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Old 29-03-2012, 01:27 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Calling cebu pac is horrible.

Cause you gotta call their Phil number and then you pay IDD charges for 20 over minutes.

Sometime last year in June, i wanted to name change on a ticket.

The amount of information they asked me to send them irealised that it was going to cost me a lot more to get it changed plus the IDD charges.

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Sadly to say I did not receive the highlighted statement in my email, so i guess have to call them.
Old 29-03-2012, 01:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Sadly to say I did not receive the highlighted statement in my email, so i guess have to call them.
Gosh, that's why I put the email address there. So you can write to them about your preferred flight.

Don go the suffering way I went. Learn from my mistake and email them. They are very obliging.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 29-03-2012, 04:48 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips


Solo trip to Angeles City Philippines

So landed at Clark Airport in Angeles City at 10 in the morning. Hotel sent over a car for pickup and 5 minutes later we were chugging past Perimeter Road into Fields Ave and finally down Santos St to the Wild Orchid Hotel. Has anyone else noticed a children's playground near the abandoned barracks.

There are about 7 de-commissions aircraft just sitting there (including a huey, phantom & Intruder) wouldn't be a bad photo op for later.

Blow Row: The Approach

On approach I can already see that the blowjob bars are open for business with some mongers already working their approach (although I always thought a beer at 10am was a bit excessive). For the past few days I had this image of hiring 2 girls from the bars for a blowjob sandwich in the shower whilst I wait for my wingman to arrive from Australia however this was not to be.

Turns out my wingman has already arrived. I get a lot of attention from the receptionist, apparently I could appear on Philippine Idol (I didn't even know the Philippines had a version of this). With my ego suitable stroked I flirt and joke with the filipina receptionists, it's a good start to the trip. They seem to be surprised that I am not Korean and am pushing 30 (I am oriental looking with a bit of a babyface). One of the philipina receptionist is actually pretty hot. Her name is Sheena, I must remember that, perhaps I'll ask her out for a drink later. Anyway I am told that the room isnt ready yet as I have turned up early but they will get on the case now. I request a room next to my wingman with an adjoining door (which turns out to be an inspired idea in later days) and head up to his room to shoot the breeze until room service is finished.

An hour later we head out, it's still too early to drink so we cover the basics, snacks from 7-11 and changing money. My wingman and I get a lot of attention from the few girls on duty at the blowjob bars as we pass by (the Wild Orchid is right on Santos Street Blow Row, directly opposite from some of the blowjob bars). We were recommended a family run exchange shop mentioned in my introduction which turns out to have the best exchange rate and a very chatty mamasan. Mama also thinks the Wingman and I look good, she jokes a lot and teases us that her daughter (who is 15yrs old and laughing from the back of the shop) is also single and looking. It is genuinely fun to talk to her and I wonder if everyone in AC is as friendly :-)

Angeles City Restaurant Experience

The wingman has [COLOR="rgb(75, 0, 130)"]spotted Phillies restaurant on[/COLOR] the edge of Fields and we dive in for lunch sitting upstairs to do a bit of crowd watching while we eat. The food we order is a real shock to the system. [COLOR="rgb(75, 0, 130)"]Everything is deep fried and dripping with oil, the burger I eat has gone soggy after soaking up a lot of the transfat, I can literally feel my arteries hardening with each bite. It just amazing that the locals remain so thin![/COLOR] I must say that the girls working in Phillies aren't the best looking but have nice figures and have uniforms that are inspired, resembling the hooters uniform more than anything else. Sitting there I also realize that every single girl seems to be 5ft tall, is there some sort of unwritten rule that only the short girls come out during the day?

2pm now and time to walk off some of this lunch, a beer would actually be useful right about now to wash away the taste of oil. We walk down Perimeter as far as the America hotel (that is one strange hotel, with a waterfall feature along the length of the ground floor facing the main road, not sure what the architect was trying to achieve here but it really didnt work).

We backtracked to Stampede club and entered .... what did we find in our first bar, well they certainly didnt lack for girls, about 30 of them doing something on stage, its not really dancing and not really standing still but something in the middle. We are the only ones in the bar and all eyes are on us. We have a beer (the first introduction to San Miguel) but surprisingly the constant gaze of the girls starts to get a bit unnerving better get out of here before they jump us "a la that bar scene from dusk till dawn". The quality isn't amazing and we are looking for something special for our first BF so we leave after just 1 round.

Next we hit Ponytails, I have heard a lot of good thing about this place and it didn't disappoint. Its bigger than Stampeded and although there are only about 15 girls dancing in bikinis onstage the quality is better. 3-4 guys who got there ahead of us. Immediately one filipina bargirl stand outs for me due to her bust and the fact she looks like she is too young to be working (she looks like she is 16!). We are ushered to a table and the head waitress (Amy) jumps on us for a chat, conversation is not a problem and again its quite fun just to chat. Apparently she used to work at Atlantis but left there because there were too many police raids for underage dancers there. This woman has a hell of a lot of juicy background information on the Angeles City scene.

So time to choose a filipina bargirl, I am torn between the 1st girl and another one on stage who is a little taller with no baby fat. Amy recommends my 1st choice, apparently she is new, joined the club this week and only had 1 other customer and I agree. The girl is asked to join us and seems genuinely surprised to be chosen. A lot of chit chat between us and I get a good feeling from her, now I don't lack for confidence but surprisingly I find it hard to ask precisely what services she provides for the price as she is smiling and chatting away like an innocent schoolgirl. Amy notices this and laughs her head off telling me exactly what the girl does. [COLOR="rgb(75, 0, 130)"]PHP1500 for the night (although I wanted to head out again at night so I told the girl she could stay until dinner then ha to leave). My wingman chose a spotlight dancer for PHP 2000, [/COLOR]apparently the only difference is that spotlight dancers dance in thongs. Go figure.

So back to the hotel, things are relaxed and the girl who we shall only mention as "N" has not problem taking photos or showering together. I have included a few photos but N asked to keep it private so I have only included ones where her cute face is not shown. A bit of fondling on the bed and the girl goes south on me. Before I came to Angeles City i was debating the pros and cons of BBBJ, should I cover up or not. Well was still thinking it through but she decided for me :-). Would note that just before she got started she asks me "can I give you a (BJ) please", now that was a nice touch! 3 sessions overall in all different sorts of positions with naps in between of course. She turns out to be a real tiger and after the 3rd time actually whispers in my ear "If I fall asleep I want you to rape me until I wake up, I like it" Damn! I wish I had some/ any juice left in the tank. 

Unfortunately I had to ask N to leave in order to meet up with the Wingman for our planned night of barhopping but I said I would pop into Ponytails again to see her before I left and maybe let her swim in the pool in the Wild Orchid. 

Epiphany for the mongering session

- Having a wingman in Angeles City is better than solo trip, attention of the girls is divided and allows you much more time to consider your options. If I didn't have one its likely that initial attention would have pushed me into choosing a girl I didn't like as much.

- "Watch out for the level of oil in the food" & found one of the better exchange places in Angeles City

- Can't believe how friendly the filipino locals are, there does not seem to be any ulterior motives either (unlike Thailand) genuinely nice ppl.
Old 29-03-2012, 05:52 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Ok here is my late FR which was also my first time visiting Angeles city. Basically i went there for 5 days 4 nights. Reached the airport at around 2pm, amazed by the airport because it's like playing L4D, the finale of the airport. As soon as i was out of the airport, can see the driver is waiting outside of the airport... Shall skip the hotel part as nothing special was done, only unpacking stuffs and smoking..

Hit brown sugar, first time being there so a bit shy towards girls wearing bikini dancing on the stage. Had the san miguel light, seeing girls from the seat. Couldn't decide which girl i really like, so waited for the next wave. This girl caught my eye, she look like chinese and was quite short ( roughly 1.55, skinny with no baby fats ) Asked her to come down after awhile of looking, Don't know whether she is shy or what, she just never initiate the talk. As a first timer, i don't really know what to ask and what to do, so i just break the ice with questions like 'how old are you', 'been working here for how long already' and etc.. After 10 mins of talking, she is still like a dead fish, and i think is not a right choice to bring a dead fish back isn't it ? While i was talking to this dead fish, my other friends already have girls with them and they have been chatting and having fun for like more than 30mins. Time was passing so fast while having fun, it was already 11plus... So didn't want to waste time, so just BF a waitress back for 1800 PESO..
She's not those kind of hot stuff is you compare to thais or viets, but really friendly thou... Didn't know what to do with her when we were back to hotel, so decided to try my luck by asking to bath together and she agreed.. Went to the CR to wash my face first, came out and she was already naked waiting for me to go for shower ( what a fast stripper ) As time goes by, found out she is really a cock teaser and freaking horny.. Had 2 sessions and end of it..

AC is really a good place to party as you can really bar hop and the number of bars really can make your jaw drop !
Old 29-03-2012, 09:08 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

NICE FR bro....

Yes its a great place to Bar Hop n Party.

The no of bars makes ur jaws drop. Thats right....

What about the no of gals?

I agree sometimes its pressurising wen others have girls n r having a great time while ur not.

In fact there were many itutions when a girl looked Good from Far, but on closer inspection when i got her to my table Far From good....

Its really hard to tell them to go back...

Hehe lastly Hot or Not is not important IMHO.

The girl can make up for it in attitude n service...

So whats imp is attitude n service ofcourse not super ugly lah

Originally Posted by AngelWorld View Post
Ok here is my late FR which was also my first time visiting Angeles city. Basically i went there for 5 days 4 nights. Reached the airport at around 2pm, amazed by the airport because it's like playing L4D, the finale of the airport. As soon as i was out of the airport, can see the driver is waiting outside of the airport... Shall skip the hotel part as nothing special was done, only unpacking stuffs and smoking..

Hit brown sugar, first time being there so a bit shy towards girls wearing bikini dancing on the stage. Had the san miguel light, seeing girls from the seat. Couldn't decide which girl i really like, so waited for the next wave. This girl caught my eye, she look like chinese and was quite short ( roughly 1.55, skinny with no baby fats ) Asked her to come down after awhile of looking, Don't know whether she is shy or what, she just never initiate the talk. As a first timer, i don't really know what to ask and what to do, so i just break the ice with questions like 'how old are you', 'been working here for how long already' and etc..
After 10 mins of talking, she is still like a dead fish, and i think is not a right choice to bring a dead fish back isn't it ? While i was talking to this dead fish, my other friends already have girls with them and they have been chatting and having fun for like more than 30mins. Time was passing so fast while having fun, it was already 11plus... So didn't want to waste time, so just BF a waitress back for 1800 PESO..
She's not those kind of hot stuff is you compare to thais or viets, but really friendly thou... Didn't know what to do with her when we were back to hotel, so decided to try my luck by asking to bath together and she agreed.. Went to the CR to wash my face first, came out and she was already naked waiting for me to go for shower ( what a fast stripper ) As time goes by, found out she is really a cock teaser and freaking horny.. Had 2 sessions and end of it..

AC is really a good place to party as you can really bar hop and the number of bars really can make your jaw drop !
Old 30-03-2012, 10:10 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Wah....solid FRs thanks to the bros

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Old 30-03-2012, 02:08 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips


Filipina Freelancer then Wife caught cheating with Filipino Boyfriend

Here is my experience with a Filipina wife. I met my filipino wife at the Hard Rock Cafe bar in manila. She was a filipina freelancer at the time and she spent three weeks with me without asking me anything in terms of money or support. We had great sex everyday went out to eat at some great restaurants in Manila and hit some of the hottest Manila nightlife spots around.

Marrying a Filipina Freelancer

Like many guys mongering in the Philippines, I fell in love very quickly. I asked my filipina girl to stop working and I sent her money via Western Union every month to support her with rent, utility, etc money basically the whole nine yards. A year later we ended up getting married here in the Philippines.

Then I had the chance to settle here in the Philippines a year after our marriage. As far the question has always been.... did she really stop working in the Manila bars as a filipina freelancer? I would image the answer to that would be yes for sure so she could both have fun, sex and make a little extra money on the side.

For many mongers living abroad some are making promises that they cannot keep to filipina girls. No matter what you may think, the filipinas if they are freelancers will definitely continue their trade while you are back home, that is without a doubt..

The Filipina wife: Enter the Filipino Boyfriend

Late on into the marriage after several cycles of me coming back and forth to the Philippines every few months, I come to learn she has a Filipino boyfriend on the side while I'm always. I even got screenshots of her talking on webcam with the guy and everything.

Currently I'm living in Angeles City Philippines and deciding on what to do. I have tried to do the right thing by her and by moral standards but she has completely lied to me and the trust factor is now gone but I still love her. Such is life I guess.
Old 30-03-2012, 04:24 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
But anyways hope this helps some.. Just remember if you going to have a girlfriend/wife here.. YOU TAKE CARE OF HER.. not just with money.. SHE NEEDS YOUR COCK.. for lack of better words.. women have needs.. if your gone for 6 months or more at a time.. there is a chance she is going to find them somewhere else..
POWER....super good advice.

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Old 30-03-2012, 04:55 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I thought the current airport at Clark was more like a bus interchange in singapore.

So if the new terminal is gonna be budget.... Will it be worse than a bus interchange?

Aquino supports P12-B budget terminal in Clark

CLARK FREEPORT — Department of Transportation and Communications Secretary Mar Roxas said President Benigno Aquino III will support plans to establish a P12-billion budget terminal at the Clark International Airport.

Roxas disclosed this as he reads the message of the President during the launching of the Air Asia Philippines domestic flights on Wednesday.

“The government will support the proposed P12-billion budget terminal that will benefit our people in the North and Central Luzon areas,” Roxas said.

This is due to the continued growth of passengers as well as the entry of low-cost carriers at the airport, according to Roxas.

Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC) president Victor Jose I. Luciano said the proposed budget terminal will have a capacity of 10 million passengers annually and would be served to low-cost carriers plying in and out of Clark.

We need to have another terminal because Air Asia Philippines alone will carry around more than 5 million passengers within the next five to seven years and Air Asia made Clark Airport as its hub of operations in Southeast Asia,” Luciano said.

“Budget carriers will come to Clark Airport in the coming years and we should be ready to accommodate the increase in flights, as well as the passenger volume” Luciano added.

Luciano also said passenger volume is expected to increase before the end of this year by as much as 1 million passengers due to the additional flights of Air Asia and Airphil Express’s domestic operations.

Meanwhile, Airphil Express launched Thursday morning its domestic flights at Clark Airport via Kalibo and Puerto Princesa thrice a week.

A simple send-off ceremonies held at the terminal was led by Luciano and Airphil Express vice president for Marketing Group Alfredo Hererra.

Airphil Express will also fly via Clark-Cebu and Kalibo four times a week.

He said the budget terminal is similar to those of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

The existing terminal has a capacity of 2 million passengers annually.

CIAC already started the bidding of the P360-million Phase II expansion project to further increase the capacity of the facility.

Air Asia Philippines, a subsidiary of Air Asia Berhad of Malaysia, commenced its domestic operations on March 28. Clark-Kalibo and Clark-Davao will have twice daily flights using the 183-passenger capacity Airbus A320s.

The launching also coincided a Signing of an Airport Sister City Agreement between Clark International Airport and Davao International Airport headed by Luciano and Davao City Mayor Sarah Duterte-Carpio.

The signing was witnessed by Air Asia Philippines chairman Antonio Cojuangco, vice chairman Mikee Romero, president and CEO Maan Hontiveros, among others.
Old 31-03-2012, 12:15 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Looks like another scam firming up to chop carrot heads?

Cherry Girls
Do you want to pop a virgin but don't want to pay the high price for a cherry girl? Problem solved.

No longer worry about your lost virginity. With our artificial hymen, you are able to have your first night back anytime. The easy to use artificial hymen can restore your virginity within minutes and you can be a virgin again on your wedding night, anniversary, or any other special occasion you'd like!

Once the artificial hymen is inserted carefully into the vagina, it will expand a little and make the vagina feel tighter. When you begin sexual intercourse and your lover penetrates you, the artificial hymen will begin to ooze out a red liquid that looks like blood, not too much, but just the right amount. This will simulate the defloration of a virgin and stain the bed sheets with a few drops of simulated blood. By adding in a a few moans and groans, you will undetectably recreate the fantasy of making love to a virgin.
Old 01-04-2012, 06:42 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Does anyone know is The Lord = Katoeylover?

This thread is getting irritating to read
Old 01-04-2012, 01:28 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post
Does anyone know is The Lord = Katoeylover?

This thread is getting irritating to read
The lord is katoeylover or not I dunno what I know is he's sharing info about Clark Angeles city with us keeping some bros update better than the silent lurker who does no contribution at all.
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Old 02-04-2012, 10:19 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
The lord is katoeylover or not I dunno what I know is he's sharing info about Clark Angeles city with us keeping some bros update better than the silent lurker who does no contribution at all.
Yes....fully agreed

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Old 02-04-2012, 02:41 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

jus 2 relate an incident i encountered recently at clark airport.. was catchin cebu fight bk 2 sg,, m a light traveller so i do not hv any chk in baggages.was carryin 4 packs of frozen tocino(char siew,pinoy version,uncook)on my hand i was goin thru e custom,e officer scannin my hand carry stopped me.he hv tis fcukin big smile on his face,n i sensed wat was comin.. he : sir,wat is tat? me : tocino po. he : ahh..u cant hand carry tat sir,u hv 2 chk in e tocino sir. me : i dun hv any chk in kc,.so wat can i do now? or mayb u jus confiscate it.he looked at me n said.. he : sir,u reali wan 2 bring tis wif u? ok,give me some snacks.. (snacks means coffee money) i looked at him,dip n crumble e oni 50peso bill left in my pocket,n place e crumble bill into e tocino plastic bag.he looked into e plastic bag n said, he : oni 50peso? we r 3 officer hir,not enough 2 share. me : kuya,tat all i hv,i finish all my pera in e angeles bars kc,so hw now? his face damm long,n he said,cge,next time,dun finish all ur pera in e bars,n proceed 2 dip his hands into e tocino plastic bag 2 retrieve e 50peso bill. me : cge kuya,next time i wil give u more snacks po,thank u po.n i proceed 2 e holdin area. i noe i shouldnt b hand carryin raw meat,but it jus came over me 2 buy some n bring it bk. anyway,its more fun in e philipines,isnt it??
Old 02-04-2012, 02:55 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by coper99 View Post
jus 2 relate an incident i encountered recently at clark airport.. was catchin cebu fight bk 2 sg,, m a light traveller so i do not hv any chk in baggages.was carryin 4 packs of frozen tocino(char siew,pinoy version,uncook)on my hand i was goin thru e custom,e officer scannin my hand carry stopped me.he hv tis fcukin big smile on his face,n i sensed wat was comin.. he : sir,wat is tat? me : tocino po. he : ahh..u cant hand carry tat sir,u hv 2 chk in e tocino sir. me : i dun hv any chk in kc,.so wat can i do now? or mayb u jus confiscate it.he looked at me n said.. he : sir,u reali wan 2 bring tis wif u? ok,give me some snacks.. (snacks means coffee money) i looked at him,dip n crumble e oni 50peso bill left in my pocket,n place e crumble bill into e tocino plastic bag.he looked into e plastic bag n said, he : oni 50peso? we r 3 officer hir,not enough 2 share. me : kuya,tat all i hv,i finish all my pera in e angeles bars kc,so hw now? his face damm long,n he said,cge,next time,dun finish all ur pera in e bars,n proceed 2 dip his hands into e tocino plastic bag 2 retrieve e 50peso bill. me : cge kuya,next time i wil give u more snacks po,thank u po.n i proceed 2 e holdin area. i noe i shouldnt b hand carryin raw meat,but it jus came over me 2 buy some n bring it bk. anyway,its more fun in e philipines,isnt it??
Thanks for your sharing. Glad you got off well and happy in this incident.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
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