Originally Posted by zadina20002000
It is just that I feel the term OC as a representative of our wife is so humiliating. To me it is more than just a term. It is more of representation of mentality. It is wrong to continue and perpetuate this thinking. It upset me that even in this forum, we have to think like that.
It is no surprising most Singaporean women don't look highly upon us. I am very sure any respectable pick up artist would agree with me that women will only follow men who have confidence. In fact, girls will follow and listen to men who lead.
So with my deepest sincerity, I would like appeal to everyone to use another term. It could be SO -significant other or HM -home maker... anything but CO. Please....?
bro, i really don get you. what is so humiliating by using OC. We are not using the term like slut, registered whore/fl. i think its yr thinking that is wrong.
we guys have the confidence of using the term OC, thats why we have other gals outside. can you please don be such "AWARE" person in this forum. you really getting on my nerves in asking us to change just for you to feel better. just stop coming into this forum and join the AWARE forum.