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Old 28-11-2007, 08:36 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

To those bros who have posted FR in this thread and would like 5 pts pls PM me.

These few weeks till mid-Dec will be very busy so will seldom log on. Will continue to give out pts but bros might have to wait a while.
Old 29-11-2007, 10:35 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Pinoy FL: Rosal aka Sally

some very good FR on Rosal has already been posted by some JB bros in the forum, so this FR on her will not focus on the "action" on and you will know what i mean:

The 1st impression
* when i first talked to her on the phone, i was a little disappointed as she sounded like 30-40 years old, with very low matured voice.
* but when i first saw her at QQ, bloody wrong i was!! she is such a sexy young pinoy (18, as she told me) with a body to kill for!
* once in the car, she was quiet and does not seem friendly. always answer my question with one word and pull a long face. i thought she is a stuck up bitch but again, how bloody wrong i was!

The look
* very loooooong waist length black hair, nice smell on the hair too.
* BIG lovely eyes and loooong natural curly eye lashes.
* small mouth with sexy THICK lips (and you have no idea what she can do with those lips)
* overall: 7/10. exotic sexy looks....looks like Nasi Lemak though...which i don;t mind at all!

* tall. perhaps the tallest chic i ever bonk. 175cm.
* her legs......left me speechless. looong, straight, slim, smooth. all the top quality that one look for in legs, she has it all. the important thing is, her legs are not skinny, i don't like skeleton legs. her legs are long and slim but yet with enough flesh to enhance the visual enjoyment and make it very nice to caress and grab!
* her skin....hitam manis!! dark brown smooooth skin with quite a lot of body hair on her arms and legs. but those hair are so soft and smooth that you won't be able to feel it at all!
* her butt....firm and perky. period.
* her boobs....34C. already looks very spectacular with her tight blouse on, revealing the mouth watering cleavage. not too big...but as soft as NL boobs. the size and shape is near perfection. small light brown nipples and get erected easily with minimum teasing!
overall: 9.99/10. this should be the most perfect body i ever bonk. all the meat in the right place, well toned and inch perfect!!!!

The personality
* as i mentioned before, she acted a little arrogant at first before we broke the ice. but once she warm up to you, she is just a big bubbly girl with very friendly attitude.
* she is not "commercialize" in the sense that she did not force herself to service you just because you pay her. you do not get that "routine" feeling like those you normally get from other commercial bonk.
* she is 18 and she behave like she is 18....if you know what i mean. you can feel that she is "real" and sincere.
* she can be very "open" with you in later stage when she totally let her guard down...she tells you everything and i know she is telling the truth. she even show me some sms from some of her customer......i wonder whether it was from some of the bro here...there is one that said "i am in dreamland now..dreaming of making love to you" offence! there was also one sms that said "darling...i'm on the way back to Malacca now"...any Malacca bro here want to admit that???
* she certain score very high point in terms of GFE...of course, that is after she let her guard down and begining to have trust in you. she likes to cuddle in your arms and tell jokes and tease you.
Overall: 8/10. good attitude and good GFE.

* FR of her are all true. she is GOOD in BBBJ. one of the best in town, to say the least. good strong suction, deep deep throat, long duration, fantastic tongue movement and good lubricancy. licking on balls and the area between ball and anus is also excellent. her long hair caressing your skin during the BBBj just add extra sensation to the already unbelievable session. i was really wondering how can an 18 years old master such a skill? that is really beyond her age!
*catbath - OK but not great. nipple and belly button only.
* Cow girl - wild and skillful. not monotonous, with a few variation in style alternately: grinding back and forth, circular motion, up and down, sitting straight, pressing her body against yours. she ride me for a good 5 minutes in various style...and i unload in just one position with no regret. i do not normally cum in cow gal position, but she is real good at it. she was all sweaty and collapsed on me after we are done, i don't think she cum though, but i;m sure she enjoy it too.
* moaning...quite minimum but sound very genuine. gave out soft moan when i rub her clits and suck her nipple...and some more soft moan when she ride me cow gal.
* overall: base on cow gal and BBBj alone...9/10.

* i guess i will definitely try her again soon, and i think after knowing her better, the chemistry will surely bring more pleasure.
* will definitely try her famous CIM...that's the reason i decided to try her anyway, but due to the long and good BBBJ and the superb cow gal skill, i ended up did not get the chance to CIM, but i did not regret though, it was a great session.

The Downside
* if i have to pick thing that i do not like about her....well....too bad i am not a smooker and she is. her breath during FK was mixed with the smell of cigarrete, which i do not mind but it would be better if she can get rid of the smell during the session.
* oh yes one more thing...she likes to watch we actually spent at least 45min cuddling on bed watching TV, including about 20min before the session start, which seems like 20hours for me as i was so anxious to get my kuku in her mouth but she keep glueing herself to the TV.

The Damage
* 150 for 2 hours. i release one shot but i think with better relationship down the down, there is chance for 2 shots. CD and hotel room not included.
* she provide overnight from 8pm to 11am. i asked how much, she said 1 cen. so i immediately gave her 10cen and said she owe me 10nights, she giggle and said OK. honestly, i think she will make a great overnight booking.

The verdict
* Super.
* overall expreience: 9/10. one fo the best bonk of my life.

Special thanks to Bro Whoamim. Rosal sends her regards to you and i think she respects you, keep asking me what you told me about her. when i told her i actually never meet you before, she stared at me with this unbelievable look, i lazy to explain to her!! hahaha...
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Old 30-11-2007, 01:23 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Dickinchic View Post
Pinoy FL: Rosal aka Sally

some very good FR on Rosal has already been posted by some JB bros in the forum, so this FR on her will not focus on the "action" on and you will know what i mean:

The verdict
* Super.
* overall expreience: 9/10. one fo the best bonk of my life.

Wah........ Great FR!!!!
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Old 30-11-2007, 07:18 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

thanks bro Sober....she is a must try if you happen to be in JB

Bro could you up me 2x within 2 months? i thought it is impossible to up the same bro twice??? you have specialy power is it? kekekeke...anyway....thanks a lot!
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Old 30-11-2007, 09:27 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Dickinchic View Post
thanks bro Sober....she is a must try if you happen to be in JB

Bro could you up me 2x within 2 months? i thought it is impossible to up the same bro twice??? you have specialy power is it? kekekeke...anyway....thanks a lot!
Hi bro Dickinchic. I'll be in JB next week. Already got bro BigJohn's number. So if it's possible lets meet up for a drink and "educate" me on JB's scene... lolx...
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Old 30-11-2007, 10:25 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by sober View Post
Hi bro Dickinchic. I'll be in JB next week. Already got bro BigJohn's number. So if it's possible lets meet up for a drink and "educate" me on JB's scene... lolx...
Bro Sober...i myself also haven't graduated yet, so can not educate people lah!
but i am sure you will be in good hands with other JB bros here...

lobang i can share with you no problem, just let me know how much time you have in JB and what is your preference, i will help you to plan
as for meet up....errr....that is a bit difficult...all the JB bro here knows that i only exist virtually, but non-existant in real life!!

if i meet you, sure kena tiu by other JB bros...hehehe...

PM me if you want more info on JB scene, although can not "educate" you in person, we can practise "distance learning" mah...kekeke...
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Old 30-11-2007, 10:40 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Dickinchic View Post
Special thanks to Bro Whoamim. Rosal sends her regards to you and i think she respects you, keep asking me what you told me about her. when i told her i actually never meet you before, she stared at me with this unbelievable look, i lazy to explain to her!! hahaha...

Ur writting skill very good and detail, recall my session with her....CIM

Arrhhh, Next time if those FL ask u about me just tell them i outstation.
No need so honest reply their question.
Old 30-11-2007, 10:57 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by whoamim View Post
Arrhhh, Next time if those FL ask u about me just tell them i outstation.
No need so honest reply their question.
Usually those FL ask abt u.. i will tell them you are busy:

Farking Lah!!

Can arr?
Old 30-11-2007, 12:24 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by whoamim View Post
Arrhhh, Next time if those FL ask u about me just tell them i outstation.
No need so honest reply their question. like that no good lah, after you made those FL so song and horny, everyone of them keep thinking about you, then you lie to them say outstation, very cruel time, i will make sure i tell them you miss them too and will visit them very soon, can ah? at least give them some hope mah...hopefully after they hear that, they also bonk me harder...
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Old 30-11-2007, 01:33 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by sober View Post
Hi bro Dickinchic. I'll be in JB next week. Already got bro BigJohn's number. So if it's possible lets meet up for a drink and "educate" me on JB's scene... lolx...
Bro...don't say educate lah..., share, share can...I am also learning...
Old 30-11-2007, 02:50 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by BigJohnGuy View Post
Bro...don't say educate lah..., share, share can...I am also learning...
if you are still consider learning....then i think i am kindergarten standard only!!
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Old 30-11-2007, 06:07 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Dickinchic View Post

PM me if you want more info on JB scene, although can not "educate" you in person, we can practise "distance learning" mah...kekeke...
Wah... ur kung fu really "chim".... lolx... will PM u soon lar...
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Old 30-11-2007, 07:59 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Dickinchic View Post
Pinoy FL: Rosal aka Sally
Bro Dickinchic, this is a Super Duper FR!!! Makes me wanna jump into my car and drive to JB just to check out Rosal!

Reminds me of the one n only sweet uni Pinoy I've every had many years ago in Cebu... but let me share something more recent. My first FR here so hope you like it.

Esteem Spa, PJ - Yoko

It was my 1st time there. Friend was feeling horny coz his wife just gave birth and mine was into the later months. Didi got loaded to overflow. We went and soak in the spa and chit chat before showering. Water was not as warm as I liked but it's still relaxing. Then we had some light snack before signalling the OKT for the parade. It was about 4pm so wasn't too packed. OKT said there's 40+ ML but only about 20 was available then. There were some sweet young things but Yoko's eye contact and shapely body caught my attention. Even though she is on the more mature side, probably about 30 but not having any release for weeks, I decided that a more experience lady would be better and I wasn't disappointed.

We were ushered into our respective rooms and after a few minutes, Yoko came in and greeted me warmly. She's very well stacked, a definite C and her fair skin looks great in her lacy black dress. Pleasant above average look with neat short hair. Told me to undress for her massage session. All the previous ML I've tried always gave half hearted push n prods just to pass the 45min and then rush to ask if I want to get serviced. Not Yoko. With firm and strong hands, I got a proper massage that is as close to a clean masseur as one can ask for. Her oil massage almost got me to slumber land. After her totally satisfying massage, she gently asked if I wanted to be serviced and my YES was very quickly muttered.

She then took me into the shower and proceeded to wash off the oil on my body. Then she kneel down and soaped my didi till it was standing up and raring to go. She toweled me dry before she wash herself. I was lying on the bed waiting for her and when she's out, she immediately got on top of me and started kissing my face and neck... proceeding down to give me a pretty long cat bath all over before give me a nice medium strength BBBJ with some deep throating too. Then more cat baths down both my legs n back up before lifting my legs for some AR and back for more BBBJ. She took her time with no rushing and it felt awesome. She slowly progress up for more cat baths till my face and started frenching me like a GF. After a few minutes, we broke off and she asked me wat I wanna do coz she's game for anything. I was sort of stunned coz I have not experienced a ML who frenches, let alone one who asks what next. The rest just slaps on the CD and rush into the standard cowgirl ride. I shrugged n said I don't know... let's fuck.

She put on the CD for me and we continued frenching. I pushed her onto her back and smooched her neck n shoulder and got to her beautifully large and firm 35C boobies. I spent some time licking and sucking her pert n soft nipples and her moans sounded genuine. I couldn't stand it anymore and started probing for her pussy. She helped me guide my didi. I pushed in slowly and it was wet and tight. Then to my amazement, I felt her pussy squeezing me!!! She pulsed her pussy, like a gentle massage. I've heard of stories about girls who can control the muscle of their pussy this way but to experience it was like... WOW! I Started pumping into her and she alternate her squeezing. She felt really tight! We continued kissing and moaning like lovers.

After 5 minutes, I got her into doggy, slipped in and held my position to rest a while. She didn't move and allowed me to rest but continued with her pussy squeezing. At the same time, my hands roamed her shapely body, massaged her boobs and she just stayed there until I started pounding her. Her squeezing technique was too much for me and I blew my top. She waited till I pulled out and she turned around and FK me. Then she showered me before cleaning up. It was the best experience I've ever encountered!

Name: Yoko
Looks: 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (Shapely)
Boobs: C (Nice and Firm)
Cat: 8/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 10/10 (Pussy squeezing technique)
GFE: 8/10 (Very friendly)
Damage: RM248
Old 30-11-2007, 08:04 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Dickinchic View Post
Pinoy FL: Rosal aka Sally
Bro Dickinchic, this is a Super Duper FR!!! Makes me wanna jump into my car and drive to JB just to check out Rosal!

Reminds me of the one n only sweet uni Pinoy I've every had many years ago in Cebu... but let me share something more recent. My first FR here so hope you like it.

Esteem Spa, PJ - Yoko

It was my 1st time there. Friend was feeling horny coz his wife just gave birth and mine was into the later months. Didi got loaded to overflow. We went and soak in the spa and chit chat before showering. Water was not as warm as I liked but it's still relaxing. Then we had some light snack before signalling the OKT for the parade. It was about 4pm so wasn't too packed. OKT said there's 40+ ML but only about 20 was available then. There were some sweet young things but Yoko's eye contact and shapely body caught my attention. Even though she is on the more mature side, probably about 30 but not having any release for weeks, I decided that a more experience lady would be better and I wasn't disappointed.

We were ushered into our respective rooms and after a few minutes, Yoko came in and greeted me warmly. She's very well stacked, a definite C and her fair skin looks great in her lacy black dress. Pleasant above average look with neat short hair. Told me to undress for her massage session. All the previous ML I've tried always gave half hearted push n prods just to pass the 45min and then rush to ask if I want to get serviced. Not Yoko. With firm and strong hands, I got a proper massage that is as close to a clean masseur as one can ask for. Her oil massage almost got me to slumber land. After her totally satisfying massage, she gently asked if I wanted to be serviced and my YES was very quickly muttered.

She then took me into the shower and proceeded to wash off the oil on my body. Then she kneel down and soaped my didi till it was standing up and raring to go. She toweled me dry before she wash herself. I was lying on the bed waiting for her and when she's out, she immediately got on top of me and started kissing my face and neck... proceeding down to give me a pretty long cat bath all over before give me a nice medium strength BBBJ with some deep throating too. Then more cat baths down both my legs n back up before lifting my legs for some AR and back for more BBBJ. She took her time with no rushing and it felt awesome. She slowly progress up for more cat baths till my face and started frenching me like a GF. After a few minutes, we broke off and she asked me wat I wanna do coz she's game for anything. I was sort of stunned coz I have not experienced a ML who frenches, let alone one who asks what next. The rest just slaps on the CD and rush into the standard cowgirl ride. I shrugged n said I don't know... let's fuck.

She put on the CD for me and we continued frenching. I pushed her onto her back and smooched her neck n shoulder and got to her beautifully large and firm 35C boobies. I spent some time licking and sucking her pert n soft nipples and her moans sounded genuine. I couldn't stand it anymore and started probing for her pussy. She helped to guide my didi. I pushed in slowly and it was wet and tight. Then to my amazement, I felt her pussy squeezing me!!! She pulsed her pussy, like a gentle massage. I've heard of stories about girls who can control the muscle of their pussy this way but to experience it was like... WOW! I Started pumping into her and she alternate her squeezing. She felt really tight! We continued kissing and moaning like lovers.

After 5 minutes, I got her into doggy, slipped in and held my position to rest a while. She didn't move and allowed me to rest but continued with her pussy squeezing. At the same time, my hands roamed her shapely body, massaged her boobs and she just stayed there until I started pounding her. Her squeezing technique was too much for me and I blew my top. She waited till I pulled out and she turned around and FK me. Then she showered me before cleaning up. It was the best experience I've ever encountered!

Name: Yoko
Looks: 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (Shapely)
Boobs: C (Nice and Firm)
Cat: 8/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 10/10 (Pussy squeezing technique)
GFE: 8/10 (Very friendly)
Damage: RM248
Old 30-11-2007, 08:26 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by sober View Post
Hi bro Dickinchic. I'll be in JB next week. Already got bro BigJohn's number. So if it's possible lets meet up for a drink and "educate" me on JB's scene... lolx...
Bro sober, If u come JB, we go look see look see.
I haven't received ur up yet, but thanks in advance first.

bro BigJohnGuy, u up me also la, then i become 128.
Nice number le.
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