In the midst of preparing for my impending marriage with all the trappings of the customary wedding dinner and such (ROM done in 2000, coz she think it's a good start to the new century) , I cannot help but to feel that women are pretty much useless except for giving birth to babies and sex; housework and cooking were what they USED to be good for but the "modern" women can't cook and clean, and these 2 skills are all picked up by us guys who went through NS (the ones who stay-in, not the clerks) through area cleaning, washing of uniform when cannot book out and cooking what we can when out-field.
My family and I have gone through all the trouble to find the place, book the date, arrange for the gifts, arrange for this and that and what does my wife-to-be do? Quit her job and just rest for the "big day". It doesn't help that she is about 1.5 months pregant and is uncertain about whether she wants the baby or not.
She would tell me she want the baby and then next hour, say dun want want to abort. She also says that i dun pamper her enough, i not understanding enough of what she going through. KNNBCCB! I gave up my PC games, my sunday "sports" day, wake up in the middle of the night to satisfy her food and drink cravings....and NExt day, still go back to work and feel like a f**king zombie but Bo Pian, coz if i dun want who gonna feed her and the baby?! and then she say, i spend too much time at work!
Women claim that we as Man dun understand Women but do the Women understand us? Our needs, wants and desires? I often woner why we are the one who Must always understand women. Why can't THEY make the effort to understand us. After being married (ROM) for nearly 4 years, I feel that women are selfish, self centered and not very responisble and very immatured. They want it all. But are unwilling to sacrifice for it. They want equal rights, equal pay and benefits but ask them to do some stuff, they say "It's a Man's Job" WTF!
Men can give all they have to a woman - Time, Money, GIfts, "Love", Understanding and even, Great Sex but in the end of the day, they would always feel that it isn't enough. I'm really getting very tired of it all. I doubt very much that I love my wife as much as when i married her but like what some of the brothers said, Marriage is more about Responsibility, Tolerance and Understanding more than anything else. Which MEN and not Women seem to have more of.
*sigh* In the end, i guess that being the more responsible and especially, Practical and SENSIBLE sex, us guys would just have to tolerate. as women just cannot seem to totally understand us and even more unfortuately, THEY DON'T WANT TO........ (knnb)
So this is the woman you are going to marry? Marriage is a lifetime.. do you want to do this for your entire life?
__________________ What is thy bidding, my master?
Kindness begets kindness but never seems to exist in today’s context of BGR. Sparks flew all the time, from the time you just met her, chasing her even till the day you got that slap on the face knowing that the only woman who had such honor in this world is your mother. While unwillingly allow such episode to take place and still you have to tuck your tail under your balls and go back to her with your tongue sticking out wagging and pleading for forgiveness. To them perhaps this qualifies you as an ideal BF.
Kindness doesn't pay. Neither does chivalry. But, being evil and cynical pays, this is a funny world.
Indeed, sparks fly even up to the moon, during courtship.
Singapore women have such funny temperament. When they are having a foul mood, they justify it using all kinds of nonsensical excuses. Gawd knows whether these foul moods are due to hormonal deviations or just some pettiness. Women are all petty, probably the only reason I can think of. Cranky and petty..... enuff said.
Originally Posted by OceanEleven
What had the world come to? I don’t mind sharing the pants or even to give it up and times but there is always a limit but this seems to be not in their dictionary.
This world went mad yesterday, before we knew it. There is certainly a threshold to our ability to put up with uncalled for crankiness and unreasonable pettiness.
Getting screamed at, for no apparent reason or for some petty mini miney thing, is no good reason.
Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Like a black hole, not even the slightest glimpse of things can escape the judgment of their critical mouth and mind you, nothing bless spew from those traps most of the time. Fanatic one liners to brainless remarks, you name it, they got it. It never fail to amaze me their capability to spin reasons for the catastrophic consequences which was time and again warn against. Most of the time, the reasons given were “I don’t know what’ and this is enough to leave your balls hanging by the thread……..
My gawddd.... Even when I took out my breakfast to eat in the morning, my female boss can pass stupid comments. I stopped eating breakfast in the morning, but during one of the regular appraisals she still can bring it up. Somemore, I only took breakfast a few times. After she warned me, I stopped completely. Like this also can wack, die liao....
They are walking PDAs, u heard that b4? These girls (including ah soh and ah ma) can, literally, tape record ur lines and use these lines against you, during a court proceding. Comical, right? I'm damn "impressed".
Guy say only one line, the girl can throw back 10 lines. Their mathematics damn powderful. Even if you forget to tie shoe lace, she can remind me. The ultimate pda, somemore no need to upgrade rom.
I'm not an idealist, but one who had an irrevocable contract with faith. Being cynical is not a choice, but a result of idealisms which had failed man too often. A lack of faith is not only due to failures, but caused by man's decision not to have faith, as well.
So this is the woman you are going to marry? Marriage is a lifetime.. do you want to do this for your entire life?
Forget it. This woman not worth it. Oh.... are you sure she is a woman? Thought she sounded like a demon from the deepest ends of hell.
Trying to survive and make a decent living is already hard enough. Somemore have to put up with crap of this type, especially from this monster.... I rather die first.
Hardship is part and parcel of life. But, putting up with such a monster is living through horror and hell daily, regardless of day and night.
I'm not an idealist, but one who had an irrevocable contract with faith. Being cynical is not a choice, but a result of idealisms which had failed man too often. A lack of faith is not only due to failures, but caused by man's decision not to have faith, as well.
I can tolerate anything from con artists and backstabbers, but females who leech off guys are .... no friends of mine.
Wow... very interesting.. but hor just wanna remind you that it takes 2 hands to clap lor... if the ger is ugly where got guys willing to pay for her wan... Anyway, the truth is I oso agree with you... however sometimes it seems to be like a game for the gals "see who can find the biggest sucker".
*sigh* In the end, i guess that being the more responsible and especially, Practical and SENSIBLE sex, us guys would just have to tolerate. as women just cannot seem to totally understand us and even more unfortuately, THEY DON'T WANT TO........ (knnb)
after hearing your story, I sympathise with you but just wanna state that not all guys are responsible, practical and sensible okie. In fact, most of them think with their smaller heads.....
Actually most of the time, when men say they regret after marriage. In actual fact they are not prepared for marriage.
mayb that's when they were thinkin wif e small head...
ever wonder how fast women changed after marriage??
mayb from BBBJ to none, from all positions to onli missionary, from anything can become anything cannot...
Location: Shanghai - Where boobies and pussies comes with a price.
Posts: 1,975
Re: Gers Are Still Gers
Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
Actually most of the time, when men say they regret after marriage. In actual fact they are not prepared for marriage.
Some maybe, not all though. Some are willing to commit and work for the marriage but the turn of events, taken for granted, goodwill become a must etc had indicated otherwise in the other opposite direction. More than often, the harder we try, the faster we are shown to the door.
ever wonder how fast women changed after marriage??
mayb from BBBJ to none, from all positions to onli missionary, from anything can become anything cannot...
ever wonder how men changed after marriage?
last time pak tor got whisper sweet nothings now come home just nua in front of TV....
Some maybe, not all though. Some are willing to commit and work for the marriage but the turn of events, taken for granted, goodwill become a must etc had indicated otherwise in the other opposite direction. More than often, the harder we try, the faster we are shown to the door.
My pal used to say, "Most worried is, when you exit from the main door, she come out from the back door." Really damn low morale.
I'm not an idealist, but one who had an irrevocable contract with faith. Being cynical is not a choice, but a result of idealisms which had failed man too often. A lack of faith is not only due to failures, but caused by man's decision not to have faith, as well.
ever wonder how men changed after marriage?
last time pak tor got whisper sweet nothings now come home just nua in front of TV....
ever wonder how women change after marriage?
before marriage, so sweet and gentle. after marriage, every morning wake up c her scream and shout at the kids. sigh.....
I'm not an idealist, but one who had an irrevocable contract with faith. Being cynical is not a choice, but a result of idealisms which had failed man too often. A lack of faith is not only due to failures, but caused by man's decision not to have faith, as well.