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Old 11-11-2024, 09:01 AM
poiuy12345 poiuy12345 is offline
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Will be I HK from Wednesday to Saturday. Any incall stables to recommend? Will be staying in TST area so will also be visiting JSL but would like to know if there are any stables similar to dome 1 or dome 3 kind.
Old 13-11-2024, 10:42 AM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

ok, i just come back from Hk
Let me summarise.

Fuji building-is a must. 22 floor,each floor have gems inside. ranging from HKD $500 to $600 for hong kong women.

James Lee (TSS)-is a must as they even have russian and japanese and korean (HKD$1000). and some gems too . start at HKD $400.
althought only 7 floors, but each floor have 8 units. one unit have 7 to 8 sub unit.

King Hing (Mongkok)-can try as not so much but still a lot. But that time i went, almost all have to wait.

Temple street-is a must as they have some gems in the middle of the section. Remember only at middle, forget the head and tail of the street as are those old ones. The young ones are all at middle. one even can ar her at HKD$500. but basic start at HKD$300.

in total, i went 5 days, try temple street 4 times, james lee 2 times and fuji 2 times. really exhuasted but lucily got DR Max powder.

the rest like hup yi at causeway ( close to fuji) , forget it as only left few ones.
Old 13-11-2024, 07:51 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Originally Posted by jacky108 View Post
Fuji building-is a must. 22 floor,each floor have gems inside. ranging from HKD $500 to $600 for hong kong women.

James Lee (TSS)-is a must as they even have russian and japanese and korean (HKD$1000). and some gems too . start at HKD $400.
althought only 7 floors, but each floor have 8 units. one unit have 7 to 8 sub unit.

King Hing (Mongkok)-can try as not so much but still a lot. But that time i went, almost all have to wait.

Temple street-is a must as they have some gems in the middle of the section. Remember only at middle, forget the head and tail of the street as are those old ones. The young ones are all at middle. one even can ar her at HKD$500. but basic start at HKD$300.

in total, i went 5 days, try temple street 4 times, james lee 2 times and fuji 2 times. really exhuasted but lucily got DR Max powder.

the rest like hup yi at causeway ( close to fuji) , forget it as only left few ones.
1. fuji have hk girls meh???

2. same with james lee, got real jap or korean girls meh? they easily make more than HKD 1k in their own countries. Why go hk and work for lesser??? its not i doubt your reports but it just doesnt make sense to me.

3. temple st mostly what nationality you found?

hmmm how do you know the girls are what nationality they claimed to be?
i once met a girl who claimed herself singaporean too, at fuji. I just "ya right" and bye.
Old 13-11-2024, 11:08 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

the jap and korean all start at HKD$1000, actually in korea, sex is not that expensive.
As for the nationalitlies, once she open the door, she talk to you and the face. most is very obvious
Old 13-11-2024, 11:09 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

yes, fuji still have local but very few. that time i go only got 2. one is always fully booked, stated outside book for whole day. pls don ring the bell
Old 14-11-2024, 08:25 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Heading up to HK next week, hotel is around Sheung Wan area. Looking more for chicks that will come to my hotel. Joined a TG channel with a lot of supposed ptgf accounts inside constantly posting. Are these legit? Clicked on some profiles and it’s quite sus, like they have multiple profile pics but it’s all uploaded in one day. And they all look hot which always sets my alarm bells ringing. Anyone got positive experience with these ptgf on Tg groups?
Old 14-11-2024, 10:33 PM
lolx123 lolx123 is offline
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

stayed in tst area, so only went visit to JSL of all the different towers. i don't monger a lot, but just wanted to try it out once when i was there.

basically spent the day holidaying and exploring hk, so only went to the tower around ~9pm. 9pm is the time where it starts getting full, so a lot of the rooms will have the 'please wait' sign. if you head there around this time and you see a girl that you like, my recommendation is to just take it straight away lol...

i met one who's looks really hit my strike zone and was a great conversational partner - so i just visited her on repeat until she left HK, even paying for extra time to chat. i would have paid more to chat rather than have sex tbh...

some stuff i found out (some already mentioned here):

1) top floors are prc (500~700), lower floors are thai/hk (400?), russian/cis ask for more (1k ish), there are legit koreans / japanese / hk, but they are few and far between

2) the hk ones are hidden in a corridor with no light (upper floor but can't remember which). for japanese girls, 600+ hkd is about ~100 sgd, and they honestly make the same or lesser in japan so.... only in sg do they charge 600 per pop lol

3) girls split money with their bosses (who pay for rent and everything), so the bosses do manage their time for customers. one session would take approx ~25 to 30 minutes, and popular girls would have approx 20 customers a day (from 12 to 2) which is why i don't recommend no con. some girls also have no experience which you can tell - they legit take the 7 day visa to make some money secretly

4) all the hamsup dudes there are pretty chill. some dude from china ended up striking a conversation with me when we made eye contact to gesture when one of the 'alleys' was completely full. he was complaining to me that he got soft while pumping because of the tattoos on the girl LMAO

5) telegram channels have total scams and have totally legit ones, but generally don't have honeypots from police side. you just gotta ask around or have hk friends - my friend recommended one but note that the damage is typically ~1.6k, higher if you wanna do like 3p between sisters or some other stuff. tradeoff to tower is that you pay more to get a full hour instead of rushing 25 minutes

6) spas and saunas are ~1k, but you don't get to choose the girl most of the time. it's legit massage + sex, no need to pop gq. it's the norm here and actual massage places are much harder to find - you gotta go to the smaller aunty shops for massage only.

they actually take card but don't do it if you have a co lol EDIT: but if not an issue then card everything ba, cash is so important in hk

7) ptgfs might not include sex hor and is damn expensive, your choice i guess
Old 15-11-2024, 12:07 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Originally Posted by lolx123 View Post
stayed in tst area, so only went visit to JSL of all the different towers.

some stuff i found out (some already mentioned here):

1) top floors are prc (500~700), lower floors are thai/hk (400?), russian/cis ask for more (1k ish), there are legit koreans / japanese / hk, but they are few and far between

2) the hk ones are hidden in a corridor with no light (upper floor but can't remember which). for japanese girls, 600+ hkd is about ~100 sgd, and they honestly make the same or lesser in japan so.... only in sg do they charge 600 per pop lol

3) girls split money with their bosses (who pay for rent and everything), so the bosses do manage their time for customers. one session would take approx ~25 to 30 minutes, and popular girls would have approx 20 customers a day (from 12 to 2) which is why i don't recommend no con. some girls also have no experience which you can tell - they legit take the 7 day visa to make some money secretly
hk girls 400+???
agree the so called jap ones make same or even less than what they can make in japan. So i seriously wonder if they are real japs or just claimed to be japs. somemore need to deduct rent in hk, just doesnt make sense for japs to go to hk to work for lesser pay...
lot of girls in hk claim they are so called nationality to try to make more $ per customer.
met so called singaporean girls in these walkups, who obviously were pinoy or viet by their accent and tried to charge higher than what pinoys and viets do.
Old 15-11-2024, 01:40 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

All the ptgf I found on IG and TG all charging 3k upwards. Where you find the 1k ones siah
Old 15-11-2024, 08:12 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

no la japs/koreans legit.. i give u example - tobita shinchi pretty 'premium' area in osaka but nature is the same as tst which is essentially fast food. the pricing for 20minutes is ~100 and if you are local japanese they provide cheaper option for 15minutes. tower is obviously not as 'premium' so you get slightly lower tier girls, and obviously is much rarer in the tower. i never tried kh or the other few in like ssp? so your mileage may vary

hk is typo is about 500-600

don't conflate ptgf and hg. ptgf is literally part time girlfriend, you are renting a girlfriend for the gfe which may not include sex. if you are looking for 1hr in hotel tis is considered hotel girls, is about 1.6k (++ for extra) for standard sop - shower tgt, blowjob during shower, dfk, 69, cowgirl then missionary or doggy
Old 16-11-2024, 12:40 AM
kaixiang kaixiang is offline
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Thanks lolx123 for yesterday's FR, it was very informative and made me wanna explore JSL. Thanks all who also contributed to pieceing these playgrounds.

Here to post my experience, not to rant but for yall to learn from and avoid.

Wasnt a pleasant one for me at JSL but nevertheless, i enjoyed finding this in the heart of TST. i have been to hk a few times but never have i expected this very place to exist. Its... magical. Hahaha.

Long story short, make my way to JSL after a long day trip to SZ (clocking 25k steps). Yes, i dont have alot of nights so why not try.
Reached the lift lobby and boy, it was crowded w gents of all kinds. Nerd, geek, gangsta, etc etc. Everyones here for the same purpose. I joined 1 uncle to peek at 1 girl at lvl 8. Really as described insta worthy. I came w an open mind and managing my expectation as i know I'm hard to cum when making love.

After moving a few doors, tired liao. So juz pick 1 tua neh bu from lvl 7.
Regret. Not sure if shes new thats y no posts on her door (take note its in chinese so if your chi sucks.. you prob cant read it) note you cant take pictures so u cant google translate.

After she stripped, dang dang.. saggy boobs. (Yes ive been warned by my sailor friend b4 that some big boobs just.. sag). She bathed only my 2nd IC and ask me lie in the bed. She broke the ice by asking did i just finished work as i looked lost (prob shagged).

I asked her to blow me, but she said it was 100 more. Didnt want BJ then but she insist. (Whatever, i tired af to argue further nor spoil mood) she blow me and didnt manage to get him to full strength but capped him and asked me to f her. BJ was meh, nothing too sensual.

I just went with the motion and stick my half awaken bro into her and she fake moans. I probably sian liao but what to do. I asked her to stroke him, she says i do myself while she suck my nipples. Too tired to bother so tried to stroke him just for the motion and i think i juz gave up. I need kisses la, whats fucking without some tongue action. (I know some bros differ, but its my thing)

I told her maybe i too tired, time out. She cant stroke then.. piang oei.
She didnt bother to bath me, show me to the toilet and dry up.

TLDR: kana 1 china girl w saggy boobs and 100 for bj. Was too lazy and tired to argue. 700 but no release (i was tired also) YMMV.

I enjoyed the process of dingdong to see pretty girls (its like malaysia ;p) and discovering this vice building. Just wanna let bros know more of what to expect and hope you dont kana 1 like me.

May consider to go JSL or fuji again after i get more sleep tonight to recharge.

Have fun in hk bros!
Old 17-11-2024, 02:21 AM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Day 2: pardon my long winded narrative - see TLDR if u need

1st choice was to try kaisun massage: i was sharing 1 room with my mama so i couldnt outcall. They said could incall at regent centre A at Ta Chuen Ping road. Was gungho because i wanted a good massage as least (from what previously posted, they seems to be legit).

End up kana ghosted. Called them 3 times and they said nobody outside their door. They didnt pick up also. Either i think is B block or they gave me the wrong bloody address. I stay near TST, TCP is fugging far. So bloody pissed that i juz cabbed back to K11 TST to sunny island suana. Find太陽島桑拿 if you trying on google maps - you cant miss the big sign. THANKS JUZWONDERING BROZ FOR GAI SIAO. GOOD RECOMMENDATION.

No more expectation, just a tired me after accompanying my mama shop for 1 day and kana ghosted.

A female captain greeted me and go bath.. reminds me of JB spa. Assign you a locker, strip go shower first. Then go to the common place to relax and have a drink. The captain will ask if you gave preference but could see she was a lil shy in explaining they have a package for massage and .... for 906 hkd. I wasn't being cheeky, just wanted to be clear but i probably couldn't mouth out that i wanted a kisser; i just said probably some1 young and tall. (My type)

She went to prepare and after 5 mins, i was shown to the room. It was really dim, you cant really clearly see your girl but it's fine (isnt it the skills and service that matter although its a bonus). I took no3 and broke some ice with her.

Really decent massage, my back was being serviced well with shoulders being loosen and leg being relieved from all that walking. She asked if i want to do with oil or not..Shes still clothed while massaging and i roam abit.. was tired and just want my suan ness gone. She moved on to balls and ass massage before went out awhile to put some hot towel to rub over the oil parts on my back and ass. it was refreshing.

She woke my 2IC up with Nipple suck and gentle rubs. Just my 2 IC tired also, hard but not sensitive. Capped and ride me, she gave me a choice if i were to be on top. She really put in effort to ride me, jav style and ass grinding, moaning also. But i was tired and couldn't get too much feel, so after 10 mins i told her to hj me. She tried for 5 mins but my 2IC fell asleep le so i told her nvm. She really try hard to make me comfortable, after which wipe me and dressed me up. She gave me a hugged and gfe me back to the common area.

Here, either you bathed or just hang around the common area. I had to go coz my mama was asking why not back yet. (Honestly wasted abt 1 hr getting to TCP chaoooo)

TLDR: Kana aeroplane by Kaisun Massage, went Sunny island Suana (Hanoi road. TST) decent massage, relax atmosphere, cleaner than JB.

Dmg: 906 hkd.. externally i tipped the spa cleaner 10 hkd (i feel noob coz 1st time but he was guiding me, plus reminds me of that blanga at ktv toilet).

I think the experience isnt that bad (imo). Ymmv. Have fun bros!
Old 19-11-2024, 01:01 AM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Originally Posted by fallen11 View Post
hk girls 400+???
agree the so called jap ones make same or even less than what they can make in japan. So i seriously wonder if they are real japs or just claimed to be japs. somemore need to deduct rent in hk, just doesnt make sense for japs to go to hk to work for lesser pay...
lot of girls in hk claim they are so called nationality to try to make more $ per customer.
met so called singaporean girls in these walkups, who obviously were pinoy or viet by their accent and tried to charge higher than what pinoys and viets do.
well, you can always see for yourself when u go hk. anyway, they are not the top class jap also
Old 19-11-2024, 02:58 AM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Originally Posted by kaixiang View Post
Day 2: pardon my long winded narrative - see TLDR if u need

TLDR: Kana aeroplane by Kaisun Massage, went Sunny island Sauna (Hanoi road. TST) decent massage, relax atmosphere, cleaner than JB.

Dmg: 906 hkd.. externally i tipped the spa cleaner 10 hkd (i feel noob coz 1st time but he was guiding me, plus reminds me of that blanga at ktv toilet).

I think the experience isn't that bad (imo). Ymmv. Have fun bros!
Does 太陽島桑拿 require appointment booking, or do they accept walk-ins?
Old 19-11-2024, 11:27 PM
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Re: Hong Kong (HK) Happening

Originally Posted by kaixiang View Post
Day 2: pardon my long winded narrative - see TLDR if u need

1st choice was to try kaisun massage: i was sharing 1 room with my mama so i couldnt outcall. They said could incall at regent centre A at Ta Chuen Ping road. Was gungho because i wanted a good massage as least (from what previously posted, they seems to be legit).

End up kana ghosted. Called them 3 times and they said nobody outside their door. They didnt pick up also. Either i think is B block or they gave me the wrong bloody address. I stay near TST, TCP is fugging far. So bloody pissed that i juz cabbed back to K11 TST to sunny island suana. Find太陽島桑拿 if you trying on google maps - you cant miss the big sign. THANKS JUZWONDERING BROZ FOR GAI SIAO. GOOD RECOMMENDATION.

No more expectation, just a tired me after accompanying my mama shop for 1 day and kana ghosted.

A female captain greeted me and go bath.. reminds me of JB spa. Assign you a locker, strip go shower first. Then go to the common place to relax and have a drink. The captain will ask if you gave preference but could see she was a lil shy in explaining they have a package for massage and .... for 906 hkd. I wasn't being cheeky, just wanted to be clear but i probably couldn't mouth out that i wanted a kisser; i just said probably some1 young and tall. (My type)

She went to prepare and after 5 mins, i was shown to the room. It was really dim, you cant really clearly see your girl but it's fine (isnt it the skills and service that matter although its a bonus). I took no3 and broke some ice with her.

Really decent massage, my back was being serviced well with shoulders being loosen and leg being relieved from all that walking. She asked if i want to do with oil or not..Shes still clothed while massaging and i roam abit.. was tired and just want my suan ness gone. She moved on to balls and ass massage before went out awhile to put some hot towel to rub over the oil parts on my back and ass. it was refreshing.

She woke my 2IC up with Nipple suck and gentle rubs. Just my 2 IC tired also, hard but not sensitive. Capped and ride me, she gave me a choice if i were to be on top. She really put in effort to ride me, jav style and ass grinding, moaning also. But i was tired and couldn't get too much feel, so after 10 mins i told her to hj me. She tried for 5 mins but my 2IC fell asleep le so i told her nvm. She really try hard to make me comfortable, after which wipe me and dressed me up. She gave me a hugged and gfe me back to the common area.

Here, either you bathed or just hang around the common area. I had to go coz my mama was asking why not back yet. (Honestly wasted abt 1 hr getting to TCP chaoooo)

TLDR: Kana aeroplane by Kaisun Massage, went Sunny island Suana (Hanoi road. TST) decent massage, relax atmosphere, cleaner than JB.

Dmg: 906 hkd.. externally i tipped the spa cleaner 10 hkd (i feel noob coz 1st time but he was guiding me, plus reminds me of that blanga at ktv toilet).

I think the experience isnt that bad (imo). Ymmv. Have fun bros!
So the gal pretty, young/old?
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