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Old 30-03-2006, 03:45 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by cateyes1001
Bro, how do you go to Pu Tuo Shan (普陀山)the last time? I may want to go there over the weekends when I am back in SHA in about 1-2 weeks time. Any reasonably price hotel there to recommend? I saw on the CCTV4 here in SIN which they talks about this place. I wanna go there to pray for all my arse luck to go away, perhaps camp there if needs be.
You can go by air to Pu Tuo Shan via Hong Qiao Airport. Return air ticket is approx RMB 600 plus and duration to fly is approx. 30-40 minutes. For Hotel, there is one name Hai Zhong Zhou (海中洲). I think this is one of the better hotels around. I am not sure of the location but then the temples for praying is on another island where ferry may be needed. Hope this helps.

Old 30-03-2006, 03:55 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
Hi Bro cateyes1001,

Hope that everything is alrite wif u bck in sg.... Heard abt "THE" letter thingy from morningrun.... Juz take things easy and you know that we are all here for you.... Tried calling your SHA number but its off...

Anyway, take gd care of yourself and will catch you in SHA once your back..

Thanks for your concern. I am going through a darkest period in my life and I probably need sometime to get over it. Don't worry, I should be fine. My SHA mobile cannot be used outside China. I will pm u my SIN mobile.
(the place I fall will be the place I stand again)
Old 30-03-2006, 04:06 PM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Ok brudders,
As promised, here is the FR from Qingdao

I was in Qingdao on a biz trip for a Regional operations and sales meeting (2 consecutive days). As I was leading the sales meeting on the 2nd day I thought it would be good to end early and get some R&R time, so we ended at 4:00 p.m. with dinner scheduled for 6:30 which meant 2 hours to burn, so I needed to freshen up. There is this massage joint just across the street from the Crowne Plaza which outside says it is a foot massage place but upon entering I noticed that the decor did not seem 100% like foot massage joint leh....

Anyway I wandered in and asked for leg and foot massage - the published rate was 100RMB for 40 mins so I said OK lor..... They had a couple of guys there who I believe would have been normal massage, but i asked the counter person if there were young mm who could do massage as well... and to my surprise they said sure and asked me to go to 2md floor..... AHHHHH HC!!!!! Standard SOP.... they asked me to shower off so I did, and changed into a robe that was offered.

There were 4 mm to choose from, all wearing the Jet-li kungfu pants and 3rd world tracksuit tops.... but I noticed one with hair tied back (pony tail) and a very nice roundish nose..... OK looks. She is from Harbin and spoke very dongbei type.... Initial massage was SOP and she gave very good footsole massafe work so I guess she really knew how to an-mor..... then she proceeded up to the thighs (by this time the others were gone downstairs so we were alone in this room with 3 massage chairs) and I asked her if she did extra services.... she pretend to not know what these were but smiled... so I said an-wo-de-xiao-peng-you.... she said "sure" and (Oh I forgot to mention I was in the robe and when she was massaging the thighs already can see my didi and she was commenting that I was already stiff.... "你为什么那么颖?"

"你能做什么?" “你要我做什么?什么都行!" So I said to myself "Ho Seh liao!" I reached under the tracksuit top and tuched her nehneh.. .and to my surprise three was no bra but singlet..... quite turn on. OK lah boobs sort of like between A and B cup.....

She told me to wait a moment and left for about 3 minutes... then asked me to follow her... up to the 3rd floor..... inside got 4 or 5 small rooms with massage table with hole for face. She wanted to turn down the lights but I said no thanks as I wanted to see her...... so she bade me lie down and took off all her clothes.

I was delightfully surprised that she had very nice skin and a good figure... plus the ponytail which I thought was very high school girl look. Quite hairy downstairs but soft and straight not curly.... first time for me.... She had brought the standard 2 cups of hot water and proceeded to catbath me.... SOP... until reach my didi... and did the hot water BBBJ.... Aiyoh! I wanted to DT her but the BBBJ was really good so did not want to spoil it. Then she went to 69 position with her hole right at my face...

Part 2 to follow....

Rubber went on without me knowing
Old 30-03-2006, 04:07 PM
cateyes1001 cateyes1001 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
You can go by air to Pu Tuo Shan via Hong Qiao Airport. Return air ticket is approx RMB 600 plus and duration to fly is approx. 30-40 minutes. For Hotel, there is one name Hai Zhong Zhou (海中洲). I think this is one of the better hotels around. I am not sure of the location but then the temples for praying is on another island where ferry may be needed. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the information and I appreciate it. Is there any hotels on the lsland where all the temples are?
(the place I fall will be the place I stand again)
Old 30-03-2006, 06:27 PM
Joshzzz Joshzzz is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I have been reading thru most of the posts (well from certain page onwards! Too long lah! ) and have no problem with the TCSS going on. Heck, it gives the thread its life! Else it would be nothing but an information resource which some ppl might like but not me!

I like to see this fellowship of brothers having fun together and sharing the good and bad. I should be coming over to SH next year... yeah still a loooong way! But hope to join you guys then!

Please ignore the crows and continue as per normal!

Old 31-03-2006, 08:23 AM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Qingdao Part II FR (After action report)

Sorry I got sidetracked as the other half just came home......

So I had been playing with her hole for about 10 minutes and she had been BBBJ-ing me and providing quite a lot of suction (I think about vacuum state of 300 mmHg) when she turned around I found that I was capped...... Dunno when that happened as I had been concentrating on the hole. She went riding rodeo for about 2 or 3 minutes then asked me to go from behind.... i.e. she lay on her stomach and went from behind lor..... Was quite an interesting feeling as she had a nice butt - compared with many of the PRCs who are somehow flat-butted.... this I found to be a turn-on. From there progressed to doggie then I cannot remember as we went for about 40 mins straight... (I am getting old so it takes a longer time to get the plumbing working... especially when capped)

I guess she came too as she shuddered a couple of times during the session which I took to being a woman cumming.... anyway finished off with standard missionary. and lay there quite relaxed for another 10 minutes talking rubbish cleaned off and then took a shower... she in the meantime got back into the tracksuit and Jet-li amah pants. (still no bra but singlet)... and paid her for her services (total time with her about 1 hour 45 mins) I asked her how much she wanted and she said RMB400 would do so I dished out RMB500 and she asked me to come visit her again... sure lah!

Went to the enterance and the counter guy charged me RMB180 for the massage time and shower facilities which were not bad... they use Pantene ProV shampoo... Returned to the hotel well rested and quite happy... then to dinner.

Summary of experience:
Location - Foot Massage joint next to Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao (got to walk about 100m)
Atmosphere - Looks like massage joint, but interior decor a little funky... but friendly staff and quite eager to please

MM- Name (Xiao Wei I think because she was not allowed to give me her name just number - No 23) From Harbin 19 years old - will not overnight or go out of the place to do....
Ht - 1.55 I guess
Face :5/10 with pony tail
Body :7/10
Tits :6/10 (mid A-B cup) no bra - singlet
Butt :8/10 narrow hips round butt with good curvature of spine (MIS and I agree that many of the PRC mms have ugly butts)
Overall external features: 6/10 (hairy downstairs leh.... Boring siah)

Massage : foot massage only tried about 7/10 not very painful but relaxing
BBBJ : 8.5/10 suction and tongue action was good - did not know when she had capped me.... no CIM (was not a priority since it was a ST)
HJ : N.A.
FJ : 7/10 SOP
Cost: RMB 180 for massage time, RMB400 for "special" RMB100 for tip
Overal experience 7/10 (one thumb up)
Will return again: possibly would like to sample other mms

Now back in SHA and waiting for our group outing

Old 31-03-2006, 08:28 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by cateyes1001
Thanks for the information and I appreciate it. Is there any hotels on the lsland where all the temples are?
(the place I fall will be the place I stand again)
Bro Cateyes,
When you coming back to SHA? Was a little sad to hear that you threw in "THE letter" but I guess you know the situation better than any of us ever will.... We are all rooting for you and will be hee for you OK?

Please give us (MIS, SHASGP69 and myself) a shout as we ARE truly concerned. Hang in there buddy

Old 31-03-2006, 09:16 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Yoz gentlemen this shanghai thread has been a great source of information and interesting stories. I guess we should not spolit the mood because of a few people. Peace. 求财不求气. ermm for this case is 和气生财 I fully agree it is a good place to build bonds especially when everyone are on a foreign land. i appreciate all the contributions (be it info or stories) from all the brothers here and of cos our big brothers PTR, Shengge and CEO, although i may not have the chance to chiong with all before.

I seldom post cos i am not based in SH so dun really know the happenings around.
Currently still stuck in central plains of china so if any brothers dropping can contact me haha... i see if i can provide info or maybe stories
Old 31-03-2006, 08:08 PM
Sexatronic Sexatronic is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi guys,

My company last minute decided to send me to Nanjing for 3 mths and will leaving SG next week. I understand there may not be many happenings in Nanjing... So would like to link up with u guys in SHA...

I will be PM-ing u guys tmrw....rushing off now.
Old 01-04-2006, 03:34 PM
cateyes1001 cateyes1001 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Morningrun
Bro Cateyes,
When you coming back to SHA? Was a little sad to hear that you threw in "THE letter" but I guess you know the situation better than any of us ever will.... We are all rooting for you and will be hee for you OK?

Please give us (MIS, SHASGP69 and myself) a shout as we ARE truly concerned. Hang in there buddy

Bro Morningrun,
I should be back SHA next week. Yap, I plucked out the courage and finally threw "THE" letter after considering for a few months. Rest assured it was not a hasty decision. Thanks for your emotional support and will catch up soon.
(the place I fall will be the place I stand again)
Old 01-04-2006, 04:27 PM
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Re: any cheong session next week?

Originally Posted by supertora
dear bro, no problem to join, but as usual, everyone have to share the bills of ktv, bar etc! pls pm me if u r in shanghai.

thanks brudder!!! surely no prob, we are all working professionals, all we want is just a great time...

Old 02-04-2006, 12:15 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Morningrun
Qingdao Part II FR (After action report)

Summary of experience:
MM- Name (Xiao Wei I think because she was not allowed to give me her name just number - No 23) From Harbin 19 years old - will not overnight or go out of the place to do....
Ht - 1.55 I guess
Face :5/10 with pony tail
Body :7/10
Tits :6/10 (mid A-B cup) no bra - singlet
Butt :8/10 narrow hips round butt with good curvature of spine (MIS and I agree that many of the PRC mms have ugly butts)
Overall external features: 6/10 (hairy downstairs leh.... Boring siah)

Now back in SHA and waiting for our group outing

Bro Morningrun,

Thanks for the great report. I think the ponytail is a turn-on. It is interesting to know that different men have different "clicks". I am 100% clicked by "snake waist".
Old 04-04-2006, 01:38 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi There,
I'll be going to Shanghai in 2 weeks time. So will like u guys to help me out. thks in advance.

1) Is hang Zhou better or shanghai a better place to go in terms of gals quailty?

2)I heard that hong qiao is quite a good place to hang out? is it true?

3)1 or 2 yrs back i heard from my friend that Dong Guan is a cheap n good place to go for petty chicks... is it still ard n where is it??

4)also where is a good place to go for syt(sweet young thing) in shanghai? perfer 20-25yrs? any good recom from any bros out there?

5) It seem's that there is a lot of ktv at nanjing lu.. i woould like to try out 1-2 of them. any good recom from any bros out there? n what's the damge like? 1000rmb for a shot or 2000rmb for overnight is it? i heard that it cost 5000-8000rmb for a ktv night.. is it true??? If so it seems quite ex for ktv there... more than in sing...

not so much buget so would like to spend wisely..
Old 04-04-2006, 04:23 PM
phantom65110 phantom65110 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi bro,

I will be visiting Shanghai on May, can any bro recommend any HC or Spa to visit. Preferably those that is safe and provide special service. Pls include the pricing.
Thanks in advance.

Old 04-04-2006, 06:17 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by phantom65110
Hi bro,

I will be visiting Shanghai on May, can any bro recommend any HC or Spa to visit. Preferably those that is safe and provide special service. Pls include the pricing.
Thanks in advance.


I was in Shanghai in March. I tried the Skyline Sauna (near Shanghai rail station) a few times which included the red rope experience. Quite fun and interesting, especially when the girl does the cyclone action on junior. Also its a great feeling doing her in mid air. Less friction! Best time to go there is after 6pm and before 8pm. The cost for 90mins massage and FS with girl in the room is 680rmb. The mamasan name is Ms. Chan. Tell her the young american chinese guy recommended you. The first time they didnt show me the parade of girls but the subsequent visit I got to see it.

The FL experience is quite costly in Shanghai. The price range from 800-500rmb for asian and over 1000rmb for westerners. I tried a few at the cost of 600rmb each only after hard bargaining.

Have Fun!
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