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Old 23-03-2007, 09:40 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

raw is war... those pro allow raw is banned by me.
Old 24-03-2007, 09:43 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

To many, doin raw is the ultimate in conquest is like a challenge coz if other customers are required to wear caps and then u managed to sian the WL, u r tha MAN! And U think u r tha special ONE. Wrong my friend, U r one of the MANY that got it raw and all the diseases that r incurable attached to it like herpes will b stuck to u for the rest of ur life for that 20 mins of insanity. Many WL who allow such acts are in fact invisible carriers that u will neber know. U got a future, they dun when they took that path. Enjoy but b SAFE. My 2 cents worth. Cheers!
Old 24-03-2007, 01:05 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

There was a WL (now retired) I used to frequent many years ago and always had fun filled sessions each time..........

Until one day she tried to guide my lil' bro into her without cap, even though I was damn horny I got a shocked!

I asked her what was she trying to do and she said since we get along so well she wanted to do with me raw, I said "NO" and was really turned off, got changed and left. She was trying to appease the situation by saying she was joking.

I think I mumbled something back and quickly left. Never RTF her again

Have fun but be safe bros...

Last edited by lordwild; 24-03-2007 at 01:07 PM. Reason: Updated paragraph
Old 24-03-2007, 11:49 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

i personaly felels its because they wanna retain clients.....
Old 24-03-2007, 11:53 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

hrmm, my view will be they want u to rtf, or cant resist persistant request
Old 25-03-2007, 06:46 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Let me share my raw sexperience here.

Two years ago, I got to know one very popular PRC FL here but she is now retired and married.

I started off with her quite well and the best part was that her school was just above my office near to Lavender MRT

So I got the chance of seeing her every day and I was mittened by her. Soon we were an item. She told me that she loved me and from then on, we had sex without protection.

She soon fell for another, married and she left the the FL scene. I subsequently gathered from other bros and found that she also did raw with some others. Best part was, when she started as FL here, she claimed she was a cosmetic sales gril and this was her first time as FL when she was already an FL for the past 3 years or so.

I was very shock and scared. I went straight to DSC and did a string of tests after tests for the next 9 months. After Drs certified that I am ok then I became calm. The 9 months period was hell for me. I was lucky.

A lession learned!! Never trust a WL or prostitute!!

Now I still active again and to me, now is no protection no penetration!!
10Q to those bros who up my rep. Please kindly leave your nick behind so that I could repay your kindness.

Bros to up
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Old 25-03-2007, 10:20 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by noname123 View Post
Still the first place why you want to do raw leh....
Simple answer: Do you like to eat sweet with the wrapper on ?

More long winded answer : When you agrre to or the ONS girl , FL or WL allows raw , you are being normal, closer to nature . When god created Adam and Eve , did he create this piece of rubber called condom ? The sensitive tip of the penis called glans is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body with several nerve endings there which carry pleasure sensation signals to the brain. it is so natural for men as well as women to relish this amazing sensation ad feeling of the penis glans rubbing and coming into contact with the vagina walls. The pre cum and the vaginal discharge lubricate and also aid in sending more sensations and feelings to the brain.Why deprive yourself of this pleasure ? If a man has no gf, wife he is more likely to live his sex life through visits to WL's. how can he ever feel and enjoy this sensation without raw? What kind of life is that? Bland uninteresting life like eating rice and steam fish everyday. Where's the spice? So it is a natural thing to do raw, also more like obeying what god wants you to do. In fact Islam totally prohibits the use of condoms.
Just my humbe opinion.
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Old 25-03-2007, 10:32 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by alantan27 View Post
Just wondering why do some pro let people enter raw?
Want to add one point that was mentioned to me by a WL. It is a minor point though. The spermicidal cream of the condom surface of many condom brands actually irritates the vagina walls for some women.

Secondly , with the continuous hammering they receive the whole day , the vagina tends to become sore. No matter how soft , the human skin is still softer than the rubber and it feels much better for a woman to be rammed without a rubber than with one on. Car tyres are made of rubber because of the friction and the grip . This friction also hurts the WL during pumping.

That's why sometimes the WL's become sick of the condom and prefer to be bonked rawa.
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Old 26-03-2007, 01:24 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by RamboCat View Post
Want to add one point that was mentioned to me by a WL. It is a minor point though. The spermicidal cream of the condom surface of many condom brands actually irritates the vagina walls for some women.

Secondly , with the continuous hammering they receive the whole day , the vagina tends to become sore. No matter how soft , the human skin is still softer than the rubber and it feels much better for a woman to be rammed without a rubber than with one on. Car tyres are made of rubber because of the friction and the grip . This friction also hurts the WL during pumping.

That's why sometimes the WL's become sick of the condom and prefer to be bonked rawa.
if the WL feel irritated, then change to another brand of condom lor...countless brands in the market anyway...

being rammed by condom makes the WL vagina sore? and using human skin to ram feels better for WLs???? excuse me but what in the world is KY for har besides, there r some lubricant on the condom already....unless u r those rare few that can bonk for looonng time..

my experience is that, these WLs get hurt in the vagina, be it with or without condom. its part of the job...



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Old 26-03-2007, 05:09 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by CuteBuns View Post
if the WL feel irritated, then change to another brand of condom lor...countless brands in the market anyway...
easier said than done. if i'm not mistaken, there's regulations, for selected brands of rubber for them to use only. you think they dont want? there's flavored ones, for them to enjoy bj better, there's textured ones to increase their pleasure etc. at the end, its not up to their coices, just lan lan use what they're being provided.

Originally Posted by CuteBuns View Post
and using human skin to ram feels better for WLs???? excuse me but what in the world is KY for har besides, there r some lubricant on the condom already....unless u r those rare few that can bonk for looonng time..
something tells me you may not have engaged a cat 40's services before. when she bj you, the lube already almost gone (the taste of the oil based lube stays in her mouth no matter how many times she rinse with listerine, spoils her appetite for food). ky is nonetheless still foreign lube, and different from the natural cervical discharge.

Originally Posted by CuteBuns View Post
my experience is that, these WLs get hurt in the vagina, be it with or without condom. its part of the job...
only this statement makes sense thus far. but pls dont misunderstand... raw is still war.
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Old 26-03-2007, 05:58 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by TGIS View Post
i think commercial sex best to cap on, then the raw feeling with yr wife or gf will be much special.
I agree. But some ppl do raw cos the cheap condom breaks during sex . Then wat???. Dun wan do raw but dun bring own reliable condom oso asking 4 trouble. WLs provide cheap condoms whick breaks easily. Cheap hotels oso sell cheap condoms. Better be safe than sorry.
Old 26-03-2007, 08:49 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?


Hahahahaha....this topic is getting interesting from different perspective. Respect is given to those with their own opinions. Bcoz from there, bros threading this forum, will get the best of both world in terms of information. FINALLY, at the end of the dasy, the DECISION is YOURS n yours ALONE. Sigh of relief or regrets, u ALONE have to face it. Cheers!
Old 26-03-2007, 09:36 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

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Old 27-03-2007, 02:23 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

wear rain coat also cant guarantee water proof. as rated, wearing rubber only 99% protection against some std. wanna play raw? live up to the concequences.

better safe than sorry, stay home & self service, at the end, the $ still sitting nicely in the wallet.
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Old 27-03-2007, 04:44 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
wear rain coat also cant guarantee water proof. as rated, wearing rubber only 99% protection against some std. wanna play raw? live up to the concequences.

better safe than sorry, stay home & self service, at the end, the $ still sitting nicely in the wallet.
Agree. Better be safe than sorry, even they offer raw I would not accept it. Use condom at least there's some protection.
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