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Old 26-07-2023, 09:08 PM
godofm godofm is offline
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

It has been a really long time since I returned here. Was looking for a great bonk instead of looking around, so I returned for G3.

The moment the door opened into the house, girls were walking everywhere, I was surprised. I didn't know they flooded the tank with so much fishes recently.

Looks wise G3 isn't someone you would pick immediately from the whole bunch of girls standing/sitting there, however as I've had her for quite a few times, and knows her prowess, I picked her again.

G3 has slimmed down alot as compared to the past 1 to 2 years, tho the fix on her face wasn't super, but her skin is super smooth and well maintained. Stomach is still there but it didn't really matter to be honest for me, loved her small size and aggressiveness as usual.

Service wise she has tweaked quite a bit, I was a little surprised. Might be good for some might be bad for some. However her ferocious cowgirl, dfk attacks on me always turns me on, even tho I actually did my own hj this morning. Up and down, front and back, she went her way with my brother. My brother isn't a huge one, but a normal sized one with a little thickness, so her ramming sort of hit her spot as she finished before I did, and I finished about 5 to 7 seconds later after her.

Nowadays she says as there are many girls, her daily customers has reduced, sort of explains why she could afford to finish as I do know that the gl girls often try not to as it would tire them out.
Old 26-07-2023, 10:42 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
think i saw G16 before recently. wear specs (maybe no)? slim/avg build and height irc.

anyway this G16 speaks french ?
Yes.. the only specky.. didnt speak fench wirh me..
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Old 27-07-2023, 07:06 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by pippo2002 View Post
Yes.. the only specky.. didnt speak fench wirh me..
yes, i feel she dun do it also rough guess... same as what post #387 says also.

bro, no.6 u tried before ? quite decent looking also, she speaks french ?
Old 27-07-2023, 07:08 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

last weekend i went, the okt says there will be 2 new girls coming, should be around next tue-wed, say one small size very pretty. awaits to see her.
Old 27-07-2023, 10:48 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
yes, i feel she dun do it also rough guess... same as what post #387 says also.

bro, no.6 u tried before ? quite decent looking also, she speaks french ?
I think i tried all.. if i rem correctly G6 is pretty one but not big boobs n service not that good. Written tbis in L20H38 that time as i mixed up the 2 houses. Post 2052 o think -

Maybe her service changed. Can try try if you want and give fr.. i only tried her once that time.. look forwatd to the new gals..
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Old 28-07-2023, 10:04 AM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by pippo2002 View Post
I think i tried all.. if i rem correctly G6 is pretty one but not big boobs n service not that good. Written tbis in L20H38 that time as i mixed up the 2 houses. Post 2052 o think -

Maybe her service changed. Can try try if you want and give fr.. i only tried her once that time.. look forwatd to the new gals..
thanks bro think i will skip her as of now until got more decent FRs.
Old 28-07-2023, 01:51 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by godofm View Post
It has been a really long time since I returned here. Was looking for a great bonk instead of looking around, so I returned for G3.

The moment the door opened into the house, girls were walking everywhere, I was surprised. I didn't know they flooded the tank with so much fishes recently.

Looks wise G3 isn't someone you would pick immediately from the whole bunch of girls standing/sitting there, however as I've had her for quite a few times, and knows her prowess, I picked her again.

G3 has slimmed down alot as compared to the past 1 to 2 years, tho the fix on her face wasn't super, but her skin is super smooth and well maintained. Stomach is still there but it didn't really matter to be honest for me, loved her small size and aggressiveness as usual.

Service wise she has tweaked quite a bit, I was a little surprised. Might be good for some might be bad for some. However her ferocious cowgirl, dfk attacks on me always turns me on, even tho I actually did my own hj this morning. Up and down, front and back, she went her way with my brother. My brother isn't a huge one, but a normal sized one with a little thickness, so her ramming sort of hit her spot as she finished before I did, and I finished about 5 to 7 seconds later after her.

Nowadays she says as there are many girls, her daily customers has reduced, sort of explains why she could afford to finish as I do know that the gl girls often try not to as it would tire them out.

confuse this is g3 annabelle chong lookalike? always get mistaken from both houses
Old 30-07-2023, 07:58 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

heard there are 2 newbies no. 66 and 88. appreciate if there are any FRs for them.

btw any bros tried no.13 before ? milf-looking, she speaks french ?
Old 30-07-2023, 11:02 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Went to this house, usually I always take G77.
I think everyone knows already how is G77, but what I want to feedback is that she is time matters, if you can finish before the warning bell, she is ok, but if you are still in **** then warning bell is ringing, her mood is totally changed. she become like different person, like has 2 different person inside her, she become bad mood and ask to stop *** don’t continue, even I asked for 1 or 2 minutes, she shout NO, go take shower and leave with angry tone.

Will not choose her again when I back.
Old 02-08-2023, 08:17 PM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

hello bros, i was reading a few pages back that the currently best pornstar experience is g3 and g8. so this H is $60 for 25mins, is that correct?
is it best to take 2 session to enjoy their service? and may i know what time does this H open earliest? is it 12pm onwards to 11pm?
Old 02-08-2023, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by sammboyboy View Post
hello bros, i was reading a few pages back that the currently best pornstar experience is g3 and g8. so this H is $60 for 25mins, is that correct?
is it best to take 2 session to enjoy their service? and may i know what time does this H open earliest? is it 12pm onwards to 11pm?
They open 1130am or earlier
Old 03-08-2023, 12:46 AM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by sammboyboy View Post
hello bros, i was reading a few pages back that the currently best pornstar experience is g3 and g8. so this H is $60 for 25mins, is that correct?
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Old 03-08-2023, 12:47 AM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by sammboyboy View Post
hello bros, i was reading a few pages back that the currently best pornstar experience is g3 and g8. so this H is $60 for 25mins, is that correct?
Yes. $60 for 25mins
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Old 03-08-2023, 01:02 AM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by havana View Post
Double entry
thanks for both the reply, what do you mean by double entry?
Old 03-08-2023, 01:09 AM
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Re: Lor20H40/1 open?

Originally Posted by sammboyboy View Post
thanks for both the reply, what do you mean by double entry?
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