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Old 16-09-2004, 01:31 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft

Unlike other poorer countries where all u c are the next door kampong folks, sg lower edu but chio girls knew they still stand a chance of hooking a rich guy with their beauty. They knew how much their life wld change if they manage to get 1. N they work even harder toward their goal. In short, material come above all. As for true love.....well like the chinese saying goes. Cnot eat when hungry rite?

Sigh maybe tats leave us poorer man no choice but aim at those prc.
We are the guys.
It is our role to be the head of the house.

How many of us can hold our head high if the wife is the breadwinner?

True. The head cannot think when the stomach is hungry.

Even th PRC these days are becoming money grubber
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Old 16-09-2004, 01:37 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

IMHO, when u love someone with everything u have got, she will become the focus of yer life, yer everything. that is true love on yer side. if the gal u love also did wat u did..then i say U r god damn lucky to have someone to love u as dearly as u love them. this is wat i call true love on both side. this type of love will be strong.

Juz to differentiate btw love and juz blind influaction, for the former, u go in with yer eyes wide open, knowing the flaws and gd points of yer partner and is able to accept them for who they are and not who u want them to be.this love is more stable too...the latter is juz a passing feeling, tho the feeling can be as intense as the will fizzle out soon enuff..

juz my 2 cents...feel free to comment.
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Old 16-09-2004, 01:40 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

For a cheongster whose fav pastime is to bonk pretty gorgeous girls.

The only time when he realised true love with the girl he really like, he will never want to really go on with sex sex and more sex. He will only want to spend as much quality time with her as possible.


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Old 16-09-2004, 01:57 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

isnt this a good thing?
Old 16-09-2004, 03:31 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

given the following equations i would like to draw some conclusions

first we state that girls require time and money
woman = money x time

and we all know that time is money
time = money

woman = money x money = (money)2 (to the power of 2)

and because money is 'the root of all evil'
money = sq root evil

woman = (sq root evil)2

we conclude
woman = evil

stating that true love is blind
true love = blind

we substitute the values into this equation 'man truly love woman'
we are forced to conclude that
man is blinded by evil
Old 16-09-2004, 10:19 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Johnston
We are the guys.
It is our role to be the head of the house.

How many of us can hold our head high if the wife is the breadwinner?
Agree bit surprises do come around sometime. Even more nowadays with so much retrenchment. Many relation get sour after the man get retrenched. It only show most cannot withstand the test of true love. Back to the same old verse..."No money no honey". Goddamn it ain't thee women suppose to standby their love one especially thru rough time?? Sigh!

Old 16-09-2004, 10:36 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

let me give you my own take of true love: it is manifested in the following ways:
1. almost always do not involve sex;
2. almost always involve element of personal sacrifice;
3. almost always it is like a calling;
Examples are a plenty:
1. true love of human beings; mother therasa; etc.
2. true love of bed ridden spouses;
3. true love of animal species; stay in the jungle for years to study them and fight for their survival;
many, many other examples... gee all this serious thinking is giving a headache also.....
Old 16-09-2004, 10:57 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

think i got something very true about girls to share with u all... dunno related to this topic or not...

When girls are quiet, Millions of things are running in their mind.

When girls are not arguing, They are thinking deeply.

When girls look 'staringly' at you, They are wondering how long you will be around.

When girls answer "i'm fine" after a few seconds, They are not at all fine.

When girls stare at you, They are wondering why are you lying.

When girls lay on your chest, They are wishing for you to be theirs forever.

When girls call you everyday, They are seeking for your attention.

When girls want to see you everyday, They want to be loved and pampered by you.

When girls sms u everyday, They miss you and want you to reply at least once.

When girls say I LOVE YOU, They mean it.

When girls say that they can't live without you, They have made up their mind that you are their future.

When girls say "i miss you", No one in this world can miss you more than them..
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Old 16-09-2004, 11:03 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

How does one distinguish true love?

Lust and true love are separated by a thin line and if one professes to know the limits clear and cut, they are mostly the ones finding hard to differentiate.

Often at times, most keep telling themselves not to fall in love with 'huan chang nu zi'. But what is the outcome? In the end, most found themselves entangled in this love web unwittingly. I have seen too many real examples and even find myself more vulnerable if I seek my 'regular' often.

Things are easier said than done. So I choose to chiong less than get myself embroiled in this 'forever confusing' relationship.
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Many thanks for the above goodwill but please post and inform me so that I can do something about it.
Old 16-09-2004, 11:05 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

hmmmm i dunno wat is really true love... but i know wat i mean by truly loving a girl ba.

Think of a guy who so called stead with a girl, loved her, together for 4 months plus, seldom even hold her hands, helped her settle her debts, then i found out she was with another guy, still trying to give her a chance... by being still by her side, bringing her out like usual... until one day, she asked me am i the one that told the other guy she two timed... damn... thats it...

maybe from now on no more true love for me ba. true love scarred my life.
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Old 16-09-2004, 11:07 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Lust and love is seperated just by a thin line.... if u r confused either it is lust or love, u r not alone, alot of people in the world is facing the same confusion as u
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Old 16-09-2004, 11:13 AM
guzzler guzzler is offline
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Re: What is True Love?

Love, Love, Love. Are you guys going soft?

Let's get back to discussing pussy!


(sorry, I'm bored this morning)....carry on!
Old 16-09-2004, 11:17 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by guzzler
Love, Love, Love. Are you guys going soft?

Let's get back to discussing pussy!

Pussy comes under Lust. Love is inter-linked with Lust. So we should not be too far off then.
It doesnt matter where you are, is who you are with

Skippe, Smeely Beancure, NeoNinja, Golden Finger & KimLin

Many thanks for the above goodwill but please post and inform me so that I can do something about it.
Old 16-09-2004, 11:19 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

brother guzzler... there is this saying.... guys use love to get pussy... and girls use pussy to get love.... are they linked? haha
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Old 16-09-2004, 11:22 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by waypastprime
Pussy comes under Lust. Love is inter-linked with Lust. So we should not be too far off then.
here we go again, just realise that nobody is interested in serious philosophical posting, it is like playing piano to cows.....
alright one more try; let us be scientific about this ok;
first we must come up with a system and unit of measurement because what cannot be measured cannot be the first thing to answer what is true love is come up with a system and unit of it?
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