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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 06-02-2012, 03:23 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Looks like u n i hit off cheonging at d same time!!

From d delphi days..

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Let's say 10 years plus of throwing money got me to be where I am .. wiser, and my wallet tighter than a hedgehog's ass ..

No worries bro .. just sharing helps others to avoid pitfalls i did and did and kept repeating till I got it righ ..
Old 08-02-2012, 01:34 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

so nobody went psc??
Life is short, live it long..
Old 08-02-2012, 05:08 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Bye bye PSC!
Old 08-02-2012, 08:58 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Nope bro I did not go and now its too late
Well on the positive side, hopefully we have more playgrounds to explore

Keep enjoying bro!

Old 08-02-2012, 09:38 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Didn't make it to PSC. All good things come to an end and boy PSC was the best in my book. Beers at $5, LD from $20, friendly pretty pinays who loved to be loved and most pub owners treated customers and their pinays reasonably well (compared to TP/Duxton). And all under one roof. Thanks for the memories

I’ve had my run, I think I’m done, maybe she is the one? Babe is a devil in bed
Old 08-02-2012, 11:21 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Paramount was great too bad it closed bro!!!
Old 08-02-2012, 06:38 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by LentorGarden View Post
Boh jio me go to pinoy pub or TD leh bro.. waiting for your sms..
555...bro...recently very busy with own stuff...seldom log in n chiong leh...i think the best..we can go OP..hehehe.. have both thai n pinoy joints..can hop around...dai mai...? i will sms you soon na..

Old 08-02-2012, 07:22 PM
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Re: What place to replace PSC ?

Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post
Bro Pinay Lovers,

With so many brothers exploring and giving FR's of different areas, it's really hard to keep track of the major places with good(playable) pinay pubs. I am drafting a summary and hope others can add on to it. Without getting into details of the location of the individual pubs, just the location is sufficient.

Pinay Pubs Locations
1. Orchard Towers
2. Orchard Plaza
3. Cuscaden Shopping Centre
4. Concorde Shopping Centre
5. Boat Quay
6. Paramount Shopping Centre
7. Lucky Plaza
8. Duxton Hill

How about Kampong Bahru too?
Old 08-02-2012, 07:27 PM
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Re: What place to replace PSC ?

Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post
Bro Pinay Lovers,

With so many brothers exploring and giving FR's of different areas, it's really hard to keep track of the major places with good(playable) pinay pubs. I am drafting a summary and hope others can add on to it. Without getting into details of the location of the individual pubs, just the location is sufficient.

Pinay Pubs Locations
1. Orchard Towers
2. Orchard Plaza
3. Cuscaden Shopping Centre
4. Concorde Shopping Centre
5. Boat Quay
6. Paramount Shopping Centre
7. Lucky Plaza
8. Duxton Hill
I think is not wise for you to post the locations so openly..
Be it your locations have the pubs still not good to do it bro..
The man in blue in fact just need the location n go recee can liao.. details of pub is just to shorten our time to locate it..tats why PM and the short codes comes in... Correct me if im wrong..

Old 08-02-2012, 08:51 PM
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Smile Re: What place to replace PSC ?

Originally Posted by draven78eric View Post
... Correct me if im wrong..
Let me share something here.
Sbf is already considered a "legal" website in the eyes of sillypore laws.
Alot of police and government sectors legal personnel are even members here to fished for Infos but have you wonder why still many of these joints are still not being forced to closed down. Yes some have but after serving for so long.
Unless things got outta hand, they will take some small actions with fines and penalty points to the joint.
Even one does not disclose the names and locations, they are already in the books of the blue men...but whether they wanna continue to raid them or just leave it as it is, depends on whether there will be any new tenants to take over the rental if eventually they close down them.
It millions of dollars a month of revenue loss.

Jing ge, bs, Qing ge closed down how long liao but who wanna take over these to do decent business..imagine how much revenue loss for the government.

OT, havelock clubs like TAM, las vegas are prime and expensive rentals places, you see they never get raid...why ?

Conclusion is whether or not areas and names are disclosed, the ending more or less the same. Enjoy while you can
Old 08-02-2012, 10:33 PM
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Re: What place to replace PSC ?

Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz View Post
Let me share something here.
Sbf is already considered a "legal" website in the eyes of sillypore laws.
Alot of police and government sectors legal personnel are even members here to fished for Infos but have you wonder why still many of these joints are still not being forced to closed down. Yes some have but after serving for so long.
Unless things got outta hand, they will take some small actions with fines and penalty points to the joint.
Even one does not disclose the names and locations, they are already in the books of the blue men...but whether they wanna continue to raid them or just leave it as it is, depends on whether there will be any new tenants to take over the rental if eventually they close down them.
It millions of dollars a month of revenue loss.

Jing ge, bs, Qing ge closed down how long liao but who wanna take over these to do decent business..imagine how much revenue loss for the government.

OT, havelock clubs like TAM, las vegas are prime and expensive rentals places, you see they never get raid...why ?

Conclusion is whether or not areas and names are disclosed, the ending more or less the same. Enjoy while you can
Could only agree partialy from your statement though..but we shouldnt discuss this in this thread..lata bros here boring....
We can discuss tru PM...

Old 08-02-2012, 10:43 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Ya la, take it I talk nonsense
Just wanna fellow horny bro enjoy while life still allow them.

Think too much will jeopardize all the fun.

Anyway I come here kajiao kajiao nia.

Paiseh ahh
Old 09-02-2012, 02:26 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by draven78eric View Post
I think is not wise for you to post the locations so openly..
Be it your locations have the pubs still not good to do it bro..
The man in blue in fact just need the location n go recee can liao.. details of pub is just to shorten our time to locate it..tats why PM and the short codes comes in... Correct me if im wrong..
Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post
Bro Pinay Lovers,

With so many brothers exploring and giving FR's of different areas, it's really hard to keep track of the major places with good(playable) pinay pubs. I am drafting a summary and hope others can add on to it. Without getting into details of the location of the individual pubs, just the location is sufficient.

Pinay Pubs Locations
1. Orchard Towers
2. Orchard Plaza
3. Cuscaden Shopping Centre
4. Concorde Shopping Centre
5. Boat Quay
6. Paramount Shopping Centre
7. Lucky Plaza
8. Duxton Hill
well from what i think, its not that bad posting the locations as these bars are already on the list which are accessible by licensing and AV units.

However, since bro CPVictim was asking to list which are the "playable" ones, then its definitely not healthy for us bros.. Men in blue have many joints to care for and if any info (in this case, listing here is like spoon feeding them the info they require) that these joints are "playable" etc, then they will act soonest.

I initially decline to comment abt the post made, but since bro D78eric sounded out, then i had to add on too. and NO, i do not condone such listings on public for all to view. I, like u, bro D78eric, prefer to communicate thru PMs, emails and of cos the p-list
Life is short, live it long..
Old 09-02-2012, 04:01 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
I initially decline to comment abt the post made, but since bro D78eric sounded out, then i had to add on too. and NO, i do not condone such listings on public for all to view. I, like u, bro D78eric, prefer to communicate thru PMs, emails and of cos the p-list
What's p-list ?
Old 09-02-2012, 01:25 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl


Was there , Done that
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