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Old 24-07-2003, 08:57 AM
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Yah man.... hate pple that just want to "get" and don't "give"... *furious*
Old 24-07-2003, 10:24 AM
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So go read up and draw your own findings.... most of the report are all subjective.... u might read.... some girls... "boobs is nice.. and handful"..... and when u go... u might find that it's very small... so that means the guy that posted got small hands lor... etc... u'll probably get about 60% to 70% approximate on the actual... bottomline is still that u must try them out yourself....
Old 31-07-2003, 11:02 AM
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Originally posted by krime8
Just tried no.10 at house 16. nothing special. went into room, start talking rot in chinese. told me she learned from friends when young. then start singing chinese song. i was like, wat the hack, u trying to stall time??? $40 only 20min man. shut the f up and start working! haha, anyway, service also no good. think she just plain lazy liao after whole day work. quickly lick, bj and fj. even faster then she sing song....*sigh* thumbs down! not gonna come back again for her man. wait she attitude lazy again.

I'm not promoting... but i think there's alot of gems in WH54... so guess bros here could go there.. and sit at the sofa.. and check out all the girls.. and then decide... the fat, wear spec, older OKT is very friendly... but if after sitting there for say 20mins... don't just go off w/o getting gals man... sure kana like siao...
Old 23-08-2003, 03:58 PM
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Talking L8H66CG10

Name: Umm.
Looks: 7/10. (IMHO)
Boobs: B cupper (quite firm, nice to press).
Pussy: Well trimmed.
BJ: 8/10 (Hot tea and lots of slurping sound effects )
Attitude: 8/10 (Damn GF treatment)

Was wondering what to do as i had time on my hand before my next appointment. Decided to head to GL for a stroll. Saw alot of meimei standing around waiting for potential 'clients', but decided to give them a miss. Ended up in the above mentioned house. OKT was friendly and asked to look around with an open mind I did just that and choose G10 coz she was quiet and mysterious. The rest were loud and personally a BIG turn off.

Held hands as we walked to her room. Made my first booboo by tripping on her slippers which were placed outside her door heehee, Strike 1!

In the room, she helped remove whatever i had on and vice-versa. Bath was a really detailed. From head to toe and even a cap of listerine, including some foreplay and cat-bath included.

After the shower, I proceeded to dry myself up and took a sip of the drink she had earlier given me. Soon the action began....

Started licking me with her sensual tonge from my nipples to my groin area. She was about to go for my ASS, when I stopped her. She took my cue and decided to start with her hot tea BJ. Man, was it long or what.... feeling it is one thing, coupled with her slurping sounds.... was making me go weak in the knees.

After close to about 10mins of her 'powerful' hot tea BJ, she proceeded to sit on top and the action began.... lots of moaning and kissing. Changed several positions before finally cumming missionary.

We laid on the bed and just enjoyed a moment of silence. I think i managed to click with this gal. She's able to speak both simple english and chinese and it felt real nice to be able to communicate with her.

I hope bros who visit her will treat her nice.

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Old 26-08-2003, 09:29 AM
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I wanted to try WH45G38... heard that she's very good in terms of her service... can anyone share some recent FR here?

I was there last nite.... she was working... and somebody is waiting somemore... then i sian.. left liao...
Old 26-08-2003, 05:16 PM
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Originally posted by playboy23

when i tried her 1 mth ago..below is my fr

look: 6/10
boobs: 8/10 C cup
bbbj: 7/10....
ar: 9/10 she really noe how to focus to make u in the hse run.

bro bradpitt968,pse post yr fr for exchange as i wld like to noe she got any highly recommand tis gal 4 u.....go at 5.30pm....u wil be the first customer....thus u go early oni can bonk BB or g6 & other gals but nt g38.....dunno y she always start work so late...happie cheong to u....
Wah!! u mean u try her 1st time... she gives u BBBJ liao?? so good??!! wah.... AR somemore.... will try to find a chance to go try her!! and sure will post FR!! = )
Old 24-09-2003, 06:32 PM
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Originally posted by Resident

Tried this girl last week. L18 H30 G33. Here are my ratings:

Look : 6.5/10
Height : 164cm (from memory)
Bust : 35C (but the breast a bit of stretch marks and a bit droopy)
BJ : 4/10 (with cap)
Catbath : 8/10 (with toe licking!)
AR : 8/10 (warm sensual licks for like 5 mins!)
FJ : 6/10

Overall good value for those who are into AR. Definitely a RTF for me.
Tried this gal before also... her catbath plus toe licking is really good.... if u want to be serve.... going for her would be a good try.... but most of the time she'll drag till 2 session right??
Old 07-10-2003, 12:10 PM
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Thanks for the recommendation from Bro Voodoo. Wanted to go for China MM actually but the stock was very little and pitiful, so went for L8H66CG88 last week.

Face: 6.5 (Not very pretty but passable)
Boobs: 7.5 (Nice big boobs, pinkish nipples, doesnt sag, I reckon a 35C.)
Body: 6.5 (Small size frame so her boobs is very big on her.)
Attitude: 7 (Very friendly and can communicate in mandarin)
FJ: 6.5 (Normal stuff with capped hot tea bj.)

Overall an enjoyable trip. Enjoy it better than my first bonk of Cat 40s with L18H42G23 although her boobs are not as big as G23.

Old 07-10-2003, 12:18 PM
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Face: 6.5 (Passable face)
Boobs: 7.5 (Very big boobs, a pity it sags or the ratings will be much higher, According to her, hers are 38 and I think at least a "C" to "D" Cup)
Body: 7 (Normal body size with such big boobs makes me think of Anna Ohura but 2 sizes smaller in boobs.)
Attitude: 6 (Communication problem and doesn't feel so at ease)
FJ: 6.5 (Normal stuff with capped tea bj.)

Really normal bonk but with very outstanding asserts. Couldn't keep my hands of them...

Old 07-10-2003, 02:41 PM
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Originally posted by lewis
Thks bro giftonJS...that's why i was told by some brothers here too of that L18H42g23...but when i went there some time last wk..the okt said she already gone back liao...too bad...ahhaha...any other recommendation 4 me pls?....thks again!
Went back already? Not too sure bout that. Very sorry bro, I cant recommend as the above FRs are the only experience I have with Cat 40s. Got to ask some of the other more experience bros.

Old 07-10-2003, 02:46 PM
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Originally posted by lewis
hi bro GiftonJS...i ever tried L6H70g38....called Chiangrai...complexion fair...bustline ard 34C or D...but cos she is small frame so they do look quite big..her attitude is so so...dun like 2 talk much,u can hv a try if u like busty gal....other than that,..i didn't see any busty gal lately lah...that's why i say GL 40 busty babes getting less lor....
Thks bro lewis for the gal info. Do I like busty gal? I don't like them... I LOVE them.... Let me know if you have good ones, not just in Cat 40s...

Old 14-10-2003, 01:04 AM
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Originally posted by hello
Bro lewis, I agree with u nowadays lesser busty gals in cat 40. BTW u sure h42 g23 has left? actually i kind of like her body though she got saggy boobs.

u can try L8H66G15 & G13. If i did not remember wrongly, they are both busty gals. WH H54 g10 , H38 have 1 busty gal too. forget her tag, u can try checking it out. These are busty gals with average service except for L8H66G15, she got excellent service.If u happen to try out any new busty gals intro me lei, i am also searching for cat 40 busty gals....
Sorry bro hello, I believe there are a couple of houses under L8H66. Which 1 are you referring to? Is it L8H66G?
Old 20-10-2003, 12:23 PM
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Originally posted by justl00king
tried G4 at lor 6 H66.

reach the place go recce the neighbouring joints not much good stuff so end up in this one. only four in tank so took the one with the biggest melons.

body-6.5 got slight tummy
boobs- size quite ok but hard. suspect fake.
bj- suction no power
fj-sop with sound effect.

overall a ok bonk but will not return.
she's tall and has long curly hair
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Old 23-10-2003, 12:30 AM
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Was with friend today. Tried G9. FR as below:

Looks: 7/10(Long hair, sweet looking.)
Body: 6/10(Cup A)
BJ no condom: 7/10(Will look u in the eye)
FJ no condom: 7/10(Settled on $200, but take note loose cunt)
AR: 6/10
Attitude: 7/10
French: 7/10
Overall: 7/10(Willing to do no condom as long as the price is right, varies for different person. )

Went down today as told by friend that got this G9 very playful, somemore can speak Chinese, best of all can f*** no condom?(My friend say she do BBBJ, French and AR for all customers, than got 1 time he offer 200bucks extra and she allow him to do her no condom, provided he no shoot inside.)

Saw her, a young teenage girl look, k went in, strip and she help me bath. Gave me a cup of Listerine wash mouth. Clean my body, esp the arse region. Than lie on bed, indeed can French than AR followed by BBBJ. A while later, my didi proudly salute. She put on condom, ride me for a while than change to missionary. Can really feel her getting wet, as I pop out the question of whether she does no condom? Initially, she say no, than later I mention my friend, than she smile and say orr…agreed on the price of $200(condition no cum inside) and I took out the condom and insert again. Shiok feeling but take note her cunt is quite loose. Finally changed to doggie, than as I about to cum, turn her over and shoot on her Cup A breast. (Great moans all the way.)

Paid up the extra costs than bath and left. Overall a nice session.

3 more new girls start work tomorrow, average looks but service wise have to wait for test dives by our brothers. G6 and G88 leaving tomorrow.

Girls recommended: G9, G28, G38(Depends on your chemistry with the girl and of course money!)

Girls to avoid: G6(attitude problem), G88(mc queen), G22, G23.

Girls no condom: …(If u drive a mercs like me,speak thai and quite generous, heehee.. I already married but wife on bed dead fish. Haiz..)

[Money works wonders]
Old 23-10-2003, 12:33 AM
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Haiz...miss the days of CZJ...
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