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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 22-12-2023, 04:54 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Footman View Post
Pricing as follows :
For HJ, the standard rate with top roaming is 1B or 1B + 1R.
BJ is 1B + 3R
FJ is 2B or 2B+2R
I've never been a fan of P- massage be it $86 or $88.

pardon the noobness but what is this B and R?
Old 23-12-2023, 08:43 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by subsonic View Post
pardon the noobness but what is this B and R?

B is 50 dollars, R is 10 dollars.
Old 28-12-2023, 05:59 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Based on my very limited experience, MLs here can be split into roughly 3 categories and rough pricing (all-in) as follows in 2023:

Level 1 - SYTs below 30
HJ - $100 - $150
BJ - $150 - $200
FJ - $170 & above
Remarks: Most SYT MLs over here are Viets and they usually go anywhere from $170 - $250 and selling point is young and good body, i.e. massage likely CMI even by FS standards.

Occasionally there are some PRC SYTs, but they tend to cost more than the Viets.

Level 2 - MILFs in their 30s to early 40s
HJ - $100
BJ - $100 - $150
FJ - $150 - $170
Remarks: Most of the MLs recommended , shared by bros or advertised by shop here belong to this level. PRCs and Viets make up most of the MLs here.

Occasionally if you are lucky, might also get a SYT new to SG here with lower rates like Level 2. But for such cases chances are high the massage is piano and ML might not know how to service properly.

Level 3 - Aunties in their early 40s to 50s or late 30s but very bad body shape
HJ - $60 - $80
BJ - $80 - $100
FJ - $100 - $120
Remarks: There are very few Level 3 MLs who advertise here or get recommended by bros, most of them are listed in Momo, SLG etc. Once you see price listed like above, almost for sure is a Level 3 auntie no matter how pretty the photos look. This group usually either PRC or Malaysia.

Below is summary from my own experience, don't flame me if you have a different exp. If you manage to get cheaper deals, then good for you. Can share with me if you don't mind

I am also assuming a "normal" entry fee of $50 - $60, if you are paying anything more then you need to add the difference onto the rates above.

If you are paying significantly more than above, then the service, face and body of the ML had better be super top notch, or else most likely kena carrot head already.

Hope this helps other fellow bros here.
Old 28-12-2023, 06:12 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by MickeyPot View Post
Based on my very limited experience, MLs here can be split into roughly 3 categories and rough pricing (all-in) as follows in 2023:

Level 1 - SYTs below 30
HJ - $100 - $150
BJ - $150 - $200
FJ - $170 & above
Remarks: Most SYT MLs over here are Viets and they usually go anywhere from $170 - $250 and selling point is young and good body, i.e. massage likely CMI even by FS standards.

Occasionally there are some PRC SYTs, but they tend to cost more than the Viets.

Level 2 - MILFs in their 30s to early 40s
HJ - $100
BJ - $100 - $150
FJ - $150 - $170
Remarks: Most of the MLs recommended , shared by bros or advertised by shop here belong to this level. PRCs and Viets make up most of the MLs here.

Occasionally if you are lucky, might also get a SYT new to SG here with lower rates like Level 2. But for such cases chances are high the massage is piano and ML might not know how to service properly.

Level 3 - Aunties in their early 40s to 50s or late 30s but very bad body shape
HJ - $60 - $80
BJ - $80 - $100
FJ - $100 - $120
Remarks: There are very few Level 3 MLs who advertise here or get recommended by bros, most of them are listed in Momo, SLG etc. Once you see price listed like above, almost for sure is a Level 3 auntie no matter how pretty the photos look. This group usually either PRC or Malaysia.

Below is summary from my own experience, don't flame me if you have a different exp. If you manage to get cheaper deals, then good for you. Can share with me if you don't mind

I am also assuming a "normal" entry fee of $50 - $60, if you are paying anything more then you need to add the difference onto the rates above.

If you are paying significantly more than above, then the service, face and body of the ML had better be super top notch, or else most likely kena carrot head already.

Hope this helps other fellow bros here.
last time Yu** & E** at SS TPY $50 for hj w roaming (if regular can zhut zhut) entry is $56, both look young and body/neh neh maintain well...
Old 28-12-2023, 06:32 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

SYT Viet under 30 $100 for HJ? Ridiculous, for $60 I go GL, plenty of Viet to choose from and can commando also. Siao lian eh, don't spoil the market lah. Who are you to determine this kind of prices? BJ from SYT 150-200? Mai siao leh.
Old 28-12-2023, 07:51 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Baldiebro View Post
SYT Viet under 30 $100 for HJ? Ridiculous, for $60 I go GL, plenty of Viet to choose from and can commando also. Siao lian eh, don't spoil the market lah. Who are you to determine this kind of prices? BJ from SYT 150-200? Mai siao leh.
The bro stated it's (all-in) pricing at the beginning of his post.....
Old 28-12-2023, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by afterburn View Post
The bro stated it's (all-in) pricing at the beginning of his post.....
Bro, you calculate 150-50=?
Old 28-12-2023, 08:29 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Baldiebro View Post
SYT Viet under 30 $100 for HJ? Ridiculous, for $60 I go GL, plenty of Viet to choose from and can commando also. Siao lian eh, don't spoil the market lah. Who are you to determine this kind of prices? BJ from SYT 150-200? Mai siao leh.
Bro I'm just sharing my observation of ML market here, I am not "determining" price, not sure why you so emo?

Anyway you cannot compare spa/mp with GL lah. Now basic mp entry fee already $58, SYT ask for standard $50 extra for HJ and $100 for BJ taking all-in price above $100 is common lah. I personally dun waste time on SYT, expensive and most of the time lousy service.

Sometimes if they see newbie will quote more, but usually can bargain downwards. If you think not worth it, then just go GL. Chill bro...
Old 28-12-2023, 08:34 PM
Baldiebro Baldiebro is offline
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Originally Posted by MickeyPot View Post
Bro I'm just sharing my observation of ML market here, I am not "determining" price, not sure why you so emo?

Anyway you cannot compare spa/mp with GL lah. Now basic mp entry fee already $58, SYT ask for standard $50 extra for HJ and $100 for BJ taking all-in price above $100 is common lah. I personally dun waste time on SYT, expensive and most of the time lousy service.

Sometimes if they see newbie will quote more, but usually can bargain downwards. If you think not worth it, then just go GL. Chill bro...
I do GL most of the time. Infact mostly Viet and Thai. I also do MP but I'll never pay that kind of price for Viet.
Old 28-12-2023, 08:38 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Baldiebro View Post
I do GL most of the time. Infact mostly Viet and Thai. I also do MP but I'll never pay that kind of price for Viet.
This I agree, I don't waste time on SYT MLs also, prefer those value for money in Level 2 which got good consistent FR from other bros.

Like I said, I'm just summarizing the market situation for the ML scene in SG, not pushing for anything.
Old 28-12-2023, 10:05 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Going to repurpose this post I submitted yesterday.

I think the hard (external, uncontrollable) part about ML pricing is that besides the roberts/carrots who pay blindly, there are also bros who will willingly pay more because they can afford to, and that potentially helps them get more from the girls. They don't need to care about 'playing the game' or 'combating inflation'.

And this affects not just the KTV hostesses, but also the MLs and FLs. It's not great for the general group of chiongsters. I mean hopefully one day people can adopt more of a groupthink and approach.
Old 28-12-2023, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Baldiebro View Post
Bro, you calculate 150-50=?
Based on your own post, hj $100 from syt, you calculate 100-50=??

You cannot compare to GL directly which is 20 minutes or less , fck and go.

ML and GL WL have different job scope.

If it's a proper massage shop then you get the 30 minutes plus of massage too. The entry charge pays for a full hour. Again, don't compare to those unlicensed massage shop which is a different MO.

Anyway I go for the Level 2 types, for me, ML must be able to massage properly otherwise as you pointed out, better to go GL.

The Level 3 pricing is about there. I have one such ml, owo tuina, tip her $20 only Definitely in that age group of 40++ but not out of shape lah, still maintain.
Old 28-12-2023, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by afterburn View Post
Based on your own post, hj $100 from syt, you calculate 100-50=??
50 for pcc no roam, I can do myself. 50+50, I go Thai massage, can roam top and bottom can zhut.
Old 28-12-2023, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Baldiebro View Post
50 for pcc no roam, I can do myself. 50+50, I go Thai massage, can roam top and bottom can zhut.
He didn't say no roam, left it open. I always get full roam or at least the top Not difficult.
Old 29-12-2023, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by MickeyPot View Post
Based on my very limited experience, MLs here can be split into roughly 3 categories and rough pricing (all-in) as follows in 2023:

Level 1 - SYTs below 30
HJ - $100 - $150
BJ - $150 - $200
FJ - $170 & above
Remarks: Most SYT MLs over here are Viets and they usually go anywhere from $170 - $250 and selling point is young and good body, i.e. massage likely CMI even by FS standards.

Occasionally there are some PRC SYTs, but they tend to cost more than the Viets.

Level 2 - MILFs in their 30s to early 40s
HJ - $100
BJ - $100 - $150
FJ - $150 - $170
Remarks: Most of the MLs recommended , shared by bros or advertised by shop here belong to this level. PRCs and Viets make up most of the MLs here.

Occasionally if you are lucky, might also get a SYT new to SG here with lower rates like Level 2. But for such cases chances are high the massage is piano and ML might not know how to service properly.

Level 3 - Aunties in their early 40s to 50s or late 30s but very bad body shape
HJ - $60 - $80
BJ - $80 - $100
FJ - $100 - $120
Remarks: There are very few Level 3 MLs who advertise here or get recommended by bros, most of them are listed in Momo, SLG etc. Once you see price listed like above, almost for sure is a Level 3 auntie no matter how pretty the photos look. This group usually either PRC or Malaysia.

Below is summary from my own experience, don't flame me if you have a different exp. If you manage to get cheaper deals, then good for you. Can share with me if you don't mind

I am also assuming a "normal" entry fee of $50 - $60, if you are paying anything more then you need to add the difference onto the rates above.

If you are paying significantly more than above, then the service, face and body of the ML had better be super top notch, or else most likely kena carrot head already.

Hope this helps other fellow bros here.
What is the price for auto roam top and bottom?
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