cannot start work yet.

The ladies can't be always waiting for your self-entitled grand arrival like an emperor unless you are so power to pre-booked all of them in advance at the time slot.

On the other hand, if you go into a house many times and all the ladies are always sitting there means something is wrong somewhere already, LMAO.
Latest FR (Upz me if you like): L2033 TT/XiaoMi - L2033 Ying Tao - L2058 Coco/Tina/Toto
Recent FR: WH04 XingXing, L1608 LeLe, WH04 KK, L2045 Yumi/XY, L1608 JJ & Sasa, L2045 TT, L1608 Wawa, L1608 (LL), L1658A (3 girls), Duo Duo (WH04, L2045)
Old 27-12-2024, 11:25 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by Topper View Post
Bro, use your brain to think before you type. The list of gals is still valid and updated regularly. Exception is when some lady(ies) suddenly RTC and it will usually take one or 2 days to update but majority will still be valid.

Obviously, if you go into a house and the it is empty means the ladies are either 1) working and serving their clients which is a good sign or 2) having off-days due to period or 3) for new arrivals still waiting to collect card hence cannot start work yet.

The ladies can't be always waiting for your self-entitled grand arrival like an emperor unless you are so power to pre-booked all of them in advance at the time slot.

On the other hand, if you go into a house many times and all the ladies are always sitting there means something is wrong somewhere already, LMAO.
he thinks he's vip the girls got to do guard of honour let him inspect when he arrives in geylang
Not into and no time for the pts exchange game so please don't up me and expect a return really no time.
Old 28-12-2024, 03:03 AM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang


Last edited by lakoeei; 29-12-2024 at 12:13 AM.
Old 28-12-2024, 07:27 AM
Labubu12 Labubu12 is offline
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Originally Posted by Topper View Post
Bro, use your brain to think before you type. The list of gals is still valid and updated regularly. Exception is when some lady(ies) suddenly RTC and it will usually take one or 2 days to update but majority will still be valid.

Obviously, if you go into a house and the it is empty means the ladies are either 1) working and serving their clients which is a good sign or 2) having off-days due to period or 3) for new arrivals still waiting to collect card hence cannot start work yet.

The ladies can't be always waiting for your self-entitled grand arrival like an emperor unless you are so power to pre-booked all of them in advance at the time slot.

On the other hand, if you go into a house many times and all the ladies are always sitting there means something is wrong somewhere already, LMAO.
Haha legit explanation. If cannot find the WL meaning their business is good. Get the contact of the house and book.
Old 28-12-2024, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by sa101666 View Post
She was sitting down so I can't tell.
YaYa has big assets. Young and big.. just that I prefer small and petite.
Old 28-12-2024, 07:32 AM
Labubu12 Labubu12 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cres22 View Post
Think can remove man man from wh12 list, okt told me she rtc.

Have a review on 2033 Xiao mi.

Went around Geylang on my walks, wanted to go 1669 as I saw a decent wl but all busy. Shopped at a few places but all weren’t my type. Decided to explore lor 20 and went into 2033. I wasn’t expecting much but once I opened the door I saw one lady stand out on the bench. Looked young enough and petite so don’t waste time just let okt know I pick her. She offered me drinks and took me to the room. She is chatty and quite a playful girl.

Body and looks: quite decent looking small face and small body frame. Guys who like to pick up the girl and ram while carrying will like her. She is very light to me. About B cup.
Bbbj: excellent bj, makes sure teeth doesn’t hurt you.
French: French like no tomorrow. Had high gfe at this point. Finally found a wl who can French.
Fj: tight and wet
Service was excellent. Not a time watcher and massaged me and chatted for abit. I love non rushed service. So far one of my good experiences in Geylang.

I know this is a generic statement but if any bro can recommend a house with tarma or syt do let me know. Tried to hunt in FL3(fl2 is just minefield) but had mixed experience there. Thanks.

U may try L1669, my Tarma combi PiPi and Xiao Ling. If u wan even petite size, try youyou.
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