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Old 22-11-2012, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
Smart move.

too many good gals there will cause fierce competition

go to another place where u can be top but no nid fight too much is not a bad strategy.

who says GL WLs r dumb?
I thought the homebase is for admin purpose only as the WLs are allowed to move around the houses?
Old 22-11-2012, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Sakima View Post
I thought the homebase is for admin purpose only as the WLs are allowed to move around the houses?
u r not wrong, bro.

but if bros who patronised gals from that house has difficulties getting from elsewhere... cos of long queue at home base.. guess wat? they will go home base to ask for gal.. easier that way.

last time, Jin Sha was fedup cos her lady okt always told other houses that she was busy or not working.. even when she was free.

n.. sometimes houses wif theme rooms will olso play a part...

n lastly.. if custys come n find gals at de house and not happy want okt to recommend others.. she could be next in line.. if same house pther gals as pretti or prettier then her.. she lose out.. if she look slightly better.. win liao.

lots of reasons.. moving around is part n parcel of GL WL's mode of biz.. but not necessarily MUST move around. some okts who haf ang pais haf been known to "hog" their house gals for own house custys. room charges plays a part olso.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 23-11-2012, 12:55 AM
joncheong joncheong is offline
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
u r not wrong, bro.

but if bros who patronised gals from that house has difficulties getting from elsewhere... cos of long queue at home base.. guess wat? they will go home base to ask for gal.. easier that way.

last time, Jin Sha was fedup cos her lady okt always told other houses that she was busy or not working.. even when she was free.

n.. sometimes houses wif theme rooms will olso play a part...

n lastly.. if custys come n find gals at de house and not happy want okt to recommend others.. she could be next in line.. if same house pther gals as pretti or prettier then her.. she lose out.. if she look slightly better.. win liao.

lots of reasons.. moving around is part n parcel of GL WL's mode of biz.. but not necessarily MUST move around. some okts who haf ang pais haf been known to "hog" their house gals for own house custys. room charges plays a part olso.

Room charges? You meant the amount of money the okt pays her wl?
Old 23-11-2012, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by joncheong View Post

Room charges? You meant the amount of money the okt pays her wl?
Maybe it means that the $150 is broken into 3 portions:

1. Okt share
2. Girl share
3. Room charge

If girl work at her own house, then girl get girl share and okt get okt share + room charge. But if girl work elsewhere, then girl still get girl share, okt only get okt share and the room charge is earn by the house that the girl go to.
Old 23-11-2012, 02:09 AM
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Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post

Apparently Ling Yang had a change of heart and she is joining 1606 instead. She cites the high standards at 1654A to be daunting n may not be able cope with the pressure.

Ling Yang is on Red Tide...Akan Datang...YummY!!!
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Old 23-11-2012, 02:35 AM
Sakima Sakima is offline
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
u r not wrong, bro.

but if bros who patronised gals from that house has difficulties getting from elsewhere... cos of long queue at home base.. guess wat? they will go home base to ask for gal.. easier that way.

last time, Jin Sha was fedup cos her lady okt always told other houses that she was busy or not working.. even when she was free.

n.. sometimes houses wif theme rooms will olso play a part...

n lastly.. if custys come n find gals at de house and not happy want okt to recommend others.. she could be next in line.. if same house pther gals as pretti or prettier then her.. she lose out.. if she look slightly better.. win liao.

lots of reasons.. moving around is part n parcel of GL WL's mode of biz.. but not necessarily MUST move around. some okts who haf ang pais haf been known to "hog" their house gals for own house custys. room charges plays a part olso.
Thanks..... I learn something new here everyday
Old 23-11-2012, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
Smart move.

too many good gals there will cause fierce competition

go to another place where u can be top but no nid fight too much is not a bad strategy.

who says GL WLs r dumb?
GL WLs arent dumb but they will think whats the best solution for them to earn big bucks... Anyways so long never go GL liao always visit FL Dome... One day will visit GL and see any huge differences
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Old 23-11-2012, 09:50 AM
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Flamers, do stop flaming in this thread, this is called a GOSSIP thread for a reason, everyone got their info from their own sources and it is obvious that not all info will be true, its up to you to believe it or not. Just remember to read everything with a pinch of salt.
Old 23-11-2012, 11:55 AM
Flslobang Flslobang is offline
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Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Flamers, do stop flaming in this thread, this is called a GOSSIP thread for a reason, everyone got their info from their own sources and it is obvious that not all info will be true, its up to you to believe it or not. Just remember to read everything with a pinch of salt.
True true.
Old 25-11-2012, 01:24 AM
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Originally Posted by joncheong View Post
Room charges? You meant the amount of money the okt pays her wl?
dis is according to wat previous WLs (all i noe gone back or retired liao) told me

if u work at home base, room charge is deducted (not sure every month or wat).. but if WL go other houses, they earn more, and boss okt will not earn the room charges as custy book gal at other houses.

So, sme gals like to go other houses.. esp if their own base attracts custys that they dun like.. one WL hates lao tou zi.. ah peks.. she prefers to go other houses where middle-age or younger men go.. the fav houses like willy's or tommy's.. ah yap's was even mentioned cos is quite a nice spot to park car.

but things may haf changed.. i duno.. may nid info n confirmation from other bros who mre expert n more lao jiao in GL.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 25-11-2012, 08:16 AM
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Girl 80
Home 40
Outside 30

Girl 80
House 70

So can imagine last time those angpai
at 54A earning for the okts
If I say in million a yr , would u believe
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Old 25-11-2012, 09:59 AM
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i estimate 1654 annual revenue to be over $2m, but dunno what their cost structure is like eg taxes, govt levies, rental etc. Willie told me his 2010 rev came in at nearly $3m but he paid out most of it to outcall gals, so 2831 is not as profitable as it appears. 1654 & 2831 r the hottest houses in gl now, w12, 1606 & 1803 doing very well too with current batch of angpais. Most houses r quiet with annual rev below $1m, can't imagine any prc house actually losing $ tho, regardless of how poor biz is now. As for the average cat150 wl, she takes home rmb500k after a year, assuming she doesn't gamble/do drugs, blow her dough at orchard rd, or is her prc bf/family's carrot, which most of them r unfortunately. Most cat150s earn $80/session (some houses pay less than the norm) but the wl has to cover room rental, utilities, condoms, transport, food, cny angpao $ etc, so most wls don't earn enough & carry on in the trade back in china despite appearing to leave s'pore rich. 1654 is the only house to provide free accom i'm aware of. Angpais of course earn way more eg 1654 gals usually make rmb1m in under a year, i know w6 gals remit rmb700-800k after a year. All not counting gifts & bao $, which can make an average-looking wl earn way more than miko, mei hui or charlie!
Old 25-11-2012, 10:22 AM
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gl wls aren't dumb but they aren't that bright either, i've asked several angpais why they didn't go ktv work, earn more, work less, no problem returning to s'pore as peidu mamas, can marry s'pore bf etc, they say they weren't aware of the choice! Most claim to love $, but the way they anyhow spend on their off days tells me they have deep-seated self-esteem issues & actually love blowing $ to be precise eg miko, the highest earning prc wl in gl history, is rumoured to be now working in a zhongshan sauna after giving all her 2yrs hard-earned $ to her prc xiao bai lian bf.
Old 25-11-2012, 11:21 AM
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Smile Lin Yang(1606)

tks for the update bro...

i find lin yang to be a nice friendly sweet innocent blur mm wif strong natural gfe vibes...also an apparently filial daughter...kindly try n treat her gently chaps...

Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post

Apparently Ling Yang had a change of heart and she is joining 1606 instead. She cites the high standards at 1654A to be daunting n may not be able cope with the pressure.

Old 25-11-2012, 02:07 PM
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Re: Lin Yang(1606)

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
tks for the update bro...

i find lin yang to be a nice friendly sweet innocent blur mm wif strong natural gfe vibes...also an apparently filial daughter...kindly try n treat her gently chaps...
She looks like a Villagers Daughter to me...but sweet sweet lor...hee hee
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