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Old 16-06-2011, 07:34 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Delphi forums were FREE and I used to spend a lot of time deleting spam posted by OKTs. When I started on Delphi, my intention was to help with the exchange of info regarding the legal red light districts and HCs only.

The OKTs now help keep the forum going. Without them, I'd have to find some other way of paying the bills failing which I'd simply have to shut it down and call it a day.
I love SBF! BTW, I had zapped TS cos this thread really lame. Should say a government or somebody is corrupted. How can a sex forum be corrupted?
Life is boring without Profane's clown acts... ):
Indianpower & curry_mutu_man came and makes things interesting again!
Old 17-06-2011, 12:18 AM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

It would help immensely if the ts shared how he felt the forum has been corrupted.... maybe by the hordes of links, stories... etc??/

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Re: Corrupted Forum

Dear TS,

Do you know how much time and $ is involved to run a successful site like sammyboy?
Old 17-06-2011, 10:03 AM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

[QUOTE=Xgenre;6038201]Agreed. That's why an honest FR is impt. QUOTE]

Originally Posted by teebs_darklord View Post

The best way is to ask people whom you trust how the gals are if they tried them previously.
We can start a new thread in FL Dome just for exposing bad service FLs and OKTs. We can title it "Pi Jiak Your Lobang".
Old 17-06-2011, 10:17 AM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Originally Posted by Reoxy View Post
Start a new thread in FL Dome just for exposing bad service FLs and OKTs. We can title it "Pi Jiak Your Lobang".
No use. Competitors or supporters of different camps will be sabotaging with false FR too. Guess you need to try and error at times. Remember,It's one man meat, another's poison. Just need to open eyes big big. Ear long long to weed out whats real or false.
Old 17-06-2011, 10:21 AM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Originally Posted by ricky96 View Post
No use. Competitors or supporters of different camps will be sabotaging with false FR too. Guess you need to try and error at times. Remember,It's one man meat, another's poison. Just need to open eyes big big. Ear long long to weed out whats real or false.
I agree. Actually there are quite a few OKT bros who are very good.

Willing to share, prompt replies to pms, girls quite good and nice. Price quite reasonable.

I mean seriously, brothers who have been cheonging for some time will know who is good and who is not so good.

Experience comes at a price.
Old 18-06-2011, 02:58 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

In an ideal world, I'd vet each OKT for honesty and reliability and try out every single one of his girls before I allowed any advertising.

Reality is a bit different. First of all I don't live in Singapore. Secondly, it's pretty much impossible for me to verify ANYTHING I'm told via this forum. Everyone is just a nick to me. I don't know anything about the person behind the moniker.

When good FRs appear, I get feedback from Samsters that it's a fake FR posted by an OKT clone.

When bad FRs appear, I get PMs from the OKTs concerned that it's a fake FR put up by one of their competitors to "sabo" their business.

There is honestly no way I can tell. I therefore have no choice but to adopt a hands off approach and let the market decide. It's not a perfect situation but what alternative do I have?
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Old 18-06-2011, 03:17 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
In an ideal world, I'd vet each OKT for honesty and reliability and try out every single one of his girls before I allowed any advertising.

Reality is a bit different. First of all I don't live in Singapore. Secondly, it's pretty much impossible for me to verify ANYTHING I'm told via this forum. Everyone is just a nick to me. I don't know anything about the person behind the moniker.

When good FRs appear, I get feedback from Samsters that it's a fake FR posted by an OKT clone.

When bad FRs appear, I get PMs from the OKTs concerned that it's a fake FR put up by one of their competitors to "sabo" their business.

There is honestly no way I can tell. I therefore have no choice but to adopt a hands off approach and let the market decide. It's not a perfect situation but what alternative do I have?
boss well say

is a willing buyer and willing seller market. let the market forces decide. morale of the story is you cant make everyone happy in this world.

found a new passion,soccer
are a new trend in lifestyle.....
am still searching aimlessly.....
............matters of my heart
Old 18-06-2011, 03:28 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Other than database or index corruption that makes the forum unavailable, what's there to complain?
Old 18-06-2011, 08:12 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post

The OKTs now help keep the forum going. Without them, I'd have to find some other way of paying the bills failing which I'd simply have to shut it down and call it a day.
ask one of the retired ministars to finance SBF since they retired with so much $.
Brothers who have upz my points, I will upz you back soon
Old 20-06-2011, 10:54 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Well, let me put in my 2 cents worth of opinion.

I read somewhere that Politicians, Lawyers and Salesman lie. Now, what about OKTs - well go figure that out. In most forms of adverts and publicity, there will always be some extent of embellishments, and enticement and so forth for you to buy the product or service. It's a matter of the extent of it - like when the OKT say she claims to be 28, but she is closer to 35yo.

How often do you see beautiful pictures of vacation locations like Phuket or Bali, but the actual place is just so-so only.

Well, there are some threads with lots of FR by senior bros to endorse the gal. And there are those threads that are stone cold - only upped by the okt and hardly any others coming in at all. No need for a rocket scientist to figure that out - can aim for the moon liao [cannot miss one la]
Old 02-07-2011, 02:48 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Delphi forums were FREE and I used to spend a lot of time deleting spam posted by OKTs. When I started on Delphi, my intention was to help with the exchange of info regarding the legal red light districts and HCs only.

I could afford to run the forum on a non commercial basis because I didn't pay for hosting or bandwidth.

When Delphi closed me down, I had to get my own host and pay for every Mb of bandwidth that was consumed. I lost more than USD150,000 in the first few years of operation as there was no revenue stream... only overheads and capital outlay.

The OKTs now help keep the forum going. Without them, I'd have to find some other way of paying the bills failing which I'd simply have to shut it down and call it a day.
Even if such a case, u should not anyhow delete people some respect...u can come out with another thread just for sharing samster like us..what for everthing need to pay..
Old 02-07-2011, 02:53 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

There is also no point threaten samster here. Threaten said no paid will remove thread. We are here for lobang and, not for all this kind of threaten.
if you like that threaten, who will dare to come in and give a tot of doing business here.
Old 02-07-2011, 02:58 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

And let me ask you a question. Why some did not pay can post and post is not deleted? Is this fair to other who share and thread was remove.

Hope to get a satisfy answer.
Old 02-07-2011, 03:06 PM
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Re: Corrupted Forum

You can activate all your spare to zap me, all i want is a satisfy answer for all brother here.
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