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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 13-12-2020, 10:20 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

Envy and Vibrant, green apple all same stretch.
Very competitive
Old 14-12-2020, 02:33 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

Originally Posted by sky9 View Post
Hi bros,

Just wanna double confirm the B* is actually P B***S spa? If so, any kind souls mind pm-ing me to confirm and which ML to recommend? Gam xia in advance
And how about this B***** & N**** spa? Does it even exist?
Drop by last week, still there.

Clue is there, very easy to find
Old 14-12-2020, 08:50 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

I was also confused by the B saga... Decided to do some investigative work to uncover the origins that caused this huge confusion lol.

If after going through the history of this thread and I am still wrong, then something must be wrong.

On 12 October 2020, 04:39pm, the very first mention of anything related to "B" was posted by bro sianren:

Originally Posted by sianren View Post
Promotion now $39/hrs, near NT*C, blk 20*. It called B & N****. New girl call A**y, standard rate.
The "B" here clearly refers to a shop called B & N****. There is no other way of interpreting it.
To make is crystal clear, with the accurate number of asterisks, is B***** & N****.

A couple of bros then shared their FRs of this place, with positive and negative feedback.

This was followed by discussions of B***** & N**** increasing their prices after the $39 promo ended, which they extended in the end.

And then, somehow, the use of B* for the shop first appeared on 27 Oct 2020, 05:28pm, and it was a signal of the confusion to come. Bro LLL2 though, was still clear that it was referring to a shop:

Originally Posted by LLL2 View Post
Went to B*
Massage was good. GQ asked after around 40-45min.
Standard rates. 50Hj 80 HJ and open top.
All syt
I feel they are too brazen.
Door is locked.
Girls too pretty for the neighborhood.

Enjoy while it lasts.
After a few "PM me for location" posts, bro MystoJ innocently wrote a nice short FR, featuring an ML named B*** on 28 Oct 2020, 06:42pm:

Originally Posted by MystoJ View Post
Today RTM with B***. Omg I’m not sure because of me or what recently she had a lot more bookings! And I can’t manage to book her for a few days already. Good for her also la more supports.

Today’s session is more flirting and teasing. Makes me hard when she says she love my cock while looking at it and making the “Siiiii” sound and showing her tongue slupping. I already starts to autoroam a bit while halfway massage. Bonus today other then sucking and licking my nips, she uses her tongue lick down from chest to stomach and she lick and my finger when I placed it at her lips. Still enjoying myself with her so will RTM again.

Remember that individual might experience different. I’m solely sharing mine.
Those who enjoyed my humble sharing, UP me will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance and stay safe everyone
So far, things seemed quite clear cut. Bros asking for B* (B***** & N**** shop) and B*** (the ML) knew what they were asking for exactly, until the fateful night of 4 November 2020, at 10:10pm, when bro bluesky269 made a post to thank bro MystoJ for sharing B*** (the ML) contact:

Originally Posted by bluesky269 View Post
Thanks to bro MystoJ, visited B*
She is young and pretty. Small size but her massage was good with strength.
Speak quite good Chinese although she is here only 7 months.
Worth a try if you are looking for SYT and a good massage.
Standard rates apply.
The problem was, he referred to B* as the ML and not the shop... and has sowed the seeds for confusion. Nothing against bro bluesky269, just reporting what I investigated.

It did not help that one of the very next posts by bro Babiporkpig referred to B* (B***** & N**** shop) as "B*** spa" on 5 November 2020, 08:46pm:

Originally Posted by Babiporkpig View Post
Can anyone pm me the B*** spa can’t find it
The subsequent posts became convuluted with bros asking for "location of B*" when I know for sure they asked with the mindset of B* being the ML's initial.

Bro yalpnez noticed the confusion between the two, and made a post on 16 November 2020, 08:59pm, to clarify:

Originally Posted by yalpnez View Post
I think so many people mixing up B* spa and B*** from another spa lol.
There’s only like 3 spa like places in the immediate area.
Although the clarification was there, there were still a lot of "PM me the location or contact of B*" with many bros not sure whether they are looking for a spa or an ML.

Bro yalpnez further posted this on 11 December 2020, 01:37pm:

Originally Posted by yalpnez View Post
I think the confusion really need to stop and people just can’t be bothered to read. So I’ll just say it here once and for all.

What people call B* spa is NOT a spa. Go figure the rest.
*V spa has a ML named B* that people rave about

One things for sure. The entire area + the nasi Lemak stretch has now all become carrot chop places with exorbitant prices. Gone were the days of a good $50 massage.

Not sure if it’s due to convenience or whatever. But those looking for good service and a bargain. Don’t bother. Move along.

This area is only for those with deep pockets and keen to pay stupid prices. Don’t go, play and pay, then regret.
But I think the issue is, originally, B* spa was indeed referring to (B***** & N**** shop) while bro MystoJ's B*** was referring to the ML. But bro yalpnez is right about pointing out that "*V spa has a ML named B* that people rave about". (and the B* here has "evolved" into the ML B***).

I suspect the confusion would still not be cleared even after this post explaining it.

For me, if I ever attempted to post anything about the spa and the ML, they would be referred to clearly as "B***** & N**** spa" or "*V's spa B***".

Moral of the story:
- The number of asterisks matters when trying to censor out details.
- The importance of at least writing clearly exactly what you want, a spa or an ML
Old 14-12-2020, 11:46 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

Originally Posted by sicklymicky View Post
Moral of the story:
- The number of asterisks matters when trying to censor out details.
- The importance of at least writing clearly exactly what you want, a spa or an ML
Thank you for the investigative work.

Even we are confused. AV who you guys believe is so free lurking here for info to nap the ladies must be even more confused.
I gave up following and walked there myself and found the joint one day.

Bees and Nectar. Yes position and number of asterisk are important. Be meticulous guys

Old 15-12-2020, 12:55 AM
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Originally Posted by sicklymicky View Post
I was also confused by the
I suspect the confusion would still not be cleared even after this post explaining it.

For me, if I ever attempted to post anything about the spa and the ML, they would be referred to clearly as "B***** & N**** spa" or "*V's spa B***".

Moral of the story:
- The number of asterisks matters when trying to censor out details.
- The importance of at least writing clearly exactly what you want, a spa or an ML
Power la bro. Up you with my humble points

Yes. I just tried to do my part to clear the confusion for people who DO NOT READ.
And yes you are right, people will still get confused because they DO NOT READ
Old 15-12-2020, 02:30 AM
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Smile Re: Kovan massage

(area slightly out of kovan)

But the bus stop directly opposite upper serangoon shopping centre..
Behind that bus stop seems to be some potential stuff going on
haven't got a chance to try cos no time
2 weeks ago I take bus.. see the syt and milf makan outside the store.

anyone got Intel?
Old 15-12-2020, 03:10 AM
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Re: Kovan massage

Originally Posted by BatamBro View Post
(area slightly out of kovan)

But the bus stop directly opposite upper serangoon shopping centre..
Behind that bus stop seems to be some potential stuff going on
haven't got a chance to try cos no time
2 weeks ago I take bus.. see the syt and milf makan outside the store.

anyone got Intel?
Used to frequent there, got extra but unlikely provide full. Heard got this ML viet milf N**** provide really good service but haven’t tried her. Other bros who frequent there should know better
Old 16-12-2020, 02:20 AM
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Re: Kovan massage

Fr on Pure B. Entry is $58, top up $30 for 保养. Din top up cos whole body aching from a fierce workout couple days back and no mood. Got a ML from viet, mid 20s.

Name: S S (if i recall correctly)
Looks: can't tell cos wearing mask
Massage: 8.5/10. Soild kind
GQ: i din ask and she din hint
RTF: yes if u looking for solid massage

Asked her the diff for top up. She said and touch my 2IC the area around. Maybe senior bros here can enlighten whether with 保养 GQ will come anot. Enjoy.
Old 16-12-2020, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by nickwee View Post
Hi, can Pm me the location please. Thanks!
Details please. Thanks!
Old 16-12-2020, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by MystoJ View Post
Today RTM with B***. Omg I’m not sure because of me or what recently she had a lot more bookings! And I can’t manage to book her for a few days already. Good for her also la more supports.

Today’s session is more flirting and teasing. Makes me hard when she says she love my cock while looking at it and making the “Siiiii” sound and showing her tongue slupping. I already starts to autoroam a bit while halfway massage. Bonus today other then sucking and licking my nips, she uses her tongue lick down from chest to stomach and she lick and my finger when I placed it at her lips. Still enjoying myself with her so will RTM again.

Remember that individual might experience different. I’m solely sharing mine.
Those who enjoyed my humble sharing, UP me will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance and stay safe everyone
Nice. Details please? Thanks!
Old 16-12-2020, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by sianren View Post
Promotion now $39/hrs, near NT*C, blk 20*. It called B & N****. New girl call A**y, standard rate.
Hi. Details please? The girl is A*y or A**i?
Old 16-12-2020, 12:28 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

Originally Posted by BatamBro View Post
(area slightly out of kovan)

But the bus stop directly opposite upper serangoon shopping centre..
Behind that bus stop seems to be some potential stuff going on
haven't got a chance to try cos no time
2 weeks ago I take bus.. see the syt and milf makan outside the store.

anyone got Intel?
From far look like syt... Actually 30+ lady. Slim and small boobs. Very very sop. Hj only and touch also need add $$. Won't go back again.

The Viet lady is older. Not my type.
Old 16-12-2020, 12:29 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

Originally Posted by DAMMAD View Post
Fr on Pure B. Entry is $58, top up $30 for 保养. Din top up cos whole body aching from a fierce workout couple days back and no mood. Got a ML from viet, mid 20s.

Name: S S (if i recall correctly)
Looks: can't tell cos wearing mask
Massage: 8.5/10. Soild kind
GQ: i din ask and she din hint
RTF: yes if u looking for solid massage

Asked her the diff for top up. She said and touch my 2IC the area around. Maybe senior bros here can enlighten whether with 保养 GQ will come anot. Enjoy.
There have GQ but must take $88 package. So don't bother.
Old 16-12-2020, 02:38 PM
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Re: Kovan massage

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
There have GQ but must take $88 package. So don't bother.
Pure Bliss now has the no P massage no GQ policy?
Old 16-12-2020, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by DAMMAD View Post
Fr on Pure B. Entry is $58, top up $30 for 保养. Din top up cos whole body aching from a fierce workout couple days back and no mood. Got a ML from viet, mid 20s.

Name: S S (if i recall correctly)
Looks: can't tell cos wearing mask
Massage: 8.5/10. Soild kind
GQ: i din ask and she din hint
RTF: yes if u looking for solid massage

Asked her the diff for top up. She said and touch my 2IC the area around. Maybe senior bros here can enlighten whether with 保养 GQ will come anot. Enjoy.
Now almost entire NE area all prostate places liao, sad. Probably with exception of upper serangoon, serangoon central and spazio but those exceptions consider hit and run, not really places to relax.
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